
Consumer Perception Quotes

There are 164 quotes

"Most of the criticism that was warranted just comes from... feeding into the hype cycle misleading people."
"Going from abundance to scarcity actually has a dramatic impact on how we perceive things that we will potentially purchase."
"People are going to love this game when it's $30."
"In California, we strive to have green energy; in some cases, we may even pay more to get electricity that is branded as green. But are we really getting green energy?"
"Trust and authenticity are keys to buyers today, particularly Millennials. If that is destroyed, a company can be seriously hurt."
"Now, the label 'triple-A' has become nothing but a stigma that's synonymous with feelings of paranoia on gamers' part."
"In a world of infomercials, sometimes when you see an honest opinion about something... it comes off as negative, just because maybe it's a little different."
"It looks real, you know, looks like candy, right? It looks like you could eat this stuff, looks like you'll reach in and grab it and take a bite out of it."
"That's the stuff that gives the brand long-term brownie points."
"The perception that you're getting a better value from Trader Joe's."
"Inflation is happening right now before our very eyes just not in the way that you think."
"The number is higher because that means it's better. That's how these things work right?"
"Disney's not done with you, they've tricked everyone."
"What you name your game doesn't matter at all... people will fill that name in with new meaning."
"It was remarkably uninteresting and I realized in that moment that the only reason I thought this bag was going to be so special is because everybody tells me it's going to be so special."
"The bread and butter of buffets is the idea that people are getting an amazing deal for not a lot of money."
"Just because something is banned in the EU or not approved in Europe doesn't mean it's necessarily bad."
"Don't blame the logos for what the logos did."
"No one cares anymore because they sold it. In both cases, they saw, 'Oh man, we messed up, let's just communicate.'"
"To me, OnePlus is a brand that represents the power user."
"The ratio of value for money is simply outstanding in Longine." - CEO
"If the person looking at it can tell it's an ad, you've done it all wrong."
"Companies are not your friends. Intel's not your friend, AMD's not your friend. There are people there that could be your friend."
"Definitely an upgrade in terms of the quality."
"He works with all types of people and the question is okay, you know does he say something as a marketing that are probably not perfect no of course not nobody does there's no company ever that's been perfect in our marketing up."
"When you go to a market with a product, the only thing that matters is the consumer's perception of that product's value."
"Blizzard sees you as a pay pig, an easy cash grab."
"It's luxury, it's the luxury point of the watch."
"The best type of marketing is marketing that doesn't feel like marketing."
"Feel like you're getting more for less? Yes, but you might be getting less for more. That's the wish or the dream."
"The only thing that matters to me is that brands are trying."
"When most companies try to make a big stink about piracy and talk about all the money they're not making or all the employees that worked hard on their game, it can kind of ring hollow."
"The name is clearly meant to convey breakfast."
"There's no other product I can think of in this price range that sells itself like a Tesla does."
"Retailers are increasingly baking in sales discounts and deals into their pricing so that you always feel as if you are both getting a good deal and have to hit that sale while it's happening."
"Expecting every Burger to look like it does in the ads is setting unrealistic standards."
"1800 bucks now i know what you're getting ready to say because i said the same thing too good lord that's a lot of money."
"Inflation has fallen? Why are groceries so expensive then?"
"Sony's not your friend. Microsoft's not your friend."
"Once people feel comfortable, the electric vehicle becomes a no-brainer."
"CRKT, this list is just as much about who is cool as who's making good products."
"We wanted to make sure that people felt fulfilled by the items not just from the quality level but on that vanity side too."
"People will be so surprised as to the quality of a t-shirt from a shop down the road than a really high-end one is probably actually relatively similar."
"Costco rated the highest of the three amongst any American company."
"It's a stupid amount of money... Tesla's price this thing really impressively..."
"I don't know if that's inflated, but based on how easy this is, it's mind-blowing."
"I think it's easy to call it a gimmick but there are gimmicks out there that are genuinely fun and genuinely like enjoyable to use."
"Fred understood that value is something created in the mind of the consumers."
