
Social Trends Quotes

There are 201 quotes

"You're more likely to be gay in America if you're Gen Z than you are to vote for a Republican."
"Welcome to how this is actually happening. This is the reality of how this is happening. This is why every big corporation has gone woke, is because if they go woke, they get access to the trading level that makes them richer."
"I think that sometimes they (boycotts) can be like trendy in the moment, but then people either forget about it or lose passion for that interest and maybe end up going back to Chick-fil-A or going to Coachella because it's Coachella."
"People are not okay. Drake is the latest victim of the growing bone throwing trend."
"Society right now is definitely trending towards people being more lonely."
"Real is winning. At one point in time, fake was winning, pretentiousness was winning. Real and authenticity is winning right now."
"Flex culture is when someone is showing off their wealth, their status, or their privilege."
"Flex culture is not really a new phenomenon; it has really been around us for centuries."
"I think people are almost over the epic takedown kind of moments and are looking for something real and authentic."
"The world is facing an unprecedented rise in civil unrest."
"The result has been higher divorce rates, lower marriage rates, people are less satisfied in life, not as happy, populations are declining."
"Genuine human intimacy is going down in this day and age."
"The good things are working, and the bad things are getting less popular."
"It's no doubt that loneliness is at its all-time high."
"The traditional wife is now considered cutting edge, fully consistent with a futuristic notion of the reproachment between technology and tradition."
"Traditionalist women are leading the trend, and feminists have absolutely no idea how to respond to this."
"You can almost count on it, it's probably going to happen."
"Getting woke was profitable. That isn't the case anymore."
"Some TikTok trends are leading young people to make poor choices— and some trends even encourage them to commit crimes."
"The changing demographics would exacerbate and shape responses to social trends."
"So apparently gen Z has a new breakup method... it's called Delicate dumping."
"Dildos and vibrators are coming, coming onto the scene."
"Online dating is quickly becoming one of those popular ways to meet a prospective romantic partner."
"There was also a pretty significant backlash to exactly the sort of cancel culture that you're talking about."
"Just because something is trending doesn't mean it matters."
"The Cures of the world often will start wanting to date earlier on average."
"I do agree with the FOMO, like it's a thing I get it."
"People are warming to the idea of owning Firearms."
"I know where this is heading and I think a lot of people are starting to realize where this is heading."
"Are you seeing a trend here? Yeah, uh, people are not happy and people are continuing to not be happy."
"And hating on furries is the latest hot trend, yeah, I think this one's got a bit of staying power."
"Support for Black Lives Matter is dropping to a new low."
"Dance marathons had become the new craze of the time."
"Rey brings up the point that it is time to give the spotlight to Maids who are used to living in the shadows of their masters and angles it as a trend that could spark a revolution."
"It's actually the new form of relationships for Generation Z, they're doing this more than they're doing Tinder and Bumble."
"Our Narcissistic Obsession With Taking Selfies Now Causes More Deaths A Year Than Shark Attacks."
"More and more men are choosing not to go to school not to get a job and not to get married if similar numbers of women were doing the same someone would raise the alarm."
"2020: the year of toilet paper, banana bread, and at-home workouts."
"It just makes some sense, like everybody does online dating now, come on, please."
"Honestly, I think cancel culture is dying down. People are realizing it was a fun hobby rather than improving society."
"the end of girl bosses is actually a pretty good thing."
"If you're going along with all of the fashionable woke ideas of the day and particularly of the past six months then you're wrong."
"Cancel culture existed 60 years ago, it will never go away."
"Cancel culture is dying and we are not going to give it any pain meds to alleviate the pain."
"This stuff is somewhat apolitical... people trying to figure out where they want to live that's more in line with their values."
"About half of American adults are single now, which is the highest rate through history."
"Being single in your 30s isn't bad luck, it's a global phenomenon."
"The fact that the carriage even exists... is evidentiary of the fact that people have princess parties."
"I think Trump played a big part in that... giving in to big business. Look when it comes to big business, big business has gone woke for too long."
"FOMO culture is more alive than ever, especially with the rise of social media. Financially, FOMO doesn't just affect the investments we make, it also impacts the clothes we wear, the houses and the cars that we buy, and the lifestyles we live."
"Fewer pregnancies maybe more responsible for the decline than state laws restricting abortion."
"Millennials and gen zers start realizing that their peers are getting rich with crypto."
"What I like most about VV's NFTs is they're not reinventing the wheel, they're just buying invites to parties that billions of people around the world already know exist."
"Long gone is the era of people crowding a diner for the latest pinball machine or mall Goths swarming the DDR cabinets looking like a boss fight from Kingdom Hearts."
"It's one of the things you can predict with the most ease: demographics is Destiny."
"Meeting online has now become the leading way for relationships to form."
"Winter season is cuffing season because it's cold, you want to cuddle with somebody, you want to have somebody to call your forever and always."
