
Character Study Quotes

There are 519 quotes

"Taxi Driver is a character study. We get glimpses of Travis's perspective but Scorsese takes the appropriate approach in never letting us romanticize Travis's worldview."
"I wanted to know how a dude built like a mammoth ended up as a humble giant washing bodies at the mosque."
"We all know that the Grinch was unhappy, but have you ever met a generous person that's unhappy?"
"To see a psychopath, you have to learn to see in the dark."
"The truly comic figure is a kind of monomaniac, unaware that he is comic."
"I think the name of the song is representative of BoJack's mental state."
"At its core, Shutter Island is about a man who refuses to acknowledge large swaths of his inner self and so he creates an alternate reality."
"It was still a great film, and I understand the character study and just like what love can do to us."
"Hunter Hunter is a unique and in-depth look at what can happen when two people from entirely different walks of life begin to emulate each other through mutual respect and friendship."
"Kakashi has arguably been through more than almost everybody in the entirety of Naruto."
"The movie is Kurt at heart, and most of the film is really Kurt's heart."
"This game isn't really so much of a set of character arcs as much as it's a set of character studies and societal commentary."
"It combined both the playful campiness but also epic sides of the character that many still credit as the original blueprint for most superhero films that followed."
"I believe that the original version of Ezekiel Sims in this movie was Sony's attempt to try to explain this whole EOS spidering concept."
"Wolverine could never live the life that he was hoping for. He wanted a kid, he wanted a life of happiness, he wanted to be left alone, but... he was born a killer and he will die a killer."
"The film contained an ensemble cast with Val Kilmer's iconic part as Doc Holliday at the center."
"I wanted this movie to be about Stephen Strange and what makes him tick."
"It would be hard to find another figure who stood in such absolute contrast to Amon Gert."
"This was the first truly in-depth character study that we've ever had in the MCU."
"Honestly heavy emphasis on the world's greatest detective something a lot of the other live-action iterations haven't primarily focused on."
"It's not just a great character study but a sardonic metaphor for 1980s greed and materialism."
"The tension between enthusiasm and fanaticism is what makes Joker such a compelling watch."
"It's the story of David Haller, an almost all-powerful, ESP-fueled mutant, who also happens to be a schizophrenic, and it leans hard into the nonsensical, bizarre, and just plain weird."
"Logan is a walking personification of capitalism and greed."
"Oppenheimer is much more of a character study."
"To tell the whole story, you must understand the complexities of the villain and the hero."
"No one in the series is quite the attitude Korra has about bending. For Korra, it's a true passion."
"Obi-Wan Kenobi was simplicity itself. He may not have had a bold style like Anakin's or the ferocity of Mace Windu, but he had a mastery of economic motion."
"Carrie White would be the one to have the last laugh."
"What would have been the dark horse of the MCU actually turned out to be a lovely, well-paced, well-thought-out exploration of grief, trauma, and love in a franchise that is often so unromantic it's boring."
"Smeagol is one of the most pitiful characters from The Lord of the Rings."
"Killua’s arc contains a number of underlying themes that I think are all worth looking at in detail to truly understand his character."
"Max Payne always shows himself to be a well-intentioned man in a foul cruel world."
"I think we will all relate to Edmond Dantes at some point in our life."
"The anguish that any person would feel after the death of their children and friends is presented as moral and mental instability."
"What would he be like today, some kind of out-of-control psychopath, a child trapped in a man's body?"
"Jessica and Albert, you see, are genuises and their astonishing gifts make for a mesmerizing mystery of the mind."
"Woodrow Wilson, a fascinating character to me."
"DiCaprio brings a raw intensity and emotional depth to the character, capturing the essence of a man tormented by past tragedies and desperate for redemption."
"You can learn just as much about a character from their wardrobe as you can by what they say."
"The horror and the corruption and the emptiness of Tywin Lannister's legacy."
"Green Goblin: Willem Dafoe's portrayal is iconic."
"The tragic heroism of Aqua makes him compelling."
"Doctor Strange going back to the path of being alone going back to the passages of it just being him and nobody else is intriguing here it's really really interesting."
"No idealized love story could save Arthur or Travis or Rupert from their own rage pathology."
"The characters themselves are very interesting along with their development."
"Satan appears to be the tragic protagonist, one who suffered defeat because of his own pride."
"Everyone knows why Frank Grimes died and how much his obsession with Homer ultimately broke him."
"The tragedy of Artorias is one of sacrifice, strength, and selflessness."
