
Compliment Quotes

There are 8700 quotes

"You're so uniquely you, and I think it's so beautiful."
"If you were a burger at McDonald's, you'd be McGorgeous."
"Once again, you have a heart that is so pure, so genuine."
"You look so beautiful. You look amazing, friend."
"You're looking cute today... You're just so hardworking, you are the perfect candidate for a partner."
"You're kind, honest, unbelievably talented, and so beautiful."
"This must be a museum because you are a work of art."
"You're the brightest thing I've seen all day."
"Brilliant, Peter Wright. You've been fantastic tonight. Whatever you're doing in your practice, it's working."
"You have a really good look for the sorority. I'm not gonna lie."
"Are you a parking ticket because you've got fine written all over you."
"Everything about you is just amazing. Your aura, your light, your energy. I love you."
"I think you are not only a good teacher but also a good cook."
"Ann, you beautiful tropical fish. Ann, you rainbow-infused space unicorn."
"You are the most beautiful person I have ever met."
"I'm a very complimentary person and I'm always gonna give people their flowers."
"Spicy Bean says just what just want to know you have very nice hair I think."
"You are literally a wish fulfillment; you are incredible."
"Lemonheads and comment down below, 'Looking good girl,' because uh, Cassandra is looking real good, which she's totally upgraded."
"One of the greatest compliments you can give an individual is calling that person a visionary."
"So I am flattered and delighted that you think I'm a good storyteller, and I don't see it as an insult."
"For a level 70, you're actually a good player."
"Your personality is as refreshing as walking through a Springfield early in the morning."
"You must be a lovely person. I am, thank you for noticing that in your mind."
"You are such a generous, focused, beautiful person with so much success."
"Flattery is a sin, so I want you to know how I feel about this. I think it's very respectable and really a glorious thing that you're willing to come all the way out here."
"That one's very sweet, not as sweet as you, but still very sweet."
"Don't let them tell you no different. You're cute. Thank you."
"It should be illegal for someone to look this good!"
"Look at you, you're so cute, your hair like Aaron's."
"Your calves, hear me out, are such as though a god had a day off and sculpted the perfect calf."
"You have a way with words. It means you think that the other person is a good communicator."
"I think you're very bright, kind, and genuine."
"Your voice is so soothing. You could really do ASMR videos."
"You are good energy, man. Just a delightful person."
"You are touched by the heavens; you are very beautiful."
"I love you anyway, you perfect little specimen."
"Snowman, you thick. Are you crazy? Look at that booty."
"There is no better compliment than your best mate saying he thinks you're looking good."
"You smell really great, man. Like roses, man."
"Denial, that's all it is. They can't accept it, which I take as a compliment."
"You are such a beautiful light in this world."
"I love what you did with your hair, it looks so good today."
"Hello there beautiful, how are you doing today? You were looking stunning as always."
"I feel that you truly get how business works."
"That's a good pitch, dude, great pitch, that's clutch."
"Nice shot, oh my gosh dude, this man's building is nuts!"
"People always complimented you on your confidence... they want to be taught it."
"He's a handsome devil, that G. Nice hairline."
"Brandon's lead run there was gangster, that was really really solid."
"You're a legend. An icon. And you are the moment."
"You make women feel like they're the eighth wonder of the world."
"The shirt looks great on you, it really does."
"I am incredibly impressed with the fact that you woke up this early. It is currently seven in the morning over there."
"I like your green eyes and you want to be a part of this intro too, okay."
"Humor is sexy. But then are you. You are, too."
"I think you are more beautiful now than when you were on Vine."
"I genuinely think that you are such a catch and a half, and you're just a [expletive] overall great human being."
"I monitor him our garam masala lilo an address."
"I think you're passionate, natural, and beautiful."
"We can't all be as naturally beautiful as you are."
"Your hair looks cool bro, your hair does look cool now."
"You're just a wonderful person, I don't know how else to put it."
"Just want to tell you that you're looking great."
"Wow, you're very good. I'm excited to see how strong you'll be."
"You look super cute in those clothes, lovey."
"Wow, and your makeup looks fabulous! Who did it for you?"
"Honestly, you are too generous, man. It's insane."