"Most of them are kind of recycled content but it's pretty okay, I think it's kind of new right?"
"Simply telling someone that something is expensive or will taste better makes them think that it tastes better as a placebo effect."
"Just about the Optics of what it looks like the Company's trying to do to the consumer."
"If nobody told you, if you didn't know this was plastic, you would think both of these phones are exactly the same."
"These watches they look like they should be four or five hundred bucks but they're not."
"You purposely name something hello fresh with this happy-go-lucky branding."
"Huawei can make nice things, kids; it's no longer the budget company."
"It just feels pretty bad to upgrade just purely generationally."
"New Balance historically was basically the connoisseur shoe."
"As much as people crap on the fact that the platinum card is now a coupon book, I feel like it always kind of was."
"It tells me that they're confident in their product, you know?"
"Your brand is not just what you make; it's how you make people feel when they watch what you make."
"The attention to detail, quality of construction, and solidity of the trailers... it seemed like a much higher-end product than all the rest."
"You can't say that something tricked people into liking it because it's good. That just means it's good."
"The Civic has become synonymous with efficiency, durability, and a fun to drive feel."
"Women are not some mystical group that needs to be lured in via clever marketing techniques revolving around hot men."
"Sometimes people leave those cynical comments like the coupon code is always here, yeah, but every time the price goes up so it's like 30, 30, 30..."
"I think if you put these two devices side-by-side and ask someone to tell you which phone is the more premium option, I think a lot of people would probably gravitate towards the Galaxy A20."
"There's a fascination to make a statement by having something that's large and size is a measure of the use of that product."
"Nintendo didn't value it at 60 when it was brand new."
"We started telling players that money equaled quality. We brought this on ourselves."
"The more money you spend for something, the better it gets."
"It feels like it's quite affordable for what it's delivering... if I saw this in Sephora for $35 or $40 I wouldn't blink."
"Reinforces these pathways in the brain that allow for luxury to have like a broader definition."
"Audiences don't trust a word or an image coming from any company."
"I also think regular people will appreciate it too."
"People don't seem to mind the look and are placing orders anyway."
"Packaging matters a whole heap to me... shows me that the company cares about their products."
"Even though this isn't a premium vehicle, it feels like a premium car."
"There's a lot to like about the Telluride still, and it's the whole package."
"Genshin Impact looks stunning for a free game."
"Consumers think companies aren't willing to change."
"Once again, I see the appeal. I see why people like it."
"The products themselves being sexy and the products themselves being something you can feel are transformational."
"No one's going to see this and think oh that's an iPhone."
"One of the perceived benefits of drinking Red Bull is that it's supposed to give people a boost."
"Encouraging you to stop the tracking and then it says privacy that's iPhone yeah and it and then all of a sudden you see the apple you get."
"It's kind of like a designer piece but it doesn't have a designer price."
"This has enough weight to it that I feel like it's, you know, not too cheap if I may."
"1200 bucks that price is tgh and if you don't know what that means that's too goddamn High"
"Money comes from private banks... People can enjoy those and they trick you into thinking maybe coffee is not so bad."
"This next brand is one that the market's kinda started to slump on a little bit."
"The prices honestly I thought would be more for like the Amiri stuff."
"It just feels, it looks right, and it's a total package."
"I think that would make a lot of sense for 40 grand and I think you probably got a lot of people that might be scared off by the Crazy's huge spoiler and stuff."
"When you hear 'PlayStation game,' you have a thought in your mind and that thought is high quality, probably single player, you know what I mean."
"This phone single-handedly got people talking about build quality."
"Most companies spend so much time working on the thing they're creating and end up selling the thing, but what people actually buy is feeling and experience."
"Overall, I would have to say these headphones in my opinion do deserve the price tag because they are Louis Vuitton, they're designer, they're an exclusive luxury item."
"The packaging and the collabs are really only going to take them so far."
"They're not loot boxes, they are surprise mechanics," and she also said, "nobody buys that [ __ ]."
"This feels more expensive than the conspiracy palette did, and that's saying something."
"The immediate impression of the case that we get, and we think most people will get, is one of quality."
