
Game Strategy Quotes

There are 2481 quotes

"Giggling inventor, five stars. This is, in my opinion, the best neutral in the set because it is a card that is absolutely crushing to any aggro deck."
"Bangladesh have won the toss. What will you be doing and the reasons for it? I like to bowl first, looks a little moist on the wicket and expecting some swing."
"The five substitutes are going to play a massive part in the rest of this season."
"Divinity may be the biggest influence to every build in Destiny 2."
"The deck was incredibly effective... with a 61 point something percent win rate."
"If we have Brass's Bounty, it's just absurd. The stuff you do with Thousand-Year Storm and Brass's Bounty is really unbelievable."
"The evolving meta of the intra-tournament, as in within the tournament, people start picking a certain champion which proves to be good against the champions other people are picking."
"T1 has been a team that has dominated macro in the early parts of the game."
"Reckless gets another. They're gonna look for Jackie Love and find him."
"It's exclusively good things, which makes it an easy decision in the early game whether or not to use it."
"You may activate the loyalty abilities of Planeswalkers you control twice each turn rather than only once."
"Destroy all non-land permanents that aren't legendary."
"This card is still insane. Instantly, it's one of the best cards we're going to talk about this entire set review."
"So it's four mana, comes down, you instantly use the ability, and then the Wandering Emperor stays alive."
"Every time a modified creature attacks, exile the top card of your library. You may play that card."
"The ability to give your entire team mini crits for 10 seconds can be an exciting game-winning play."
"For as long as they're there, Infinite Horizons really can shift what the Mirage is capable of in a pretty big way."
"Yes, the Bishops are of opposite color, but black has a better structure. Opposite-colored Bishops frequently mean a draw, but not in this case."
"This is a new type of chess event where all of the players are playing Fisher random chess, a type of chess where the back row of pieces is shuffled randomly selected about 15 minutes before game time."
"I fully believe in their benefits, and they are evident in the game, even when they're poorly constructed, they still work well."
"If greed mode is easier, I think it's probably easier because you can choose the actual items you want."
"Lost Chapter is probably one of the strongest items in the entire game."
"Understanding the items, how they work, and considering all of these factors will allow you to optimize your build accordingly."
"By the end of this video, you're going to be able to adapt your own builds, create your own builds, and really understand how raw stats work like lethality, magic pen, percent penetration, healing reduction, lifesteal, resistances."
"The fact that AlphaZero can give up material not because it sees a direct material gain but because it understands the positional advantage that it can exert over the opponent demonstrates a deep understanding of the game."
"The bigger your deck is... the less likely you are to draw into your important combo pieces or flex synergy cards when you need them."
"This character is great. I mean, Blood is a solid reprint."
"Lever is pretty plentiful but also not worth all that much to you, whereas the valuable metals and gems in the deck are harder to come by but much more lucrative."
"That's part of the beauty of Phantom Dust; there's plenty of 'long-range' skills in the game that are perfectly effective at medium or even close range."
"The honed edge perk is exactly why Izanagi’s has become such a staple of an exotic."
"Don't worry at all about choosing the right move to upgrade as a beginner. You will learn over time what works best for each situation."
"Mastering movement in Valorant is a defining factor. Many people have good aim, but it's incorporating proper movement in with your aim that makes the difference."
"A professional player, if asked honestly, might give you very different views on a champion's strengths depending on the context."
"Aatrox is not a good blind pick. He commits you to a theme, and if you don't commit to that theme along with him, you're harming the rest of the draft."
"Adaptation... that's definitely the name of the game."
"Vampires... have life drain... They're an eternally rolling snowball that can fly across the map and even in later levels teleport."
"Fantastic, all right, woo woo, with this team and some others that helped along the way, I have beaten Pokémon Fire Red with no new moves and no items in battle."
"MVP for the early and middle game was definitely Alakazam and late game definitely Thunderbolt Raichu."
"We got Bite and Stone Edge, which is the best moveset you could possibly get on a Tyranitar."
"It is one of those games where you know like Joel matip and his abilities are just wander through a team"
"Good teams find ways to win football matches when you know situations are in ideal we've left ourselves a ridiculous Branford they're in an ideal situation."
"Poker is just not very easy, it's very complicated."
"What I'm interested in is to prevent the move E four, E five."
