
Film Influence Quotes

There are 129 quotes

"Citizen Kane remains the most influential film of all time."
"The Grand Budapest Hotel would be whimsical and take you back to a time before any world wars."
"In a hotel inspired by Spirited Away, you wouldn't just stay; you'd live in a fantasy."
"It's one of the films that got me really interested in Titanic in the first place, mainly because it was done really well."
"Night of the Living Dead inspired an explosion of films that embodied the exact counter cultural conflicts occurring across America."
"I love the character Jyn Erso, she brings a lot to the Star Wars story."
"The original Oldboy is so important as a gateway for South Korean cinema."
"When a film spawns as many imitators as this one has, you know that it struck a chord."
"Hollywood doesn't make very many westerns anymore so I saw this was a chance to help develop a game with the depth of a classic Western."
"Everybody tried to make their own The Dark Knight." - Influence of The Dark Knight on subsequent films.
"This movie that sort of made me want to start working out."
"I think that to me that is a movie that again you you will look at that movie very differently you probably will look at life very differently for the rest of your time on this planet."
"This movie will have repercussions on things that are coming afterwards."
"The outfits in The Devil Wears Prada would work just as well now as they did 15 years ago."
"Unbreakable treated superheroes seriously, laying the groundwork for many comic book movies to come."
"His impact on cinema remains indelible, solidifying him as one of the most talented actors of his generation."
"This movie's gonna spawn probably a new fetish because now after avatar you see these blue people or I saw I seen a dude who tattooed his whole body blue so he could eff like an avatar."
"Reservoir Dogs started a grand tradition of highly referential dialogue and graphic violence."
"Tyka Waititi is the Bill Sienkiewicz to the Neal Adams that is James Gunn."
"I became a Christian because of your movies."
"It might not be too much of a stretch to suggest that Marvel took some notes from the failures of the Green Lantern film while adapting Captain Marvel."
"Do we owe the 2011 flop a debt of gratitude for helping make the MCU what it is today?"
"Film has the ability to get a message out to a large amount of people."
"I'm curious about the film because if you're into Charlie's Angels, you've got to have high-action elements as well."
"Hackers is the one I remember seeing because I was obsessed with Angelina Jolie. She was electric on screen."
"Film has done a great job in normalizing tattoos for people."
"Ultimately I hope this film galvanizes people excites people and also inspires people."
"Movies gave me a way to feel less invisible."
"Sam Hung's influence on the genre and dedication to authentic fight scenes."
"The visuals captured the look and feel of the movie in every way."
"When you look at the reasons we become car guys, I'm not sure there's one that's responsible for the continuation of the love of cars more than the opening scene of Cannonball Run."
"Raid is one of the top three ranked RPGs on the Google Play Store."
"Snow White and the Seven Dwarves set the course for animated film for decades."
"Sidney Prescott is often credited with not only being one of the best final girls, but also redefining the concept of final girl."
"It really was magical, the power of Star Wars."
"Christopher Nolan's career was only just beginning when he delivered the marvelous mind-melting experience simply known as Memento."
"That is us playing out our future. We know who we will become. That's why we absolutely adore those films because that is us mirroring our future to ourselves."
"The Kubrick stare has become so iconic it has been used in dozens and dozens of movies beyond Kubrick's own creations."
"Dune ignited something in me. I'll be honest, I did not see the first one when it came out, okay? I had my ultimate renaissance after Dune 2."
"Living Dead Romero films are the backbone, the blueprint of modern horror." - Lon Harris
"The impact of Black Panther had on the world was massive."
"It's hard to watch these movies and not be motivated as [ __ ]."
"I'm a big fan of Scott Pilgrim like just the whole aesthetic of Scott Pilgrim and like obviously into the Spider-Verse who doesn't love it?"
"Gladiator's impact as a movie ranges far beyond the many historical epic dramas."
"Magnolia feels like the first time PTA came out and said 'this is who I am, this is what I can do.'"
"I think it's one of the three or four most influential films ever made and continues to be."
"The best in history nobody could shoot a movie better than Stanley Kubrick."
"The more movies you watch, the better your stories are for it."
"Movies don't create psychos, they may make psychos more creative."
"Johnny Depp was so good that they actually added his character to the original ride."
"It's more like a film prop than anything else."
"While it may not have introduced the concept of running zombies, there is little question that 28 Days Later restarted it in earnest."
"It kicks in with this brassy synthesizer pad playing a chord progression that if anything is super kit like something that could be the outro track to an 80s buddy cop film."
"Toby Hooper's 1974 slasher classic 'The Texas Chainsaw Massacre' is one of the most groundbreaking and influential horror movies ever produced."
"Even the language, saying stuff like 'the matrix' or 'you're red pilled or blue pilled,' that would have been meaningless before the film."
"The story is set up to be a genre satire that Shaun of the Dead has a lot to thank for."
"He decided he was going to make marijuana illegal... that movie 'Reefer Madness' was that propaganda."
"Life imitated art as it's often does and Nike released the replica MAG trainers from the film."
"Hellraiser set the stage for a lot of practical effect horror moving forward and with good reason... every aspect of that movie works, it's so good."
