
International Perspective Quotes

There are 91 quotes

"Governments have a conscience...I've seen governments in other parts of the world do things to humans that we in the Western world would be absolutely appalled by."
"We are not a respected country anymore, we are laughed at all over the world."
"We have done a phenomenal job on COVID-19. I get calls from other people in other countries; they can't believe the job we've done."
"I watch every day for the last three weeks from Germany. I cried of hope and anger. Canada is leading the way. I'm in awe. You're an anti-depressant."
"America is the freest country in the world, just ask anyone who's never been outside of the country."
"Localization is now more integral to the design process, with international gamers in mind from the start."
"I truly wish we were international women, but we thought what better day to share a very, very special, an intimate story."
"But some countries like Singapore and Canada are in the forefront saying, 'Let's figure out—maybe this technology will make the payment system, and thus the system of Fiat money more resilient.'"
"Thank you for all your work. Go fast and amazing greetings from Sweden."
"Since the first days of the war, the determination and resistance shown by the Ukrainian Army has been watched with great admiration all over the world."
"Is there just this many choices in your local supermarket in the country you're from let me know maybe where you're from and where you go shopping at as a comparison."
"No country in the world can yet say that they have achieved gender equality."
"If you're watching us from Canada, you'd think of this country as being free and open."
"Schools in Ghana are good and what you see when you see people... move to the west... is those exceptional students."
"The world is beginning to unlock, but the media treats the situation as though the U.S. exists in a vacuum."
"The Democratic party is a center-conservative party and Joe Biden would be an extreme radical right-winger in any other country in Europe."
"Their actions showed the world that despite the Kremlin's propaganda, there are Russian people who profoundly disagree with what he is doing in Ukraine."
"All you have to do is look at Hong Kong and look at Taiwan during this covert situation and see how they supported themselves and how they acted and how they added to the world."
"It's a threat to democracy when we do it on this side of the Atlantic as well."
"It defaults to Celsius instead of Fahrenheit, a win for civilized countries ladies and gentlemen all around the world."
"The veil of secrecy surrounding UFOs is not unique to the United States. Contrary to popular belief, it is not an exclusive realm of the US government."
"There is that American flag flying in Hong Kong."
"There's always a higher risk if any country's got a higher rate than you have."
"Switzerland has long held a reputation amongst American gun owners."
"I'm upset and upset for the United States of America that many of my friends who live overseas... I can't believe that a former president of the United States has been indicted."
"When you leave the United States, people are not looking for a reason to be offended."
"There's a real threat here, a dangerous oppressive regime with powerful weapons. But the threat presents very differently for the people here, much differently than the fear that we feel an ocean away."
"Being a global citizen is about seeing beyond national boundaries... understand global issues and be an integral part of the solution."
"The rest of the world looks at this and they shake their head."
"If Sweden does it, it's probably a bad idea."
"Australia is always a great place to look at what's coming over to us next."
"Some people might like Israel more than the United States, probably like 80% of people would sign up for it."
"Any person with a modicum of instruction in the affairs of our time clearly sees the current inferiority of Muslim countries... This senseless pride is the radical flaw of the Muslim."
"We can learn so much by comparing one country with another."
"It blows my mind when I go to other countries and the cops don't have guns."
"I have the feeling that here in England and in your country it is there's a huge value for the tradition of this cup." - Chelsea manager
"Nobody is more racist against people of African descent than the Chinese everybody should look into it."
"Hi from Germany. Studying for the bar exam in Chicago, only a couple of weeks away."
"If that was in Russia or China what would we be saying?"
"The French of all people are coming out against the woke culture of American leftism."
"Art has no borders and I really want to see, we live in a world now where I think it's important for us to open our minds to artistry outside of our boundaries."
"Every single country deals with the same issues that we deal with...yet we are the only country in the world that has to deal with this."
"Our economy is performing significantly better than Europe."
"We look like clowns to the rest of the world when we walk this stuff out." - Emily Compagno
"For a lot of countries in Asia and elsewhere, it's almost like the world can't be into when the US is kind of torn."
"You know, it's fighting as far as the leadership of Russia as far as the leadership ship of Ukraine just to be clear there are good people in Russia and there are good people in Ukraine."
"It seems like they do things a little bit differently in Russia."
"If you want to know how the United States treats black people at home, look at how they treat them abroad."
"If this were happening in another country, the United Nations would call it a cultural genocide."
"Nothing's really any good. Russia's rotten, we admit it. But Britain is just as bad and America's just as bad."
"It's all right UK government are going to talk about it but it impacts us all because we're all if you know they're English clubs so I get it but ultimately not all clubs are supported by English fans or UK British fans."
"People in other countries who are forced to think in two different currencies have a much better understanding of what's going on right now than many people who have only ever had to think in dollars."
"Every other industrial developed country does that provide medical insurance for everybody."
"First time catching you guys, thanks for changing my mind and giving me a more nuanced view of China."
"Trudeau's credibility has been destroyed across the world by his response to this."
"End in two days in India I think the world sort of does look the other way."
"He's the best candidate out there, he's the best in my lifetime."
"Farmers are saying we've had it, this is why you're seeing Farmers not just in France, not just in Germany, not just in Greece."
"One of the greatest achievements of Ukraine in this still ongoing war is that they were able to show the rest of the world that Putin is not as scary as he seems."
"Some of the greatest innovation is happening in countries outside of the United States lately."
"It's already too late and the US is not the be-all and end-all of the world anymore."
"The first day or so we all pointed to our countries. The third or fourth day we were pointing to our continents. By the fifth day, we were aware of only one Earth."
"It's not just a conflict of interest, it's not just wildly improper conduct, it's a joke and America, the American legal court system is on trial here and the International Community is laughing its heads off."
"I like to point out to American viewers, this is not how it's done elsewhere in the world."
"Mali could be an underdog. They make a lot of money and they're not that far away from South America."
"Americans Surprise People From Other Countries With Their Relentlessly Positive Outlook On Life."
"In many ways, it's a classic battle. It's American bang for buck versus European culture and sophistication."
"The more you grow, the more you're able to see through the other nation's lives."
"India today, in itself, is a great business opportunity, a compelling business opportunity that's forcing the world to sit up and take notice."
"There's no explanation for this, other countries look at us like, are you insane?"
"You don't realize the fuck shit of America until you leave America."
"People are interested in critical voices outside the U.S."
"After recently spending a few weeks in Europe, the subject of America's presidential election was a constant topic of intense curiosity and concern among the people I spoke to."
"Many of these organizations and ministries had vast global um outreach efforts and so since this book has been published I have now heard from it got a lot of international media attention the book did which means I've heard from a lot of global Christians."
"It is absolutely critical that we have Africans that we have Russians that we have Chinese in the School Committee because you cannot decide on the Khan future of Europe on your own."
"This is one of those really interesting things that is so different between countries that I just want to talk a lot about."
"... we'll think about constitutional amendments... and I'm also struck when I'm reading cases from other countries..."
"What better way to celebrate the 4th of July than to have an Australian on."
"The professors are very, very respectful, which is a very big thing for me as an international student."
"Soccer is an international sport and in order for it to grow you need to take the international perspective."
"Have your goals, know what you want to do, select any country, it doesn't have to be America."
"There are not as many cars in Holland as there are in Houston."
"When I speak of precedent, are you aware that women of both Australia and New Zealand have had the right to vote for almost 10 years? Well, I'd say it's time we caught up with our antipodal sisters."
"It's pretty interesting to look at this and realize how much bigger India and China are than the US."
"Men overseas typically take better care of themselves than American men do."