
Personal Voice Quotes

There are 85 quotes

"My voice was the only thing that I had that was mine."
"There's so much noise around us... and in trying to comply with all that noise, we forget to listen to our own voice."
"I'm the only one who can tell that story the way that I can, and through that, I can hopefully develop a voice."
"The more you create, the more you're going to learn what is your voice, the more you're going to develop that voice too."
"The problem arises where you put yourself last and where you let people dictate the decisions in your life. That's where it's an issue, where you forget who you are and what you want, you don't speak out."
"It's going to be so refreshing to hear from her."
"I will be honest with you, I haven't been back to court in a long time because I don't think I was heard on any level."
"I needed to be using my voice in a way to change the world."
"Every content creator knows this... do I make the video that is the truest reflection of my voice of who I am?"
"But I've decided not to do that, and the reason I've decided not to do that is because that would allow external factors to affect my voice."
"Communication is key... and the voice is priceless."
"Only through experimentation will you find what works best for your artistic voice."
"Each and every person, regardless of their experience, has a voice and has a story that deserves to be told."
"Use your own voice and don't allow others to speak on your behalf."
"People are hungry for different voices, which is why yourself, which is why I can build up an audience just by saying something a little bit different."
"Write in your own voice that's true to your personality. That's going to build relatability, trust, and credibility with your audience."
"It's time for you to speak up for what you believe in."
"Trust your voice and not listen to all the talking around you."
"Ultimately, what's important to understand is that you do have a voice."
"Everybody screams, the only question is what will you say?"
"Just encouraging the people who are going through this to use their voice and to voice what they know is right."
"Your blessings this month is that you've actually found your voice."
"I feel like knowing that people are connecting with our stories personally, it made me feel like wanting to speak up even more."
"I think the audience always responds to someone owning their voice."
"I realized that I had a voice that I could trust, my intuition."
"I made music because this is how I can speak through what I gotta do."
"Your voice will be a catalyst for healing in others."
"I have a voice because of boxing, and from that point of view, it's very much appreciated." - Chris Eubank Sr.
"Don't let the abusive family system still take away your ability to use your voice."
"It invites you to consider what your unique voice is and how it is that you can translate that into an entrepreneurial endeavor."
"Your voice is not small, it just needs to be heard."
"Nobody likes to hear it, everybody wants to be rich."
"Just giving me the chance to express myself."
"Listen to many voices, but the main voice is your own."
"Once you're guided by that, you'll be kept safe."
"You're finally going to feel as though you have a voice."
"I think that she just wants to speak her mind."
"Your voice matters. Hey, say it, speak it up."
"There are no unique messages, there are only unique messengers."
"Be unapologetically yourself, read the lines in your own voice."
"We learned very well. We got a lot of people... If we didn't have social media, I'd have no voice."
"To continue on this platform, I couldn't hide behind voiceovers or production... it had to be my voice and my ideas that carried me forward."
"The best advice I could give is use your voice."
"You just have to be authentic and let your voice carry you."
"Don't take people's jokes, don't do that, you'll never find your voice doing somebody else."
"Your voice and your opinions totally matter."
"People want to see people that have got like a personal voice and have got a different way of doing things."
"I started out on my blog. I had things that I wanted to say, and I said them."
"They made a big mistake dropping you. It's your voice."
"It's very important to have a voice."
"I think reading memoirs, there was something about a voice crying out of the wilderness of lived experience."
"You have to find your voice, and you have a voice, and that's important."
"Music is my expression, that's the way I be heard."
"My voice has somehow caught on with audiences."
"Everybody should stick up for themselves... you have a voice, and you should be able to talk about that type of stuff."
"People need that, it's short, it's one man's voice making connection with another person's eyes."
"It's almost a shortcut to developing your style and artistic voice."
"If you can find your own voice in sales, then it's fun."
"You hear that voice, you have a sense of a mind in contact with your mind."
"We all have a voice and we need to exercise that right that we have."
"It takes time for people to find themselves and find their voice and know what they want to talk about."
"No matter what your platform is or how much exposure you have, you totally have the power to speak your truth and shift things in your community."
"We have to find our own voices, as everybody tells you, but they tell you the truth."
"I'm getting a chance to actually address regulators directly with my own voice."
"Authenticity in a document is important; it should be written in the writer's actual voice."
"I was just exploring my own voice and discovering that God had given me my own calling."
"Listening to your own voice and experiences is very important."
"It's got very much its own voice which is something that's so unique about it."
"I made a conscious decision to start mixing styles in order to develop my own voice."
"I felt so powerful, I felt like I finally had a voice."
"I'm one who when loving dictates inside me, go on using my language."
"Part of finding your own voice on the guitar is playing what inspires you and then transforming it into something that is your own."
"We wanted the book to be in my voice as if I were the one telling these stories."
"I'm here today to prove to these girls and my kids that their voice matters, their story is important, they are strong."
"Everything you hear is her words, her ideas."
"Trust your own voice; your authenticity is going to go a lot further than anything you try to do to sound better."
"My voice is shaped by my unique experiences, circumstances, and opportunities, and I want to express it in the education policy sector."
"I am unlike any other reviewer on the internet; I have my own voice, my own philosophies."
"It felt very much like my own voice."
"Listen, but don't lose your own voice."