
Abusive Relationships Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"The best way to deal with leaving an abusive relationship is to build up a support system of friends and family members that are going to support you and cheer you on as you do it, and make sure you don't go back to the abuser."
"Manipulative kindness... It's a common tactic that abusers use... It seems nice, but it's totally self-serving."
"Estrangement... it's not always a bad thing. If a relationship, and a family relationship, is abusive, manipulative, or deliberately cruel, or characterized by so much eggshell walking it's unbearable, maybe estrangement is not necessarily a bad thing."
"What coercive control does is that it imposes negative consequences for non-compliance with your partner's expectations or demands, and what that does is it erodes away at the victim's autonomy and her independence."
"Your growth as a human being will be held back."
"I owe a huge apology to anyone out there who's ever been in an abusive relationship."
"You are not meant to be a slave in your marriage. You are not impressing God by staying in an abusive marriage."
"Fundamentally, I am always happy to hear when someone escapes either an abusive religion or an abusive marriage."
"Trauma bonding... causes you to develop a certain psychological dependence on the narcissist."
"This is her last moments, perhaps, of happiness on Earth, trying to grab some happiness in between the abuse that was taking place."
"She saved my life. I don't think I ever would have been able to get out of that relationship with him."
"So, if I saw someone that showed signs of narcissism and they were abusive, well, at the very least I would want to know the way in which they were abusive because just hearing that they're abusive wouldn't tell me much."
"You can't hit your husband, you can't kill your husband, you just need to get out of the relationship."
"Being in an abusive relationship can take a massive mental toll on you and can completely manipulate the entire way you see the world."
"You owe no loyalty to abusive people. Period."
"It's a horrible Legacy that these men leave."
"You don't negotiate for better terms with an abusive partner, you leave."
"If you've got a guy like Chris Watts, it's not going to get better. You need to leave and find your happiness."
"You don't have to spend time with abusive people even if they're your family."
"It's okay to cut people out of your life who abuse you."
"Trying to have a daily phone call with a narcissistic, abusive mum or dad... it's not going to work."
"But yeah I was with him for a long time um I don't know why I stayed I think mentally and emotionally I think abusers have a way."
"It doesn't have to be abusive. We can have purpose and pleasure."
"If you're in an abusive relationship, get away from that."
"One of the markers of an abusive relationship is obsession and specifically obsession with control."
"The inequity doesn't just apply to pay, it applies to women who are in abusive relationships and women who are in exploitative careers."
"If you love yourself enough to realize that you deserve better, you'll get out of this abusive relationship with the mainstream media. So trust me, on both sides, you know, some do better journalism than others."
"You have to love yourself enough to know that you deserve better. If you have an abusive boyfriend, abusive girlfriend, you have to love yourself enough to realize that you deserve better."
"It takes seven times to leave an abusive partner."
"If you're going to heal, you've got to stop being in abusive, chaotic, disrespectful relationships."
"Understanding the dynamics of power and control in abusive relationships is crucial."
"Making a plan to exit an abusive relationship requires thoughtful consideration."
"he scared them to death he segmented them from their family and friends and at the end of the."
"I wanted to revise an abusive relationship... I started saying I was never in an abusive relationship."
"True spiritual consequence of living with a narcissist is that you are no longer looking for pleasure, you are no longer seeking love, you're just trying to survive."
"A man who puts hands on a woman has no truth with her. He hates himself and he hates her all the way."
"Don't let the abusive family system still take away your ability to use your voice."
"It's so much better to be single and happy than to be with someone who is abusive."
"Abusive, tyrannical, dictatorial environments feel like home to us."
"The only remedy for anyone in an abusive relationship is to walk away and start over."
"Cal was actually the adoptive father of Lorgar and abused the [__] out of his son."
"Narcissistic abuse is self-punitive, in the sense that the narcissist seeks to punish himself via the agency of his intimate partner."
"His actions were a great big [__] you to his manipulative, controlling, abusive parents."
"I don't want to be known as that woman that stayed with someone that weren't treating them the way they should be treated."
"It's time to vacate from the abuse and the manipulation. You don't deserve to be spoken to like that, you don't deserve to be treated like that."
"Assaulting this woman does not surprise me because these couples often view the woman involved in this dynamic as a sex toy."
"The most common aspect of an abusive relationship besides the abuse itself is victim blaming."
"Because the exploitation of age between adult teenage friendships is when it is abusive."
"Anybody that is capable of abusing you could never have loved you to begin with because people who genuinely love don't abuse."
"You can have a life-changing experience, know your worth without being treated like this, without being torn down."
"Violence is often used to punish any dissent in the relationship."
"I am not going to let an abusive uncaring person back into my life"
"Step out of an abusive marriage; you don't have to stay in there for that Instagram-perfect picture."
"Why can't I leave? Why can't I get over the narcissistically abusive person in my life and just walk away?"
"It's like when you leave an abusive relationship and you didn't know how bad it was."
"It's really abusive in the sense that there aren't maybe good reasons to stay, right? Like rational reasons to stay in that relationship, so the fear is what keeps you."
"Abandon all hope ye who enter here when once a relationship has gone over that Tipping Point that you're being treated badly."
"No child wants to give up on a parent no matter how abusive they are."
"Blanche is also the vehicle that gives us some insight into abusive relationships as well."
"I feared losing him, and this fear is a common theme in many abusive relationships."
"It wasn't a character flaw, it was how someone can get sucked into a cult, an abusive relationship."
"Trust me girl, I've been in abusive relationships and like they don't get better, they only get worse."
"People are not required to fix or be a therapist for their partner, especially if your partner is abusive."