
Gender Expression Quotes

There are 154 quotes

"I've always loved non-binary fashion too. I think it's cool when you can gender bend."
"Gender... is broadly just another social category that allows us to express who we are."
"Nintendo seems to be projecting...a normative environment where playing with gender and gender expression is both possible and entirely irrelevant to your gaming experience."
"Why does my gender expression need to be such a big deal in real life when it's not in a Nintendo game?"
"We're saying that men should be able to wear whatever they want. We're not saying that they have to wear dresses; we're saying that if they like feminine things or if they want to wear feminine clothing, then let them."
"It's important to not dictate gender expression to the binary, where someone is either feminine or masculine, with no real room to be fluid."
"You don't have to be the imitation of a man. You can wear a pastel suit, you can wear a dress, you can wear a floral dress, you can wear high heels if you want to."
"The only way it could make a difference is if the way that we express gender is culturally defined. That is the only situation in which an attempt by any culture to change the way that men behave would make any sense whatsoever."
"Female impersonator, transvestite, call me mister -- these give us some clues to who Beverly is, because it’s how she refers to herself, and she ought to know."
"This is how I express my gender as someone who's non-binary."
"You can have a feminine boy; you can have masculine girls. And this has been a feature of life for all of human history."
"It's actually quite important that Janice is straights to show that this was a false rumor and Janice dresses in an androgynous anti-conformation way so there's an underlying Point don't stereotype someone based on their looks."
"People felt that having pronouns tied to the binary didn't allow for full expression."
"Saying someone is non-binary isn't a political statement, it's a matter of fact."
"A man in a dress is a very off-putting thing, especially a man in a dress who really thinks he's a woman."
"Let a man be in his masculine energy. Encourage it."
"Conservatives want to believe Harry Styles in a dress is some complicated attack on masculinity rather than the much simpler truth that it's just hot."
"Gender expression is obviously a spectrum and people can range from masculine to feminine regardless of their gender identity regardless of their biological sex."
"Being a more feminine woman and not just in my mannerisms or the way I live my life... but just kind of the shadow work that I've been doing."
"The gender-bending mystique of David Bowie was now firmly established, captivating the attention of the music industry."
"Being trans doesn't mean medically transitioning and getting surgeries, you know."
"Recognize that gender expression is not the same as gender identity."
"Femininity, like gender, is a spectrum and can be expressed in many different ways."
"Gender expression should make you feel at home in your body."
"Women dressed up as men and took to the crowds in defiance."
"He just wants to put on a pink dress and play with dolls and go to ballet."
"I think allowing a little boy or a little girl or whoever to use the toys that they want to use and dress the way they want to dress is a great form of parenting."
"We absolutely as a society need to be kinder to people who are presenting ambiguously."
"I identify as non-binary because some days I feel like a little bit of shit and sometimes I feel like a dude."
"When you dress more feminine, when you look more put together, when you show off your beauty, men will oftentimes naturally turn on more of their masculine energy."
"In 2050 everyone will be themselves, everyone will look different, everyone will be gender non-conforming."
"The fight scenes were choreographed so beautifully to show the masculine and feminine style of fighting."
"The point of drag is to break down gender norms."
"Sorry, Grandma, but I'm definitely vers, and I feel like my appearance definitely leans more feminine but in relationships I'm typically the more masc person."
"When a woman tries to look like a man, there's a signal being sent."
"Pete Davidson serving in a dress and or skirt, I'm here for it, I love pee."
"The demonization and hatred of homosexuality and alternative gender expression is learned."
"How much gender is honestly kind of a performance."
"Congrats, you're a woman, and that's okay. It's 2022. You don't wear anything. Where's your [ __ ] brendon? Yeah, daddy."
"I just feel like myself, I feel comfortable, and I feel like a woman."
"They're expressing their gender whether or not that's binary from male to female female to male or non-binary as they don't identify with a gender identity or then identify with a binary gender."
