
Thrill-seeking Quotes

There are 268 quotes

"I'm an adrenaline junkie... it's important to do something that makes me feel like I'm about to die."
"I like the fear. I like to scare myself when I skate."
"I think when he's free soloing, he feels the most alive, almost everything. How can you even think about taking it away from somebody?"
"I'm almost addicted to doing things that other people assign a high level of fear to."
"Because he feels most alive when he is just about to die, and this is how he continuously chased that feeling."
"Not filled with regret, just that I felt so, um, I don't know, alive. Kind of like eating a hot sauce really, that's what it does, blew my mind, it does, yeah, gets the blood pumping, gets the heart racing."
"The rush you get from getting scared by a game is something you'll pursue again to see if another game can replicate it."
"Called the Edge Walk, those who are brave enough can walk on the roof of the main pod of the tower at a height of 1168 feet."
"The whole point of these places is to push our limits with thrills, chills, and astounding engineering skills."
"Would you dare to not take the Leap of Faith?"
"There's nothing more perfect than defying death."
"I love the image of all these old people on a roller coaster going and then they just explode into oblivion."
"You'll pretty much feel like you're being blown into a tornado at full speed."
"I want to feel scared. I want the 'oh wow, I should come back later for this,' feeling, the sense of mystery."
"People want to experience horror that is safe and not real. Yes safe, wanna be scared."
"I definitely do get a certain high from it. There's a little gremlin inside of me that thinks, just say something shocking."
"Descending with a parachute into the pool provides a thrilling rush."
"I like to play with things that might kill me, you know, so it's kind of that thing."
"It's just fun to fly around like iron man or practice tricks on a half pipe or ride the spine of a mountain hoping you don't tumble down either side."
"Chasing that thrill is what drives any gambler, you know what I mean?"
"Run oxygen and get sleep and go race Pikes Peak because you'll never have a bigger thrill in your entire life."
"Enjoying life, having fun, chasing thrills, excitement, and a good time plays a big role in how this love blossoms."
"Life is more fun chasing a skirt, the adrenaline rush, the hiding, the sex in the car."
"The thrill of the hunt and the satisfaction of the kill were the only currencies he abided by."
"I like living on that edge. What was that then? It's just me. I just like the closer to death I am, the more alive I feel."
"Sounds scary as [__] well it sounds like you guys went there to intentionally creep yourselves out."
"Here comes our winner and comes Ryan Sipes and our second transfer spot to our LCQ Smalls and victory friendly they saw you finish."
"I just love to be scared, like it's just turned into a thrill for me."
"Truly a remarkable coaster for not only Norway but for anyone looking for big thrills around the world."
"There's no bigger rush than getting a big scare."
"Cliff divers: risking it all for the thrill of the crowd."
"This is how you can go straight down, you make it like a corkscrew. Look at this, oh my gosh, that is so scary!"
"I'd like to see more drifting...maybe we're blindfolded and they tell us when the turn, oh god, that'd be so down for all that." - Dylan Hughes
"Best idea ever... using a spirit board in a haunted house."
"This one gonna make me throw up... I love rides like this!"
"Life can be dull sometimes, so we enjoy the intensity they bring."
"I just feel alive when I'm in trouble... I feel alive when I'm fighting."
"That was one of the scariest roller coasters I've ever rode in my life."
"What a way to start the morning right here, hanging off this massive cliff."
"It's not a death wish, it's an addiction to feeling alive."
"Man, if we just saw a silhouette fly over our heads right now. That'd be thrilling."
"Weapon collecting... nothing quite like the thrill of hunting down those rare and Elusive best-in-class ultimate weapons hidden throughout each game."
"Although it's plugged in and hoping that the iPad doesn't fall into the tub and electrocute me. The danger there, I think, is part of what titillates you. Yeah, it gets me off, and I like that element of it."
"I like things that scare the [__] out of me. I always have. I'm into them. I'm not into safe things."
"We're not really ghost hunters, we're thrill seekers."
"Living on the edge, I love living on the edge." - Commentator
"We're not here for pleasantries, we're here to get the crap scared out of us."
"People like to watch Daredevils, people like to watch stuff where people could die or get hurt."
"Jumping out of airplanes like that is crazy. I like this phone. It's a nice [expletive] formula."
