
Astonishment Quotes

There are 4237 quotes

"Down 4-3, Reese Hampton hits the most insane launch angle home run I think I've ever seen."
"All the obvious things which, when one thinks hard about them, are astonishing."
"I remember when I first solved this problem, my mind was absolutely blown away."
"The musician is Queen Bee; my mind has been absolutely broken."
"If you're not astonished by quantum mechanics, then you've not understood it."
"I wake up every morning and I'm astounded that I'm still alive."
"My mind was blown over and over and over again, and frankly, it's a 10 out of 10 for me."
"An astonishingly powerful exploit, and one which is so bizarre in its nature that it doesn't quite seem real."
"We should be astonished to be alive at this particular moment in cosmic history."
"I feel like a monkey. Oh my yo, this is crazy."
"That's the Death Star. Oh my God, a thousand feet. Yes, look at the pounds!"
"Our own existence, together with its post-Darwinian explicability, is a candidate for the most astonishing fact that any of us are called upon to contemplate in our whole life."
"I've never seen anything like this, and we will never see anything like this ever again."
"I'm speechless, yeah. I would be pretty speechless too. This is amazing."
"Yuri chooses to test it on a wall, and to her astonishment, the wall develops a massive crater."
"The greatest moment I've seen in Premier League football, unbelievable and lost for words. It's absolutely incredible."
"The wonder at the beast refers to the shock, astonishment, amazement, and disturbed confusion people experienced over what has happened in Rome after Vatican II."
"This is unbelievable what we're witnessing right now."
"But when she tasted the dish he cooked for her, she was completely astonished because the taste was so delicious that words couldn't express it."
"A great white chewed the boat, leaving the crew wide-eyed."
"Space is Big; you just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is."
"A total solar eclipse is like the universe just walked up to your door and said, 'Hey! Here I am! I'm dynamic, and I'm doing stuff!'" - Hakeem Oluseyi
"It's like Central Park for holy crap, look at that!"
"I'm blown away... she was telling the truth."
"He's incredible... what is going on with this kid?"
"Coincidences happen but no matter how much we know that it can still be mind-blowing when we see them."
"I think the advancements in AI are quite astonishing."
"Shout out to Shy over here, that was one of the craziest of T ever seen in my life."
"This product is so so bizarre and so specific the fact that it exists at all is baffling to me."
"The gall of the powerful will never not blow my mind."
"I'm just absolutely stunned to be honest with you, really really absolutely stunned."
"That is absolutely outrageous right there, that is amazing."
"The news that we've been to space would be mind-blowing."
"I'm speechless right now. Mind-blowing, like, it's crazy."
"In my 25 years, I have never seen anything like this."
"A billion dollars bro, stupid. That's insane."
"I'm in awe, man. I just... I got nothing to say. How did that happen?"
"Are you kidding me?!" - Repeated expression of disbelief or astonishment.
"Behind every successful child is an astonished parent."
"The deeper NASA looks into space, the more astonishing our cosmos becomes."
"It's just mind-blowing, the concept that we could have had a visit from an Interstellar object."
"What did we just watch? Oh my goodness, bro, we got it on screen right now, he literally went, literally helped me and Justin look when we eat something really sour, bro."
"I would be astounded if there's nobody out there."
"Just the sheer size and magnitude... mind-boggling."
"This is like the most view yet. I am speechless."
"You just can't even believe because the numbers are moving so fast."
"Yeah, it's insane, I saw that and openly saying that and it's crazy just, you know, we still look back."
"It's an extraordinary situation to find yourself in."
"You are not going to believe what you're seeing."
"Sure, I don't care. What is it? What does the whole brand make in a month or in a year? I mean, No Jumper might bring in a million a month. Wow."
"How in the world can you marvel and astonish and stun and take away the breath of a god who just created it all?"
"There's this moment where someone said to us, you've got half a million people running through your site every month, and that just completely blew our minds."
"The chandelier floated off the stage and started its journey out towards the audience as they stared in astonishment."
"The attempt to overturn one campaign, destroy a campaign in progress, and then to overturn a presidency based on nothing is absolutely astonishing."
"I cannot believe look at look at the club's is everywhere Jesus Mary and Joseph freaking mental"
"It's like she's floating, yeah, floating in water. My god, it's full of stars."
"Prepare to have your jaws drop as we journey through Nature's nightmares."
"I mean, this is one of the high points of my life. I'm kind of stunned."
"That is insane bro, how do you not miss anything ever?"
"The acceleration was in excess of that of a shooting star. I have never seen such a phenomenon before."
"I remember thinking you know to think maybe years from now the channel might even have that many subscribers but here we are and it's just shocking to me."
"Welcome back to our Channel today we're taking a look at 20 celebrities who have undergone incredible Transformations leaving us all astonished."
"Something as simple as an interstate still having 140 parts just kind of seems nuts to me."
"Dude, he must have an amazing grip. Holy [expletive]!"
