
Body Autonomy Quotes

There are 169 quotes

"Everyone should be entitled to change and do what they want with their life and their body because you only get one."
"I think women deserve to decide what happens with their body."
"Why isn't it weird that there's a bunch of old white men sitting in a room making legislation about what I can and can't do with my body?"
"Let women do what they want to do with their bodies; at the end of the day, it's their bodies."
"The most important right you have as a human being is the right to control your own body."
"Casual sex is not the key to liberating women; letting them control their body is."
"The U.S. government has never been very good at protecting the rights of an individual to control what happens to their own body."
"I do not believe that under 18s should be able to make irreversible decisions about their own bodies that they might come to regret later."
"If women or even men want to make an OnlyFans account, let them. It's their freaking body."
"Even if I want don't want to lose weight that's my business. It's my business."
"Your ability to do what you want or put what you want in your body is not my right to tell you what to do."
"It's not the government's right to tell you what you can and can't put in your body."
"Good for her for doing what she wanted with her body at the end of the day."
"There is no shame in the game, you can do whatever you want to your face."
"Attraction is just information, not lust. I control my body, my body doesn't control me."
"You're either for individual liberty, the right to do with your body as you want, or you're not."
"The freedom to do whatever you want personally, you're completely entitled to do whatever you want to your own body as long as it doesn't affect anybody else."
"It's a woman's body, we shouldn't be telling them what they need to be doing with it."
"Abortion, and choosing an abortion has a lot to do with having control over your body."
"There is nobody on this Earth who knows your body more than you."
"It's sad that we even have to do this because other people's bodies are not our opinion to have. It's none of our business."
"I know trans people, they do their thing. I got no issue. I know people who have engaged in body modification, they do their thing. I really don't care."
"The female body is not there for your enjoyment."
"Men can make decisions about their own body."
"For anyone questioning why you haven't had your breasts removed or why the [expletive] keep them, anyone trying to influence you to change yourself can literally go to hell."
"Style your body hair however you like, which is how it should be."
"Only you decide what goes into your body, period."
"People should be able to do anything to their bodies that makes them feel beautiful, that makes them feel sexy. It's your body, it's your choice."
"We're preparing kids to think that the body they're born into is just a choice that can be changed."
"Taking back your body and using it to make money is empowering."
"I support a person's right to choose what is right for them and their own body."
"What might be even worse than the distress of not feeling like the way you look is having done something to your body and never being able to go back."
"Women should have full liberation to do what they want with their bodies."
"It's your body, whatever you want to do with your body, do it, rock it."
"Women deserve to be firmly in control of their bodies and pleasure."
"The truth is that no one is in your body but you, and it's your life that you have to live."
"A woman's body is sacred. Our women should not be on display."
"It is your body, it is your face, it is your choice."
"Don't let him tell you what to do with your body, okay? Your body, your choice."
"If anyone values free speech, it's us. But that doesn't mean you're free of consequence."
"Everyone in the world deserves a choice, everyone in the world deserves to have control over their own bodies."
"You control your body. Your body knows what it needs but has too much of what it's being deprived of."
"By displaying their bodies in a way that is typically sexualized without their permission and by being in control and doing it themselves, they are reclaiming their bodies and sexuality."
"And what is it about a woman reclaiming her body and using her body as a sight of protest that is seen as inherently powerful and threatening to the status quo?"
"My body is not a dumpster this is only for my husband and for me."
"It's their body, it's their child and it's only right that they have a choice."
"If you're not comfortable enough with your own body to check out your own body, then listen honey, you're not comfortable enough to engage in intercourse."
"I think it's your body and you have a right to do it."
"You're not weird for not wanting to show a part of your body and you're not weird if you want to be naked like just do what feels right for you."
"It's a personal choice. I'm a big believer of 'your body, your choice' and I respect that if you want to do something for you because it enhances your life or is simply something you want to do."
"Feel free to build your physique however the fuck you want."
"But learning to take control of your body and saying 'this is what I want, this is what will make me most comfortable,' that, I think, is empowering."
"You have the freedom to do whatever you want with your body and you should not be shamed."
"The female body horror genre is All About the terrifying idea that a woman's body does not belong to her."
"In a truly patriarchal society the baby belongs to the father and to society so the female body is a means to an end."
"We cannot have gender equality until women have bodily autonomy."
"The right of every woman in every state in this country to make decisions about her own body is on the line."
"If you don't want to put your body at risk, you do not have to."
"Even if it's an accurate clock, they didn't need to install it inside your body."
"There's something empowering and feels good about doing what I want with my own freaking skin that I get to keep forever."
"It is your life. It is your body. And truly your choice."
"Just do what you want with your body. It's your body, you decorate it however you like. Your cake, so um, I'm very nervous, not nervous like..."
"I think people should have the freedom to do things they want with their bodies."
"Tattoos are a form of art, a form of expression, and quite frankly, what somebody else does with their body ain't none of your damn business."
"Shaving is not something you have to do. You don't have to shave for anyone else but you."
"Everyone has the power to change their body how they want."
"I walked away from casual sex when I was 19 and it was because I had an epiphany. Yes, I have control over my body and that is a beautiful thing."
"When people do that, they'll say, 'Wait a minute, my body is an interconnected system. I can become an expert of my own body.'"
"You're doing something to your body that is not only irreversible but it can't actually give you what you think that you want and you're removed from the people that actually love you and that's evil."
"People who just want to own their sexuality, own their body, and use it as a commodity... they should be able to do that in a way that is safe."
"Your body's for everybody so now it's like well your body's for everybody but you want to give that body that I view as sacred?"
