
Maternal Instinct Quotes

There are 203 quotes

"Every mother's duty is to protect her young."
"The mother giraffe protects her wounded baby from predators."
"Human mothers have a maternal instinct along with something far more powerful: a soul, a mind capable of making choices."
"Mama comes and goes without a hitch. She will say, though, later that she felt like something was wrong. Mama intuition."
"Cheesecake has never had her own young, but being a capybara, she knows exactly what to do with this lot."
"My mom... jumps on this dude's back and is just screaming at him to put her son down."
"She tells the psychiatrist why she did it. She said that basically these thoughts began when she had Noah within a few months after his birth, and she was constantly plagued by this idea of killing him with a knife."
"She felt that if she was evil then her kids would be evil too and she genuinely believed that she needed to kill her children to save their souls from eternal damnation."
"A mother always finds a way to keep her young safe."
"Mother duck watches as ducklings rescued from storm drain."
"Women's temperaments are optimized for the mother-dependent infant dyad."
"A mother knows their child better than anyone knows them and if she feels like something is off or wrong then she needs to be listened to."
"Now Judy has become a surrogate mother to this bush baby and has provided warmth at all hours of the day."
"At a certain point, moms will protect their kids."
"Christine knew from the second that she laid eyes on this boy that it wasn't Walter."
"This was a mother trying to protect her child and made some very bad decisions in order to try to protect her child."
"Nora treated her rescuer's son like her own child, protecting him from any danger."
"Mothers are always willing to go to any lengths to protect their young."
"Always trust your mother's gut feeling, people. It sure saved me from having to deal with that."
"Her most important priority is keeping her calf safe, who is the true target of the wolf pack."
"I'm so happy. I knew he was my grandson. You know, mothers know."
"A mother tiger's extraordinary act: adopting piglets in need."
"Those was my babies. That was my job to protect them by any means necessary."
"She did the exact right thing and that they think it was some sort of a setup to lure women who would have that maternal instinct to check on it."
"It's amazing how the mother duck stopped in the middle of the highway to wait for her babies to calm down and follow her."
"Rosie felt safe and secure enough to feel hungry. She even tried to nurse on Lilo as if the husky was her mama."
"So when those times happen around your cookin', you follow your mama heart and do what you have to do for your family, and then you just adapt the food."
"She protected her child she's going to do the right thing she's concerned for other children they don't want to go back and she sends a very strong message."
"Mama duck: ...a mother duck would be escorting her flock across the road... repeatedly and aggressively rushed that crow..."
"Mothers in the animal kingdom stand tall in the face of danger, ready to defend their young against anything."
"Number 13: Mother bird protects chicks from crows."
"Number 11: Mother warthog protects baby from crocodile."
"Number 10: Elephant seal protects pup from young male elephant seal."
"Number 9: Possum protects children from monitor lizard."
"Mother shares bond with gorilla, demonstrating the universal language of maternal love."
"Mama duck fights crows attacking her babies, proving there's nothing quite like a mother's love."
"Scarlett, the cat, risked her life to save her kittens from a burning garage."
"The lengths a mother will go to protect her young."
"Mothers know best, and Noreen knew in her heart that one of the men standing in her doorway was her long-lost son Johnny."
"I think mothering and parental instincts come mostly from within."
"A loving mother's deep-rooted instinct to protect her children can transform her into a fierce guardian, willing to sacrifice anything for their well-being."
"Moms ain't going out just easy, and they know their kids are in distress. I don't care if they are with their last breaths, and if she did pass away, she gonna hold, she gonna put a halt on death to save her kid's life."
"I'm a mama bear and I'll do anything to protect my children and make sure their futures are equally bright."
"She knew she was on fire, she probably did what every mother would do: save the child first."
"I've never felt like that towards a baby in here but I just know I can do this."
"Wolves are safe for today. Never underestimate the lengths that a mother will go to protect her children, whether it's human, wolf, fish, or those little rubber alien toys."
"Niv reached the age of sexual maturity and struggled to find a suitable partner; as a result, her maternal instincts reveal themselves through this chicken."
"The mother instinct should be to protect our children and to fight for our children and purity and innocence."
"Absolutely not. I don't care if it kills me, I'm having these babies."
"That motherly love of 'I'll sacrifice my life to protect my flock, my children,' that aspect in it would make them a really good sniper as well."
"I do feel a bit sort of a maternal thing that kicks in and it's really important to have a good bond with the mother and the child."
"Hell hath no fury like a woman guarding her children."
"My mother's instincts caught on to the predatory behavior, and she decided to cut our excursion short."
"The matriarchal agenda is to give our children the best chance for a future free from war, Bloodshed, and child sacrifice of all forms."