"I need the adrenaline because today I'm gonna break the unlucky curse streak."
"Drive baby drive, right off that cliff. Oh yeah, let's pull around, drive right off the cliff. Want to see it though."
"Kokiri Body Plunge: drops adventure seekers from a height of 125 feet in the air at a 70-degree angle."
"He feels most alive when he's just about to die."
"The allure of adventure seems there's no limit to the length some will go to seek thrills and uncover the mysteries of the world."
"From dangerous diving holes that you can get lost and drown in to islands that could kill you as soon as you step foot on it."
"What I crave are high-octane, fast-paced thrills."
"Roller coasters appeal to the American character. The same spirit that settled the continent animates the search for an ever more thrilling ride."
"Ghost hunting games: the thrill of investigating abandoned locations, discovering their secrets, and not knowing what's after you always has me on edge."
"Everyone... likes to be a bit spooked every once in a while. That huge rush of adrenaline and realization that it was nothing can be so jarring you can't help but laugh."
"He gets a high off of doing that crazy [ __ ] yeah and giving people [ __ ]."
"Stunts, straight up, yeah risking it all, risking it all right."
"It's an impulse for young guys to look for excitement, and often that leads to fighting."
"Not much in this world can beat the sensation of standing on the edge of a cliff in the face of both danger and Beauty."
"It's not a good idea to use a volatile situation to try to satisfy excitement-seeking needs."
"Being in the water with these enormous predators must be an incredible experience."
"Dude, I'm a daredevil, I love doing this stuff."
"Women have an innate urge to take calculated risks. They get a huge adrenaline rush from being a bad girl sometimes."
"Blowing stuff up, watching people suffer and die, it's exciting!"
"Seeing the world from this height is an adrenaline rush like no other."
"High risk, high reward - some of us like that."
"Adventure beckons, so thrill yourselves and let yourselves venture forth. The risks you are tempted to take right now are calculated ones."
"When I run away or sneak out, it gives me like an adrenaline rush. It's like a replacement for drugs."
"Might not be the brightest idea, but damn it, I need some excitement."
"He rolled along with one of the wings without any safety net with a reckless disregard for his own life."
"You know when you're at the door of the plane, you know you're gonna jump, like you can die, you know? I like that feeling, you know, like that scared feeling."
"I love sitting in the blind spot of a semi sneaking up on him, dude, that's me."
"Jump out of a plane with the parachute, I'm out, peace."
"Because after all, what's the point of doing a crime if there's no witnesses to see just how awesome it was."
"You're gonna ruin your cars okay and possibly give a passenger a heart attack but if you don't do this you'll never know how good it feels."
"I don't know about you guys, but I live for this kind of stuff."
"I do like danger, and I do eat tension for breakfast."
"The bigger and scarier the roller coaster, the better."
"A killer is attracted and stimulated by the excitement of challenging the norm, of stepping into forbidden territory."
"...if you're a thrill-seeker, even if you're not into character meet and greets, there is a must-do that you have to do at Universal and that is going to the Raptor encounter in the Jurassic Park section."
"Zip lining was a great time, not gonna lie. It was an amazing time."
"As soon as that went away I started falling down all the time because all I wanted to do is go as fast and as high as possible and even if I don't make it all the time it's way more fun to be up that high in the air."
"He was really excited to go jump off our Bridge."
"I just want to be left alone... beat people up... have fun... get paid doing it."
"Yes I did my first bungee jump when I was like eight. Love going out jumping off airplanes, going deep into the ocean. I want to live and experience rich life."
"Most serial killers are attention-seeking and thrill-seeking."
"Euphoria, chasing thrills, joy, laughter."
"I don't really do anything, so I bought a dragon cycle and I'm gonna do this terrifying jump."
"Some people do this thing they for this feeling they do certain things, some people rob places or people some people do drugs some people do whatever you know my fix was the sky the adrenaline dump."
"Danger to me is something exciting."
"You love to do things that scare you."
"I'm kind of an adrenaline junkie."
"If I'm not 11 ft in the air, I'm not happy."
"People who have low activity in their prefrontal cortex are often excitement-seeking."
"I would love to jump out of a plane."
