
Combat Strategy Quotes

There are 552 quotes

"Somebody's trying to do something to blind you in a fight; they're not going to do it for no reason."
"So these boots are going to be best in slot anywhere where you're in melee distance and you're taking damage."
"It's best to keep the sword between you and the enemy."
"It's really intriguing to see Zaraki approaching a fight from the underdog perspective."
"Utilizing the technological and mechanical brilliance of the Dwemer, the mechanist takes down his foes with scalding jets of steam, powerful automatons, and formidable dwarven metal armor."
"Fights feel like mini puzzles for you to figure out."
"If you can get to someone's back in Jiu-Jitsu, you're almost always going to finish them."
"Energy Maneuverability... defined a new concept... the key to outmaneuvering an enemy."
"Luffy's creativity in this fight alone is astonishing and awe-inspiring."
"As the AI retreats from battle, if there's an enemy soldier by them, they will actually fight to the death. They won't just be running away without giving a damn about their life."
"Ahsoka Tano fails to listen to the order and stubbornly remains fighting while standing on top of a giant turbo tank."
"The ideal situation for the storm: hover above the fire, raining lightning, fire, frost down upon its enemies."
"Whoever controls the distance manages the damage, whoever controls the clock manages the opportunity."
"You must have the ability to fight blind, to see without seeing."
"Did you see that? I was able to go straight behind the enemy even without much aiming."
"It wouldn't be smart to say that infantry is the only turning force of these battles."
"The combat's offensive approach, while definitely giving you a huge advantage, doesn't give you the win for free."
"Position first, and then attack. That is the rule to win fights."
"Invisible to the eye, impossible to resist, imperative in combat."
"Every time I get hit, I get 1% better at dodging it."
"The safest place is usually right up in something's face smashing it with a sword."
"He's so much better at keeping that distance."
"That's what a seasoned fighter does he doesn't just accept he says if you're gonna try to get me I'm gonna get you back."
"Mesa is all about absolutely destroying any enemy that walks into your line of sight."
"One soldier can change the battle if the enemy outnumbers you."
"You could definitely one shot them with the m1 combo."
"The combat in Guild Wars 2 rewards positioning and counter play across both PvE and PvP activities."
"Simplicity, I think is the answer. Some of the things that are the most useful in a fight or in combat or whatever usually the most simple."
"All it takes is that one bob and weave, and that one good punch, and you can take the whole thing down."
"I can't believe how much damage their lines were doing against mine, I love it."
"I've got to keep that hit and don't get hit mindset. We don't always hear that from fighters."
"Distance, utilize it, be creative. Don't get in Mike Perry's range and you're gonna probably win that fight."
"On Kim unbelievably when Kim consumed an ice dragon he understood the most efficient ratio for the biological antifreeze solution in order to finish off the enemies."
"Lesson learned: try not to get hit this time."
"Thank you here's another example using your alt and then following up with paranoia can result in some free kills."
"It's a great crowd control spell for any larger common encounters that have a lot of fiends and Undead."
"It's a good time to sort of mention that like not every antagonist needs to be fought and not every fight needs to be to the death"
"This is different, this isn't time travel, this is time used for combat."
"The wind blast allows you to turn the tides of battle."
"Jump into combat headfirst like a werewolf with the path of the lycan—big swords and mauling monsters await!"
"Every environment that features enemy combatants is designed around multiple play styles."
"Let's be honest but I prefer to destroy my enemy in a battle of wits and by wits I mean struck by lightning. Rest in peace."
"Parrying and deflecting whatever enemies throw at you in Sekiro is not only the linchpin of your entire combat but the varied skills that come with natural progression are more than enough to make it actually exciting to play."
"The most important thing that we always try to do is make sure the fight lasts as short a time as possible."
"Heighten spell imposes disadvantage on a creature's saving throw for a spell."
"The longer we fight, the weaker you become." - Morel
"Let me move them in combat, see what happens. We'll be back."
"I just feel like Darren Till might have the striking skills to negate the size difference."
"Devil May Cry knows how to manipulate you into fighting in different ways."
