
Consumer Rights Quotes

There are 1178 quotes

"The concept of having access to physical media actually means that the user gets ultimately a much better deal."
"Ticket Master is a horrible monopoly that can charge astronomical fees because they have almost no competition."
"If you advertise a feature, you don't get to take it away with an update."
"At a certain point, a franchise no longer deserves your loyalty. In some instances, a franchise never truly deserved your loyalty from the beginning."
"You are not obligated to buy or pay for anything they offer in the finance office, no matter what they say."
"After the pandemic, I really just didn't feel the need to return after a palpable creative stagnation and the introduction of blatant anti-consumer practices."
"Counterfeit goods...ruin the trust built between brand owners and consumers."
"It’s an ecosystem that absolutely demolishes consumer protections and makes the re-implementation of them extremely difficult."
"The customer as a collective is always right because they can choose what they will and won't buy."
"It's actually possible to refund a product that was bought at full price which then within the 14-day period went on sale, and they will not consider that abuse."
"Advertising-funded search engines will be inherently biased towards the advertisers and away from the needs of the consumers."
"Only when you were forced to give back refunds by your publisher did they start issuing them. They say in an interview, 'Well, that was our plan all along to refund everyone.' Aren't we saintly? Oh, [expletive] off, you lying sacks."
"Judge Gladys Kessler ruled in the plaintiff's favor, agreeing that the tobacco companies had been lying to their consumers. As part of Judge Kessler's ruling, tobacco companies were finally forced to admit that they had lied in the past and had known that cigarettes and other tobacco products were dangerous."
"We deserve to make decisions on what we're consuming based on accurate information."
"I think that any game where you buy something in the game and you don't know what you're getting, that shouldn't happen; you should always know what you're buying whenever you spend money on a game."
"Right to repair is the idea that you should be able to fix what you own."
"Over the past several years, companies across all industries have been eroding the definition of ownership."
"I do not want to live in a world where my children spend money on a book that can be removed from their account at any time."
"Consumers should not have to pay higher prices because companies violate antitrust laws."
"I want my kids to live in a world where when they buy something, they actually own it."
"Anytime you purchase something that requires internet connectivity to work, they can take away features and functionality after the sale."
"Everybody's going to say, 'Man, when did it happen?' and you won't be able to point to any individual instance because there wasn't any individual that was at fault. Rather, it was a slow march towards just not having any consumer rights."
"It is in an unacceptable state; it shouldn't even be allowed to be sold in the state that it's in on PC."
"You deserve to know what's in your multivitamin."
"It's not something that a corporation renowned for already doing anti-consumer practices is going to do right."
"You pay for your internet; you should get your internet. If you pay for 50 megabit, you should get 50 megabit."
"People should be able to do what they want with the stuff that they buy."
"Verizon admitted that it was throttling videos and, surprise surprise, just months later offered to stop throttling videos if customers paid an extra $10 per month fee."
"At the end of the day, this is not going to be good for the consumers."
"The sad part about this is with the whole FCC getting rid of net neutrality is that now you have the government working on behalf of these companies to rip out the consumers."
"Consumers are entitled to access the lawful Internet content of their choice."
"Rockstar is the prime example of why backwards compatibility is so useful as it stops companies from re-releasing a 10-year-old game without major improvements and charge a premium."
"Do what you think is right by the people buying the stuff."
"I think committing to replaceable components and designing it from the ground up to be more easily repairable is great, A+."
"When you buy something in 2023, you don't really own it; you own the right to use it until the company decides that you don't anymore."
"We are being scammed out here for real. We are paying so much for literally so little."
"Valve took the side of free speech and consumer choice, deciding that they would not restrict content if it was deemed offensive."
"What are people doing? Somebody who can afford a Model X is now looking to bring a class action lawsuit against Tesla because they missed a free supercharging offer. Come on, folks, let's do better than this."
"Apples like we are sick and tired of finding out that someone one of these data brokers has managed to find a back door."
"Tax prep companies have sabotaged the free file program; they've tricked and trapped American taxpayers."
"If you pay for a product, you should own that product until the end of time, and companies shouldn't be able to decide one day that they can just take that away from you."
"Right to repair isn't about easy repair, it's about getting access to components not being blocked by massive manufacturers over things that should be easily acquired."
"The executive order would be the first of its kind for the right to repair initiative in the U.S. anyway and would direct the Federal Trade Commission...to draft new rules and regulations regarding consumer repair laws."
"DRM vs. consumer rights is a debate about increasingly intrusive DRM that makes demands of the consumer."