"She's doing both and she's not backing down."
"There is no choice in it, whether it's to do with your sexual orientation or your gender identity."
"Androgynous: Neither clearly masculine nor clearly feminine."
"Children are blank slates... raise a boy to believe it's okay for boys to wear dresses, then he's going to be comfortable wearing a dress at home."
"Gender isn't just something that you have or something that you are, it's something that you do."
"Humans are the only animals that have the ability to tell you what gender feels like and what it is to them to be a man a woman a non-binary person a trans person whatever it may be."
"Anyone can wield femininity, masculinity, any entity."
"I want to embody gender envy for everyone at all times, including myself."
"I was fully drawn to more feminine aspects, especially in a very macho conservative small town."
"Fashion is like almost like a fun way to experiment with gender."
"I really embody the worst parts of any gender expression."
"Gender is essentially an aesthetic. There is nothing less valid about 'dear gender' than there is about non-binary gender."
"I'm a gender non-conforming man and I am a feminine man, that's what I am."
"Billy Porter is blurring gender in front of our eyes every single time."
"Drag's not a joke, you know, gender expression fluidity and art. It's never a joke for people that need it."
"Gender is a journey, and pronouns are a way of expressing that."
"Finding your own definition of gender expression... relatable to a lot of trans people."
"You can have a whole variety of different gender expressions within a world of two sexes."
"If a boy wants to wear the sparkly nail polish and the dresses, we should let him wear the sparkly nail polish and the dresses. It's awesome."
"Chris Brown openly dancing in front of the pyramid with many other of the so-called men who were just getting down and dancing being as feminine as they possibly can be even though they're singing about a woman."
"Some men genuinely enjoy wearing dresses and that doesn't make them any less of a man."
"There's nothing remotely grooming about a man presenting in traditionally female clothing."
"So it allows me to be more feminine and relax."
"Drag plays with that, because in drag you're a man who dresses like a woman who becomes the most powerful person in the room."
"It makes your face go from a masculine shape to a more feminine shape."
"Despite living in today's world where men who are feminine in whatever capacity aren't celebrated here and there, or being able to thrive here and there, it hasn't always been like that."
"Gender fluidity is what 2018 is all about, and he is doing it."
"Klaus is able to remain flamboyant and deny gender roles, while showing real growth through his love for a man."
"I think clothing has no gender. I think anyone can wear whatever they want, but I definitely feel more confident when I'm dressed more masculine."
"I truly cherish the fact that I am able to present myself as a traditional man or a woman. Cherish it."
"Nobody can emasculate when they put a wig on it."
"Fashion is almost like a fun way to experiment with gender, gender expression. It doesn't have to like, there's like no rules to it, and there's always like some like reveal."
"Men are overwhelmingly more limited when it comes to self-expression than women."
"I realized I didn't want to be a girl, I just wanted to be allowed to do feminine things."
"It takes more courage to wear a dress for an hour than a suit for a lifetime."
"Having a blend of feminine and masculine traits expressed in a way that's not superior or overbearing, it's becoming more and more celebrated."
"Feel great in your own skin and fuel your own expression of masculinity."
"This was a strange kind of beauty, her masculine charm drawing people in."
"Not everyone presents the same way, femininity doesn't present the exact same way for every single person."
"There's also nothing wrong with a man in a dress or a man in heels."
"And again, keeps it from looking a little bit too androgynous."
"I have never fit in as a boy like I have been effeminate my entire life."
"Me and my RO have very similar mindsets when it comes to this this which also connects us cuz it's like me and Monroe aren't stereotypically feminine or masculine like we just dress how we dress."
"Fashion is like a fun way to experiment with gender expression. There's no rules to it, and there's always some reveal."
"I tried to do a lot of different types of expression with my assigned gender before realizing that I could just scrap it."
"Part of being nonbinary is learning the rules so that you can break them with your gender expression."