"You looking good like a Hershey, abs so defined."
"You look good but you look big like you look like yourself heavy you looked heavy but you looked perfect for a guest posing."
"Big thank you babe like heretics is so aggressive."
"When people have just been there and they can feel like they're back in Italy eating food that's equally as good or in the same league or better, to me, that's the biggest compliment."
"You have an attractive inner and outer beauty."
"Give him the nose because he's actually one of the best smelling humans I've ever been around."
"One name that must never be said whenever anybody asks me who's the best fighter in the world: you're the guy. I appreciate it, man."
"I just wanted to say you look lovely wherever you are!"
"Is really going to be breathtaking? You're breathtaking! You're all breathtaking!"
"You are literally Mr. invincible qualifying at the moment."
"Congratulations on your engagement, you're beautiful."
"You have an incredible aura and energy, honestly, I'm not just saying that."
"I really like your outfit, would you match with me?"
"You look like the friendliest, brightest, warmest individual."
"You look very good with it. You always love your beard, your beard game is on point." - John Campia
"I like your lips. I really, oh my goodness, though, really oh my goodness."
"Wow, you are literally the best person in existence. Never punched a nun."
"You look so happy, that's awesome. Thank you."
"Having a kid tell you beautiful just hits different."
"Everything is predictable but in the best, most complementary way."
"I'm sure you're an excellent person in almost all regards."
"Whenever people say 'bro you got pretty privileged' I'm like you just said I'm pretty, thank you."
"This view's so pretty, almost as pretty as you."
"My ex-girlfriend always had good things to say about you and I know she has a good picker after all she chose both of us."
"If you heard this, you're amazing and actually made it through this long-ass video."
"That's super cute, come on, you can't deny that."
"Wow, you look so beautiful. Oh thank you man, come around, come."
"You actually know how to multitask better than anybody I've ever met."
"Why are you so beautiful? Thank you so much."
"You're very unique and extremely thoughtful and conscious and so honest and genuine."
"Your skin just looks flawless, like completely flawless."
"J Lo's doppelganger should also be a compliment to the star as the twin is also a professional bodybuilder."
"Honestly, chefs kiss, Robert. That's 100% true."
"Damn, this person's awesome. I love your hair."
"I absolutely loved everything about your fit, I really did."
"You've been Sensational by the way just Sensational."
"Congratulations, you are the smartest sibling!"
"You're a triple threat—smart, funny, and talented."
"Tina, you've really changed a lot. That's amazing."
"Did it hurt? Did what hurt when you fell from heaven? 'Cause, Maddie, you are an angel."
"They're the coolest, most awesome human beings on the entire League of Legends server."
"Welcome to the click, you smell amazing today, don't let anyone else tell you otherwise."
"You're the most beautiful person in the entire world."
"You are a girl boss and you're really good at your job."
"That's gotta be the nicest thing anybody's ever said to me."
"I love her and you did her saggy grandma boobs so tastefully so congratulations you did so good with the collar."
"You're the best audience I couldn't ask for a better audience, great fans all of you beautiful too."
"She blushes a bit from beneath your mask. It's cute on cute if you ask me."
"Just lean over and whisper into that man's ear: 'Hey baby, you smell so good today.'"
"Salem, you clean up pretty nice. Holy [ __ ] dude."
"You win for hair, you're the hair of God, for sure."
"You're like a force of nature, man. No one can take you down."
"You are beautiful, okay? I hope you are having an amazing weekend."
"I think the other word you're looking for is amazing."
"I'm gonna take it as a compliment man. Okay, I'm gonna take it as a compliment."
"You fit it to the body well, that was smart."
"Good day beautiful, I heard a dream-like voice."
"Nice shout out dude... you always find a little creative."
"You look beautiful, you know, makes me feel good."
"Love it, you looking good today. Look at you."
"That was his biggest compliment that he could give you."
"Mamma mia, you are looking just stunning, buddy!"
"You have that je ne sais quoi, that special something about you."
"No one's doubting your physique is insane, dude."
"I'm amazed that you've actually managed to create the main course and the sorbet. Surprisingly good."
"I'm gonna say nice shirt to everybody who has one." - Light-hearted comment about a common apparel choice.