"The Necron warriors are the only thing I have to fight back with."
"I think what's a lot more interesting is what you can do before the combat even starts if that makes sense - the setup."
"I'm not going there to put my chin. I'm going there to fight, hit, and not get hit." - Francis Ngannou
"I think I can take this fight wherever I wanted to go, I can lead this dance."
"Alright, now for the meaty part of this guide: combat tips. Combat in Elden Wren is challenging but not impossible."
"Don’t bring a tank to an immortal anomaly fight."
"The acceptance that just because you're underneath someone doesn't mean the fight's over."
"Your goal should be to use the slash until he starts to get uncomfortable."
"You've got a like as soon as you mess up his eye it's done."
"The longer you attack an enemy, the more your damage rises and rises and rises."
"You really have to be able to ride the line well between getting damage in and pushing the pace."
"Avoid just pushing the front lines and also try and make encirclements as you go."
"I'm coming back down here with my goddamn train gun, and I'm sleeping all you sons of [ __ ]."
"Learning all of Genichiro's moves and how to counteract each and every one of them is tremendously satisfying."
"When you lose a battle, don't get distraught. That's no reason to surrender."
"If you are grappling someone, you become slowed. So if you're holding onto someone, you move slow. Oh, that's cool, I like that."
"It is easier than ever to just dive into combat, buff up your whole squad, and just dish out some incredible damage."
"So now that we've gone over all of your basic moves, your switch skills, armor skill recommendations, even suggested combos..."
"One of the benefits of combat and darkness is our shooting accuracy indoors goes dramatically up."
"A unit of aggressors with shock assault has 21 attacks."
"Dark Elves murder them all, black guards, you guys go in there."
"Fighting creates a new logic of its own. Strategy is adjusted, objectives change."
"Every character can use a specific command to pull out their weapon, granting them more range to their attacks."
"You can't really go wrong with this tank if you set it up correctly."
"The list is built around two big units of assault Marines and one big unit of death company with jump packs."
"Piercer feat: a must-have for dexterity-based combatants like rogues and rangers."
"Slasher feat: highly good, complementing certain character builds like sword and board."
"That's why affinity augmentations on bows and dual blades is so critical."
"You're gonna feel confident in taking on the forces of hell."
"And I kill the drones protecting the ghost's kill."
"Safe distance from more powerful opponents after the removal of illumi's needle he became more assertive and prone to deadly blitzes, making the most."
"In a real fight, he who manages the distance manages the damage that can be done."
"Firing a better round than your opponent does give you something of an advantage."
"I like to call this the death squad because we're actually bringing the death to them, but also, we're using death against them to break the death to them. It's pretty awesome."
"I'm going to go to combat and I'm going to attack you for nine. Yes, I am."
"You want to have enough health where you're not getting one shot, but you're still able to one-shot the opponents."
"It's kind of fun too heroic throw and fire off a rocket at somebody at the same time."
"Take fights. Don't be afraid to take fights."
"Epic! Mega Steelix eating up even an Earth Power from a Camerupt, then responding with the stab super effective 80 power 125 base attack dig to wipe it off the face of the Earth!"
"Even if you're just boning a single target where the damage can't reach its full potential, it's still a great way of regularly getting two combo points."
"First strike means that you're doing damage before regular combat damage is assigned."
"This is honestly where the real combat starts."
"The combat sequence in this first act, again maybe a bit of a throwback to the first game, has Snake teaming up with Meryl alongside her Rat Patrol squad."
"Whenever you can leverage like a window and arranged weapon during a raid it's actually really, really nice."
"He who masters the thrust is always going to come out on top."
"The crux of the combat model is selecting a class with the right sort of attacks dealing the right damage type to allow you to break through enemy defenses."
"Psychological warfare is their bread and butter. Crush enemies with crushing claws, cleansing talons, and ripping teeth."
"Feral rage: 104% lifesteal, basically life tap."
"Fast rate of recovery is super important with fury."
"Raven frost: cannot be frozen, next attack rating."
