
Support Network Quotes

There are 174 quotes

"I'm not walking around depressed every day or whatever, you know. I've got amazing friends and family."
"I'm thankful for my doctors, therapists, medication, psych tecs, social workers, nurses, family, and friends, and especially my pup Quicksilver for keeping me level through this."
"Movement is one of the best ways to build connections and develop a network of support around it."
"Surround yourself with people who light you up. We can accomplish a lot on our own, but it's so much more wonderful to have people who you're strengthening each other."
"It's important to have a good group of men, a network of friends."
"My end goal five years from now is to ensure no caregiver is left alone."
"If you are lonely or afraid, let me tell you, those people have saved my life before. Please let them save yours."
"Each one of you guys is such a miracle in my life. You guys have helped me through so much."
"Investing in relationships gives me energy and encouragement."
"The women were such a source of support and strength for each other throughout this."
"I never told him directly, but if I really had a high bail, he's the first person I'm calling for sure."
"There's closure that's taking place here for you finally, from people that there was conflict, disagreements, envy, or jealous people that did not have your back."
"Establish your tribe, establish your clan not for good days but for the bad days."
"Positive friends who are on the same journey can carry you through the dark days."
"Never forget why you started doing it and never forget the people who believed in you along the way."
"You're not alone and there is hope. It's gonna be okay."
"Trust me guys every morning I wake up knowing like yo I got a lot of people that support me and like have my back like dude that's motivation"
"Your network is who you can call for a favor at 3am in the morning."
"They will not break me or my sister in this fight or Noah's army."
"Being around people who support you and what you do is inspiring."
"Getting the right advice, getting the right group of people around you, the right surroundings, that is all super critical."
"It's like anything, working on it and working to be together because being with someone that's completely different to you and thinks different to you is a lot, and I say having a support network because that's even important for marriage."
"Having people around me that I can call is one of the best gifts I have in life."
"Pride is strong. I do it for y'all. I know God got me, my family got me, close friends, and um, yeah man, I'm just gonna keep going."
"If you're ever feeling down you need to talk to people."
"I am sacred. I am a dreamer. I am supported. Reach out whenever you feel things are getting a little bit too much, and the way will appear."
"Your inner circle loves you enough to challenge who you used to be while giving you grace to become."
"You just need a gang of women around you that you trust."
"It's okay to get help, it's okay to have people around you."
"More people around you in general offering you a lot of support."
"Make sure you're teaming up with trustworthy people, build up a talented support team."
"It's worth all the ups and all the downs to ride this emotional roller coaster with my friends, my family, my fellow gorilla gang."
"It is vital to check on those we love and make sure that they are doing okay and getting the help they may need."
"Having a strong team of like-minded and talented individuals supporting you can make all the difference."
"Never forget that you are surrounded by people who love you."
"Create a community around you, you can connect with other women or you could have questions answered."
"Just spread positivity and love the people that you're with, you know? A lot of people are coming down hard on Nikki and the people; they don't deserve it."
"I'll hold this light High till you catch up with me and then guess what I'm going to get hit with a sledgehammer and I'm going to expect you to go forward and hold that damn light high and remind me that I'm going to be okay."
"Total love and support, people have got your back."
"You're not alone and a lot of people really do care even people who don't know you care because they know that life is worth living."
"We just want you to know that if you are going through something if you are someone that might be you know teetering The Edge you know that you might be one step off the edge and flying over out of the Cuckoo's Nest we understand."
"OP, you have disgusting parents, and while it is a huge relief that your other relatives had your back at the end, I really wish they had stuck up for you 10 years ago."
"Be surrounded by people that lift us up, be really conscious of how we speak to ourselves."
"You didn't walk alone, and you haven't been on this journey alone."
"Surround yourself with people that help to elevate you."
"You just have to keep going and you absolutely have to surround yourself with the best people."
"Surrounding yourself with people that genuinely want to see you succeed."
"Life is tough, but you are tough too. Stick around those who support your success."
"You need people that are gonna say, 'Okay, yeah it's a tough time now but let's learn from this and let's try again.'"
"We've got to be able and committed to building an underground railroad for people who are released from prison, people who need desperate help finding shelter and food as they try to make a break for real freedom."
"Let me be your enabler. Call me if that's the case. If you're ever doing anything, please call me. I got you. I'll talk you down, unless you can talk me to do it."
"Surround yourself with people who love you and distract yourself."
"Support is all around you. Valiant courage. Take action with passion."
"My life's goal... is not only to be a preacher and to travel and minister to people. I truly pray that God will make me a shoulder that many can lean on."