"Our little housing area... we need some serious businesses up in here."
"We've really kept it together, we've really held down the city."
"When you make a decision in the game, it's not immediately clear to the player whether it was a good decision or whether it was a bad decision."
"We're basically unstoppable for the first 50 waves."
"Win your battles all over the pitch, stay in control emotionally, and try to play in their half as much as we can."
"Watson's ultimate is still a top tier ability."
"Rewarding players for long-term tactical thinking."
"It's sort of trying to bring like a white weenie sort of strategy to commander a little bit."
"We won all three of those, congratulations team zombies aka team kitty kitties!"
"You become a better magic player by playing mad. Don't be afraid to lose, actually you can learn a lot from losing if you can handle it emotionally and psychologically."
"Combinations play a vital role, with each fighter having 42 punches to choose from."
"She's probably should be your lead for clan boss as well."
"Game winning move that feels like the game when he moved."
"Absolutely it's all about the fact they're having to attack and defend."
"We want to get him to one construction then make the bedroom."
"The ideal situation for the storm: hover above the fire, raining lightning, fire, frost down upon its enemies."
"In other words, the benefits of the elemental protection outweigh the benefits of a higher defense stat, making more of the equipment in the game strategically valuable throughout the entire experience."
"One way you can actually make it ducking very abusive is if you give him a combo throw or a powerful throw."
"If you have something that has a little bit more range or at least a lot of suppressing potential then that might be the answer."
"I will do anything to aid you. I don't care if I die to you, I am on your team 100% for the rest of this game until he's out."
"It's time for the Reversal Quiz: Let me think long and hard about what the top card of my deck is."
"In general, you're going to have to rely on artifacts and these non-basic lands more heavily to get the effects that your colors normally don't have."
"Always do more than you think you should do when hitting a unit of Death Guard."
"There are some great choices here and there are some not so great choices."
"Nahiri's Lithoforming has been one of my favorite cards for a long time... it's exactly the kind of saga that you want."
"Right of Harmony... is so powerful and exactly what the deck needs."
"Beastmaster Ascension... can turn all those tokens that I'm making into big flying threats."
"Doom Weaver... if you're sacrificing big creatures... you can draw four cards, five cards, six cards at a time."
"The player who spends the most mana overall is generally the player that's gonna win."
"Paulo Dybala and Antoine Griezmann look they are sleeper cards in this game."
"If you're trying to do a thing, smoothers help you get to that thing."
"Your commander will almost always dictate the direction of your deck."
"I won the game because I was straightforward, honest, and played it all along."
"I controlled their HOHs, I told them what to do."
"But if you don't want to answer the question, you're going to have to take a step forward onto the next game space."
"Do whatever you have to do to survive, just don't forget that at the end of the day only one of you can win."
"Having a collection of commander staples can make the deck brewing process much less overwhelming."
"Teferi's Protection... makes you a lot safer from things like board wipes."
"Yemoja is still one of the best characters in the game."
"Prioritize fun and enjoyment over purely winning. Building a deck you love enhances the overall Commander experience for you and your playgroup."
"DeepMind, company owned by Google... AlphaZero had beaten Stockfish."
"The most beautiful part of Poker is watching the main event."
"Ultimately, the only way you can increase your rating is to win more matches than you lose."
"Once you actually get a charged shot you shoot out a horde of zombies or you shoot out a random area a little void is going to open up killing a lot of zombies around it."
"When somebody cheats on you in the game... you win by running the score up."
"Boys, even though there's been two imposters, we're a good team."
"He's created Muters to reduce the power of radiation type Pokemon and to stop Mew."
"Alert is one of the most underrated perks in the entire game. It lets you know where the killer is almost at all times, and it's really easy to identify where the killer is with alert."
"Resilience: Nine percent doesn't seem like much, but it actually really adds up. I gotta put it in the A tier."
"Windows of Opportunity: Honestly, it's good for even survivors with thousands of hours. It's actually used in True Talent's favorite build."
"Fortnite isn't dying anytime soon. Epic has been very intelligent with how they have positioned Fortnite."
"He's got six invisibility spells in this, guys. Six invisibility spells, Klaus says. I saw that."
"Focus on growth throughout the game, and you tend to have the hub population in the science soup."
