
Non-binary Quotes

There are 139 quotes

"I've always loved non-binary fashion too. I think it's cool when you can gender bend."
"We all may have a certain gender pronoun too, but it's important for people to understand that for trans and non-binary people, we often change our pronouns to reflect who we are."
"I think the real issue is the obvious absence of non-binary humans in pretty much any media."
"I'm Griffin, and I don't identify as a man. I'm non-binary. I still have elements of my identity that are masculine, elements that are feminine."
"Non-binary people have actually existed for centuries in many cultures around the world."
"Once somebody is committedly non-binary, a switch has to flip on us, and we have to become compassionate."
"This is how I express my gender as someone who's non-binary."
"If you're non-binary, I love you. You are valid, you are not misogynistic or sexist, you are not confusing, and I love you."
"I'm non-binary and trans masculine, so I identify with the pronoun they/them/theirs."
"Coming out as non-binary was one of the best things that I ever did for my mental health."
"It's just an evolution of language to allow people to refer to themselves outside of the binary."
"Saying someone is non-binary isn't a political statement, it's a matter of fact."
"Non-binary means a person who identifies outside of the binary."
"Happy Demi Lovato coming out as non-binary day!"
"Non-binary people can be any sexuality, including straight."
"Learn the delightful phrase: Guys, gals, and non-binary pals."
"Everyone who says they're non-binary is non-binary."
"Reject the idea that there is a non-binary look."
"Jonathan is non-binary and erasing the stigma around HIV... he's so incredible."
"Non-binary is just saying you don't feel like you lean completely on one side or the other of male and female."
"I identify as non-binary because some days I feel like a little bit of shit and sometimes I feel like a dude."
"Non-binary identities are real. Non-binary identities have been talked about by doctors, by medicine, medical sources!"
"Non-binary identities are real and they're everywhere."
"Thank you for showing me that it's okay to be non-binary. Thank you for giving me the courage to be who I am."
"There's absolutely nothing better than living outside the gender binary."
"Gender is not binary. Biological sex and gender are not binaries."
"Whatever you feel, whatever you call yourself is what you are. It's non-binary gender fluidity."
"They're expressing their gender whether or not that's binary from male to female female to male or non-binary as they don't identify with a gender identity or then identify with a binary gender."
"Life is not binary, you don't live Republican, you don't live Democrat."
"Envy was an androgynous non-binary, not existing as either a woman or a man."
"My ideal gender-affirming care is like a trans non-binary person. I want one boob."
"Non-binary people are entitled to this treatment."
"I'm a boy or non-binary and I'd like to note that you can be a non-binary boy and you can be a boy boy."
"Gender is a social construct, gender is a performance, it's not hardwired into your DNA, your sex is but even that is malleable and is not binary."
"It's not a binary scale, it's a scale of how much you believe, impacting your behavior accordingly."
"I am a trans non-binary person, and I use any and all pronouns."
"The world is not binary. It is not black and white."
"Everything is on a spectrum right. It's everything is non-binary, you're not crazy or sane, you're somewhere on the Spectrum."
"For people who are non-binary or gender fluid, they/them is a pronoun because those terms don't seem to fit."
"I am non-binary which means I have no gender I am just me."
"My identity is purely that I have this innate feeling, which is I am NOT a girl and I'm not a boy, so I must be something else."
"I am non-binary gender fluid that means that I don't really ever see myself as being a woman or a man I see myself as being non-binary along the spectrum of that and it is a spectrum that gender is fluid."
"Non-binary is one of those scary terms, like critical race Theory or Dei terms, that are jargony or specific enough that somebody outside of the know isn't going to be able to instantly grasp their meaning."
"For a show that claims to be aware of the lack of representative non-binary characters in the media, 'And Just Like That' does a pretty decent job of turning Jay into a cringe-worthy caricature."
"I'm coming out as non-binary, so from now on, you will address me as Zim."
"Non-binary isn't a new thing, it's just a new term. There's just basically someone that doesn't feel like they are either masculine or feminine. They kind of float between the two."
"Jinny Lemon and Bimini Bon Boulash made headlines when they discussed their experiences as non-binary people. 'I just didn't know what I was. I didn't know whether I was a boy or a girl.'"
"Gren is overall one of the better non-binary characters in media."
"I go by all the pronouns. I don't go strictly by they them. I go by all of them because I also am non-binary."
"The goal of non-binary people is to completely destroy and deconstruct the binary."
"Non-binary identity is not defined by the clothes that you wear, your aesthetic, your haircut, any of that. It's an identity, it's inside."
"To imply that non-binary people have this deeply rooted evil plan for society, you sound insane."
"There are non-binary catboy Nazis out there, guys. I know it makes no sense, but it's true."
"There is no one way to look nonbinary."
"Part of being nonbinary is learning the rules so that you can break them with your gender expression."
"There are more nonbinary people than you think."
"Can I ask a question? Yes. So, non-binary identities, is non-binary a gender or is non-binary not having a gender?"