"The spy I think accidentally just hit gabe newell maybe not going for a swinging neckbreaker on gabe newell he turned you thought i think this is unbelievable."
"For the Amazon, Lightning Fury skill just makes quick work of Pindleskin and his goons."
"Let's start off with our big 758 CP slowpoke."
"Bug dark witch with tinted lens is incredible."
"Fight like you lost the first round, not panic mode but in aggressive mode."
"That's why you never assume you've got this battle in the bag."
"The Battle Master allows you an amount of versatility to fit your style, balancing simplicity with complexity."
"I really like this way of fighting because it goes ahead and encourages better, I guess it goes ahead and promotes a dense formation."
"It applies the falling effects itself upon landing a strike or blast Arts hit."
"For the most part, you want to be actually behind that enemy."
"I'm about to say giving the giant salamander a baseball bat has made it less good in combat but it has kind of worked perfectly."
"How you choose to take on your enemies becomes one of the most enjoyable and important aspects in the game."
"Dual wielding shields into an enemy's face is just the highest level of disrespect."
"The extra 20-foot movement as part of entering your rage is super cool and super useful. You'll feel the impact of this in every combat encounter."
"Sparkle's Doomfist is single-handedly turning fights around for them."
"Going first in combat is very important... you can often eliminate or incapacitate an enemy or two before they attack you, preventing a lot of damage to your party."
"It leads to a very dynamic battle as you constantly swipe the camera around to make sure you're not about to be stabbed in the back."
"The combat in Final Fantasy 7 Remake requires even more thought than in the original."
"Arrows that come at you and throwing them back, uh yeah, there's... I mean, your maneuverability gets upscaled here."
"Tired of snipers on a tower? Drop a tank on them."
"Infernal Cry is a game-changer for clearing; mobs practically explode."
"The game's combat system is very tactical." - Totalbiscuit
"I found it very enjoyable to be fighting against brute sporting my favorite armor for them in the series."
"Kirito's the fact that he has the passive where you can like dash attack and stuff and all your attacks move you forward a little bit. It's kind of crazy."
"We attack the back lines if we're in the front line."
"The enemy did not achieve its objectives in any of its directions."
"Hammond's mobility presence is like a permanent primal raging Winston."
"Lockdown with avengers... bullet spread everywhere... very deadly this build is."
"The zombies are the ones that I actually want to kill a lot of."
"The fruit gives you the ultimate freedom. The freedom to fight however you want."
"Horizon's air maneuverability and overall moveset can make her an extremely difficult legend to fight against."
"An armor version of the tractor cannon... if you're finishing off a low level enemy with a melee ability, it's gonna explode and you're going to get a lot of people with that weakened effect."
"Wipe them out absolutely 100% wipe them out."
"Charybdis is an area of denial attack that behemoth will pump out if you don't control him properly."
"Upgrades if you're a war minded player because you're watching my channel you probably are you definitely want to fill this on your balloon your hogs and your golems."
"Don't worry about it because it's not the end of the world."
"The MG 15 Storm... will let you take on more enemies at once."
"Every game is the same on the surface: you do whatever the objective is and kill anybody in your way."
"The assault machine gun is an extremely powerful gun... how easy it is to take people out... even people with Ruby armor."
"You cannot stand against the assault machine-gun... it's a really good gun."
"This is stuff that I'm not even kidding you is the reason you're gonna win fights."
"Experience what it's like to KO every single opponent with one punch."
"A shieldless rein is usseless, it's free ultimate charge and it allows your teammates as well to follow up on the pressure that you created."
"Echo definitely has a slight advantage against Zen because he's not mobile and if you land your sticky bombs on him you're almost guaranteed to kill."
"If you're not moving forward in battle, you're moving backwards."
"If you're able to play this without outcast, you get to attack two minions and you take no damage in response, and that is just amazing no matter how you look at it."
"It literally choke slams them on the ground which is insane."
"One Piece fights are always amazing, I just love watching Luffy figure out a creative way to defeat this one."
"Kong seems to take a more strategic approach to combat."
"Mark eliminated a Jiralhanae warrior by paralyzing it with a precise blade strike to the spine."