"All I wanted was the baby, I just wanted her to figure out what was wrong."
"I just wanted to see where Aurora was, that was like my main objective, I guess."
"I just was looking for the baby, that's all I wanted to know where the baby was, why the baby wasn't, where she was."
"No doubt in my mind that Nil will give her all her love to try to get the girl's approval and be a real mom to her."
"um I wouldn't say this is like I mean I feel so maternal and I feel like it does come naturally but it probably doesn't come as naturally as it would to some other mums to be."
"Yes, she did it! She saved her cubs. Mama panther to the rescue!"
"I heard crying and I listened very closely when I heard someone whisper, 'Mommy, please let me in. I'm scared of the dark.'"
"Ripley: 'Mother versus mother, protecting your own.'"
"Hyenas are very caring mothers; when their cubs die, they are distraught and do everything in their power to protect them."
"This is so unfortunate but necessary. Mothers be knowing stuff about their kids."
"Meru shields her mom and repeatedly tells the men not to shoot."
"I actually love this because these two women will take better care of Matilda than her parents did."
"The farm takes children away from their mothers and she wouldn't want that to happen to her as she is expecting a baby."
"You're a mama bear and you simply protected your child."
"I'm like a mom, like, though, anyway he looks, he wanted to change."
"A crocodile of a mom still protects the baby Crocs."
"I felt a wall and I felt uh you know like nothing ever went no conversations nothing ever went very deep I felt a distance and as a mother that was I felt it deeply."
"These women who were supposed to be the epitome of love and protection committed unspeakable acts of violence against their own children."
"I feel like a mama bear right now. I'm not like, I feel like I am. I'm like, y'all better not let people do this to you."
"The final battle really hit hard because we got to see what a mother's true rage can look like."
"They did a good job at making the maternal instinct seem realistic."
"Mothers will bless other people in the very areas that they were only cursed."
"My selfishness disappeared because I didn't have a maternal instinct right away."
"I'm a lioness. I'm mama lioness. And I don't play about mine."
"But there is something called a mother's instinct, our children are worth more than ourselves."
"Bronwyn is willing to endanger herself to rescue her son."
"A poor chick fell out of the nest and was left without a mother."
"In front of the mother buffalo, the leopard still rushes to bite the young buffalo, and when she sees her child being attacked, the mother buffalo rushes to butcher the leopard."
"The mother honey badger did not hesitate to confront the hungry leopard to reclaim her child."
"When your son has been taken off the ball unfairly, it's your right as a mother to get fully involved and scrap the opponent."
"This feminine energy will fight tooth and nail to have whoever it is believe that their child is this masculine."
"A woman doesn't lose her maternal instinct just because she gets a little bit more mature."
"Nothing is going to challenge this mother when it comes to her babies."
"It's the slow realization it's not even that's not even the right word realization but it's the process that they're going through consciously and unconsciously of becoming a family and going through uh kind of maternal things uh for the first time."
"The thought of a baby sniffing out its mother like a basset hound, like a baby floating in the air towards the smell."
"...she just wants to find her daughter."
"I'm genuinely in awe of this woman and her courage when it comes to protecting her kids."
"In nature, the one place where the powerful natural instinct to self-preservation is consistently canceled out across many different species can be seen in a mama Critter who will die for one thing her young her babies."
"Don't ever mess with a mama bear's cub."
"In a heart-pounding moment, a polar bear mother saves her playful cub from a potentially icy fate."
"We need to bring her baby back to her, and we better hurry, Mama is worried."
"Some of the females pulled their children behind themselves, protecting them."
"Sometimes mothers do that when they feel like their young is in danger, holy [ __ ]."
"She was screaming loudly, not for herself but for her children."
"It felt like a switch went off in me that was just maternal beyond belief."
"I've been a fierce mama bear since."
"The rage of a mother can turn a water bottle into ashes."
"Be a mama honey badger. Exactly right."
"An example would be like if a mom has a newborn baby and she's carrying it and she thinks about what would happen if I just dropped my baby right now really hard on the floor."
"A lot of her decision making comes down to what would happen to my son and I just think that's quite rare to see in a fantasy story."
"It's like when a mom flips a vehicle off her baby."
"A real mom will never leave her children in a difficult situation."
"You have your protective motherly instincts in you, protect your family."
"Female Bears know this and react to any threat to their cubs, real or imagined, with a near-nuclear display of power and aggression."
"I'll do whatever it takes to protect my baby."
"Thorne was impressed by the delicacy of her movements, the attentive way she cared for her young."
"I had the maternal urge I need to defend this baby."
