
Support System Quotes

There are 399 quotes

"The best way to deal with leaving an abusive relationship is to build up a support system of friends and family members that are going to support you and cheer you on as you do it, and make sure you don't go back to the abuser."
"Have gratitude and just stick with the people that love you the most."
"You need a strong support system and a healthy life independent of the science you're working on."
"I'm very confident in who I am. I have a great support system, a very close circle of people, and they can call me on my BS, and they're more than allowed to. And if you're not in my close circle, I don't really care about your opinion."
"The best support system in the world is good friends."
"The reason for my happiness is not my championship belts but the fact that I have a family, my wife, my children, and the wonderful team around me."
"Find a 'you good buddy.' You need to have somebody that you could really ask, 'How are you doing?'"
"You will always have people rooting for you. I guarantee you that because you are the example."
"If you have shitty friends that are holding you back, I can't tell you how much it matters to have a friend group that's supportive."
"Having such a close-knit group of friends and family who love me...they remind me that I'm enough of a person."
"The problem with our approach to mental health is that we've put all the burden on mental health providers and forgotten about the role of society."
"The reason why wages are depressed in this country is because we have no support system for the American working class."
"Your support system is crucial, especially during challenging times."
"Find your support system. Whether your support system is people in your life...or finding people that are in the same position as you and get it, even if it's one other person. Someone who understands how hard it is, there's nothing like that."
"Practice discussing emotions when they come up with safe people...that's our way out of this."
"This crew has not walked this path to flight alone."
"The most important thing is having a support system."
"Your person really feels that you have come together as this powerful support system."
"I just have a lot of things one in my life and my life outside of fighting is fantastic, you know? I have such a great life and such a good support system that, um, you know, I don't really feel the pressure."
"Destiny's helped me through...been there through tough times."
"You really have yourself, and you have me, and you have Connor, and you have Herbie, and we're all here rooting for you. You will eventually get right back up to where you need to be and more."
"Surround yourself with a positive group of friends."
"It's a mentality thing. You've got to have the right people around you." - Mark Goldbridge
"Whoever stepped up, whoever took care of you, they back you up 100% in what you want to do. They're proud of you, they know you're capable."
"Ethan and Ela are the kind of people that she needs to ground her and make her feel welcome."
"You've got to have the right people around you. I've had wrong people around me most of my life."
"Typically people with like a strong Moon they have good husband, they have very good wife, they have good boyfriends, good girlfriend, good life partner, good partner around them and not only this such people even have like good kids."
"Someone's coming in with some love in their heart, okay you knew you would be supported what would you do beauty and devotion choice an old friend or an ex or next."
"Listen to the people that's gonna back you: your family, your white knights, your community, period."
"He acknowledged that he wouldn't have made it this far without them."
"The role of the parents is to become that safety net."
"When life feels unsteady, they can always hold on to each other."
"We'll be your brothers, Dad. We'll be your brothers."
"Thank you so much for everything, it's been a rough day. It's so unbelievably comforting to have a place like this."
"You need a community of supporters who believe in you, a family."
"I'm really lucky he didn't have that. You know, he had a really supportive brother, he had a really supportive sister-in-law, he had some friends, but beyond that, people didn't get what he did."
"I'd rather be hanging out with the people that support me the most, not the people that's cloud chasing."
"Who is really self-made? That'd be a disrespect to the people that have my back."
"I've got great people around me and a lot of help and support, and yeah, I couldn't have done it without them."
"My search for my mother has come to an end although it's not very smooth but I always have friends by my side."
"Take stock of the people who do love you and focus."
"Money only has value if you spend it and support the people that supported you."
"He was the dad figure for teenagers who couldn't go to dads."
"Surround yourself with family and friends, it's really healthy for you to block that hurt."
"They feel like you're a really good support system and very understanding, very empathic."
"I have you guys, and that's all that matters."
"It's good to check in with your friends, do a mental health check."
"Surround yourself with people who give you that encouragement."
"Janet Jackson is an artist that always had a massive career because she had what you call a machine behind her."
