
Societal Issue Quotes

There are 346 quotes

"Society... There is a loneliness epidemic going around, and it seems like we just can't find a cure."
"The college degree is the number one grower of wealth inequality in the United States."
"More and more men and women go without any meaningful connections; we're lonelier than ever, more depressed than ever, more attached to our screens than we are to the people around us."
"I'm not talking about myself here, I'm talking about like other people... it's really sad when you think about the amount of people that aren't able to get the help that they so desperately need."
"Abusers can range from mothers, fathers, daughters, sisters, pastors, priests, coaches, neighbors. There is not one identifiable face."
"It's really difficult to articulate and unfortunately a lot of, I'd say like, I'm struggling to find a single woman who hasn't been assaulted or had some really heavily traumatizing experience with a man."
"More than 44,000 people died because of guns in the U.S last year, that's the size of a small city wiped out."
"It's absolutely gut-wrenching to think about... this poor girl innocently got into this Monster's car hoping that he was taking her home safely."
"Women often report that law enforcement does not always take accusations of sexual assault seriously and sometimes dismiss the accusation outright."
"Overconsumption is killing my people... Overconsumption has literally become glamorized hoarding."
"It's a tragedy that freedom of speech has become a partisan issue. Everyone suffers from a repressed and corrupted society."
"We have a serious case of institutional mistrust that is broken out in this country."
"Racism hangs like a cloud every hour of every day."
"It's unfortunate that many are falsely accused of being creeps when the real ones are often lying in plain sight."
"People have been asking me, 'How do we deprogram millions of people who are in the Cult of Trump?'"
"Racism is a highly regrettable and ugly human trait which is consistent across all human societies."
"We're dealing with some very serious questions about police brutality."
"A lot of guys... they didn't grow up with like an older brother or like a dad that sets them straight, and so it's kind of sad but they go on the internet and they find people like Andrew Tate."
"In the United States of America, we have a much more important hurdle to overcome with respect to mental health treatment, and that is, of course, affordability."
"One of the most dangerous things happening in this country is a complete fracture from reality."
"What has happened to civic debates in this country is a crisis of incivility."
"The gun lobby doesn't care who has a gun because they profit off of the fearmongering that everyone should be entitled to it."
"Over 8 million Americans are behind on rent."
"The student loan crisis, a lot of people were told to go to college. That was a huge mistake."
"We incarcerate more people than any other country."
"The theme of today is racism. Have you heard about this thing? It's the oldest hatred in the books."
"When you start talking about people in America not being able to just maintain a living, people are literally living paycheck to paycheck."
"The decimation of sleep throughout industrialized nations is having a catastrophic impact on our health, our wellness, even the safety and the education of our children."
"This is an epidemic, for God's sake, and it has to stop."
"The welfare of children needs to come first, and it's not coming first."
"Normalizing gambling is not okay. It ruins lives."
"The problem of a dangerous divisive ideology that is causing even normal people to support violence or even engage in violence... that's its own problem that we have to figure out how to solve."
"Dehumanization has reached a critical boiling point, critical mass."
"Intimate partner violence is not limited to any race, country, gender, or sexual orientation. It has been a long-running feature of patriarchal society and numerous civilizations and cultures."
"Affordable housing is going to be a massive issue."
"Guns are now the leading cause of death for children and young adults in these United States."
"Everyone should be on the same side of this. What we have seen is a police officer kneeling on the neck of a black man for four straight minutes while he's being told by people, including the guy who was underneath his knee, that he cannot breathe."
"Being black in America should not be a death sentence. For five minutes we watched as a white officer pressed his knee into the neck of a black man for five minutes."
"Race relations is something that needs to be talked about, it needs to be addressed, it has held this country back and held my people back for far too long."
"This deserves a bit more attention than it's getting."
"Human trafficking is very real and it's everywhere."
"Starvation is never a production problem; it's always a political problem."
"We need to deal with a mental health problem in our country."
"Hunger must be understood as a human-made problem."
"Mental health and trauma were kind of being used as a shield or a scapegoat for bad behavior."
"Everybody is dealing with some sort of mental health issue at the moment."
"This isn't just perverted individuals, this is a spiritual war."
"You're basically losing a generation of people who are just going without skills."
"College debt is real it's hurting young people and there's really no good reason for it."
"There's 330 million people in America, there's 400 million guns and there's 41 million assault weapons; obviously, there's a problem." - Congressman Brian Higgins
"We don't have an opioid crisis, we have an addiction crisis."
"Child care costs are on average ten thousand dollars for every family."
"There's no reason why young men or women in this country should be committing suicide."
"If somebody says listen I'm a pedophile and yo like this is a [ __ ] up thing I think sexual attraction kids is [ __ ] up and I need help I think people will."
"Everybody hates war, but nobody ever does anything about it."
"Treating addiction as a public health issue is crucial."
"Democracy is at the heart of this whole issue."
"That for me is the civil rights issue of our time."
"Why a teenager traveled hundreds of miles to this city, to this block, to this grocery store to allegedly seek out black people to kill."