"Let's just ensure that we can kill him or well preferably subdue him but our guys are too strong we're hit too hard we've done it first one down."
"Actual combat... Flux is possibly the most important statistic..."
"Panic stuns enemies for a couple seconds and it's very, very strong. Don't underrate it."
"The first star fighter to spot the enemy almost always wins."
"In fights, being the aggressor grants combat advantage, ensuring that you go first."
"Our shots do not have the effective range to make it that far in which is even better."
"In systems like this, especially if you're used to things like Dungeons and Dragons and other systems out there, combat or encounters are not about who does the most damage to victory. It's a problem-solving experience."
"And that's the end of the battle there. The medieval knights did manage to get the dubski."
"The combat is at its best when you swap between suits on the fly."
"There is hardly any reason for him not to use this technique."
"He soon bounces away from the Cyclops's grip to begin his rematch against him."
"It is simultaneously offensive and defensive, it ends fights early, and prevents the need for further violence."
"Shelling damage is hit zone value independent."
"For being such a low level, I'm quite happy with how we did against the enemy."
"Savage because if you're able to take down an enemy who has no curse energy."
"Our goal is to take out a few of you, maybe just one, then we're leaving."
"It's such a badass concept to defeat an opponent and then take his weapon and master it."
"The drowned necromancer should be inside and I'd have the most chance of survival if I snuck inside to fight him."
"It unlocks some interesting abilities for you and allows you to really play around with combat in a deep way."
"Every little ounce of damage on the opponent's base is very important."
"If Yamamoto can kill Aizen with his Bankai before the Hogyoku starts to break him down, I think he's probably won this fight."
"How can you fight an enemy that you don't even know is there?"
"Geralt's fighting style makes a lot of sense."
"Welcome to Broken Ranks, where combat is turn-based, and tactics are key."
"Weapons will all fall into one of three classifications: ballistic, energy, or electromagnetic."
"I think her trait will be really good for people who really know how to dodge dip dive duck and dodge it's called acquisition and when you get damaged by an enemy they will get spotted."
"The French are not out yet, they're not out yet. They're still fighting."
"Sturgian heavy Spearman pair perfectly with their shock troops, allowing for solid combat performance against larger numbers."
"The best way to combat bad information is good information."
"He could hurt Kaido using his hardened Gear Third, whereas he previously could not even while using Gear Fourth."
"All you gotta do is spam Crucio at the start of a fight, curse every enemy on screen, then hit somebody, hit anybody with Avada Kedavra, and that is it. They're all dead, battle over, boom."
"If anybody shoots on me, they get choked. Come on, Gracie style."
"Make the most of your magic powers. Those special techniques will be the key to victory."
"I think Sisters are a strong book, if you get into medium range with Sisters, you're in trouble."
"One shot can change the course of the fight."
"That damage certainly has potential for a bit of a double swing."
"Buffs and debuffs make a huge difference in fights."
"Baiting means tricking the enemy into using an important move."
"How will you fight without a weapon? My friends are my power."
"Be aggressive, sometimes your armor will work, sometimes your armor won't work."
"Proximity mines are very effective against tanks and ATVs."
"Domino for the damage, man, getting into those longer fights."
"Being able to move yourself out of harm's way during combat without requiring the time concentration and spell slot to cast fly is fantastic."
"Look at the way it blows. It must be like this. Don't let its cuddly appearance fool you. It's one of the most aerodynamic fighters out there."
"One blow from that sword could do more damage than two of yours, Pit. Be careful."
"Breathe, Pit. Focus on Young Link's short reach. He may be fast, but try to out-range him and anticipate his movements."
"It was probably one of the most perfect starts to the fight that you could ever ask for."
"That's how you stop a fight... and that's what Benavidez did."
"Every time I hit someone I basically kill them which means every time I hit someone I get six HP back."
"Be behind solid cover. Be where you can shoot him and he can't shoot you."
"This battle is just kind of turning upside down where the attackers like it seemed like they weren't getting any ground they weren't having any luck trying to break through and now they are just causing chaos."