"Anyone that argues against right to repair or free and open competition is just incorrect."
"You want competition. The more the absolute merrier."
"No consumer should oppose... the right to uninstall pre-loaded apps."
"People asking for refunds is more than reasonable at this stage."
"Blizzard is subject to penalty under 15 U.S. code 50 for false advertisement law."
"If we bought a game, we should still be able to play it long after the publisher drops support."
"Valve should take more responsibility for consumer protection."
"It holds them accountable as an airline. Do you think you should be entitled to compensation? Absolutely, yeah."
"Imagine that: lobbyists give thousands of dollars to politicians and, surprise surprise, they vote against consumer rights."
"Not letting companies get away with that kind of nonsense is the way that we build a better industry for everybody."
"If you ask me, one of the most important aspects of any game company worth scrutinizing nowadays is their refund policy."
"The deceitful proclivities of greedy game companies make it more important than ever that customers are given reasonable means to get their money back."
"Of course, people should get refunds if they are not getting what they were promised."
"Video game publishers are making billions selling you a game as a good, not telling you how long it will last, purposefully killing it later so you're left with nothing, but then they get to keep your money."
"Seeing games destroyed to me is the same as if someone were to walk into an art museum and start torching the paintings."
"It's such an obvious assault on consumer rights."
"Digital storefronts like Steam and GOG... have the right idea as far as refund policy is concerned."
"One quote that I like here is from Thomas B. Paul, acting director of the FTC's Bureau of Consumer Protection. He said, 'Provisions that tie warranty coverage to the use of particular products or services harm both consumers, who pay more for them, as well as the small businesses who offer competing products and services.'"
"I certainly wish to see us endowed with a right to repair the things we own."
"Giving something an artificial expiration date just to ensure you can sell more is, uh, pretty gross!"
"If you pay a subscription fee, you should have access to the whole game."
"If the company is not providing a workable, playable version of the game that people can use, then other people privately who own the game should be able to do that themselves."
"It is very obvious that anyone who is against right to repair just plain does not care about their constituents and just plain does not care about their users and finally just plain does not care about the environment."
"If your car is going to collect data on you, you should get to choose who has access to that data, whether it's you, your uncle, your cousin Bob, the mechanic down the street, or the dealer."
"You should have access to your data. You bought the car, you spent 20 or 40 or 80,000 on this vehicle; you have paid for something that's collecting data on you."
"If you own a car, you should be able to have that data, the repair data on your car, you should have access to it, and you should have the ability to forward that data to the repair shop of your choice."
"We got to fight for our right to use cash. Keep using it, everybody needs to do this because what happened to you could happen to me and others."
"If Burger King wants my business, but the employees there are like 'I'm sorry, man, the government's making me do it,' that's all I need to hear."
"Imagine the anger disappointment and fury you would feel as a soldier fighting in a war at that exact time where your brothers and sisters in arms had died for the cause and not one of their names was mentioned."
"No business is above the law. You can't have fizz fight fridays here's all of the laws that protect your mask-free shopping."
"I think the beginning of the rollback against all this is simply to say no to the abuse of monopolies."
"I believe in the freedom of consumer choice."
"Apple really need to lift their game they're not even off the floor they need to at least lift them off the floor out of the gutter to make products more repairable."
"Sony's approach is a huge win for consumer choice."
"Right to repair means you have the right to repair it. You can still go out and buy a new one, or you can have someone else exercise their right to repair it for you."
"A business model that is designed to force you to buy more is unethical at best, which in my mind is just another word for something that should be illegal, but just isn't yet."
"Consumers are allowed to push back against that very thing, such as the nature of freedom of speech."
"I think every Australian should have the right to know what safety or security they may be giving up as a result of going onto a ship."
"Getting it right means no loot boxes whatsoever."
"Whenever you buy a product and it doesn't function in the way that it was advertised, that's a scam."
"Restrictive data caps are bad for consumers and the internet in general."
"Is there a larger point to truth in advertising?"
"This is the first video where I didn't get ripped off."
"Some online sellers mislead their customers."
"Rocket Money has canceled around $500 million in subscriptions."
"They can be either to play the game revoked or transformed at the sole discretion of a publisher without warning... rendering the product unplayable."
"You should not have to buy something and wonder gosh I don't know when's it going to stop working forever."
"People have rights and those rights supersede EUAs and terms of service of a video game."
"You're seeing these companies using the government as a tool to assert an unethical level of control over the consumer."