"Public health is far too complex to treat as just a challenge to an individual."
"Mental health is such a problem right now, the degraded health of the country, the minds of the people."
"We're the only country where people can work their entire lives and have their savings wiped out by a single illness."
"This is an assault on all press. And no one should be okay with it."
"We have an epidemic of veteran suicides... we're not doing what we need to do to help them."
"There is a virus of anti-Semitism in the air and an enemy to anti-Semitism is the conspiracy."
"Every kid feels like they're doing good, but in reality, the reading and writing is not good for our next generations."
"In America, there are more guns than there are human beings. That's not a joke, that's not a statistical error."
"Both sides refusing to engage with reality makes the conversation worse and worse."
"Inflation isn't an issue that's in dispute... it is a big issue."
"The problem of domestic terrorism has been metastasizing across the country for a long time now and it's not going away anytime soon."
"There are a lot of sadly other instances of domestic violence across the country."
"You can't predict crazy, and unfortunately, crazy exists. It comes in all shapes and sizes and from any demographic and any job. It's unfortunate."
"We are at a crossroads in the United States."
"It's illegal, but on paper, in de facto, government doesn't care, do they, police?"
"We are fighting for a society where everybody in this country has the opportunity to live in security and dignity."
"She was stripped away from this world because of some sick human being."
"Access to financial services is a real problem."
"Children, young adults, even our age all around the world are being addicted to their cell phones."
"That's mental health. Like, we, we, you know, we don't really address that stuff, you know what I'm saying?"
"Systemic racism is a monumental public health crisis."
"It's absolutely horrific to see this kind of play out the way it did."
"One of the problems with mental health issues at least in the United States and I bet you this is the same thing everywhere is that nobody [ __ ] talks about it."
"What do we do what can the country do to keep guns out of the hands of people that will use them to kill and harm others."
"A violated child is a violated child, and something has to be done."
"Inequality is a real problem... too much inequality destabilizes societies."
"Abortion is not something that was ever voted on by the American people."
"Literally the biggest killer of men under 50 is suicide."
"76 percent of Americans live paycheck to paycheck."
"I think that the economic system that we've got right now isn't working for most people you know you see evidence of that all over the place."
"Segregating children based on race is the most vile and disgusting racial child abuse and racial abuse I have ever seen."
"Embrace Ram Mand, it's an emotional issue, it's a civilization."
"It's always difficult every single time one of these happens, and it is a horrific tragedy."
"I will sacrifice not having a 24-hour venue or a t-shirt if you can guarantee me that I can be safe enough. If I don't die, cool."
"Cancel culture is a violation of American rights."
"Millions tens of millions maybe hundreds of millions of people live paycheck to paycheck in this country."
"It's called white supremacy, nothing more, nothing less."
"It always matters whether or not you can trust your government."
"Dude, I love that they're like, 'Yo, mental health's a problem' and then they were like, 'Okay, let's do something about it.'"
"Everything about this situation is disgusting, the conduct of the predators is disgusting, the fact that it took so long for something to happen and charges to be pressed is disgusting."
"Racism still here... someone said I'm worried about how dark your baby is going to be."
"Yeah, racism still lives and exists everywhere."
"This is all so sick. Let me tell you something, the police are clearly lying."
"This country is drowning in information and starving for understanding."
"This isn't a free speech issue, this is just a censorship issue."
"This wasn't just kids killing kids, this was a kid killing another kid who was a family member."
"People don't go out committing crimes thinking they will get caught. That's why they do it."
"58 of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck."
"Everybody wants to win over getting the right answer. It's a f***ing disease, everybody has."
"That human instinct to want to win over getting the right answer is a f***ing disease."
"Fear of Islam has become more and more prominent in everyday political discourse."
"Conspiracy theories seem to be a part of our lives now."
"Nobody should have to resort to literally begging for strangers to support the cost of their medical care."
"Loneliness is probably the greatest problem in America, as far as the psychological problem that people face."
"Racism doesn't dwell necessarily in poor households with uneducated people. It goes everywhere, doesn't it? It's disgraceful."
"People are being denied their humanity especially children at a very important time in their lives."
"The wealth gap between the richest one-tenth of one percent and the other 90% is bigger than it's been in a hundred years."
"Men's depression rates are skyrocketing, men's suicide rates are skyrocketing, I'm not making these statistics, I'm just drawing light on this topic."
"Ignorance is the greatest curse against mankind."
"Inflation is crushing the poor and the middle class the most, and it's not their fault."
"Small businesses cannot catch a break in this country anymore."
"Affirmative action is racism, how is this still a thing?"
"People will die if we don't improve the American healthcare system."
"There are a quarter million unsolved murders now in this country."
"Mental health is something that's often overlooked and overshadowed."
"Bigotry is not restricted to any one political side."
"There's no freedom of speech anymore in this country."
"Gun violence is prominent in Chicago... all they know, that's all they've seen all their life."
"This isn't a problem of bad apples or incidents, this is an institutional and systemic crisis."