"Stop telling people they can't be non-binary, you can be literally anything, like gender is not real."
"There's been an orchestrated attempt to make people think that trans and non-binary people have access to some mythological power."
"I think it's very exciting, especially to have a non-binary artist win. I think it's incredible."
"Hey, why are you non-binary? Oh, I like it."
"The world is not binary as you thought. Gray areas exist for a reason."
"We may have a non-binary viking age person, and it appears that they had a position of some respect and authority in society, which I think is awesome."
"If you're apathetic to your own gender, that's a subcategory of being non-binary. You're not incorrect."
"Non-binary people do not owe you androgyny."
"There are non-binary people that have dysphoria, and that dysphoria is alleviated by their identity being validated."
"Non-binary people are just trying to be ourselves and move towards a society where people can be free to present and identify however they want."
"So in the loosest of terms, a person who is nonbinary simply has a gender experience that is not exclusively 'I am a man' or 'I am a woman.'"
"I just want love for myself and for other trans and non-binary people."
"Your gender is separate from that, so I can have my sex can be female but my gender is non-binary."
"It's been really beautiful and I really hope that anyone wants to reach out about sexuality or anything or you know being non-binary please send me a message."
"You have made a big impact in my life, and I think as now I'm in London, you know, I identify as non-binary, I'm very much in tight like in titles, I'm in China, I'm like it, I'm, I feel very happy with who I am now."
"I define my gender as neither and both. I'm female but don't identify as a woman; I'm masculine but don't consider myself a man."
"Genderqueer and gender non-conforming, as well as the word non-binary, are words that mean somebody does not operate within a binary system."
"Non-binary is trans. No one is assigned non-binary at birth."
"We have all this gender fluidity happening now in this non-binary culture that is emerging."
"It's not a binary system where you either have mental health issues or you don't."
"Happy Non-Binary Awareness Week to everyone who technically falls under this category but more accurately isn't in the mood to explain."
"Inside you are two frogs: one wants long flowing hair, one wants a shaved head. You are non-binary."
"Non-binary doesn't exist on a masculine to feminine spectrum. It's more like flavors of ice cream that aren't chocolate or vanilla."
"Technically because I am non-binary, there is no definitive opposite to it, therefore no one can define if I am attracted to the same sex or the opposite sex. Therefore, I am both heterosexual and homosexual. I am Schrödinger's gay."
"Typically you do a girls' night, but Robin is non-binary, so they would call it a non-boys' night, which I think is super cute."
"If you didn't already know, I am non-binary, so the representation we get for NB people actually does mean a lot to me."
"The textbook definition of being non-binary is... an umbrella term for gender identities that are neither male nor female, identities that are outside the gender binary."
"When I see a character like Shep, I'm kind of like, 'Yes, finally, good NB representation, I love them!'"
"All my life I never really felt like a boy, and I don't really feel like a girl, so I'd rather be both."
"I am gender non-conformant, right? I'm gender non-binary."
"I'm not trans. I am more like gender fluid, like non-binary."
"I am proof that non-binary people exist and that it is a thing."
"The world is not binary; it has incredible complexity."
"Are you non-binary? Yes, I am non-binary, absolutely."
"I believe in the non-binary whose pronouns are plural."
"You don't have to be smack bam in the middle to be non-binary."
"I'm not a woman or a man... I'm something else, and that's why I am non-binary."
"Love to me isn't defined by gender and binary, that stuff doesn't matter to me."
"We even have gifts for non-binary people."
"Gender looks boring in just pink and blue; these people push beyond the binary."
"Bugs Bunny... the most popular non-binary trans cartoon character."
"Learning about relationships and learning to adapt to relationships that are potentially non-binary is important."
"If you're somebody who sees yourself as falling outside of this societal notion of man or woman... then that would be what a non-binary person is."
"The core part of being non-binary would be viewing oneself... not entirely as a man or a woman."
"I'm not a man, but I also didn't want to transition to a woman. I'm non-binary, and yes, that exists."
"For non-binary people, they feel most comfortable in the middle somewhere, or you know, on whatever plane; it doesn't have to be a spectrum, it can be like a multi-dimensional plane, however you envision yourself."
"It's hard to be in the non-binary space between millennial and Gen Z. You just really feel like there's no place for you, so we have to just band together and create our own place."
"This rendition of this character is explicitly non-binary and it sort of bridges the gap between just a doll and our actual reality."
"Our understanding that gender is a binary was actually wrong."
"I'm really loving learning a lot more about what it means to identify as non-binary."
"Non-binary people are pretty happy allowing people to express their gender and identify their gender how they would like."
"They feel they are not born male or female, they're just born a person."
"Feeling binary was outdated, Yan opted to use a coding alphabet of his own design."
"Etcetera constantly proves that talent knows no binary."
"Sex of an organism is not a binary variable."
"For me, this personally works out because I'm non-binary and I like to smell like all kinds of things regardless of if it's masculine or feminine."
"My pronouns are she and they, my gender identity is non-binary."