"The impact that Halloween and yes, Halloween 2 made on the horror genre is impossible to verbalize."
"Snatcher's story was heavily influenced by films of the time and had adult characters doing adult things, making it a hit among older gamers."
"Spider-Man may have started the entire superhero trend."
"Keanu Reeves is the glue that holds John Wick together."
"Almost inarguably the most influential kung fu movie of all time, Enter the Dragon is considered Lee's masterpiece."
"I love breaking glass. Ever since I saw that James Bond fight in 'Moonraker' on their little glass factory."
"During this illuminati slaughter scene Raymie really wanted this to feel like an homage to the climax of Brian De Palma's Carrie."
"Blade Runner is widely credited with creating an aesthetic that would give birth to a sub-genre. It's a beautifully photographed mind explosion with styles for miles and openness to spare."
"The world thanks to these films will never forget the tremendous effort put forth by all people included in the big battles."
"The number one movie in theaters around the world is a comic book movie that owes a huge debt to Martin Scorsese's films taxi driver and King of Comedy."
"This movie is so much fun, it's partially what got me into superhero movies."
"This movie single-handedly got me interested in basketball."
"Frank Darabont used Goodfellas as an inspiration."
"I watch movies and ever since I was a kid, I've just been really fascinated by Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan and it likes. I'm a pretty good visual learner so I watch and I pick up things pretty quickly."
"It not only redefined the genre of science fiction and inspired countless serious and thought-provoking science fiction films, it also pushed the envelope of special effects enough to inspire leaps and bounds in the art of making the unreal real."
"The movie introduced us to the four people who have become like family."
"Movies are impactful because there are people who legitimately don't interact outside of their circles, so they don't know what other people are like."
"This film changed the landscape of films to come."
"It's incredible to see the reaction of little kids dressed up as Black Panther."
"It's pretty obvious that Miyazaki was inspired by this movie."
"This movie is so important to me, it's one of the biggest pieces of who I am."
"The force is definitely strong with Return of the Jedi."
"It invites you to think about your own personal struggles and project them onto Thanos or Tony Stark or Spider-Man."
"I can definitely feel some of the inspiration... from Rocky or the Rocky series."
"Films like Fatal Attraction and Sleeping with the Enemy... owe a debt to Halloween."
"You can literally watch a Bruce Lee film and become f***ing Bruce Lee."
"The Barbie movie is the first and only movie that's had a genuine culture shift and influence since probably The Hunger Games."
"It's a film that arguably made the world a better place by exploring humanity at its worst and best."
"It was a Trailblazer and set the stage for hundreds of action movies to come."
"I actually think that this movie inspired Mexico City to create an actual Day of the Dead celebration."
"The reason the killer imitated two of the murders from the movie was so we'd mix up the killing order."
"Castle in the Sky bears a number of striking resemblances to Sonic 3 and Knuckles."
"The X-Men laid the groundwork for the modern-day superhero boom, and whether you're a Superman fan or an Avengers aficionado, you probably owe this 2000 flick a debt of gratitude."
"The legacy of The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari can be felt any time a filmmaker strives to show 'the soul at work'."
"The sleek, sexy, and undeniably dark style of The Matrix has spawned a fashion phenomenon."
"I hope we see lots more characters like Ripley, Vasquez, Rita Vrataski, and Evelyn from The Quiet Place movies."
"Blade Runner defined the neo-noir cyberpunk aesthetic that dominated 80s and 90s science fiction."
"Scream is one of the most influential horror films ever made."
"John Carpenter's Halloween: It set a new standard for the genre."
"This movie also inspired Ed Boon and John Tobias, the creators of Mortal Kombat."
"Park Chan-wook... I think he's one of the greatest filmmakers of all time."
"Blair Witch Project was the granddaddy of them all."
"It started a genre of movies that, heck, even the TV show Walking Dead, you know, all inspired by that first George A. Romero classic."
"George Romero's Living Dead series defined the entire zombie genre."
"Released in 1984 and expected to flop by its distributor, and even its star, 'The Terminator' was a low budget film from a director known only for 'Piranha 2'. Yet it became a cultural touchstone, influencing cinema for decades."
"Without him, none of the original trilogy would have happened."
"Obviously The Exorcist kind of set the stage for an entire genre of exorcism movies."
"The impact of film is huge in our country. Sometimes people are so influenced by what they see in films that they apply it immediately to their real life."
"This franchise is in my blood. I would not be the same person I am today without these films being ingrained into my psyche."
"Halloween, for all intents and purposes, gave us the horror slasher craze of the '80s."
"The matrix set precedent for future movies."
"Texas Chainsaw Massacre is one of the most beloved and influential horror films of all time."
"The message of family doesn't have to be genuine within the films for it to be genuine within you."
"It's from Akira Kurosawa and he heavily influenced the American westerns."
"Not only did Sonic change my life, but the Sonic the Hedgehog movie changed my life."
"A new ethos was born, the ethos you see in movies like Casablanca, which is an ethos of anti-fascism."
"The Snyder verse is the bedrock for DC films."
"The beach was such a good movie, it made me want to be a backpacker."