"The surge in prepping is the result of increased loss of trust in the government among younger generations."
"Cancel culture, it's becoming more and more common."
"Socialist mentalities are likely to become more popular."
"Pet adoption has grown 30 percent over the past decade."
"You're welcome, John Green, says to Hank Green, 'What happened to those glorious days in the 2010s when a random dance craze would take over the world for a few weeks every other year?'"
"How many young girls also want biracial kids just because of Kim Kardashian?"
"Rich people are building bunkers; that's not a good sign."
"I noticed there's a significant increase in black appreciation of the president."
"Trends are fun. This is revolting and nauseating."
"Women entering their soft girl era... this is a real thing."
"People want to get out of their homes, people want to go places and want to do things."
"People love watching other people eat stuff. Yeah, they do. I think it started with my first recollection is, uh, Epic Meal Time. Yup, I was a huge fan of, you know, Epic Meal Time. Oh my god."
"I didn't see many people talk about it, now everybody is talking about it."
"People want to have a different look every single time they go out now."
"Do the sisters simply strike a pose with those waist trainers?"
"My general instinct when everyone's like GameStop, every comedic bone in my body is like, 'Don't join this.'"
"Get woke, go broke, or in the case of Twitter and Warner Brothers, get woke, get taken over."
"BBLs are seeing a dramatic increase but the physical result of them are changing. We are seeing a more slender natural shape starting to emerge from celebrities and the everyday woman."
"Nothing is popping unless black women like it."
"Everybody have an iPhone now, everybody has an iPhone now."
"It's not just a conservative push, independents have rejected the Biden agenda."
"In this world you either drip or the world drips you."
"2023 will be the year 'passport bro' starts getting shamed."
"Canceling someone doesn't even matter anymore because it's like, 'You breathe, you're canceled.'"
"Black gun ownership has risen across the country since the 2016 election."
"One study showing one in every three relationships will start online."
"Cancel culture needs to be canceled before it cancels everything."
"Gender-reveal parties are now the worst thing in the world."
"Small is the new big, that local communities are the new big."
"I see more discussion about open relationships and polyamorous relationships vibrating throughout social media spaces a lot more than the beauty of monogamous relationships."
"It's becoming overground, which means they're creating a tertiary anything that's beginning the surface."
"It's the year of relatability, it's the year of just being yourself."
"We're living in the third wave of masculinity prohibition, each wave popularizes and enriches a new breed of masculinity bootleggers."
"Cancel culture is strong and it's becoming more powerful by the day."
"There's never been more people exercising their rights to self-preservation than now."
"Movie theaters are going to become a thing of the past."
"Men going their own way is the female version of I'm buying cats and rather Dilo."
"We're getting post-woke so they're getting more hysterical."
"Almost half of Americans in 2021 reported having three or fewer close friends, only about a quarter reported the same in 1990."
"There's been like a four or 5% consistent drop since their like early 2000s to today the middle-aged people are getting less lonely while teens are getting more lonely."
"Bud Light is uncool nobody wants to buy it now you're going to see that rejection of this because a regular person who normally just follows the trends it's gonna be like I I don't I don't drink Bud Light whatever you say guys."
"The dangerous rise of men who won't date woke women? Oh, calm down, dude. Can't find a man? It's not dangerous; you just believe kooky things and nobody wants to be around you."
"It is not necessarily fascism that's on the rise, but some kind of totalitarianism."
"The attitude of denormalizing the nuclear family is now leading to potentially lower birth rates."
"They have unisex clothes now everywhere. It just goes on."
"What happened to being into a woman off of her own individual uniqueness and not because she's portraying to be what's trending or what's popular?"
"I finally did it! The admins won't let me do it till off-camera. They're gonna test it, make sure it won't lag the server. But I actually built a zero tic sugar cane farm!"
"Mitchell's relationship with smoking reflects the shifting attitudes..."
"It's okay to be a little bit weird. I mean, weird is the new cool, though."
"They're trying to pull people back into the black hole of 2020, and I ain't interested in it."
"I don't know if it's the in thing to do, but I'm so glad we've done it."
"More and more men out there are choosing to be single and they're happier."
"It's quite all right to be an atheist, the fastest-growing group of people in the country."
"Who knew that the Karen would still be just as relevant if not more."
"Before nerds were celebrated, part of the zeitgeists..."
"I would love to go to a nice cocktail bar and be able to get a drink that doesn't have alcohol but does have weed and tastes amazing."
"Absolutely nothing on social media is what it seems."
"It just made me hate the idea of influencer and hustle culture even more."
"People now want to see real conversations. The BS fantasy stuff can no longer fly."
"Similar initiatives have been forming in recent months."
"We are suddenly now in a social era where it's cool to talk about money."
"I feel like the mommy makeover has been a trendy way to Market altering your body and your new post-child insecurities."
"Young men find it more beneficial to simply opt out of coupledom entirely."