"I want survivors to know that you are certainly not alone."
"Thank you so much, I needed to hear that. You guys are kind of like my family right now, so thank you. That means the world." - Gratitude for supportive friends.
"Check up on your strong friends guys like check up on your strong friends your strong friends they might be going through some shit."
"I've realized the importance of my family and my close friends that are here."
"You must have a support group. When life beats on you, you'll need it."
"Having a strong support network outside of the relationship is a huge green flag for securely attached people."
"Surround yourself with people who have come out of it. Even if they say, 'I've never been depressed,' they've had problems, but they've come out on the other side."
"To anyone out there who's getting bullied right now, just know that you're never alone. Someone is always out there to listen."
"You're not alone, get the help you need, there are ways to find it."
"When I'm connected to God, I have the answers within me. Now if I'm knocked out of my field, of course I reach out to close friends and family members to remind me to connect back."
"You gotta have more than one, even if it's just a friend."
"This D&D group may have saved this poor woman from what could have been a long relationship of domestic abuse."
"I hooked up with some good people, and they've been helping me and assisting me to get to that point to financial freedom."
"Surround yourself with people who encourage you, who constantly remind you of God's standard, but also won't crucify you for making a mistake."
"You have a solid network, supportive people around you. You're a good judge of character."
"Cash flow gets you out of your job. Cash flow will get you your initial freedom. Community keeps your freedom."
"You got to have people around you who tell you no."
"my friends and family are what keep me going"
"If the YouTube thing and the Facebook stuff that I do goes away, I'm still gonna be right back here in the Backwoods of South Carolina sharing what worked for me with somebody else."
"God will put people around us who have godly wisdom and who give godly counsel based on God's Word."
"There are always people there to help."
"In order to heal, you need supportive people in your life, you need to build a support network even if it's one or two people."
"You need people around you that care about you and have your best interest."
"Surround yourself with positive people who will encourage you."
"I literally have been in the position ever since I was in my 20s of being able to have people I trusted around me."
"It's always nicer to see a familiar face, even if you have the professionals to help you."
"It can be very lonely being a solo operator because everything falls on your shoulders."
"The wisest thing I ever did was surround myself with people."
"Building a support network and self-care plan."
"I had an incredible support network."
"Surround yourself with people that know that you can achieve it if you don't quit on it."
"...her determination remained steady. She confided in friends and colleagues who stood by her side and gave her the Boost to stand up against her tormentors."
"This star represents not only my journey but also the power of resilience, faith, and unwavering support of those who believe in you. Thank you all for being a part of this incredible moment."
"Having the right people show up in your life makes a huge difference too, right?"
"She smiled at the women she'd come to love. She'd never had girlfriends before, but Kelly and Chelsea and Juliet, as she came out of the house with her little boy asleep on her shoulder, had become her friends and confidants over the past several months."
"Just tell your friends and family don't keep it as like a closet thing where you're doing it in secret."
"...you can bounce ideas around rant about work stress and hype each other up for difficult tasks."
"You get out what you put in life. As long as you know what you want to become in life, you can become it. Obviously, for good reason, but at the end of the day, apply yourself and surround yourself with beautiful people around you, man. That will only build you up."
"You're surrounded by loved ones, friends, family."
"I have a strong support system and healthy savings, so this will not put me on the street by any means."
"Take time for your mental health, reach out to your friends, reach out to a counselor, reach out to your doctor, take some time to heal, but do not quit."
"No matter where you go in Narcotics Anonymous, that's who we are, these are my people, this is my family."
"Don't be shy when you're talking to your friends or even your family about your search for this internship."
"This is like a brotherhood, sisterhood, family hood."
"I have relationships with y'all [__], like I said, if I'm in LA and I needed something, I could call y'all."
"There's something to say about the training that I've put forth, the people that I've surrounded myself with that help me further chase my goals."
"Communities of practice creating support networks, learning and development, knowledge sharing, scaling common approaches, and collaborating on better practices."
"I surround myself with people who encourage me to take chances."
"Having someone to talk to, or a group of people to talk to, has not only increased my mindset so much for my business but it has helped me so much to succeed even more."
"Block out any kind of negativity in your life... Surround yourself with a really strong network of body positive people."
"We're really looking forward to the changes and we've been working hard to get that broader support network behind us."
"Surround yourself with good coaches, good people."
"If you want to be successful, either surround yourself with nobody or surround yourself with people that are very hungry and also care about your success."
"Nothing I have would not be possible without God, my supporters, my team, and putting in the work."
"It's all about the support network you've got around, it's not down to one individual."