"But the reality is more complex, Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar was a strange and fascinating character."
"Never underestimate the fragility of the malignant narcissistic male's ego journey."
"It is by far, at least to me, the more interesting approach to a Daedric prince that has so often been displayed as just Satan."
"The Aviator is not the story of Howard Hughes, it is a story about Howard Hughes and that's why it works."
"Stu's motive of doing it for fun makes him a fan favorite."
"The trailer asserts upfront that this is not gonna be your typical comic-book movie with colorful set pieces and witty quips, but rather a somber exploration of a hero at the end of his rope."
"Goldust will always be one of the most interesting and fascinating characters in pro wrestling history."
"It's just interesting to go back and watch Dom as just the leader of these street racers."
"Rocky is more iconic, he's the more famous character in that movie. The reason why it worked today and doesn't feel dated is because it's about the character."
"The Master: haunting and emotionally raw character study."
"Intriguing insights into Baba Yaga's character and tales."
"Fred and Daphne are dating. They're an extremely loving and supporting couple. There's no drama about it. It's not a will they, won't they. They just are."
"Joker is an exploration of a man disregarded by society, not only a gritty character study but also a broader cautionary tale."
"He's an enigma, complicated because he is very much the way a lot of us on some level are."
"Scott really created the archetype of the solitary anti-hero facing daunting challenges and tough moral dilemmas."
"Madea represents a low status character that doesn't ever pretend to be more than she is."
"Honestly seems like a hypothetical cautionary tale a truly tragic event of a character that goes too far."
"There's not a lot of difference between heroes and mad men."
"This book follows a child called shuggy growing up in Scotland and his mother Agnes who is an alcoholic and I just think it's written with such empathy and compassion and Agnes is fully fleshed out as a whole character in her own right."
"Marceline is amazing because just like her outfits, the girl's got layers."
"On one hand it is a beautiful arc studying an individual who grows to broaden her perspective and learn about the nuances of the world."
"Nicholson embodied the contradictions of the Jack Nicholson persona."
"Who is the hero of the Lord of the Rings and why? It's easy, it's 100% Samwise."
"I think this might be one of my favorite ones because we're seeing the example of not just a straight up psychopath, we're seeing one that's been nurtured."
"Jesus betrayal when Jesus was betrayed who betrayed him everybody knows the answer not his enemies it was his helper Judas."
"The Thief... so much about the thief is also about isolation and what it's like when you are neglected and when you finally decide to turn your back on society."
"Shido is the perfect representation of this systemic reality... a person who manipulates everyone around him, who truly has no friends."
"The Joker is almost the perfect personification of evil."
"Every body loves a thriller with an unreliable heroine with nice hair."
"Where Mary Magdalene is at her lowest point."
"This tension is best exemplified by Saint-14, the angry Russian Titan who made a name for himself by slaughtering Fallen—that's his thing."
"Her vices are played for laughs, highlighting her lack of control and inner struggles."
"Jack Sparrow is the physical manifestation of motive, he's always pursuing something, he's always active, he always has a specific goal."
"Tywin's story is the tragedy of a man completely unable to accept anything about himself."
"Her story is about ideology stubbornness self-blame survival and the true nature of strength she spends the whole volume watching her ironclad resolve and steadfast mindset melt away before her broken down by others and herself."
"Mad Men is as close at it gets to being the ideal character examination."
"Luigi's Mansion is this weird character study of a game grounded in the genre that nobody really thought a Mario game let alone a Nintendo game would ever be."
"Lolita is about the murder of Dolores Hayes, 12 and typical, by the pentapon monster Humbert Humbert old and ignorant."
"In a film that holds Bueller's freewheeling truancy and tension with Cameron's hypochondriac repression."
"In the lives of evil men, there are often telling details from their early years that show the monsters they will become."
"Katie's report also marks the start of Lucifer's image being rehabilitated."
"I said goodbye to the character... but we're all forcing you to talk about him again." - Joaquin Phoenix
"In Claire Dunphy, we get a rare genuine portrayal of modern motherhood."
"She's just so in it and so interesting and so funny and so conniving."
"But gradually his hero showed himself from the other side and we saw that Cumberbatch again managed to portray a living real and contradictory personality."
"This poem perfectly captures the nihilistic philosophy of the character."
"I think Superman Returns is a good movie but not a very good comic book movie... Superman Returns is a movie about Superman the man not Superman the superhero."
"The live-action version of Mulan was more of a movie about the character Mulan."