"Having someone like that is just so important."
"You're going to need people and love to support you."
"You just need a gang of women around you that you trust."
"These people keep me fucking going. These are the people that keep me fucking going."
"Just face the truth front and center and surround yourself with supportive people."
"Sometimes people go through things, but the people you surround yourself with should push you back up."
"You're being supported, there is an end goal of happiness and well-being."
"Transitioning basically saved my life. I've never been happier, have an overall supportive environment, and I'm glad I'm finally true to myself. It was the best step I took in my life."
"You are never intended to live out your calling alone."
"I'm extremely grateful for where I'm at in disc golf, I'm extremely grateful for the people that surround me, the support system that I have in my corner."
"An entire band of war chanters to help them out."
"Friends and family, they are amazing. I definitely recommend reaching out to them if you're in this state of mind."
"I'll hold this light High till you catch up with me and then guess what I'm going to get hit with a sledgehammer and I'm going to expect you to go forward and hold that damn light high and remind me that I'm going to be okay."
"I wrote out an entire schedule of videos and now that I'm in a better mental space now that I'm like just feeling great now that I have supportive and loving people around me who are like supporting my content who are encouraging me to post"
"It is great to have you guys as our community because this is one of the things that you can't shake you can't lose and that is great communities."
"We developed a whole protocol where a person sits at the head of the person who's in the sauna and is giving them water when they're thirsty."
"I'm surrounded by the most incredible support system."
"The care that they have for their community."
"A calm center, no matter what upheavals may occur, a life-support system during stressful times or serious illness."
"So let's give an example of that guys the example of this is LeBron James Rich Paul Maverick Carter and Mr Randy they were the small assets around the big asset."
"If you miss one or two, maybe you don't need it for the content, maybe you do, who knows, but that's how you know you have a good team."
"As doulas, we're just a piece of the puzzle, working together as a team for this client to feel fully supported."
"Happy tindering! But can I just say, I feel so supported in this household."
"Your mental has to be so strong, you have to have such good people around you."
"They feel with you by their side that they can conquer their fears."
"Because I had that support, we were able to solve the problems that came up."
"You both intend to just be there for each other."
"The furry community helps me a lot to conquer my problems; I can always find people who are willing to listen and support."
"Pretty early on, for me, the desire to quit drinking was gone... I attribute that to just having a great sober community around me."
"For his part, Red delivered monthly updates on my daughter's progress. She was alone in the world, but he had made sure to get her in the proper channels."
"People need to be able to stand up. That's my friend, I support my friend."
"Support victims before anything else, always."
"Marriage, it's an amazing feeling to know that there's always going to be someone on the other end of the phone who you can reach out to if you need to."
"Choosing yourself is the key to reconnecting with worthiness of love."
"God is good on that, but in the meantime spot him while you still healing and making a hundred percent."
"The most disturbing of all the allegations was that suggestion from Megan that she didn't get the help that she needed when she hit rock bottom."
"You've got to surround yourself with people who genuinely love you and want to see you really make it."
"I felt so much support throughout this whole process."
"You deserve a rest you deserve a rest like they're definitely not gonna push you they're gonna take burdens off of your life."
"Direction: BetterHelp is here to walk you through every step of the way."
"Commitment with the sobriety thing, it's... wouldn't be possible without my amazing family."
"If you wish for something hard enough, if you're determined to achieve it, if you have people behind you that support you and believe in you, you can do [ __ ] anything."
"Having close friends to rely on... having a really great support system is super key."
"I think everyone needs someone to believe in them."
"You can now share health data with family members or caregivers so they can keep track of meaningful changes in your health."
"Your person is or will be surrounded by really good, healthy people like a support group of friends that will teach your person a lot about life, love, and what it is really like to live in this physical human body."
"We need to be able to ask for assistance when we need it."
"My adopted parents have been the best parents that I could have asked for. They have done everything for me and still continue to be my support system when things go wrong."
"Stay positive, keep people in your life that will help you remain positive."
