
Timelessness Quotes

There are 3776 quotes

"The value of a masterpiece can transcend time and place."
"I remain from age to age eternal consciousness."
"The ancient one who has lived many lives through countless eons since time began, you are the deathless one who creates worlds and strides the universe."
"If a joke makes you laugh, it's not dated, it's not out of touch, it's not old, it's not archaic."
"Both 'The Lord of the Rings' and 'Dune' have stood the test of time."
"I can imagine playing Mario Kart Wii forever."
"Stay, this is a timeless reading, so whenever you find this reading, please know that there may be a message here for you."
"This is a timeless reading; doesn't matter when you watch this, even if you come back and watch it, you might find some valuable information for clarity and insight on your journey."
"Victoria's Secret... it's always Saturday night in Victoria's Secret."
"This is a timeless reading, so please know that whenever you have discovered this reading, there may be a message here for you."
"Experience something as meaningful... You lose a sense of time, you lose a sense of vulnerability, you're deeply engaged."
"The movie might have aged, but what it has to say is timeless."
"The beauty of the gospel is it is the answer to every issue in every season in every period in human history."
"Lord, you have been our help in ages past, you are our hope for the years to come."
"A statue...captures a person frozen in time while at the same time acknowledges that the reason there is a statue in the first place is because that person is timeless."
"Vintage is the past, present, and future of fashion."
"The secret to Jane Austen's modern success lies in the timeless quality of her novels, having universal themes that are just as relevant today as they were 200 years ago."
"Alien isolation is slow, moody, challenging, and unfriendly to carelessness; it's a niche game that shares the same quality of timelessness as its source material."
"The Word of God never becomes outdated or irrelevant because of time or civilization."
"I'm here because I want to talk about ideas right and these ideas transcend me and they transcend this time."
"The Bible is timeless... it fits every culture, it speaks to every age, it speaks to every generation."
"It may be the definitive gangster game and one that we just appreciate more as time goes on."
"There's something so inherently timeless about musicals."
"Prayer is not bound by time, and God is not bound by time."
"Tell me one thing that is not affected by time here, except me."
"Using practical effects and realistic designs helps make the film's feel timeless."
"This nothingness is eternal, which means that it exists outside of time and space."
"There are certain songs perfectly timeless... like 'Blowing in the Wind'... It feels like they were singing that song 100 years ago."
"This is what makes the writing in Planescape: Torment so ultimately timeless, so uniquely good."
"We are an eternal spark that has no beginning and no end, and we are simply here as an expression in a moment in time."
"Feels like we're outside of time, like in a snow globe."
"It's a film that was remarkably ahead of its time, almost to its own detriment."
"The thing that makes Warren Buffett's value investing approach so popular is that it's absolutely timeless. It always works, no matter the decade and no matter the market conditions."
"As long as you keep this timelessness in mind, you have a really strong chance of building a closet that doesn't date."
"There are items of clothing that are truly timeless, and others that only exist in the memories and the photographs from that era."
"In order for a pair of shoes to be considered timeless, they have to fit into three modes of criteria: global recognition, existence for at least 10 years, and being at the top of the food chain in terms of design."
"Jordan ones, at this point in terms of sneakers, are a timeless sneaker."
"Wide fitting and flared pants are definitely timeless pieces that have been around since the 70s and continue to flourish in modern fashion."
"It's time to let the respect for this amazing movie never die."
"God is the same yesterday, today, and forever."
"This is a timeless reading, so whenever you are watching this, it applies to you."
"Holiness is older than the earth. There's not a planet older than holiness. Holiness is called the Ancient of Days."
"Grief isn't containable in a day or a month or a year."
"When you're truly in a creative state, you're so involved and so present in that moment that you literally lose track of time and space."
"We're planning out what makes for a great looking and timeless paint job."
"I think girlfriends was ahead of its time. I also think it's timeless."
"This video is timeless, so it is good for any time you're finding it."
"The ultimate ground which is outside of time...has an infinite capacity to reveal itself."
"Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow... is a book I would recommend tomorrow and today and yesterday and next week and June next year."
"The comprehensiveness of the Quran, how it touches upon so many different aspects of life, the timelessness of its teachings."