"We do all these insane things, hoping that in one of those things we would actually feel alive."
"I'm absolutely addicted to adrenaline."
"If you're just joining us, I'm 13,500 ft over North Carolina. If all goes as planned, I'm going to jump out the door, fall about 9,000 ft, pull my shoot at around 5,000 ft and then float safely to the ground."
"If you want a more thrilling coaster experience, you gotta sit in the back seat."
"Danger is an aphrodisiac, if you are a Thrills Seeker, a novelty Seeker, or a risk-taker."
"I think he always just loved the thrill of the job."
"If you can't die doing it, it's just not fun for me."
"Why do we ride coasters that cause us pain? Ok coasters, I can take it from here."
"There was no motive for the three murderers other than the thrill of killing the man."
"I think I'm an addict by nature and I just enjoy the thrill of it."
"That's the whole point of it being a thrill ride, you feel completely safe while being scared."
"Psychopaths have a need for excitement."
"I feel like I'm almost like an adrenaline junkie."
"I'd give skydiving like a 10 out of 10."
"I want to get closer to the lightning."
"That's what it's all about, the adventure, the thrill. That's why you guys watch my videos."
"I try to put myself in experiences that I want to get scared, so I did a meditation at night inside of a mausoleum at Hollywood Forever Cemetery. Wow."
"I think it's cool us humans will go out of our way to feel fear sometimes."
"You get an appetite for adrenaline."
"Nothing makes me happier than a terrorizing, screaming, inducing ride that makes me cry for my mommy."
"It's just for the thrill of it. Humans love thrills. They love telling you their problems and you feeling bad for them. They get a good feeling from talking about how hard life is and how rough it is. It's all for the thrill of it."
"The most important part for today and yesterday was literally the cliff high jumping in the water."
"I love doing downhill like hanger lines and stuff and I'll just find like big rocks and just be like yeah I think I can go down that you know."
"You're saying as far as your dreams or just the general life now, the roller coasters, oh yeah, for roller coasters, just for the thrill, like it's like a rush, yeah."
"Frontier City is a great park for the family with awesome theming and I would definitely recommend visiting if you're in the area but it leaves a lot to be desired for a thrill seeker like me."
"The rest of your day is like you feel like a champion who could do all things. That's how I felt the day after I skydived. You feel like you could kind of do anything."
"It's not just about the rush of speed, it's about the harmony between man, machine, and the relentless pursuit of perfection."
"For thrill-seekers, this might be the best all-around theme park attraction out there."
"I kind of like a challenge. I like experiencing things that are very extreme and, you know, at least once."
"Michael Sayers was not one for living in the shadows he preferred a life of fast cars fast women and the thrill of the pump."
"I love being scared, so I'm here in this Cottage."
"For every guy who's modified a car, you're all just living for the excuse to drive like a maniac. Tell me about it, I did 130 mph in that car."
"If you are a thrill-seeker, this is definitely the place to come."
"Thrill seeking as well. I want to do everything that's going to bring me near death but not die."
"There's this desire to have adrenaline course through your veins, you know what I'm saying? Like, just striving for that thrill."
"They want excitement in their romantic relationships."
"I want somebody to say let me search your best places to swim with great white sharks, boom. Let's call him up."
"Do you like to live your life one quarter-mile at a time?"
"Part of the thrill has got to be the very fact that they now have an increased risk of death."
"Approaching roller coasters as just seeking thrill would be a disservice to the artists who crafted them."
"I love being scared. Roller coasters, haunted houses, scary movies, yeah, I love it."
"United Kingdom... has an incredibly deep collection of roller coasters with something for every type of thrill seeker."
"Deja Vu is a twin thrill machine with tight pulsating curves and inclines that will turn the heads of even the most avid thrill-seeker,"
"Some of us just have that drive for that adrenaline rush."
"The Raptor comes complete with a little devil that sits on your shoulder and tells you to open the throttle just a little bit more and a little bit more."
"If you want to go on go-karts, if you want to go on water slides, if you want to do adrenaline-filled things, then Prima."
"Pedal to the ground, living life up in the fast lane."
"I've always loved the dangerous s***, the dangerous comedy, the dangerous cars, motorcycles, always, always, never loved comfort, comfort is a killer."