"Has there ever been a side character as based? No, no there hasn't."
"Isaiah is a fantastically interesting person."
"The tree man and the relationship with his lovely wife."
"At its core though the DLC is a character study, an exploration of values, and what it means to be family."
"Hulk is as afraid of Banner as Banner is afraid of Hulk."
"Woody is the heart and soul of the entire 'Toy Story' franchise."
"Iron Man Tony Stark is an interesting character in his own right."
"Adam Strange... one of the most interesting aspects to any character in DC Comics."
"This was the most interesting clan in the Naruto series in my opinion."
"The victories that are granted to King are the victories that Saitama had but did not take credit for."
"He is the acme of hypermasculinity, the result of a male driven entirely by his instincts without any empathy."
"For Arthur and for ultimately Joker, you know, the movie is a study of tragedy and comedy."
"Rebecca the book is a story about very very flawed people, so much so that you would be forgiven for being unsure who were the real villains at the end."
"He's certainly not a hero. There are no heroes in A Clockwork Orange."
"American rust is is a deep dive into good people stuck at the bottom doing whatever they can to survive and del harris is one of those people."
"Evangelion: focusing on inward look at characters."
"The scene in the colony house was a stark contrast to the drunkard in the confined space."
"A complex personality and extraordinary willpower."
"Both iterations of Jack and the hotel are terrifying to watch and read and are more than worthy of being labeled some of the greatest horror villains in the history of the genre."
"Shell has some really good moments, plus she's a pretty good case study into how to use your childhood to write a d and cartoon."
"It is said that a singular ambition courses through his veins..."
"Deacon as it turns out is a very complex man indeed. He's figured out that the more information he reveals, the more vulnerable he makes himself."
"An introspective examination of its character's psyches."
"I really enjoyed the mental health representation. It was really intense seeing Khalil deal with things that he's dealing with."
"This hellish vision is bookended by Oppenheimer's tormented stare..."
"Just when you think you've figured the guy out, he goes and does something completely different."
"Viserys was very committed to his Valyrian histories. He loves them, and spends a lot of time thinking about them, and reading them, and studying them, and trying to pass them on."
"There's extreme research, there's intense thought, and there's an honesty about her."
"Even in her anger, look at her complete pure dedication to Shri Krishna."
"It's incredibly hard to deny that these characters match the traditional seven deadly sins almost perfectly."
"I think Sanji is one of the most complex and fascinating characters in the series."
"Sherlock Holmes is a fantastic character, just so unique, I love that he's so hyper focused on his work."
"Changing how we think takes work, but you can do hard things."
"She's a mass of contradictions, very down-to-earth but also very mercurial, a chameleon."
"Every single aspect of the kind of human story, every piece of our character, that's what's so inter about the Second World War."
"His scenes feel very efficient because we keep learning new aspects tied to the character."
"People do very occasionally snap and in a moment of madness they act completely out of character."
"So much of politics can get kind of nasty and dirty, it was fun to be able to get in the mind and perspective of someone that was trying to raise people up."
"Having so many loops where you have to question your own sanity, it's very jarring. They captured that really well, and Ethan Hawke's portrayal of Dr. Harrow has been terrific to watch."
"The disciple is an emotionless executioner, she slaughters her enemies in cold blood feeling no remorse in the process."
"It's a fascinating character study whose political themes are just as relevant today."
"Humans are fascinating and unique, so it's a pleasure to observe different facets of different characters."
"I'll probably never be able to, but as it's been almost a year since I covered Vesemir, I feel like it's time to discuss another witch from the School of the Wolf."
"The best way of locating a specific scene in the series to re-read it pages for characters and stands include frequent citations that will refer to specific chapters of the manga or statements from Araki in art books."
"A tragic character who refuses to give up no matter what."
"Garp is the single most famous marine ever and most decorated."
"One of the things that, I think, makes Odysseus such an appealing character is really every challenge that comes along, he treats as just an obstacle to be overcome."
"To see the determination with which this character does that might be inspiring."
"It's simply something to check out if you're interested in her character."
"Marvel's spider-man is the true embodiment of what it means to be our favorite wall-crawler."
"Frank Booth is the answer to what happens when you look at your darkest inner desires, which is why he may just be the perfect movie villain."
"Thanks for watching. I really meant for this to be more of a short think piece than a whole essay on Johan, but when I started writing about him, I couldn't find myself stopping."
