
Physical Media Quotes

There are 128 quotes

"The concept of having access to physical media actually means that the user gets ultimately a much better deal."
"Vinyl's resurgence is a sign that people, especially kids, are in need of something real, something physical."
"It was more fun to have physical copies of music, movies, and video games."
"I just love these big boxes; the artwork has a very special place in my heart."
"I always say buy physical when you can. I love physical games."
"Each of us can play a part in making up for the deficit created by the loss of the physical."
"When you buy a game physically and it doesn't say 'internet required' on the box... you can stick that disc into your PlayStation, install it without the internet, and play it start to finish."
"Owning physical games, in my opinion, is always better than buying these games digitally because you actually own that physical license."
"People care about the tangibility of something, so they're going back to something that worked better."
"Physical disks are not going anywhere and I honestly think that in a few years or even sooner you're going to see a resurgence."
"I don't think physical media is going anywhere. I love collecting it."
"Don't throw away your hard copy books because they are the Repository the enduring repository that cannot be disappeared."
"There's nothing that can compare to physically holding a book in your hands."
"Physical video games are just something that I've always appreciated."
"Physical media is essentially in a death spiral."
"There are always going to be people who will want to have the physical version of a game because they'll feel more secure about the preservation of that game."
"There's something magical about... what you're getting on the disc is the whole game."
"Demo discs are like magazines and instruction manuals; they're fun to go through, and I wish the magic of them would come back."
"At least give yourself options, right? It's not so much about you have to buy disks, just that you have the opportunity to do so."
"I prefer physical media and have that permanency there, it's always nice."
"Physical media can last forever. Codes can be handed down or traded, strangling bonds between players around the world..."
"Books physical books are something which are going to be indispensable and the most reliable way to get knowledge after the proverbial shizzy hits the fizzy."
"As someone who loves physical media, I still think there's massive potential here."
"It's so cool to have physical copies of things these days. It's nostalgic to have something you can actually hold."
"A very nice kind of clear vinyl with a blue tint to it, and if you kind of blew up splatters in there."
"There's something to be said about having a physical copy of your favorite artwork."
"It just feels like I actually own it, that's why I like to buy discs."
"I always like physical things, I love photo albums."
"There's so many albums and that's the component that's kind of missing, you know, from albums because everything is digital and everybody doesn't offer like on their streaming services you can't just swipe through the pictures and stuff."
"GameStop will be talking about physical stuff well looking at GameStop's latest fiscal year report."
"There's a really nice tactile feeling when you have the album cover and you can see the band and when you can flip it over and read the lyrics or whatever you're doing you feel more attached, I think, to that music."
"I think for a while we're going to see the option of physical copies of games alongside digital."
"I think physical games are going to be around for a long time."
"There's something wonderful and tactile about having something physical."
"You used to get music by going to a store and then freeing it from a security device that had two stickers on it, it was locked into a plastic crate that they had to unlock."
"Books are a great physical thing that you can still turn up and give somebody."
"I also love the engagement, the physical media, and everything else that a vinyl record does."
"Physical media may not be buried underground or cremated when it goes. It may not even be missed but it's nice to know it'll be there for us if only to take a space on that bookshelf."
"If you're really a cine file or audio file or you love to see things and hear things in the best quality then there really is no beating the physical content."
"Physical media is one of the great beauties of life and of loving film."
"I can't express like, a certain part about it feels wrong to me. I don't love the idea of making a record to where you couldn't ever listen to it or feel it in your hands. Like, that seems insane to me."
"I'm a huge collector of physical media. I've been collecting it for over 20 years now."
"This is the most excited I've felt about physical media since like 2012."
"Strong DVD and Blu-ray sales proved that physical media isn't quite dead yet."
"Now is maybe the best time to jump on the physical media train."
"Physical media does not last forever, so this issue matters, especially in the longer run."
"I wouldn't have one or the other, I think if you're into physical media and buying physical music, you just like it."
"Of course you can sell DVDs and Blu-Rays."
"Nothing beats sitting here living through a physical magazine or pulling out a book and showing it to my daughter to help her with whatever program she's making at the time."
"The whole idea of physical media versus digital is one that's been talked about, discussed, banded about for many, many years now."
"This is the death of Disney for physical media right here. They have jumped the shark, if you know what that phrase means, they've gone past the point of no return."
"Be patient when you're collecting physical media. It can be very tempting to jump on the first thing you see or the best deal. Like, 'Oh, I've been looking for this, here it is on eBay, and I need to get this.'"
"Vinyl is not just about sound. It's about holding something real, something tangible."
"The physical book is very important to me."
"I'm a really big proponent of collecting your favorite shows and movies physically."
"If you're trying to get into collecting physical music... CD is a great way to go."
"We want the physical ownership, we like to go and thumb through the booklet and look at what's inside the artwork and own it."
"Welcome back to the midlevel media channel, your hub for everything physical media and entertainment."
"We're all about physical media here; it's not dying, it's not going anywhere."
"Most people that read comics like a physical book to hold in their hands."
"Records are a deeply romantic kind of media; they are physical manifestations of the metaphysical experience that is music."
"The comic book industry is never going to work unless you have physical copy."
"There is something special about owning a physical copy of the game."
"Physical books are important for student learning."
"It's quite nice to be able to put my memories down on a physical format."
"Series that succeed in digital format will go on to get physical releases."
"We're living in the best possible future for movie fandom, physical media."
"If you're old like me and you like your physical, you could buy a physical copy."
"It's so much better than just seeing it on a screen."
"This shiny disc provides a genuine connection to the artist and can elevate your experience from streaming through Bluetooth to a level you may not have realized was possible."
"The physical media market is changing, it's impossible to walk into one of your big-box stores and not see that things have changed."
"In an age of streaming and downloads, a physical release can be used as a promotional tool."
"There's something to be said about holding a real book in your hands."
"Definitely miss physical copies of games."
"It's nice to have a standalone device to do this. It's kind of interesting if you're like me and you're watching this channel, you probably appreciate physical media and sort of uncoupling media from a smartphone."
"I love my iPhone 12. At the same time, there's something about having a CD player, about having a tape player, all those physical media formats and devices, you know, that's part of what we enjoy."
"In a way, putting DVDs and Blu-rays holds something better than having the same movie digitally: an identity."
"I would much rather read it in physical form."
"That DVD sold 1 million copies, an insane number for physical media."
"I have a lot of fun talking about physical media and of course have a lot of fun just talking about movies in the industry."
"Vinyl has made a resurgence; there's still people that want physical media."
"If more people bought physical media, then more physical media would be sold. It's really that simple."
"I buy physical copies because if I recommend it to somebody, I can just be like, bam, here it is."
"Support the musicians, man. You don't get [ __ ] from the streaming, but go ahead there and get the likes and streams of stuff, but buy the CD and the vinyl, it helps us a lot."
"You're holding physical things; you're not just looking at stuff on the screen anymore."
"Dude, you've got to have physical media."
"There's a physical connection to the record which I appreciate."
"It's still cool to have physical books, physical you know with paper."
"The average person still wants to rent movies they can hold in their hands."
"I buy CDs still and I will continue to do to do that as long as they're still produced."
"There's something about seeing your photos printed, it's so different to having it on your phone."
"It's actually cool to see people still buying DVDs and Blu-rays."
"There is nothing better than like physically holding a picture and being able to look through past pictures."
"Physical media with stuff like that, I think is a good thing."
"The physical thing in the room will always be better... I hope vinyl never dies."
"I really respect that they're embracing physical media still."