"Wow, we're really in an interesting dystopian world aren't we where employers are deciding what happens to our bodies."
"You can surgically have parts of your body removed, Gregory."
"Normalize not telling people what to do with their bodies."
"Why do I have to answer for everything that I do to my own body? I don't think that's cool."
"Nudity is one of those things where it's like you don't have to do it if you don't want to."
"Perhaps telling half the voters that they no longer make decisions about their own bodies has something to do with falling poll numbers."
"I can show my body if I want to. How come men can do it and women can't?"
"Your body, your house, your life."
"I tell people look, I'm the servant of my body. What my body says it likes, we agree with because my body pays me back with a good night's sleep, productivity, happiness, and peace of mind."
"Why are we policing women's bodies?"
"At the end of the day, it comes down to power, and the battleground is our bodies."
"Women can't change their bodies in any way without the world's permission."
"Your body is yours alone if someone tries to touch you in a place or in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable that's no good."
"Even if you don't agree with her profession, at the end of the day, it's her body and she gets to decide what she does with it."
"Once we sever the link between women and their bodies, it just spirals out of control."
"Her body is her right to do what she wants, more power to you."
"It's all good, it's all okay. It's your body, your choice."
"No one owes anyone anything, especially not sex, especially not their body."
"It's my body. I'm being very honest with you guys."
"That's the craziest part to me: nobody gets to tell you what to do with your body."
"Respecting your body means making whatever choices you want to make."
"Political discourse around gender affirming surgery has nothing to do with the actual Medical Treatments themselves and everything to do with policing and controlling people's bodies."
"My body is special, it belongs to me. I'll protect it."
"Everybody deserves respect and the ability to make decisions about their body."
"There are few things more vile, more irresponsible, more dangerous than saying a child can consent to permanently removing a body part that serves an extremely important function."
"Embrace who you are. What if I don't want to? My body, my [__] choice."
"It's all about just being in control of your own body."
"You start with very simple things that really don't even necessarily have to do with sex but it does have to do with how you use your body and how you have boundaries."
"It's your body, and you're allowed to tattoo whatever you want on it."
"Feminists don’t say all women need to be showing off their bodies and having sex with random men. They say that women should have the right to choose."
"When you separate it, you can then really appreciate and also feel safe in your own body."
"I just have fun with it and do what my body wants, and I think that's the beauty of working out and fitness."
"Every person is a private, exclusive owner of his own physical body."
"I think that any amount of effort given to demedicalize people and to have them be comfortable in their bodies is fantastic."
"Your body, your choice, but I do think it's important to remind people that celebrities are people just like us and have flaws."
"I promote people doing what they want to do to their bodies to make them happy."
"No one should ever touch you on a private part of your body or ask you to touch their private body parts."
"I already have an incredibly strong stance about piercing baby's ears because, you know, a baby is not consenting to having a body modification."
"Stop micromanaging; the body knows how to be healthy, it wants to have a firing metabolism."
"Woman has the right to choose what shape she's in, and she also has the right not to be bullied or shamed."
"God gives us a body, right, and so we have to be able to use it for what we want and also to be able to express ourselves however we desire."
"Engage with the people that are the ones making these decisions to change their bodies and see, what do you need, how can we help."
"I think everyone deserves the right to live their body in a way that they see it as best."
"It's a constant struggle or at least dance between you being in charge and your body being in charge."
"People need to do what they feel is best with their bodies and nobody owes anybody anything."
"If you are making a choice and feel empowered to make money through your body, kudos to you."
"I do believe that every woman should have the right to do whatever they want with their body."
"It's about being able to choose what happens to your body, and when that is empowering."
"People should have the freedom to do what they want with their own bodies so long as it doesn't affect the freedoms and rights of others."
"Personal preference and freedom of choice of your own body; it's your body, you choose what you want to do."
"The essay emerges from the women's liberation movement's insistence that there was a politics of the body."
"We ain't gonna shame her for love because it's her body, she can do what she wants."
"Your intuition and what you want is so important, especially when it comes to your body."
"You know what you want and what you don't want, and you should feel completely comfortable when it comes to your own body."
"It's like an exercise to be like my spirit and soul's in charge, not my body."
"We don't need to be policing women's bodies this much, do we?"
"Don't let anybody pressure you into something you don't want to do with your body."
"You're allowed to change your body however you want."
"Tattoos are such a great way of like reclaiming your body."
"Your body, your choice, remember that. I don't care what anyone says."
"I am not in your body; you know it better than I do."
"It's really none of anybody else's business and I just think in general it's not a good idea to make someone feel bad for something that they've permanently already done to their body."
"It doesn't matter what most boys prefer, what matters is what you prefer because it is your body."
"Just have whatever body you are comfortable in, and if you want to make changes, you can make changes. There's no shame in that."
"Wear what you want. Do what you want with your body."
"I suspect women who have been athletes are very sensitive to the idea of having your body policed."
"Do what you want with your body; it's yours, you have to live with it."
"If you're sleeping with someone that's going to make you question whether you should have body hair, then you shouldn't be sleeping with them in the first place."
"They have a right to know about their bodies and they don't need to get married at 10 years old."
"It's my body and I'm gonna do it."
"Does the woman own her body, or does she not own her body?"
"It's your body, your choice, just make sure it's what you really want."
"At the end of the day, it is your body and it is your choice, and every body is different."
"It's your body at the end of the day."
"I am a huge believer in the right of the woman over her own body."
"I refuse to be ashamed and I refuse to not do what I want to do because of my body."