"love any rollercoaster where you go upside down with just the lap bar"
"Why do people bungee jump? There's an element within humans that does not believe that the catastrophic possibility will become their fate."
"Feeling good about yourself, releasing, chasing thrills, good times ahead, good times, enjoying oneself."
"They got involved for the thrill of it."
"If you're a horror movie fan... you're just going in there for the kills and to have fun."
"Bigfoot became too mainstream for her; she wants that real thrill that only a cannibal pirate can give her."
"I'm a thrill seeker. I absolutely love anything that involves doing something outside, using your body to do something fun."
"I mean, I kind of live for that, man."
"I like the things that scare the hell out of me, and that's what makes me want to keep doing this."
"It was the exact thrill he was seeking for all those years."
"It's mind over matter. Burns aren't real, buddy. 100% pure adrenaline."
"I thrive off the inconsistencies and adrenaline of living life on the edge."
"They may need to reclassify this coaster from hybrid to a flying coaster because she is literally flying."
"She's a thrill seeker and adventurous."
"Every time I go down this drain, I am so scared, but there's something so electric just getting that crazy adrenaline rush."
"It's an addiction... you look for excitement, you look for adrenaline."
"I love turbulence, it feels like a roller coaster to me."
"If you're an adventure seeker, you can indulge in ice climbing, snowshoeing, paragliding, and mountaineering."
"I've skydived, I've scuba dived, I've bungee jumped three times."
"It was really exciting; it was like a giant roller coaster and I loved every minute of it."
"Friends we reached the most extreme part of the route, here it is called 'Tarzan's jump'."
"Flying in wind is for some people one of the scariest things they ever do, but for people like myself, it's one of the most fun things to do."
"It's the thrill, it's the speed, it's the intensity, it's the challenge."
"Do you like adventure, activity, thunder, danger, pain, angel food cake?"
"I used to enjoy the more dangerous circuits as I grew up because I felt I was more alive."
"Daredevil's Peak is the tallest water slide in North America."
"They climb impossibly tall mountains of frozen water, swim across vast stretches of open ocean, even stand in the path of raging plasma storms, all for the sheer thrill of it."
"I'm always looking for a little bit more excitement than the average person."
"I've always been a bit of an adventurer, whether it's jumping from a plane at 16,000 feet or a simple hike with a dear friend."
"Excitement seeking can be a dangerous characteristic if it cannot be satisfied in some pro-social way."
"Of course it would give them a thrill to go back to the gravesites and or attend the memorials."
"If you are a fan of high thrills, this is going to be one of the highest thrills you can get in Florida."
"I will jump out of a plane. I've got no problem with that. I've been bungee jumping."
"I'm like an adrenaline junkie; I like that I get scared but once I get done... I loved it."
"I'm a little bit of an adrenaline junkie in my young adult life."
"I love roller coasters, I absolutely adore them."
"Why do we go to theme parks? Is it the adrenaline rush you get from an 80 mile per hour roller coaster, or maybe you just want to try and make your nan puke on the teacup ride?"
"I just want to live like a fast life, so like if that means I'm like 90 years old, driving illegal street cars on the road and getting in trouble by the law, that's fine."
"I love the roller coasters, addicted."
"We're adrenaline junkies by design. It's a different type of adrenaline when everything is on the line."
"Bungee jumping, my friends said we had to find somewhere to do it."
"I have that little bit of a dangerous side to me that likes that kind of stuff."
"I'm not looking for fun, I'm looking for scared, which ends up being more fun anyways."
"I went skydiving last week, that was kind of neat."
"The experience was intense while flying forward could feel exhilarating; backwards had a whole different level of terror."
"I want to see us hit a ramp. I want to go flying!"
"Personal control is the key to turning thrill and adventure-seeking behavior into top-notch operating skill."
"I am leading my best life... feeling like I am the man, hanging on some crazy cliff."
"That's how I find the greatest pleasures in life, when you just get a little bit too close to that danger."
"A bored and wealthy Englishman who had hunted all commoner game might well find a perverse pleasure in hunting the biggest game on earth."
"The early barnstormers put it all on the line to satisfy their thirst for speed."
"If you can't ride the roller coaster, don't get on the ride."
"I like really being scared for some reason. I love to be scared."