"The war on Christmas trend isn't letting up anytime soon."
"That feeling when your friend will let you have a hot girl summer."
"People really have an obsession with 'babifying' someone, you know, treating them like a baby."
"The George Clooney effect: women's options have broadened exponentially."
"Culture will be downstream what hot girls want."
"It just looks Glam, it looks hip, it looks fun."
"Men as a whole have been checking out of dating in large numbers."
"Why become the bullies yourselves now that they're popular? Trends evolve, people change, and new tastes develop."
"Community is going to be the biggest, most important thing very soon."
"Everybody needs to just chill for a minute because we've seen these things before."
"It's actually very rare for something to get woke and go broke."
"Divorce rates have been dropping, especially since the 90s."
"Eventually people got tired of it and they wanted inclusivity."
"Social Security is heating up the Google charts, and for good reason."
"But companies are learning that like the whole go go broke thing because it seems like that's becoming more and more the trend but companies are still digging in on these political issues."
"During the pandemic, we witnessed the birth of a new religion of contrarianism."
"California's weed smokers approve of something...other people will as well."
"People are pushing back against it in China and there's some Elites wanting it back here in the United States."
"We know that there's a problem: young men aren't having kids, they're not getting married, they're stunted. Why is that happening? I think it's because we have the luxury to do that right now."
"Compared with their counterparts in the 2000s, today's teens are less likely to go out with their friends."
"If every woman starts to make an OnlyFans, men are not really gonna have a choice. It's like, just start cheating, and it becomes the norm."
"Hinge has introduced a new feature this week called relationship type it allows you to specify the type of commitment that you're looking for and it has come as research has revealed that five percent of people are now in polyamorous relationships."
"I think there's more people slowly becoming more interested."
"Most of the people on the internet are followers, they follow the trend."
"The [______] has already played out in social media and in the blogs so we already tired of it all right."
"The rise of female participation in street racing is a trend with multifaceted implications, demanding a closer look... Women are here to stay in the fast lane."
"Is it such a bad thing that teenagers are having less casual sex? Is that really something that is a problem that needs to be fixed?"
"I like the new trend of like private but not a secret."
"It's almost like being transphobic isn't popular."
"Basically in 2016 this sick trend where people would dress up as clowns and scare people became insanely popular."
"Some of you guys have been experiencing FOMO."
"Social isolation is the thing right now."
"$19 guys, $19. Step aside, Hailey Bieber. There’s a new drink at Erewhon."
"Sex recession simply means that people are having less sex than ever before."
"Even marriage registrations hit a historic low in 2022."
"Everyone it seems is on Bumble nowadays."
"...I feel like everyone is now online dating is a thing..."
"Every state I go to, I Google what is the drunkest city in the state."
"In these cities, the high number of college students, at least 20 percent of the population, tends to skew the economic and social trends of the area toward the needs of students."
"There were over 2.38 million uses of those hashtags during that time frame."
"People want to dress up, look good."
"It's the new rock and roll. Roll means all, all the fellas and gals are out bowling."
"More people are single, not in a relationship, or desire to be in a relationship."
"The whole conversation around sex and gender is a big trend."
"There's something even more corrupting about wokeness."
"We've got our correlation between low-sex partners, high church-goers, and we can also look at our divorce rates which have gone up in the past 40, 50 years."
"We live in a world where people get ghosted more than they get texted."
"The case for optimism: Teen pregnancy is now at its lowest rate ever."
"Teen claims have been declining rather steadily one percent a year for the last 50 years."
"I feel like I used to have insane FOMO issues... now I have JOMO, like the joy of missing out."
"Let's talk about where the young adults are moving to over the last decade."
"Age gap relationships aren't that uncommon nowadays."
"The youngest generations right now are becoming much more risk-averse; they're having much less sex."
"The fear of missing out is now, you know, the cool thing now is to miss out."
"Bumble has been one of the hottest dating apps for quite a few years now."
"FOMO, if you're missing out, drives a lot of behavior in Silicon Valley."
"Back in my day, the quest for clout and relevancy wasn't even a thing."
"It's a really interesting kind of social phenomenon that has popped up."
"It's about trends, following trends, being popular."
"In the past 20 years, there has been a meteoric rise in interest in cooking."
"That's when all the malls started popping up, and that was the place to go, everyone hung out at the mall."
"Flex culture has ruined a lot of couples."
"Divorce rate is at its lowest rate since the 80s; it hit the lowest point of 2021."
"The rise of the massively popular Trad wife trend on Instagram is following a reorientation of priorities for women away from the workforce and into the home."
"The next big thing will be the culture war or some variation of it."
"Is it the new Netflix and chill? It's like, just come over, watch my table."
"It's socially acceptable right now, and actually socially expected, to think superhero movies are cool."
"Divorce rates have actually fallen since the 1980s."
"Hate and exclusion are so washed out."