"Substance abuse is growing at an alarming pace all across the country."
"Income inequality has been dramatically worsening since 1980."
"When you solve that, the problem ceases to exist. And it's a mental problem, this virus that we're having. It's not biological."
"We have to talk about race because it's the only way to identify solutions."
"Someone has got to find justice for these people."
"Look, people are literally held hostage in these homes."
"We lose a shocking number of veterans to Suicide."
"We've been saying this for seven years, and the problem just keeps getting worse."
"The corruption here is not just in government, it's with the press."
"This isn't a freaking joke people, like this is as serious as it gets."
"We already have enough homeless people in this country we don't need any more."
"There is no number of people who died of police brutality in this country that conservatives will look at and think, 'Oh, maybe we have an issue here.'"
"They're going to great measures to get people to breed, because the birth rates have been taking a nosedive."
"The womb of the mother should be a sanctuary of hope, not a death chamber."
"There's no place to go in the United States to prevent your child from being exposed to this."
"We have no safe spaces left for women and girls."
"If the laws worked, if all the gun control laws they have worked, it wouldn't be a problem."
"There are more people suffering from mental health issues in prisons than in mental health hospitals."
"It's certainly a very contentious and divisive debate."
"We've had 164 days in the year 2023 and we've had 291 mass shootings."
"Research suggests that as many as seven in ten missing children are not reported to the police when they go missing."
"Corruption is a cancer that eats away at a citizen's faith in democracy, diminishes the instinct for innovation and creativity."
"It's not the gun... It's the mental health issue."
"People dying because they don't have health care - exactly. Good point Shelby."
"Alabama has one of the highest incarceration rates in the country."
"Seeing this anti-Semitism that's out there and festering... it's really disheartening to me."
"Bullies are everywhere and they come in all shapes and sizes." - Kim
"There's a lot of misinformation out there, and it's the worst when it comes to misinformation."
"Corporate media is controlled by five corporations and it's a huge problem."
"Jail is not an unfortunate event that has happened to innocent women."
"Domestic violence, hitting the mother of your children, hitting any woman, I don't know how you could be divided on this one."
"Racism is rooted in action more than intent."
"There shouldn't be people living paycheck to paycheck."
"This is a problem, you know it's a big problem."
"It is no wonder that in an economy where wages have stayed flat for 30 years that people don't want to have children."
"The looming big issue in this country's future no one's really addressed."
"We're having all these conversations about mental health." - Andre Iguodala
"Just three percent of rapists in the country serve time in prison for their crime. Think about that."
"Most of my audience is pro-life. I am begrudgingly pro-choice."
"I think it'd be hard to find a person who hasn't been sexually harassed in some way shape or form whether you are male or female."
"Anti-Semitism is a plague to humanity, and it is responsible for many of the worst horrors in human history."
"Finally, we have justice for the victim of an entitled parent."
"Why doesn't he get a right not to be a father?"
"Mental illness is real right now, mental health is real, bro."
"One of the most disturbing things was the censorship."
"People around the world calling for justice for Gabby."
"The campaign against anti-semitism... defining anti-semitism."
"We're living in one of the most grim moments... Neo-fascism is real, organized hatred is real."
"It's too many, you know, one having this happen to one kid is way too many."
"What's not to be tolerated is racial hate and that's exactly what this Karen showed to you."
"Financial literacy is one of the biggest issues that plagues our society."
"Most of the advice that comes from a sincere place. There's a plague of fatherlessness or people that have really weak father figures or non-existent father figures and they turn to the internet for help."
"Cowardice is the great pandemic in our country. The thing that plagues us most is just an epidemic of total absolute cowardice."
"Authoritarianism is still pretty popular and it's infectious and it's epidemic."
"Racism is the racist problem. I've never let racism be my problem."
"Understanding how to speak to those priorities is going to be critical if Democrats want to hold power in 2022."
"Election Integrity, by the way, is the Civil Rights issue of our time."
"As horrible as this story has been, the sad reality is, this happens every damn day."
"We are in the midst of a mental health crisis as a nation."
"These weapons of mass murder are everywhere."
"White America is addicted to opioids. It's not a problem that needs to be solved by incarceration. It is a problem of addiction, of health."
"The food climate in america is such that people are ubiquitously deficient in nutrients and it becomes almost impossible to control the caloric drive when you're nutritionally deficient."
"Gun violence is now the leading cause of death among children in America."
"Guns don't kill people, they're just a tool."
"Gun violence has become a public health issue."
"We need to stand together because what is happening right now is that you have the fundamental natural rights of all of humanity being violated."
"No one seems to be making enough of an offering to solve [the mental health issue]."
"Gun violence is not a tragedy like a natural disaster; it's preventable."
"The rise of intolerance and cancel culture upon our campuses is one that directly affects individuals and their livelihoods."
"The wealth gap has literally not changed in over 50 years, according to the Federal Reserve."
"An entire generation of youth now say they will never be able to afford a home. This is not normal for Canada."
"It's another life gone to senseless violence."