"They're working on fixing this and you are the most beautiful person I've ever met."
"She handles herself with so much grace, so much elegance... that is definitely a gift." - Miss Grand Russia
"You have this incredible stamina; you're a very resilient person."
"Well, you're going to have to try. How do I look? Wo, you look so cool!"
"Thank you for inviting me. Oh my god, you look so cute."
"She ages like a fine wine; she looks better today than she did here."
"You are absolutely drop-dead gorgeous, you are intoxicating."
"Your brows are beautiful Madi and that is brilliant."
"I think you're an absolute beast of a guitarist."
"Nice ball, perfect, wow. I think that's good."
"Look at you captain, you're healthy as a horse."
"I thought you guys looked amazing yesterday though."
"You're beautiful. You are beautiful. Scary but beautiful."
"Every time I see you, you seem like you glow up."
"Christine, your confidence and like, um, you just have like this certain, like, power threshold to you."
"Ruffles said you smell like fried chicken, tell them I say thank you."
"That was a shot of the day, shot of the day, you absolutely rocked my world with that."
"I played with Brooks Koepka and he... gave me this major compliment."
"They're saying you're a really good listener."
"You're so mature even though you're so young."
"The number one compliment that you could ever receive is that you're a trustworthy person."
"I think you're very talented, not that I think, I know you are."
"You're such a high-value quality individual."
"This skin really suits you, like it's actually your personality."
"Nobody makes pumping fuel look as cool as you do."
"There are a lot of good points in your driving."
"You're beautiful both inside and out, so I feel you will notice a lot more eyes on you Pisces in the next couple of weeks."
"The Rolls-Royce of its kind is still the highest compliment that can be paid."
"Are you from Tennessee because you're the only ten I see."
"You two, I gotta say it, you killed it with this one."
"Wow, honestly I feel like this is the cover of a romance novel, and you're like a sexy fighter that's just like I feel like you know when you're like envisioning like a character who's just strong and handsome that's kind of what I see." - Robbie
"All I'm saying is if you showed up at my door to pick me up from high school graduation looking like this, I would definitely be impressed." - Robbie
"I knew you were a dad because I saw your face, not gonna lie you look good bro."
"Man, that was nice. You were smooth with it, man."
"You look amazing, girl. Don't worry about these dudes."
"Taylor Swift walks by and she just goes, 'I like your beard.'"
"That's a pro play there, James. That's big brain."
"Giving a man a compliment does nothing desperate about that."
"That tells you how dominant that you are. There is no compliment higher to a champion that the best someone can do is survive and be tough and durable."
"Just a video game is hell video game. And I mean that as a compliment."
"I think you're amazing. You take my breath away. When are you free to meet up for a drink?"
"Wow, what a compliment that you watch me do something that you're not necessarily interested in."
"Wow, that was good mate, that was Bloody good."
"Smooth as [ __ ] butter man, smooth as butter."
"You're such an amazing person, such a genuine nice human being."
"You're such a special human being, a true angel."
"You just IQed that base, man. That's actually the smartest thing I've ever seen."
"You pulled off a really slick illustrative tattoo."
"It was a great honor to receive such a compliment from him."
"Good morning, Voltsie, you're looking sharp."
"How are you spinning around like that? That's beautiful. That's a skill, thank you, Doodle."
"He told me that I was the greatest human being he's ever met."
"You are a gentleman and a scholar, holy crap, I appreciate it."
"You're a beast at this, like you are the best."
"If you want to tell Jill that her hair looks good, it does."
"You guys seem good with your words and like you are intelligent."
"Look at that attractive person, they are God's gift."
"You are beautiful, you are an amazing individual."
"I just have to tell you I hate you, you look so good."
"The ice cream you made, the peanut butter ice cream, is like some of the best ice cream I've ever had."
"There is literally no higher praise or compliment you could ever get."
"GG, well played, man! The young Fiora with the lifesteal build. Hell yeah, let's go!"
"Chris Larson is quality, he's a marrying type."
"That's when you heard it, you truly are a work of art, Mr. Phoenix Wright."
"The dude is just a looker, arguably handsome as hell."