"Maximizing Liberty: get as many cities as you possibly can, prioritize gold per turn boosters, and think about early gold return, happiness, and global happiness."
"Ideal win conditions for Liberty are winning in the Medieval, Renaissance, and Industrial eras militarily, before the late-game science gets too overwhelming."
"For sure, because if you're talking counter a spell, bounce a key permanent, make a copy of your best thing, that right there is total game altering."
"I've been veering towards the idea of smaller teams and more individual worth on a player by player basis."
"Midlane is not just about impacting your own lane, but the entire map. Roaming is an option, but prioritize pushing your lead in your own lane first."
"Passing attack looks improved, better rush defense, better pass rush, that seems like it's worth at least a few more wins."
"You just do everything, it's eight mana so it would deal eight."
"So at this point we can go in a couple of different directions we can either look at enhancing these potions or we can look at the negative potion effects."
"One good player who knows what they're doing in the direct control could just change everything."
"Gilded Lotus and Thran Dynamo are big mana rocks."
"Giving green card draw makes it the best color in Commander."
"I like that concept a lot because the season resolves and it will affect future things."
"Real live game reps are the best way to improve, especially on things that aren't directly related to your skill."
"This is genius guys, this is the max level strategy."
"Plague is great and I think is simple to get the hang of once you understand how the vomit works as a projectile."
"Expansion is really going to ramp up, obviously in the age of absolutism."
"Finally time to buff up our army even more, let's go defensive first I think, no quality after deing some provinces here."
"The goal is for every box to open 3 fetches you get 3 fetches you win."
"It's so hard and so important to close out those game fives."
"Bolas will take a lot of planeswalkers with him, but I guarantee he's going down."
"I suggest that we do that. We found a scrap component. Nice!"
"These little guys are tough, you gotta take them out like right now."
"This whole thing is about a game. It's a game."
"You have the power to win the game, so win it."
"If you look at the meta I feel like G2 are the ones who came in with the best meta read in the playoffs even."
"Oh, also last arena he strung together 23 wins in a row. Are we gonna see a repeat of that? That would be something."
"Every actual stat metric reflects that support is the most impactful role in the game."
"Body out management however is a massive skill and it shouldn't be ignored."
"Once you've jumped into a second town center immediately getting that second town center up is going to allow you to produce villagers which is going to make your economy boom."
"It's a sound strategy because it does take a long time to open those doors, so not a lot of people want to bother going down there. And no one has done tasks, which gives our Seekers so much time to mess around with."
"Summoned Skull: Yugi's original Ace monster, reflecting the importance of respecting and having loyalty to your cards."
"Playing chess with a pigeon – they'll knock the pieces, take a crap, and strut around like they're winning."
"It's amazing how many people go for boost instead of the ball... having full boost does nothing if the opponent scores."
"Instead of trying to win, focus on improving and growing as a player."
"But the idea is that the team that won is the one that dictates how we're gonna play the next rules."
"You have to put your will on the game. Whatever that is, like, you have to put your will on the game."
"This is really good as an engage... but then after a short delay he goes back to the point that he started from again."
"Ciconia is quite possibly solvable from the start; not just the central mystery of who the spies are, but arguably everything, from the main theme to the gameboard conditions to how the story will end."
"Ciconia is a battle between Foreknowledge versus Rationality, Willpower, and Knowledge."
"Each player has to change up one army camp, can't use the exact same army back-to-back."
"Using the same army every single time may even work but then you have to change up the deployment."
"I don't think I'd go for it just in case that happens but also it's not just that it's also because you'd be locked into having a Leicester goalkeeper every game week."
"Going first is too good in Yu-Gi-Oh... Every individual card in Yu-Gi-Oh is so powerful."
"I have an unlimited value engine technically as long as you always have a minion to draw from your deck."
"Saving with Honey feels like buying a ton of turnips in Animal Crossing at 80 bells per and then selling them at five times that for a profit."
"I never need to be imposter again, let's just be number one crewmate among us now."
"Fueling themselves right now 85% the fuel might not get another opportunity they to get out soon or turn the fight either way."
"We're gonna have a very aggressive game for us."
"More intelligent attackers have a stronger understanding of dribbling and passing."
"But even though A Freit was a low-tier summon in the original game...one of the most powerful summons available to the player."
"Rico isn't like an absolute ruler but in the right hands he's an absolute carry pick."