"Even if the family who run chick-fil-a are the most opposed to gay marriage ever, I still think if some people want to eat their chicken nuggets they should have the damn right to do so."
"You should never be ashamed to ask for your change."
"It is time for a third-party organization with higher jurisdiction to break the door down and regulate an industry that actively chooses to remain complicit in anti-consumer practices."
"Locking premium parts of your full priced game behind hours of grind or spending even more money feels wrong."
"The problem isn't that it takes a long time to unlock characters, the problem is that you can spend money to bypass the time."
"Everything that you buy in a video game, you should know exactly what you're buying."
"When you buy a DVD, you are endorsing one film and not another... the film is now yours, no company can take it away."
"Your data is worth much more to them than one dollar a year."
"Yelp is a service that I had used as a consumer many times... the practices that Yelp was using sounded illegal."
"If what she was saying was true... I just found thousands and thousands of stories all saying the same thing."
"Transparency to consumers is really important."
"Every single person in this country should have Attorney Shield on their phone."
"If WWE can't protect them during this time, it's worthy of not paying $10 a month to the WWE Network."
"The only thing an insurance policy is good for is getting the right to sue your insurance company."
"You're attacking access to the things that they love while simultaneously promising nothing to step in and give them that access yourself."
"You need to completely refund anyone who purchased the pack, you shouldn't be keeping any profit off this."
"Do what you feel is right, and if part of that is boycotting the game, it's not spending money, it's Pokémon No Day. Do it, man, you know what I'm saying, do it. That is your choice, and I fully support your choice."
"Legal proceedings against Sony PlayStation will hold them accountable for excessive pricing."
"Collective proceedings like this are vital to hold large companies accountable."
"Calling these loot boxes surprise mechanics is ridiculous on just about every level."
"It's the idea that when you buy something, you own it. The idea that when what you own breaks, you shouldn't simply have to replace everything on it to make it work again."
"For the most part, you can buy whatever you want on eBay and if it's not right, always get your money back."
"When you buy a product, you own it and you should be allowed to repair." - Bruce Geiger
"We're just missing the opportunity... to restore the right to fix our stuff." - Gay Gordon Byrne
"Ownership aspects and really the resale aspects too if you can't repair something and fix it what's the value of that thousand dollar iPhone that you just bought?"
"Your lipstick isn't safe if you're finding metal shards in it."
"This is like if you've got a remote control and instead of using double A batteries it was like 'no, you got to buy our special batteries.'"
"The Insidious nature and the absolute Shameless behavior that really makes even a scumbag like me just stand back with astonishment."
"Game preservation is super duper important and I think you should own what you buy."
"You deserve to own and keep your copy, no matter when you bought it."
"Riot needs to swallow some of their profits and let people get free skins if you hit a higher rank than you ended last season."
"Review bombing is a consequence of the decisions made by the companies. People have a right to express their opinions, whether positive or negative."
"To say that this is all done to human error and customer error and potentially that it was because they didn't cook it long enough or to the right temperature, I think is bullshit, frankly."
"No loot boxes either, this is actually a pretty pro consumer move."
"People have been noticing character locks happening; boosted characters may be locked if you refund the pre-order."
"Consumers deserve transparency and the freedom to make informed choices based on their values and beliefs."
"It is 100% of the prerogative of consumers who feel that that is morally corrupt to no longer support that brand. It is a thousand percent our prerogative."
"Huge big surprise also the European Union is thinking about introducing a right to repair legislation."
"Your data is definitely captured profiled and used against you in a mass way."
"Skin tone shouldn't be a park, it should be a free update. 100%."
"It's not a lot to ask when you're paying 60 bucks."
"Cloud storage for save games should not be locked behind an online subscription."
"Nintendo decided that their creators program was going to rule how YouTubers made content."
"Vega+ refunds request page reaches another milestone."
"One area where they're giving something back to us is in our right to enjoy the content however we see fit."
"What's more pro-consumer than making online free again?"
"Hey, I'll be more than happy to pay MSRP, but I won't pay for your market adjustment."
"The slow erosion of ownership of anything in our lives is not fun. I'm not a fan of it."
"The lack of price transparency in the funeral industry."
"Maybe it's because there's a lot of anti-consumer practices going on in the gaming industry."
"I see that as a loss, not a victory. The more corporate-friendly text gives consumers and independent repair shops less access to parts and tools."
"It's such a blatant rip-off of a small brand."
"Support a store who actually cares about you... they don't care about the consumer... they're going to be long gone."
"I don't think you should support anybody that charges you a fee to play to upgrade your version of the game that you already purchased."