"You have to find pieces outside of the business, outside of yourself, that can help you do the things that you want to accomplish within the business."
"You can't do this type of work alone; you need a support system."
"You are the person I can rely on, you are the rock."
"surrounding yourself with people who can give you love and support"
"I'm so lucky that I have such supportive family, friends, boyfriend, and of course you guys that lift me up."
"You either have a really solid family or really solid friend group."
"You need all of those rings... I need my besties who I know intimately but I also get benefit from the people in the fringes."
"Just building kind of a support system around you is very important."
"Accountability is just having the right people around you."
"Your social circle could expand. You could become a part of that social support system."
"You have to be surrounded by people who love you when you're going through something."
"Having a support system is crucial; it helps you stay grounded and reminds you not to let your ego get too big."
"Humans aren't meant to deal with this much without other people in your life to help remind you of who you really are."
"I've been through a lot, obviously, just a testimony to my faith, my family, my friends, everybody who had my back."
"Make sure you have somebody who you can go to and say, 'I'm struggling. I'm having a hard day. I'm fed up. I'm mad. I hate this. Screw this job.' Venting is healthy."
"Had I not had that support system, I can't definitively say I would have made it."
"Everyone focuses on the sick person, but it can really take a toll on the people around them."
"I deal with it just through the people I have around me, what I've done to fortify my mind over the years and my spirit, and again, just love. Shout out to my parents as well."
"In moments of crisis... it's oftentimes much better to be surrounded by those who you trust so that when your emotions are leading you to dangerous places and destructive behavior, they can be the voice of reason which walks you back from the ledge."
"You don't rise to the top of ski racing without an incredibly strong and wide-reaching support system."
"Thank goodness for my mother because if she didn't answer this phone call, I probably would have just walked out into traffic and offed myself."
"Having a support system is crucial for caregivers of individuals with mental illness, helping to prevent burnout and frustration."
"Having a strong support system has been crucial for him."
"Trust is an indispensable part of life. If you can't trust, you don't have the support system everybody needs."
"There is people that are out there for you."
"I think it's very important to have that support system. I'm very, very grateful to her for being there for me in the times that it gets really rough. I think it's important to have that. So, thank you, mom."
"Just know that as long as you have a good support system, which I'm very, very lucky that I did, like I said I have a wonderful person by my side that really helped push me through it all, my family is still back in the UK but even so they were a massive support system for me."
"My support system, even to this day, is everything to me."
"I truly am blessed to have just like such an amazing support system."
"When I feel a certain way, I just talk to my friends. It's good to have a good support system."
"Parents and teachers have the responsibility of being a support system for children."
"This person will be your support system, you can always count on them, no matter what you're going through."
"I'm Richard Petty and you might say I've had a fairly successful driving career. And you know The Secret of My Success? Having a good support team around me when I need it."
"One of the pillars of my recovery is being part of a support system... I cannot do this alone."
"The secret of my success: having a good support team around me."
"Surround yourself with people that get you, people that understand you, people that accept you, people that don't judge you. Right, surround yourself with those people."
"Take your recovery into your own hands, surround yourself with good people, places, and things."
"You don't need a thousand people. You really need three solid people in your life, and you will go a pretty long way."
"I have such a cool support system that, when I'm tormented, I won't be alone."
"I am always talking to them letting them know there's hope I got sober I got clean you know it was hard and I had to go off on my own for a little while but there's a way through it you just got to get the support system."
"You don't have to be going through some big crisis, it just helps to have someone to talk to."
"Your circle matters. You're about to get out because you got the right people around you."
"You need a support system. You can't do it alone."
"It's really important to have that kind of support system in your life."
"Good friends, the right kind of people, are gonna be an even greater demand."
"When you're in there you don't have no one really to worry about if you don't have if you don't really you know how to block out there you can do your time everything's cool you know you got your program nothing's really but having her really was like bro."
"God and great people always showed up in my life, and my mother was the village. Other people loved you and believed in you and helped you succeed, and so you want to do that for other people."
"Surround yourself with a strong support system."
