
Savings Quotes

There are 7090 quotes

"It's not how much you make, it's how much you keep."
"Real wealth is built through your investments, not through your savings."
"Spend less than you earn and invest the difference."
"But friends, can you even get over the savings? This cost me about 10 to 11 dollars."
"I'm promoting saving money by bringing food from home and eating out less."
"Save as much as you can but also live a little bit."
"I have a 100% guaranteed way to save you money."
"I am on the road to financial freedom by living well within my means and saving money for a bright and secure future."
"The 40% rule is for every thousand dollars that comes in, I want to figure out how to save $400."
"You're going to save up $10,000 for your emergency fund."
"If you extrapolate that to a week, I've spent $30,000 a week on food. Factor's less expensive than that by a large margin."
"Bitcoin is not just a payment technology; it's a savings technology."
"It's not about how much you make, it's about how much you keep."
"The $100 you put in each month when you're 18, 19, or 20 are ultimately gonna be a lot more valuable than maybe $1,000 you put in every month when you're 60, thanks to the power of compound interest."
"If you believe in the value of Bitcoin, it's another way for you to save money and actually get a return on your money."
"Every dollar you don't spend is another form of savings."
"If you don't have a side hustle, if you don't have a small business, if you don't have a rental property, you ain't saving jack diddly."
"In your twenties, a little bit goes a long way... don't blow your shot."
"It's not about wealth maximization; it's about keeping wealth."
"Every bit of savings that you have is a piece of your future that you own. It's you just buying your time in the future so that it's yours and you can do whatever you want with it."
"You can earn three times more cashback by using this app than you can with any of your credit cards."
"If you're the one that's going to go to work and trade your time for money, then instead of hurrying to give it up to other people, you got to keep some of it for yourself."
"Stop listening to everybody telling you don't keep cash. You've got to have some; you have to have cash as a savings account for an emergency fund."
"It's like a poem. I found myself starting to save a portion of my salary every month no matter what."
"It's easier to obtain a hundred thousand dollars in credit cards than it is to save a hundred thousand dollars in cash."
"By the time you're in your 30s, you need to be saving 20 to 25%. You are freaking grown up at this point. Act like a grown-up and start saving the money."
"The most important part about building wealth is learning how to save money."
"This is your year of learning how to grow your money, how to save it, and invest it."
"To achieve financial independence, you must save your money and live below your means."
"Put the money aside, invest your money, have an emergency fund, pay off your credit cards every month, don't have the debt."
"Get used to money leaving you to go and wait for you in your future."
"Cash in the bank just gives you this sense of financial and emotional security like nothing else can."
"Having a stable salary is so important because it's giving you the opportunity to build your savings and provide for your own livelihood."
"Take care of the pennies, and the pounds will take care of themselves."
"Pay attention. You do need to save for a rainy day."
"The formula for wealth creation is you definitely need to have the discipline to live on less than you make."
"This personal finance app allows you to manage subscriptions, lower bills, build a custom budget, and grow your savings all in one place."
"It doesn't matter how much you earn; it matters how much you keep."
"The discipline you exhibit today will determine the amount of dollars you have in the future."
"Saving $800 a month on a $25,000 salary shows that it's possible to build wealth even on a modest income if you're diligent and resourceful."
"It's not even buying something useless just because it's on sale. I was already gonna buy it, and if I can get some rewards points, some cash back from that, I'm gonna do it."
"When you have no debt, you don't have to pay anybody. If you have a thousand dollars in your account, it's going to remain a thousand dollars unless you spend it."
"This doesn't mean you shouldn't save any money; this just means you have to understand how to save your money strategically."
"Live off of ideally 20 to 30 percent of your income. Save the other 70."
"You need to build a financial system that is going to now make sure you pay yourself first."
"Truly office is saving the average American 82% off their yearly subscription costs."
"Once a penny joins your army, that penny's new job is to go and find other pennies to recruit into your bank account."
"If you gave me $3,760 and I promised you a $65,000 savings, would you do it?"