"Get good people around, genuine people that want to see you succeed in a positive manner and light."
"If you call your friends and they're like, 'Yeah, I'm happy to figure out how to help you,' that's when you start to go, 'Wait a minute, I have a huge support network.'"
"You push through and persevere because you have people that care about you and things you need to fight for."
"I'm blessed to have the circle that I have and my support group, support system, family visiting me."
"I want everyone to have at least one person they can talk to about it."
"It makes a big difference if you have a support network."
"You're not alone, babe. There's a whole army out there that loves you and is rooting for you."
"I needed to find a way to build a strong support network."
"Surround yourself with people that love you and people that want the best for you."
"You're surrounded by people who love you, you're surrounded by a guy that loves you, and you're strong and you're tough."
"Financial accountability, support people who have your back, and a reality check."
"I am 14 years clean from drugs and alcohol, one day at a time, with the help of other alcoholics and addicts."
"Seek out people who do know how to love you and accept you and respect you in a way that you honestly deserve."
"I was 29 years old when they arrested me and I was 49 when they released me, ready to face life with nothing except a lot of friends and a lot of good cheer and a lot of goodness around me."
"Surround yourself with people that are going to help build you up and not break you down."
"Not trying to burden other people with my stuff, that's what those people in your life are for, to share your journey with you."
"Having the people around you to remind you who the hell you are... shout out to those people who push us through those slumps."
"Realize that there are many who are on your side and who can extend solidarity."
"Overall it's been a fairly smooth transition; I am so lucky to be in a position where I know so many supportive, kind, wonderful people over here."
"The number one thing that helped me get through it... was the fact that I reached out to people."
"That maybe there's this sense of comfort, stability, and perhaps even a bit of a support network too, so that's fantastic."
"No man is an island, and some days you just need to reach out and speak."
"I'm having a good life because if something goes wrong, I have people who are going to show up."
"It's important to have a community of people so you can spread it around."
"When the chips are down, you really know who your friends are."
"Surround yourself with people that push you to do great things."
"You're gonna have to commit before me and your doctors and practitioners and your friends and family and God that you will call; you will not take your life."
"If you've got a strong support network around you that you really trust and they think what you're doing is still correct, then that's really important."
"I'm so proud of her fight and all the people that supported her throughout the years to give her the courage and the energy for her to keep fighting for her independence."
"I promise I will, 'cause I already know you're gonna say take care of yourself, and Mindy's going to, and my mom's going to, everybody's going to, so I just need to, so I will, I promise."
"Building strong interpersonal relationships helps us establish a network of close, caring individuals who can provide support in times of distress, sorrow, and fear."
"Surround yourself with people that won't let you slow down, that will remind you of your commitment."
"I've got a great support network in place to recover; it's a no pressure gig for me."
"Make sure you're connected with some people that are willing to help you out."
"It's really the set of people and companies and DAWs and instruments supporting this is growing."
"It's okay to reach out and tell the people that love you that you've hit a speed bump."
"We're not alone in this journey, we got y'all, and we're family."
"Project Beauty Share serves women and families overcoming abuse, addiction, homelessness, and poverty."
"You just never know how great your circle is until you see all the people that reach out and love you."
"Being and feeling positive is really just about surrounding myself with people who uplift me and love me and care for me."
"A support network is very important, to have those few people that you can trust is very important."
"No matter what happens, you'll always have someone who looks after you, who loves you, alright? Whether it's me, or Gail, or Nick, or anyone."
"It is only by the grace of God and the rooms of Alcoholics Anonymous and my fellowship of women and my accountability partners and everyone in my life today who has helped me get to this point."
"It's the community, like the community is just everybody is connected, everybody is reaching out to everybody else."
"You are a survivor and you have almost 10,000 people here in the chat cheering you and Genie on, and you don't look behind you. Stay strong."
"Keep it circle really small, really tight, so you can be shoulder to shoulder to everyone who will help you to improve better and perform better during the tournament."
"The biggest thing was meeting the right people who helped me along the way and getting into therapy."
"You build a support network of other things so you don't put all of your life into that."
"We can be a resource to our family, to our friends, to our co-workers, when they might need help in standing for their own conscience and their own religious beliefs."
"I would tell her to stay focused and prioritize people who cared about me."
"You share a big portion of your life with, you have history with, you have all these things, your support network for each other."
"Surround yourself with people that motivate you, that uplift you."
"May your life be a bowl of cherries, and now you surround yourself with cornerstones."
"For me personally, I am all about the people that surround me."
"Standing alone means you are an independent person, but there are people to help you."