"Without any more waiting, I present to you the story of a loving, obsessive father who slowly descended into madness and along the way discovered the secret to eternal life."
"Opal's got a kink and seems to get off on power."
"Evil Food Eater Conchita depicts the sin gluttony, as Banica Conchita, a well-known duke of the country, eats up a supper that would sicken a normal person."
"Bertrand Russell was a genuine wit and a genuine crystallizing thinker."
"Ron Swanson is one of the greatest television characters of all time. I love his take on food."
"I was really amazed by the sort of central irony of Emily's life."
"Palpatine's lightsaber technique explained his swift defeat of Jedi."
"He dressed in a business suit, he had an attache case, he drank bourbon. He was, to those degrees, gentlemanly the way that James Bond was a gentleman secret agent."
"‘It’s Always Sunny’ explores a group of friends with a collective moral code that is somewhere between Bernie Madoff’s financial principles and Lil Wayne’s views towards substance abuse."
"General Grievous is the prime example of this."
"There is nothing like the marriage between Dorothea Brooks and Edward Casaban."
"I enjoyed it, but it had some distinct parts, like Lizzie being very analytical."
"There's one person in this world like Tony Soprano and that's it."
"Immersed within the scenarios and circumstances that drove him."
"A character study of the trauma of being the chosen one in a fantasy landscape."
"The story is the difference between Arya and Sansa and their relationship and how they are mirror images of each other."
"In Crazy Characters: Wrestling's Wackiest Gimmicks, we take a deep dive into some of the wildest of them all."
"Kira Yamato from Gundam Seed: textbook PTSD."
"Grendel is more than just the story of Hunter Rose; it's a story of loss and desperation."
"It's a cautionary tale of what happens if he does lose himself."
"The movie begins in 1981 where Ed and Lorraine Warren are investigating the possession of a young boy named David Glatzel."
"While they range on 'badness scale' from flawed but decent to deeply evil, all together the supporting characters of Breaking Bad yield an almost encyclopedic study of evil."
"Perhaps the best example of this is Josh Brolin's Thanos..."
"Nolan's take on Batman was always built upon the notion of the character existing in reality."
"It's an examination of the character of Batman, and that's cool."
"Vanya deals with their father’s death like she does everything else, quietly, unobtrusively, with acceptance."
"The film was so focused on Oppenheimer as a character."
"The Joker of 2019 is an internal expression of the fact that society itself is broken."
"What's fascinating about Thanos and what was embodied well in his MCU adaptation was the notion of Thanos's genius being both his greatest ally and his worst enemy."
"Miss Marple illustrates that women characters can personify knowledge, authority, and justice."
"What Aronofsky and Miller had conceived was a Batman like no other, a hardcore bloody tale featuring a truly damaged anti-hero and realistic violence."
"Rue was a really great character to follow she was super determined and would do absolutely anything to protect her sister."
"This movie is an exploration on like on how damaged Peter Parker is."
"Logan by contrast is a dark, sobering drama about an aging, hopeless man."
"Many people have noticed over the years that there actually is somewhat psychological logic to the madness of Drop Dead Fred."
"It physically hurts Arthur to put on a happy face, especially when you consider the source telling him to do so—his abusive mother."
"In the past, I've talked about one problem with All Might's philosophy."
"David and Elijah are opposites in every way but one. One is invincible, the other as fragile as they come."
"Luke Skywalker was the definition of the optimistic hero."
"Ironic with the two bucks s-sarah and super-ego main characters of the show."
"Chris Chan: a real-life character in a story stranger than fiction."
"Kendall Roy will no doubt go down as one of TV's greatest protagonists."
"It's a character study on a hero that some may find antiquated and old-fashioned, but who also instills a sense of comfort inside so many."
"It's fascinating, it was interesting too, seeing into the mind and mind space of Cooper, Matthew McConaughey's character."
"The tragedy of Anakin Skywalker is the best storyline in all of Star Wars."
"This story successfully delved into Bruce Wayne's psyche, emotions, and motivations for taking the final step into becoming Batman."
"I Am The Night was a character study of Batman and what drives the character to keep fighting."
"The heart of this film and really the entirety of The Conjuring universe is Ed and Lorraine Warren."
"It's a slow burn and it's like real authentic and honest... it's a slice of life character study that's really well done."
"After Hours by The Weekend is an incredible character study of a very bad man who's very sad and has a lot of money and even more bad habits."
"Putting together this fragmented narrative into the heartbreaking story of a man's destructive need for perfection and control."