"There's no reason why you should be spending your money when you don't have to be spending your money, and you get the same exact coverage."
"Money doesn't grow on trees. Save your money; it'll save you."
"Even though government taxes shouldn't be a savings plan, people don't save."
"Pay yourself first. A part of all I earn is mine to keep."
"After I eliminated my credit card debt, I have been able to build back up my savings."
"Saving money is basically the same as making it."
"Okay, picture this: you're sixteen years old, you've just gotten your license, and you've saved up all of your paychecks from working at the car mic cinema."
"Live below your means. Put away as much as you can because that is taking care of your future self."
"If you can get to three months of savings, it will alleviate so much stress and anxiety."
"Cook from your pantry, fridge, and freezer, spending minimal on groceries, and save the rest."
"I started saving my change as a new mom. I wanted to be able to start saving for my son's future, his education."
"Having a purpose linked to the money you're saving really does help with the dedication of leaving it in your account."
"These savings challenges are about so much more than just saving money."
"What keeps that hundred dollars in your savings account? Self-discipline."
"The total comes to $240.50, and so the savings are $90.50, which is actually better than the Tyranid Start Collecting."
"The total value of this box comes to $257, to give you a savings of a hundred and seven, which is the best we've seen yet."
"The total comes out to $258 for a savings of $108, which is very good."
"If you bought all that stuff separately, it would come out to $290 for a savings of $140."
"These women could double their capital by simply having one less cup of tea every day for 30 days."
"My savings plan is diversified, and yours should be as well."
"The best way to build up a nest egg for retirement is to start saving early."
"If you're behind on your retirement savings, it's never too late to start. Every little bit you save now can make a significant difference later."
"By riding his bicycle consistently... we cut $50 a month off of our gas bill."
"The more money you have saved, the more peace of mind you will have."
"Try to save money while you can, even if it's a small amount."
"Always follow the 'pay myself first' rule, which was to put 30% or more, if you can, of what you earn into savings, then figure out how to pay your bills."
"We saved thirty thousand dollars in twenty months while raising four boys on an income which averaged under forty thousand dollars a year."
"Just by cooking from scratch, we saved an astronomical amount of money."
"Pack your lunch... save an awful lot of money by not going out to eat every other day."
"'If you would be wealthy, think of saving as well as of getting.'"
"Ultimately, I want to save up a hundred thousand dollars in 2021, which is a lot of money."
"Sell anything that does not bring you joy... get that instant boost for your savings."
"These tips will help anyone to start saving in 2021, regardless of your income, age, job."
"If you view this as money that you don't need right now, right, view it that way, you're not gonna struggle."
"Managing your money comes down to three things that I call keys, and these aren't just regular keys, these are major, major keys: Spend less money, earn more money, and invest like crazy."
"To stop throwing away your money and cancel all unwanted subscriptions and manage your expenses the easy way."
"Your habit is probably costing you a lot of money. I feel like if you think about it like this, the same money that you spend on smoking, you can be investing into something."
"We are doing this live to help you save money on your grocery bills and cut expenses."
"Stop wasting money on the things you don't use and cancel your unwanted subscriptions."
"I felt so rich. I had $3000. That was the most money I'd ever saved in my entire life."
"When I have goals that are very specific and very important to me, I am able to save money for it."
"Stop wasting money on things you don't even use. Cancel your unwanted subscriptions today."
"Money's a game. You need cash because opportunity is going to come up, and it's a doubles game."
"In the house of the wise are stores of choice food and oil; wise people save money."
"How very nice and wonderful that I got it for the low, low price of free with my personalized promo code. What a money saver!"
"Cash in the bank, out of consumer credit card debt, stable income, good credit, you put yourself in a good spot."
"People aged 70 years or older, the baby boomer generation, have managed to save over 35 trillion dollars worth of assets."
"Invest as frequently as possible, put as much money as you can into investments while having a savings, and continually dollar-cost average into the market."