"She was smart enough and determined enough to find her kid and rescue him."
"If an emperor penguin loses her chick, she'll kidnap any unaccompanied minors and raise it as her own."
"Always go with your gut, and mother's intuition knows."
"The tigress, with an almost desperate urgency, gently nudged her cub toward Marcus."
"I believe that as his mother, I know what is best for him."
"She soon starts taking a liking to the boy and treats him like her child."
"How I longed to gather you as a hen would gather her chicks under her wings."
"She's still following me everywhere even though she has kittens to take care of."
"She just took it in stride to take care of those lost babies."
"Only a mother knows what's best for a child."
"She will do whatever it takes to keep her child safe."
"I always know when something's going on with my kids."
"The safety of her two and a half year old kid was the only thing on her mind."
"When Maggie saw that her puppies were on the verge of drowning, her maternal instincts kicked in."
"Both Gypsy and Esperanza were driven by their maternal instincts to reach beyond the bonds of family and help an orphan in trouble."
"A mother will often go to incredible lengths to ensure the safety of her offspring."
"In a moment of danger, the instinct of a mother kicked in."
"In the misty rainforests of Central America, it's not all violence and bloodshed; the most vicious murderer can be a mother too."
"The day that you feel pregnant is the day that you're going to worry for the rest of your life."
"Mama cats can sense whether kittens are having nightmares, so they tightly pull them into a hug and lick their faces to aid them."
"Never underestimate the power of a mother to be protecting her young."
"You want to see a force of nature, look at a mother bear whose children are threatened."
"A mother will do anything to protect her children."
"God gave me the responsibility of being their mother, so I will protect them."
"When it comes to animals in the wild, mothers will protect their young no matter what."
"We as mothers should just follow our intuition; it's usually right."
"Nothing can stop a mother who wants something for her child."
"The irresistible impulse in this instance was the maternal instinct."
"I've had a super strong maternal instinct for a very long time."
"Mothers have a need to look at their children; we cannot help it."
"Their motherly instincts are just... strong."
"The true test is to see if Miss Quora, how she's gonna react to these babies."
"Moms of any types of animals have a great sense of if their babies are sick or if one baby is weak and will not make it."
"She wasn't chasing us; she was trying to get her baby."
"Showing themselves in that way was the safest way to keep the woman and her baby safe."
"Mother's intuition at its finest."
"Mothers who are motherly would much rather be the one to lure the enemy away than for them to be left at the house with your children."
"The maternal instinct is nine times out of ten strong; there are exceptions to every rule."
"She might want to go and fetch her cubs and bring them to this the southwestern corner to be a safe spot for her."
"That maternal instinct, protection instinct, is strong in every animal or almost every animal."
"Mothers will do anything for their babies, humans and animals."
"Being a mom is so innate, like you're physically... it's amazing."
"No real mother would want this to happen to any other mother."
"As a mother, you think you'd want to protect your child no matter what and keep them out of harm's way."
"A mother elephant will run to the ends of the Earth to protect a little youngster."
"Mother elephants are very protective, much like human mothers."
"If there's a cub, a cub runs in between its mom's feet and in front, behind."
"She did what she could for her babies."
"A mother will fight more ferociously than any father when her child is at risk. Why not use that?" I smiled.
"I love like the maternal side of having a puppy and like looking after her and caring for her."
"What an amazing clip, uh, mother protection. I think motherly protection is so amazing."
"Female crocodiles are probably one of the best mothers in the wild."
"A mother king cobra would be very defensive of their young, so they have maternal instincts which makes them very fascinating."
"She swore within her that if she heard Azima cry, she would rush into the cave to defend her against all the gods in the world."
"The mother protects her family, no matter what."
"She's fiercely protective of them... she'll go to the ends of the earth for those boys."
"With the natural instinct that comes with a mother's love, this giraffe fought off the hyenas relentlessly."
"Don't worry, kids. Mama's got a plan."
"The mother hen can tell just by looking that the healthy chicks glow in ultraviolet."
"Trust your mom gut, do whatever you need to do, but remember that your baby needs a happy mother."
"And whether duck, dog, or human, there's a maternal instinct that kicks in which spurs animals into action."
"She is determined to protect the baby with her life."
"I feel like moms like we have this instinctive feeling that we just know our child so well."
"What mother doesn't defend the life of her own child even with the use of her own life?"
"I believe that all mothers in the world want to protect their children."
"That sighting was probably one of the most extraordinary examples of maternal instinct that I have ever seen."
"A lion mum would definitely take on hyenas to protect her cubs."
"Mama knows best, it doesn't matter if it's humans, dogs, cats, cows, any animals. Mama knows best."