"Unbelievable scenes here, I can't believe it."
"That's crazy though, that's here and reasonable like that's... that's crazy. Okay, that's crazy."
"Just thank God for it because that's not... it's just crazy. It's indescribable."
"Unreal, unfreaking real, man! Oh my goodness gracious!"
"The thing that scares me the most is seeing people who don't save money. It blows my mind."
"It turns the spotlight to a recognition of how astounding it is not only that we exist, but we have the powers that our particulate arrangement endows us with."
"Walking into a supermarket and seeing the endless cereal lanes blew my mind."
"A hundred thousand followers, I can't even fathom that."
"One of the most astonishing prophecies in the book of Isaiah."
"It is astonishing to see a film surrounded by so many tragedies."
"I'm shocked at your existence, you're my dream come true."
"This is absolutely sick, what in the world have you created?"
"It's absolutely gobsmacking that it's being kept as a secret, there's a massive UFO."
"I did not expect it to look like this, holy crap you even did the rims too, yeah dude wow this is super sick."
"You could get anything. I mean, it was amazing to me, the bootleg movie community there."
"Woah, that is so crazy, that's actually insane."
"It's instantaneous, I've never seen anything like this."
"The size of this city is beyond anything you can imagine."
"Oh no way, no way, look at that, that is insane!"
"It's frequently found to be utterly remarkable by anyone with an open mind."
"A million subscribers is so crazy... I never thought I would hit a million."
"He was going crazy like I've never actually watched somebody play a guitar before."
"A socialist is just someone who is unable to get over his or her astonishment that most people who have lived and died have spent lives of wretched fruitless unremitting toil."
"That bright Dot, I've never seen a star in the daylight."
"I mean, that is staggering. Natural split down the middle, smells like a scone."
"That's amazing where'll yeah amazing like where does he hit like going to Starbucks."
"It's one of those 'what just happened' kind of rides, where the coaster's awesomeness will leave you sitting on the brake run in disbelief."
"The Revelation astonishes the surrounding players as high-level NPCs are exceedingly rare."
"The universe is insane and that should grab your attention."
"Oh my fucking god, all the stars in the night sky are exploding."
"Your socks are knocked off, your hair's blown back, you're like where the heck was this my entire life."
"There are more stars in the observable universe than there are grains of sand on all the beaches in the world by an overwhelming factor of roughly 10,000."
"I flew to New York for the first time... I couldn't get my head around that... just insane."
"This is one of the most amazing images ever shown to humanity."
"It moved so fast... impressive thing was how far that it traveled... in like an instance, I mean it."
"You only need to know me. I will be the one astonished twice."
"The overblown reaction of this is really quite astonishing."
"This is how it ends, 98 to 99 percent. That is crazy, that is crazy."
"Wow, five digits. I didn't think the universe would last five digits. Thank you."
"I am not joking when I say that this is far, far better than I could possibly imagine."
"Yo, what kind of level is he on now because he's gone, bro?"
"Have you ever seen a busier gas station in your life?"
"The whole world was astounded and followed the Beast."
"Someone beat this game 2,500 times. Dude, I saw that I was like what the [ __ ] how why like what?"
"It's amazing, I mean I don't know how this happened and no one knows how it happened, but it's incredible."
"Excuse me, just gimme a moment while I pick up the pieces of my blown up mind."
"Insane dude, that mirror herb thing you have is actually insane. I'm flabbergasted by it!"
"You're crazy Chris... you're just nuts... but now you hit a million... that's incredible."
"Everyone thought he had been killed in battle, and the personnel of the base ran to his severely damaged fighter in astonishment."
"The universe is full of extraordinary extremes."
"The culinary scene here completely blew me away."
"Look at that thing fly! What the [expletive] is that thing?"
"Everything about this just mind-bending, literally mind-bending."
"That's like sixty three thousand dollars a year which is just crazy to even think about."
"Anything can blow your mind, this blasted it." - Russell Peters
"We're both going to space this year. Like, that's kind of freaking nuts, right?"
"Whatever you think we humans have, it's a hundred times more unbelievable."
"Wouldn't somebody go, 'Dude, there's a [ __ ] UFO here!' It'd be the greatest, most incredible thing."
"Bitcoin has reached this all-time high, I am blown away."
"No harm can come to them if they are together."
"They have gained our entire channel worth of subscribers in like 40 minutes. Damn, that's ridiculous but awesome at the same time."
"This shit's [ __ ] wild, like people like the Chargers I don't know the I don't understand the science behind it."
"Wow, I can't even believe what I'm looking at right now."
"We've brought her back to life. This is unbelievable."
"It just blows my mind that stuff like this is going on."
"7 million subscribers! 7 million like the number is so big I can't even fathom it."
"Truth is stranger than fiction, this is really happening."
"I'm going to Boggle your mind so badly that you're going to think you've been on a roller coaster through a black hole with Albert Einstein."