"Invest consistently and don't forget to have your cash cushion and emergency fund."
"It is literally never a bad idea to save money."
"Stamps.com saves you time, money, and stress."
"It's so much better to hold up, be patient, save the money yourself, and then buy it when you have the actual cash."
"It's not exactly the same, but it's really darn close, and I only spent a few dollars."
"The slogan of young consumers has changed from 'Are you cutting off your hand?' to 'Save 100% by not buying.'"
"Stop spending freaking money because when markets get rough, you want all of the freaking money that you can get your hands on."
"The key there is to spend less than you earn and put it away into places that make sense."
"If you're in a period of your life where you're still saving money and investing, you should be happy when stock prices fall."
"You're already shopping at your favorite stores, so why not save money while doing it?"
"Just because it's on sale does not mean you need to buy it. You're not saving money."
"We've got to get serious about saving money, eliminating waste, fraud, and abuse."
"More than 10 million people are using Honey to save money. Time magazine says it's basically free money because it is."
"Have reserves. Have in your four months of debt service payments worth of reserves at least. Have some money saved up in case something goes wrong."
"Having circuit by circuit control and energy monitoring can help you make smarter decisions around your energy usage and save a lot of money over time."
"Millions of people will save thousands and thousands of dollars and have much better healthcare."
"It's not how much money you make, it's how much you save and what you do with that saving."
"Living below your means and saving for retirement — that's financial advice that pretty much everyone has heard from somewhere at this point in their life but hardly anyone follows anymore."
"Just 15 minutes here is going to save you thousands of dollars or more at tax time."
"By investing in a Roth IRA... that saved you over $200,000. That's a Lamborghini right there, that's a free Lamborghini just for using a Roth IRA."
"Don't spend all the money you got. Put some stuff in savings."
"Golden rule: if you save 10% of your income during your working years, you should have a comfortable financial life in retirement."
"Economic downturns, if you have savings over the next couple of years, is going to be a very good time to buy up assets."
"It's funny, I actually make money from saving money."
"The most important thing is to pay yourself first."
"The most important financial decision of your life, which is that you're gonna take a percentage of what you make, and I recommend 10% at minimum, take 10% and you're gonna put that aside and pay yourself first."
"The reality is, the cash in the bank... is losing value to inflation every single day."
"Your savings account is not growing while the price of everything else around you keeps getting more and more expensive."
"Some of you are headed toward early retirement or being able to like put away a stack of money or saving."
"Neev and Nelly: The conjoined twins breaking barriers, one day at a time."
"We need to actively teach our kids about earning and saving."
"No matter how much money you have coming in it's important to only spend what you can afford to spend and set money aside for a rainy day."
"You should visit ReserveBar.com today and use promo code 'crooked' to save 10% off your first purchase."
"Honey is the free online shopping tool that helps you find promo codes and applies them directly to your cards."
"I bought some belts, saved myself 10% with the click of a button, it was super easy, it was awesome."
"It's very important to reduce your future need for money by stockpiling, stockpiling, stockpiling."
"But there are ways to live the life you want, while still making serious savings."
"But of course, if a thousand bucks is not on the table for you, we've got ways for you to save a thousand dollars as well."
"If you're able to save just fifteen dollars a day in a Roth IRA beginning at the age of 20..."
"People who have nothing to hide hide nothing, people who have a logical answer to something will give it to you."
"Annual pass holders can now save up to 25% on hotel rooms at select Disney World Resort hotels."
"Save a little bit of money, help the environment a bit, it's great."
"Guys, when I tell you I was so strict with my savings that my mom thought I was broke..."
"I saved nearly 100k within the space of like two to three years, probably not even that long."
"So, towards the end of 2019, I decided to take my savings seriously."
"Smart Saver is essentially offering you protection of the buying power of your money."
"Make sure you are sharing this with other people who are basically losing money every single year by saving it in the bank."
"If you make more money, put that towards savings. Don't just absorb that into your budget or say, 'now we can spend some money on some fun stuff.'"
