
Crowd Engagement Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"I didn't hear anything, but you know, I got the crowd on their feet and pumped them up coming around third, and they seem to really like it."
"I've noticed especially at these crowds this year, the diversity within the crowds that are so interested and eager, faces of all colors, whites, browns, blacks, pink, yellows, greens, whatever, my dear."
"I want the crowd to come alive, I want the sidelines to come alive, I want the players to come alive."
"Johnny Cash performed live at California's San Quentin Prison, leading a rowdy crowd of inmates."
"Ah, the hype is real! US chance coming out of the crowd for some reason."
"There's nothing like a live UFC event with sold-out fans and a rowdy crowd."
"I was there last night and people were really dialed in for the Rosa Deep match, instant classic for me, crowd were massively into it."
"I thought it was one of the best nights the energy of the crowd helped and the wrestlers were amazing."
"He's very good at knowing what the crowd wants."
"I just walked out on stage, I locked in, and the crowd went bananas."
"All four of them engaging well with the crowd and having that rapport."
"The crowd and all the footage that we have from there, those moments, the chants, like, that is gonna make other people not want to miss out on that [ __ ] incredible event that we just had."
"Mash grabs onto his broom and jumps into the air, stunning the spectators."
"Hallelu everybody, make some noise! A ridiculous amount of noise!"
"The vibes 10 out of 10, the crowd 10 out of 10."
"Wow what an overflow crowd it's terrific it's good to be in utah we are here for a uh very specific reason."
"Every day was a dream come true every city was another place we planted our flag every screaming crowd was another people conquered it was metal man metal."
"You either have the music taste and crowd reading abilities or you don't."
"This place is stepping. This is a massive, massive event, a fight for the ages. The crowd are on their feet, I love it."
"Mash creates a full tornado with how cool his moves were and the crowd can't believe what they are witnessing."
"If I do things that are powerful enough in the ring, my personal movement out there should bring the crowd with it."
"It's the occasion, it's the O2 Arena, it's a sold-out crowd."
"A co-ed Tennis League that pitted franchises from across the country against each other in exuberant crowd environments turning tennis into something more akin to America's most popular sports like baseball and basketball."
"A superman dive over the top rope that took everybody out on the outside. He's just great."
"I'm excited man I'm just you know the crowd was really into the game tonight so it was just nice for them to get the win whether or not it carries over you know remains to be seen but definitely encouraging way to kind of finish the season."
"He feels stadiums... he does everything that you could possibly hope."
"I'm just happy that I could give these type of fights to the people."
"She kicks the ball and as she does so, he blocks it for a moment."
"There's nothing like a song that gets the entire crowd up on their feet."
"The crowd loved it and Stevie played his part well."
"He was a superb showman and knew how to work the crowd."
"...it's the most babyface thing, one of the most ridiculous babyface moves you can do. He gets the entire crowd to point at the Wrestlemania sign with him, everyone pointing with me."
"You just can't pound on a guy for 60 minutes. You got to be able to go out there, work some holds, develop your psychology, listen to the crowd."
"If you really want to understand how to capture a crowd that doesn't want you to win a battle, watch Carter Dean's."
"If you're a good mixer, you'll never have a problem. Quick mixing will literally pack your dance floor every single time. It'll take a boring crowd and make them rage. Trust me, just trust me."
"People on the dance floor are way more concerned about your track selection and the atmosphere you can create through pumping sets."
"Creating atmosphere and evoking emotion is crucial for your set to unite people."
"Benny the Bull is an absolute entertainer from start to finish."
"The one here today excited and ignited this huge crowd."
"He is so at ease on stage and I envied his ability to go up there and win a crowd over in seconds."
"The completed West stand gave Stamford Bridge its biggest crowd since 1988."
"That's what Golden Boy fights all about, give them the crowd, give them the exposure, but you got to put on a show."
"His ability to work the crowd was very good as he's a natural ham."
"Inside the park, Jason Kipnis, now that's how you light up the crowd!"
"Brit Baker was probably the one that I was just like whoa, that was unreal because the crowd loved both of them."
"The crowd was so damn into Eugene, I really liked it; it was unique in that sense."
"Let them know you're here and you're ready to send it, make some noise Atlanta!"
"Make some noise, Atlanta, are you guys having fun out there?"
"It's fun and things like this, even when they do break down, it's fun to see the crowd cheer."
"There's nothing better than watching a crowd of people dance to a song that you've actually made yourself."
"Always a great attraction now and to add to that attraction there's a touch of public relations about them with this wave to the crowd."
"The excitement and drama of barrel racing make it a crowd favorite at rodeos across the country."
"I love the crowd, I love the experience being among and fighting and creating especially."
"All of a sudden, defense, defense was the chant, and they really got into it."
"He tells the crowd don't worry about me, he can see the checkered flag already."
"Yet again, Nazim drawing a huge crowd to Olympia in London, and it proved an uplifting experience one way or the other."
"Everything is awesome, the Simple Session is great by the crowd, by the ambiance."
"The new division of NASCAR drawing a tremendous crowd to the Virginia fairgrounds in Richmond and seeing some great racing and some real surprises."
"It's a beautiful thing to watch, and then the excitement that got the crowd revved up."
"Their job as a cheerleader is to really keep the crowd going and help the crowd keep their energy up."
"We're about to find out, as Bruce Buffer is getting this crowd absolutely fired up right now."
"I'm a good public speaker, obviously to camera it's a bit weird, but when I'm in front of the crowd, yeah, I can do my thing."
"He's a showman, he is egging on that crowd."
"A quick start getting this crowd into this game early is going to be important for Colorado."
"Jimmy Connors would get the crowd on his side by joking with the crowd and talking to the crowd."
"It's fun when the crowd is that close to you; it just like the atmosphere is better."
"That's very good, and he can them enjoy that as well, looking to get the crowd riled up."
"This match brought this crowd back up to an absolute frenzy."