
Government Actions Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"Governments have a conscience...I've seen governments in other parts of the world do things to humans that we in the Western world would be absolutely appalled by."
"These are people who have been treated to mental disturbance courtesy of the American federal government."
"If the government stifles this, criminalizes it, and sways public opinion, we're concerned for the future of Canada."
"But elegant solutions in governments and central banks lead to unintended consequences."
"The government chased away a lot of vendors especially those who are potential dissidents preventing them from selling their goods."
"These statements by the Ukrainian government... caused a great panic in the Kremlin Palace."
"When governments want to screw around with the currency, they will screw around with the currency."
"Just because I acknowledge that's real doesn't mean I'm automatically going to support everything that this government does."
"All caused by a government acting against the interests of its own people."
"If there was really no blame here, if this was really just some naturally occurring virus because someone ate a bat from a wet market, China wouldn't have done the things that they did."
"For now, it suffices to say that the unusual developments in this case provide at least a plausible reason to question the core bona fides of the government's motion."
"I thought that was an inappropriate action by a government official let alone the White House."
"When governments are desperate they do desperate things."
"This has caused quite rightly quite a lot of outrage because it's seemed as deeply sexist the government in this case have responded to that backlash by pulling the ad."
"The USDA is trying to strip that away from us and they're willing to lock up an Amish farmer uh in order to prove their point and bankrupt them in the process if they can."
"There are more disturbing than the government's attempts are the people who are going along to support it."
"I lost faith in the government in 9/11... I know that they were doing some shady stuff."
"The American government is attempting to do indirectly what the First Amendment unambiguously prohibits directly."
"The Chinese Communist Party did a whole pile of things at the start of the pandemic that made it infinitely worse."
"Governments all over the world have spent a massive amount of money and resources looking for more ruthless and effective ways to kill people."
"We have a right to know that which is done to us and that which is done in our name by our governments."
"Everybody has skin in the game. It makes the government much more reluctant to do things that continue to raise taxes."
"The federal government has aligned itself with the far left... we are now seeing the federal government seeking to destroy the lives of Trump supporters."
"All Chinese Communist secret police stations in Canada have been shut down."
"That's not really the point, the point is the federal government is effectively stealing kids away from their parents."
"These acts of warfare against a population by its own supposedly ders, how is that anything but treason?"
"I don't see a particular risk...simply because governments have simpler more popular ways to steal."
"Genocide is death by government. It's the number one leading cause of death in human history."
"If you want to be scared of what your government is doing, this is the time to be scared."
"The Federal Reserve is a sneaky way for the government to essentially create money out of thin air."
"The US and Canadian governments are banning TikTok over security concerns, as the app’s parent company is a Chinese company linked to the Chinese Communist Party."
"I don't think Trump is actually going to designate Antifa as a terror organization. He lies about almost all of his intentions and barely is able to get anything that he wants to get done."
"These are acts of aggression and hostility aimed at America. No American president has ever explicitly declared war on his own population, and yet, for the Biden administration, it is a near weekly occurrence."
"Beijing's crackdown on religion isn't letting up."
"When they're shutting down bank accounts, freezing your banks, do you realize how dangerous and dark things are getting?"
"Am I happy about the pardon? No, cuz none of this should have fucking happened."
"Many people still believe his story, and they claim that the government has sponsored a disinformation campaign to discredit him."
"The shoot down order says they know something and they're still covering that up."
"Emergency powers are being invoked by a number of dictatorial governments very close to home now our neighbors up in Canada with the Trudeau government of course Jacinda down there in New Zealand."
"Canadians are going to judge these by the federal government on the Emergencies Act on two grounds. One, it is a means to an end and is it an effective means to an end in terms of bringing this protest movement to a close."
"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you can imagine."
"The federal government shaped the rules of online discussion in unprecedented and unnerving ways during the pandemic."
"The Constitution has been absolutely destroyed by the current government."
"There hasn't been one arrest and now he's participating in an illegal, unconstitutional, and totally unnecessary lockdown of the American people."
"Everything that they've done so far has only sowed concern, has only sowed sort of chaos in terms of the public's perception of what is going on."
"Most of what you hear termed as 'abductions', are conducted by your own 'governments'."
"It's the most unamerican thing I remember a president doing probably since immigration but but but you know this kind of blatant force into cities that aren't asking for it it's really it's terrifying stuff."
"Hundreds of thousands of war and other Turkic women have been sterilized by the Chinese government."
"Any of us that understand the blessings we have in this American Dream need to fight for it."
"This just made them look extremely heavy-handed and ultimately really backfired."
"If the Department of Justice's actions turn out to be unjustified, then responsible officials should be held accountable."
"It's not only unprecedented, like I explained in my previous vlog, it defies an authority from the Supreme Court that was rendered unanimously."
"The shutdown having real-world consequences."
"This is the biggest violation of civil rights. This is the biggest discriminatory action by the government since Jim Crow."
"The Chinese government is trying to erase their culture and religion."
"This happened as a result of a government decision. We're going to establish what happened, who's responsible, and what it means for us."
"This is the federal government freezing the assets and shutting down the bank accounts of its political opponents who are peacefully protesting."
"We've done a fantastic job, but it hasn't been appreciated, even the closing down of the borders, which had never been done."
"The world government can absolutely justify an insane bounty that dwarfs anything that we have ever seen."
"There is a narrative that is being built across the world that the government is perpetuating... ethnic cleansing mode."
"The sanctions we're levying right now are against the behavior of Russia's government, not the behavior of their people. That is not democracy. Their people are not responsible for what their leader is doing."
"What actually happened was the United States government gave its blessing to the Republic of Venezuela."
"This is an absolutely extremist out of control government in Israel; it needs to be stopped from these murderous actions."
"Since 2010, there are two million fewer people living in poverty thanks to the actions of this and previous conservative government."
"She says her constituents worry about how having how to make ends meet it's precisely why this government is a government that has continued to increase the national living wage that has been put through tax and put through tax cuts for millions of people in this country."
"The secular government had a long history of persecuting and killing people who were innocent."
"Whatever actions the government takes here must not in any form or fashion be interpreted as adverse to our unwavering commitment to the working people of this country."