
Political Perception Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"I really do think that most reasonable people of good political disposition will see that I'm alright."
"I think one of the factors that Trump was so attractive... there's this perception... that the progressive types... have nothing but contempt for them."
"The more people see Rishi Sunak, the more compelling and the more they warmed towards him."
"Hillary Clinton's gonna be revealed for the thin-skinned power-hungry narcissist that she really is."
"Trump feels unfairly under attack, and he is right about that."
"Regular people do not like this, I mean the average voter doesn't like this."
"If you're the prime minister of Canada, the man is a villain. But if you're a conservative, particularly a young conservative, it's very likely you think of him as a hero." - Jordan Peterson
"Americans are waking up, they're seeing the truth."
"He saw the West as behind... using these revolutions as a sword against him."
"The media love themselves some Beto. They see a white kid who grew up extraordinarily privileged, but they love to think he's the cool, considerate guy they want to be."
"You think politicians are high and mighty and they're not."
"What makes him charismatic to some makes him unappealing to others, not his policies."
"President Trump has the capacity of being a level-headed, reserved, and respectful head of state."
"It's the perception that I think increasingly a lot of us have... it is like an oligarchy."
"There was a feeling by President Trump that he had been wronged by the Ukrainians and so this was something that he thought they owed him to fix that wrong."
"Nearly 40 percent of Democrats think Republicans do a better job."
"I think this person perhaps after jail time will be lionized on the left."
"The Chinese Communist Party risks becoming what the United States used to be in the eyes of these different terrorist movements."
"Putin is a coward, he is really afraid for his life."
"If you think Trump doesn't have enemies, you must be living under a rock because the media won't shut up."
"President Trump, who everybody dismissed as a rube, he's actually taking the long view."
"Tulsi Gabbard is the 2020 presidential elections most misunderstood candidate."
"Ultimately, they viewed him as a savior, a messiah for the country."
"President Biden really is not viewed as this end-all be-all figure as President Trump once was."
"Twitter has deeply deeply warped our sense of political reality."
"I don't see the president as a person that is racist."
"I mean, sure the American presidency may never be viewed quite the same way again, that whole esteem for the office thing."
"The Tory party doesn't look like the nasty party anymore for a very large number of people."
"It really doesn't make Trump look as bad as the press wants it to look."
"The perception on the GOP after this vote will be very very negative."
"Putin had changed... he's probably not getting the best information."
"In politics perception is often reality and right now the perception Trump is creating is that of a more capable, more energetic leader."
"Trump knows he's a clever man, they like to say he's dumb he's not dumb."
"The view of the Chinese Communist party has plummeted."
"Trudeau is very cognizant of the fact that the views of the political Elite in Canada hold on immigration have diverged significantly from those of the Canadian public."
"I see Trump as really wanting to help the country."
"Selling NFTs on Instagram and ranting and raving about election fraud is not the threat. The guy who's actually accomplishing the things that we ask for, that actually is the threat."
"I hope to see more war protests, unfortunately, if you're anti-war, you're painted as a Russian propagandist."
"They've made Trump into this fascist... We're being asked to deny what we see."
"The NRA doesn't need to convince people the government is coming for their guns. They can turn on the news and see it."
"86% of those polled believe that Putin was sincere...many were impressed by what he said."
"I refuse to see it as one... someone was going after that and I said and I still believe I said my work is not political."
"Cable news sadly really does impact the way that people think about the world and think about politics."
"The demonization of Putin today has reached such extraordinary levels... this guy is not to be reactionary he's not mad he's not a demon he's not the devil you know."
"For the Putin file types, it's more like they see him as a figure who stands up to the West."
"When they look at Obama, we kind of saw what we wanted to be. When we see Trump, we kind of see what we are."
"He truly seems like he cares, something you don't really see in a lot of politicians."
"Joe Biden is lucky because people are feeling better about their personal economy."
"Hillary Clinton isn't widely described as a hawk because of our sexist double standards which expect that women be dovish. She's seen as a hawk because she is a hawk."
"Joe Biden is a guy who was constantly underestimated."
"It's hard to attack Antifa because it sounds like you might be favoring fascism."
"Everyone now sees as a good thing to be leftist."
"When President Trump says the press are out to get him, they kind of are."
"Chris Pratt has never fully come out as conservative, but once the press got a whiff of a hint that he might be right-leaning, then all these bogus controversies started pouring out after him."
"It's all a movie, guys, whenever you're looking at elections, whenever you're looking at these financial agendas, it's all a movie."
"They said he was too radical when actually his core policies are quite popular."