"They've crunched the numbers and come to this astonishing conclusion... Planet X is reportedly vast."
"What's happening right now in Jeddah is incredible, is happening in an incredible way."
"This is so far beyond anything I thought I would be able to own. This is absolutely incredible."
"God said I'm going to bless you till you have to pinch yourself."
"I'm going to bless you so good that unbelievers are going to be standing there with their mouth hanging open in shock."
"This dust is of biblical proportion, it is incredible."
"A piglet in the Philippines left villagers astounded after she was born with two heads, two snouts, and three eyes."
"Unbelievable, it approached nearly a thousand dollars a share today. Like look at that stock chart, absolutely unreal day."
"That's insane. Can we just talk about that for a sec?"
"It's easy to ridicule it's easy to make fun but once you look at the material and study it and you come to it with an open mind... you have to be amazed."
"Look at all these [__] experiences, they're crazy."
"That is crazy, like my... our brains are just not equipped to visualize such numbers. And to think that that's the amount of people that are here right now is [expletive] incredible."
"A million-dollar horse? Multiple? Come on, that's wild!"
"It feels laughably insanely fast and I truly cannot believe that."
"We're almost to a hundred thousand... which is just absolutely mind-numbing."
"Golly, are you kidding me? This is just amazing!"
"That was the most unbelievable thing I've ever seen."
"I honestly swear that I live in a parallel universe because of all the insane things that I actually find from day to day."
"I just want to be astonished. I don't ask for much."
"Unbelievable, actually insane. Insane scenes."
"He fell to the ground leaving everyone in astonishment."
"Wow, this is astonishing, is it some kind of magic?"
"It is just unbelievable, absolutely unbelievable."
"It runs, I'm speechless. I legit think somebody was driving this until they parked it and took the carb off."
"This is ridiculous... two mil, that's crazy."
"Look how bright that sucker's getting. Now I know it's crazy."
"Crypto was just going nuts and it was blowing my mind, absolutely blowing my mind."
"Eleven thousand percent increase on the value of the portfolio, mind blown."
"Luigi is the superstar and you only use the A button. That is absolutely unreal!"
"It's blowing my mind now, this is total Ridiculousness."
"Can you believe what is going on in this world?"
"The variety in stars is honestly kind of baffling."
"A crack in Mexico on August 16th, 2014, something astonishing happened in Moko northwest Mexico."
"Unbelievable I did this, unbelievable I did this dude I did not expect my life to be this excellent guys."
"It's mind-blowing, you can't believe how they could have done this."
"Legal dude, this is so much stuff I cannot even like, this is wild, this is so wild."
"Wow, unbelievable performance, I'm in shock."
"I just blew your mind people. God blew my own mind. Jesus, I just blew my own damn mind with that."
"This is like the caveman moment for fish. Poor Nemo is now staring at a [__] fire tornado."
"Oh, my Lanta, it looks like a space station!"
"Terry's mind is blown, I've never experienced a call like that in my life."
"Two hundred forty billion dollars holy man that's that's an unfathomable amount of money I can't even imagine."
"240 billion dollars holy man that's that's an unfathomable amount of money I can't even imagine a."
"Overall, this might be the most astounding thing I've ever looked at."
"It just felt normal, like no one really had a question. This feels real. This is nuts."
"That is mind blowing, isn't it? The size of those gaps."
"This literally showed us that the stardust... produces all of the molecules needed for basically life somewhere else. Totally mind-blowing."
"This is the most insane upgrade I've ever seen I have one chunk farm that mine's 140 extra lights every time Jesus Christ that's nuts."
"I mean look at that just unbelievable, unbelievable."
"Holy cow, dude, this sounds absolutely insane."
"She's gone. You see her elevating up there? That's the baby."
"Mate, if that is real, that is absolutely mental."
"Literally cannot believe that I have a baby, a little baby boy."
"This is probably the answer, I'm baffled, this is crazy, I knew that he was crazy talented but this is like next level."
"Holy cow, 1.1 million dollars first of all, that's absolutely nuts."
"Quite spectacular, right? And it's actually really simple."
"That's a lot. It's a big number. It's very high."
"I think I found my new favorite like super hair this is absolutely insane."
"Our response would not be 'Oh,' our response would be to be astonished."
"How can you say spirits don't exist... blows my mind."
"Look how clean, crazy this is, crazy. She looks brand new, I can't."
"It's shocking, I don't even know how this artistic presentation was achieved, but it's beautiful."
"It's just crazy, this is just amazing."
"What made it absolutely astonishing was the incredible quality of the workmanship."
"Holy cow, what? Look at all the records, oh my God, no way!"
"This is crazy, this is elegant, detailed."
"I sat on that bunk and I prayed for this life, I'm here now, this is crazy, I wake up daily astonished."
"Here I was, the daughter of a late-in-life nurse, holding evidence, the proof a myth real. Astounding."