"If you're funding a company whose founder is donating to political campaigns that you fundamentally disagree with you have every right to not support that company anymore."
"The biggest victims of all this are normal people who simply wanted greater financial independence and ended up getting essentially scammed."
"Purchasing a game should allow you to play that version of that game on whatever hardware that version of that game runs on."
"Owning your games is something that we should be fighting for."
"Some things people have a right to know: when the pharmaceutical company is lying to their customers, when the intelligence agencies are targeting Americans, when school teachers or union officials are covering up statutory rape."
"Honestly, in 30 years of gaming, I think this is the most despicable, disgusting thing I've ever seen in my life."
"When you buy a game physically and it doesn't say 'internet required' on the box... you can stick that disc into your PlayStation, install it without the internet, and play it start to finish."
"Companies take responsibility for their products and fix them, that's what matters."
"Food delivery apps should be much more transparent."
"Players spend 100 billion dollars each year on items that you don't own. This is wrong."
"Your device is yours to do anything you want with, and I really believe in that."
"I always hate it when these companies lie to us."
"Diablo Immortal...took basically every idea from the big box of abusive monetization."
"What people don't understand is just how low of a bar that was to hurdle and how much of a slap in the face the last decade of Madden titles have been to the hardcore crowd."
"Did you know that 7 out of 10 credit reports have an error on them?"
"Fuck loot boxes, fuck micro-transactions, and fuck popping new money-making schemes into games after release."
"Your ability to be forewarned about the games you buy has been made that much harder by these duplicitous tactics."
"Going after price gougers... is good. Adam Conover's Netflix series is pretty good at showcasing stuff we take for granted."
"Right to repair is very important for all those things."
"You cannot give up on your dreams of becoming a doctor. You can't let anybody talk you out of it and even if you're not doing well up onto what you need to do you just got to work extra hard until you make your dreams come true."
"The right to repair movement has put a spotlight on some of Apple's predatory business practices."
"People have to fight for their right to repair the things they buy."
"They were missing a product... I think they're right to ask for their money back."
"The right to repair is the glitch to the property-less future before us."
"A game that doesn't have loot boxes is automatically more ethical than a game that does. It's that simple."
"This is never good and always bad for the consumer when this kind of fragmentation happens."
"A 70 dollar entry ticket to a game with a high chance of demanding even more money once I get in there's no real [ __ ] excuse for it."
"Legislators need to acknowledge that loot boxes can pose a significant problem for the consumers."
"If you terminate somebody's account and they're no longer able to use the product that they paid for, then you should have to fully reimburse them."
"When you have nothing at your core, there's no substance that you're doing it purely to rip off people."
"Finally, the consumer isn't getting totally screwed here."
"It's within the customers right to reject these offerings and vote with their wallets."
"Big firms like Apple and Microsoft voluntarily announce changes to their policies so that consumers can readily repair their own phones and laptops."
"App Tracking Transparency: a simple new feature that puts your data back in your control."
"If you are having problems with the diva curl products I do recommend you filling out that form to file a cosmetic complaint."
"It's fair. They don't abuse you with loot crates. They don't hide all the best cosmetics in the cash shop. And they don't even put the cash shop in the game."
"First, we are finalizing the rule that will compel hospitals to publish prices publicly online for everyone to see and compare."
"Second, we're putting forward a proposed rule to require health insurance providers to disclose their pricing information to consumers."
"That's what's crazy about it... if the service effectively makes your account vulnerable or it can get your IP leaked or something like that then that's really, really bad."
"False advertisement is fittingly enough exactly what it says on the tin."
"Hopefully, situations like this force companies to do better." - "Hopefully, situations like this force companies to do better."
"People deserve simple beautiful home essentials without the luxury price."
"The fact that they thought this product was okay to release on their own like is just for the company the billion dollar company that has the resources that they do to release a product like this is disgusting."
"Third-party repair is essential and critical to the functioning of the United States healthcare system."
"It's un-American to be told you're too dumb to fix what you own."
"Doom Eternal will not have microtransactions or an in-game store."
"I do take some degree of umbrage with Blizzard for making this possible and I think it's bad for the game."
"Consumers deserve to have someone whose job it is to look out for them."
"Our identities are being sold by data Brokers with ease."
"There's never going to be a solution that is like this benefits the publisher and the developer and the consumer."
"This bill will expand consumer choices in a current non-competitive market."
"Corporate America wants is for you to give up."
"Taking something that you acquired for free and selling it at an absurd markup is a straightforward rip-off."