"Savings and financial stability are on the horizon."
"The average person saves $720 per year with Truebill. Get started today at truebill.com/knowles. Take control of your finances, start saving at truebill.com/knowles."
"Make 2021 the year you save up to $1055 by simply reshopping your home and auto insurance."
"Saving for her future and preparing with cash was important to her."
"Every dollar I bank is accumulated wealth for my personal pleasure."
"One of the easiest ways to save cash is by comparison shopping."
"The amount of people who have the opportunity to open a 401k and just pass up free money astounds me."
"Two for the price of one deal, man, that's awesome."
"Saving a few dollars like you did, it can have somehow an emotional or psychological or symbolic impact."
"Save, don't waste your money on $10 Starbucks coffees."
"Individually they may save you 1% of battery life but collectively they'll save you 5 to 10%."
"Keep one tenth of all you earn and pay yourself first."
"I'd much rather you have hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash or whatever you want to do when you buy a house, then go buy something now that you're going to strap yourself to."
"No stress, no confusion, just buy into it consistently and you're done."
"Index funds are easy to put together and they don't require a lot of overhead."
"You could practically buy a small portion of every single stock in existence."
"You get to keep more money in your pocket each and every year."
"I decided when I was younger that I wanted to be able to say I have money in the bank."
"So, now you know make sure you have emergency savings, pay off any big old debt that you have, invest in your retirement, let's talk about some different ways to invest."
"I think it's so important that you live below your means guys."
"Every time you buy a deal you save three percent on buying your own deal, it's incredible."
"This is long-term in terms of saving you coins long-term and making you coins long-term."
"Honey knows about every coupon code, sale, or discount and over 20,000 sites like Amazon, Macy's, J.Crew, Domino's, Sephora, Target, and more."
"People have to go back to saving. We have to go back to sound money and higher interest rates."
"Start today... put money in your account, your savings account for land."
"Automate your savings. If you don't see it, you won't miss it."
"Broaden your appeal with topics like travel accessories and money-saving tips."
"I love a good savings account, let me tell you."
"Nothing brings me more satisfaction and joy today than knowing that we've helped lots of people save lots of money."
"A huge savings over buying a box of pre-prepared rice."
"Save some money that way you can afford these emergencies when they come your way."
"Saving is key! You need to start saving now. Seriously, if you have the aspiration to eventually become a homeowner, you need to start saving."
"You don't save money to buy a house, you save money for a down payment."
"It's helping you save money on things that you're already buying."
"Senator Lummis encourages people to save Bitcoin for their future."
"These are still awesome ways to get a bit of free v bucks along the journey which will help you buy some awesome stuff or maybe save up for the battle pass next season."
"Impulse purchases are an easy way for you to find an extra few hundred dollars a month."
"I promise you if I sat down with you and we budgeted on a month-to-month basis, you would have savings on the side."
"This is the year you need to make sure you protect yourself... having a savings cushion to protect you."
"One of those deals where if it's something you want, you save for it, you figure out a way to get the money together."
"You gotta manage the money. It's just as important as keeping it."
"74 percent of those with incomes between $60,000 and $100,000 are unable to save for their future."
"Not using Honey is literally passing up free money."
"The most important thing is to be able to save early."
"Inflation is the silent destroyer of savings."
"It's saving a little, no matter how you do it."
"Everyone likes a great deal—like savings, markdowns, and lunch specials."
"Booking with miles instead of cash: Unlocking surprising results."
"It's free money! It's free money! You're saving money, it saved money with honey!"
"If you're gonna buy something off of Amazon anyway, you might as well get honey and get a nice little discount to go with it."
"They keep their Savings in foreign currency."
"145 dollars and 20 cents, which is pretty incredible after three weeks of starting from just 20 bucks."
"I hope you have nothing but green trades moving forward."
"June is the first month this year that I saved 50% of my income. That's crazy."
"Pay yourself first and not just everyone else when you get paid."
"You cannot save your way out of devastation."