"You're paying significantly less but getting comparable quality and comparable luxury... a good value... you definitely feel as if you're getting a coach that is worth probably more than that."
"For a $400 helmet, I've got some really expensive helmets in the garage. This is by far the lightest helmet in my garage."
"Big Brands will make things seem scarce that way they really end before you realize the hook is right inside your mouth."
"I feel like the makeup world is very overly saturated nowadays."
"These are the products that you see and you're like wow, that is too good to be true."
"Is it the most glamorous thing? Is it the most like, shouty thing? Is it going to impress your neighbors? Hell no. But you know, we don't all need that."
"There's so much marketing and societal pressure that goes into telling us a can of beer is cool."
"Despite the newer pixel phones not having flagship processors... most people really won't notice the speed difference."
"It's just why you get some of the like colorful shit yeah I feel like that's kind of like my colorful ones if they're just the emo faces it's almost a bit of both because like normally people just think oh it's a funny face."
"The packaging feels amazing, it's giving the full Valentino experience."
"People hate ads because most ads are as boring as plain boiled lentils."
"Just shocks me how well audi is able to kind of hide the fact that this is a golf..."
"Sony is a company that can be extremely arrogant at times I feel they have been eating a large helping of humble pie lately which is a very very good thing indeed."
"I knew that these are over a thousand dollars but still it just didn't register."
"A brand is no longer what we tell consumers it is, but what consumers tell each other it is."
"The importance of them visuals is massive because that's what the end consumer sees, that's what everybody looks at, that's what everybody understands a brand as."
"The results might not please those who've just spent their lottery winnings on a top S-Class model, but buyers browsing in this car's less exalted market segment tend to see it as a very desirable looking thing."
"I really like the way this feels, I honestly don't think the Wrangler average buyer is going to notice or really care that much that this is partially EV."
"The front of the package will often depict Green Pastures of hens grazing or cows grazing."
"Get out of your mind that you have to pay upwards of two, three, four hundred dollars to smell amazing."
"...it mirrors that today with how people feel about some of those electric MGs."
"How do you feel about 7-Eleven's Evolution as a business?"
"Your customers probably don't even realize that this is happening."
"Refinement is excellent, as is ride quality."
"Having an entire lifestyle behind the brand is really going to increase the appearance of the brand in other people's eyes."
"The word 'imports' doesn't mean the same thing to customers now."
"It feels like luxury, which is why I think it has a higher price point."
"This thing just looks like a badass."
"Seventy percent of online consumers agree that the quality, timing, and relevance of a brand's message influence their perception of the company."
"Ultimately what Apple has presented with us today is a really good package that makes those little short downfalls easy to forget."
"Your brand is what people are buying into."
"I like the messaging behind this brand."
"The perceived quality and feel are really important at this price range."
"This thing oozes with 'you paid for this and you got what you paid for,' at least to me."
"Although academia views sustainable fashion as both social and environmental, consumers primarily define sustainable fashion using environmentally friendly language."
"I gotta say guys, I don't really notice that much of a difference between the regular and the plus model."
"Because consumer behavior is driven by their perceptions of the origin of a product, BQA's drive to ensure safe and proper handling of cattle is critical to the success of the industry."
"Whenever you want someone to know that you care about your product, it starts with the packaging."
"If you're offering true value, it's easily perceived by the consumer and they will pay for that up front."
"Brand loyalty speaks to how you perceive a certain brand of products based on how well that brand has treated you over the use of that product."
"This paper forwards the view that sustainable fashion includes a variety of means by which fashion items or behavior could be perceived to be more sustainable."
"The brand that people see is just as important as a brand people don't see."
"It's a great value is what you're getting."
"Your money is spent on a better finish, but the difference in the quality of finish is not five times better, it's just slightly better."
"You're just paying for the name. No, you're paying for what that name has come to mean. That's what you're paying for."
"The word 'natural' is basically meaningless, but still allows the consumer to draw their own positive conclusions."
"It really opened up my eyes to how amazing that brand actually is because it is so incredibly affordable."