"Tutors are the most powerful thing you can do with magic in commander."
"You can just feel it, that's very powerful in this game."
"Possession has to have a purpose you can't just knock it around your back four and think you deserve to win a game."
"You wouldn't be mad at a quarterback who didn't get that ball in there, and you would be mad at a receiver who didn't catch it."
"Even when we've got the full size of the pot, we only need to win 50% of the time and 67 percent of the time our opponents miss."
"If you can just land one of these shots in the right direction, you can take down an end Crystal from anywhere."
"I really like cards that have this backup mode where you can change the way the game plays."
"Every role is super useful... it's easy to understand, hard to master."
"Feel a little more confident in your understanding of what metamagic is and how to apply it in game."
"Darkov Tarkov is at its best when you're in an active fight with multiple different players."
"It's the strategic side after all. Good action combat is rare outside of very action-focused genres, but an RPG should be able to make up for this by providing greater strategic depth."
"A good trainer is one that takes care not to let their Pokémon faint from losing HP."
"Draft is like 70% of the game. Draft is so important."
"Overall army size is one of the big crutches, crutches, crutches, crisps, that's the one we're gonna observe."
"You are relatively weak, one of the strongest things in Hearts of Iron 4 is to start off as a relatively weak small to medium-sized nation and expand."
"Colombia starts the game with an exceptionally large army size."
"You have got options to expand if you do feel ballsy."
"Cicero also displayed the ability to show empathy, build relationships, and speak knowledgeably about the game."
"Constantly build workers and never get supply blocked. These are very, very important things."
"We've got a fifty percent bonus for a tech in 1938 technology. That's amazing."
"Elven accuracy with the ability to see in your own darkness spell is a great one-two combo."
"Subtle spell huge enabler stealth gameplay number one pick."
"The silent assassin that's what we should go for guys in missions from now on we're gonna try not to kill anybody we don't have to."
"We now have 70 units in our army and we have a maximum of 106 so it just it just shows how good renown is."
"Successful non-lethal engagements are much more rewarding."
"Already turn 7 or rank 7 we've got armour-piercing questing Knights dude that's crazy that's exciting."
"Let's go ahead and actually give them somewhere to live because I have not done that yet."
"He's got the mentality, he loves handing out very heavy defeats to opponents."
"I think Isabel deserves to win. She's played a good game."
"The forgotten crossroads, where our damageless play-through will continue."
"Adding stuff that's thematic and awesome and makes the deck work better, not just cards that are like 'Well here's some ramp, here's some card draw,' although when you can combine both of them it's an extra special fun time."
"Mirror Entity is a finisher. You're making a bunch of one ones pay five mana into Mirror Entity they're all five fives."
"This opens up the stage drastically in mid and creates more push and flanking options."
"Fireball is not always the answer to every problem, it's the answer to a lot of them."
"I think at the end of the day the most fun that you can have with wild shape is just thinking outside of the box."
"Sometimes getting angry at games makes me play more efficiently."
"Proper control of your win condition is key to breaking through stall."
"Love to see annihilate putting in work in pretty much every single game."
"I am the completionist god of destroying games."
"Vancouver Titans caught that one advantage and they just gripped it."
"This might be the hardest character to kill out of all of the ones we've done."
"Knock them out... you can loot them while they're unconscious."
"Yuya decides to reveal the truth about his door."
"Hey beginning of the day talking about how important the new jungle plus mid control is yep and with all the hype here for santorin and bjergsen it's actually you know power of evil and kikis that come out with the early strong move at mid."
"Cloud9 have actually been to me one of the most efficient teams of ending games."
"Individual outplaying from Fnatic right now. They're punishing the mistakes while not making too many themselves."
"If you're able to reconsider your emotions while you play, then I think the game has accomplished something pretty impressive."
"The real reason black lost this game is time management."
"Complete disregard for opponent's counterplay."
"So you got to be very careful the cavalry is probably about evenly balanced between the two time periods as well as far as usefulness it really just depends on how the player uses it."
"To truly embrace what kindles the flames of Dark Souls, you must prepare to die."
"Morale is very important in Crusader Kings 2 - 25% is the magical morale number where armies will retreat from battle."
"Lean into the pulpy heroes fighting horrible monsters—my games have been better for it."