"A roller coaster of emotions... peak times of Happiness, peak times of demotivation, there was Darkness... but I had the support system around me."
"I wish I had that support system during that journey. This support system is so crucial."
"Sobriety, sponsorship, the SLAA program, meetings, service, spirituality."
"Emotions roll. So I'm letting them feel. But they need to be felt in that moment. And thankfully my family and friends are all very understanding and they are for me. So it's helped a lot."
"For every successful human being, look behind at the support system, look at the tribe because those are the ones that kept that machine going."
"I'm blessed to have such a strong support team."
"I've been profoundly impacted by multiple people at this table. I don't believe in a self-made man or woman."
"It's been such an answered prayer to have like other moms."
"Getting help around you and getting a support system is one of the best things you can do."
"Get you a Sharon. Your support system, like you said, Babs, is just you need that 100%."
"It's easier to love yourself when you know those around you love you too."
"I have a really great support system."
"I'm so blessed to have the people, you know, my family and my friends around me that support me through my UPS and my downs."
"Truly, no matter what you do in your first year of teaching, the most important piece is that you have a support system."
"Harry's support system is really really important to him."
"The support system they've created is so beautiful."
"It's not just me it's all the people around me that help me be this successful."
"Engaging your support system. People are often surprised by how many people in their lives want to help when something like this happens."
"It’s both a product of its time and a font of timeless wisdom -- because its unreal New York captures the oh-so-real truth that in your 20s, your friends are your family."
"Emotionally, I'm good. Mostly, I'm on ten, you know? I have a great support system at home."
"I just think have good people around you, man. I think that's family, and you find out your real friends when you go through stuff like this."
"When you have a setback like that all you want to do is be around the people you trust the most and be around the people you love the most and that's family."
"They got a good system going, they do. Right now it's saving my life."
"I think it's really important to have people around you that can like put things into perspective."
"Surround ourselves with those people that help heal us."
"Sometimes you can feel all by yourself, but I have a partner when I can't."
"Your support system can help you through it."
"I of course think that family and friends are the unsung heroes because they are the ones who get most of the most of the garbage of our out-of-control personality when we're not treated."
"The recovery process is not easy, but having a good support system is so helpful."
"Find people in your life that are going to encourage you."
"Your support system needs to make you feel like that relationship is designed to make you a better person."
"It's almost like you're going to feel guided, parented by people here. You're going to feel like you've got guides, godparents sort of in this."
"You need to find those people who you can lean on when things get tough."
"If he doesn't have that sort of Bat family support system, he can kind of lose himself."
"Surrounding yourself with people that love you and put your mental health before your performance sometimes."
"All that matters is that you're confident, you have a good support system around you, and that you go and progress."
"Go ahead and let people know who got you through."
"Having a good support system during a TTC journey is super important."
"To be successful, you don't do it on your own. You have a support system, right?"
"We really do have like the best support system."
"Seeing friends or loved ones automatically provides a support system and boosts mood."
"Having a support system and people you can talk to is very important."
"You need a good support system when you have a baby, especially when you've just had a baby."
"The only thing that has helped has been having someone to talk through the stuff with."
"Those repair set of eyes, or sets of eyes, to help me."
"This channel has been such a huge part of my life. It's been a savior."
"You have been my rock, you're stronger than anyone I know."
"You have a strong mind and a strong support system, you're going to have a good outcome."
"Your mama might not have been there but God sent a teacher or a grandmomma, a sister or auntie, a granddaddy, a pastor or uncle, a godparent, somebody who was there to make up the difference."
"... a moment of me really understanding how incredibly supported I am and that like if I fall apart there's like a lot of people there that will catch me"
"No matter how heavy your load, you're never carrying it alone."
"My support system is mainly players and I'd say my mother."
"The best place you can start is with the people who know you. So, your circle, your circle of friends, your family. Once you have your plan ready to go, let everybody you know tell them what you're trying to accomplish because they may know somebody that can help you."
"I'm glad you have a supportive community of friends and family around you."