"It's a love story of Opposites Attract with a little bit of a commentary on gender expression at the same time."
"I want to see a future where people embrace their biological sex but express outwardly any way they want."
"Using the term Fanboy is like oh guys don't worry I'm not with that crazy gender nonsense I'm still Still A Guy I just like you know dressing very femininely."
"Feminine poses are just a lot more fun and in my view more visually appealing."
"...if you present as feminine and want to dress in masculine clothing, go for it. I bet you look amazing."
"Asuka can like traditionally feminine things and still be traditionally masculine at the same time."
"Prince's music was androgynous, sexy, and provocative."
"People get so befuddled by gender expression and gender and things. Just accept it."
"Feminine men exist and they want to be able to express themselves without fear of killing themselves and being bullied into oblivion."
"Drag is blurring the gender line while creating art."
"Drag has been around for a very, very long time. Gender bending has been around for a very long time."
"You exude femininity or masculinity, you're just beautiful inside and out, you're powerful."
"Reclaiming what femininity means."
"There are all sorts of ways to be masculine and feminine outside of the strict binary."
"Go forth, go out and do your gender, don't get in any trouble, and I'll see you next time."
"Just because you have long hair doesn't mean you look like a girl, just means you're a boy with long hair."
"As we look back from once we came, I was remarking to a client that portraits of women are so much more desirable than portraits of men."
"Criminalization of cross-dressing has become a thing of the past in name only really, and society at large is still seeking out ways to control and criminalize people who do not stick to strict gender expression."
"Who shall measure the heat and violence in a poet's heart when caught and tangled in a woman's body?"
"I am gender non-conformant, right? I'm gender non-binary."
"Don't let all this pretty and it's fool you, I'm a man."
"Gender is something that we do more than something that we are."
"It's a wonderful juxtaposition of masculine with very feminine."
"Masculinity and femininity are energetic expressions that reside within every human being."
"The most we can do is to perform gender differently."
"I love that combination that I always love in fashion of masculinity and femininity."
"Gender fluid is denoting someone who does not identify themselves as having a fixed gender."
"Feminine and masculine have become terms that we use to describe feelings and behaviours that all people, of all genders, experience."
"I'm happy that we live in a year where more men feel that they can do gender non-conforming behaviors and can cross-dress and talk about it publicly."
"I do believe gender expression has been on a spectrum for centuries."
"I love how she was able to bend so many rules in terms of gender fluidity."
"It takes a lot of guts to run outside of the gender binary and say, 'You know what, these clothes have no gender. I will wear them as I please.'"
"Blur the gender lines, do it, live your best life."
"People with neopronouns are out there fighting for their neopronouns and trying to be creative."
"My clothes don't define my gender."
"I don't really think that men should just wear men's clothes and women just wear women's clothes because that's so restricting and so limited."
"I think it's beautiful when women have masculine energy."
"I think it's important that you can identify as masculine, feminine, you can identify as male and female if you choose."
"He mixes femininity with masculinity in a way that is very transformative."
"We're trying to achieve femininity and masculinity rather than allowing the innate masculinity and femininity that we carry with ourselves lead our decisions."
"You can express yourself wherever you want, however you want, however you feel and it doesn't impact your gender."
"There's biological sex and then there's gender identity that you can identify as whatever you like in terms of a gender."
"If you want to gender bend a character for a cosplay to make yourself feel more comfortable, that is totally fine."
"Part of what makes K-pop so exciting, especially the boy bands in K-pop, is that they really blurred the lines between what's considered masculine and feminine."
"Men could wear dresses or skirts; they look so comfortable and breezy in summer."
"It's makeup, it's paint for your face, some products are going to work better than others, you're playing with a concept, with an idea that expresses gender, it's art."
"Trans people enable diversity and gender expression more than anything else."
"The perfect mesh between feminine and masculine in one."
"It gives me a little bit of masculinity that I like, okay, sexy feminine masculine type of look that I love, very edgy."