"Decorating your space can feel overwhelming, but if you use these classics, you can be confident that your interior design won't feel out of date in five years or anytime soon."
"Mature art will age with you, i.e., if something is created to stand the test of time or otherwise has a human worthwhile creative core, you'll keep getting something out of it every time you go back."
"I'm personally more drawn to classic styles that never change and come out in seasonal colors."
"This is one of the most timeless games ever and is still great to play for the first time today."
"They're almost immune to societal features... they might even have mentalities or theories or ideas that are very out of time."
"Every now and again you get those kind of songs that somehow just kind of last the decades, you know, and kind of transcend."
"Fairy tales in concept are meant to be timeless and relevant to all generations, not just the current one."
"And such was the manner in which Nostradamus wrote his verse that given a long enough time an event can nearly always be found to correspond to a passage."
"Half-Life 2 transcends the era it was released in and virtually nothing about it feels antiquated to me."
"Most of their stuff is timeless and classic."
"When you make a logo for someone, it's got to be able to be versatile, used for a long time. You don't want it to get old fast, you want it to be timeless."
"It's up there for me, um because I thought it was so aggressively ahead of its time."
"Spider-Man: No Way Home made me believe I would have loved it as much at age eight as I'm gonna love it at 88."
"It's hard to make a movie that's timeless, and Iron Man absolutely is."
"Blancpain 50 Fathoms: Holy pantheon of dive watches, history, great design, and timelessness."
"Jesus gives a warning to the disciples...for all time...because this is going to be a pervasive issue...throughout all of our generations."
"The island was as it was when they arrived."
"I don't even know if you can plan to make those kind of timeless records that touch everybody like that, like organically because it just has to organically be done."
"The original game being over 10 years old still feels like a modern game."
"The wisdom is eternal. It's been here before you and it will be here after you're gone."
"The Sphinx itself has been said to appear in the endless time as it watches and waits."
"I want to create stuff that breaks the boundaries of time and wrote in oh you mean like it'll be evil timeless create timeless music that affects people today the same as it would affect people 20 to 50 years from now."
"That's the kind of confidence you're going to need to be timeless."
"Thank you for watching, have a great night/day whenever you're watching."
"As a satire of modern times, there are numerous directions a revival could take with its brand of observational humor absolutely timeless."
"A classic work of art is still worth experiencing and discussing outside its time."
"God doesn't move according to our deadlines... He's eternal."
"The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time are ones that will never fade, a legend and more than just a name, and an adventure that's most certainly timeless."
"Everything is going to change, time and distance does not matter."
"If you design something properly and well, it will stand the test of time."
"You honestly don't really realize how special some [ __ ] is until way after dawn can you see the impact that it had man music culture everything man like [ __ ] that ages like fine wine"
"There's nothing old about the Old Testament as far as the application."
"I love this watch as much today as I did then."
"It's never too late to plant that seed, that dream."
"Nature never looks dated. It is truly timeless because it's been around since the beginning of time."
"Fashion gets really interesting... there are versions of these items that could be considered Timeless."
"Every decade has films that are timeless, it's just the amazing technical achievements."
"A leather jacket is a timeless and versatile garment."
"This to me is just absolute timeless dressing forever pieces."
"In a dream, nothing takes time. Mashiach can come in a second."
"It's hard to believe this game has been around for 20 years now."
"There's always time for hope, there's always time for it."
"She was just so ahead of her time. She was an inspiration." - Mariska Hargitay
"Contemporary styles and trends are more likely to come and go, but the classics are here to stay."
"Truths with the capital T can stand the test of time."
"One of the great places for me is when I've dropped into plant ceremonies and plant medicine ceremonies and there you enter a timeless space that you don't dare bring your phone or your watch into."
"Now you have something that is on trend but it will always remain timeless because it looks so good."
"The only ability that we have truly as artists is to transcend time."
"Dharma feels like the thing that when we do it time stands still."
"Times change but people do not. This is why the United States Constitution is the most famous phenomenal breakthrough because the U.S Constitution was not written for the times, it was written to stand the test of time."
"Love is timeless, and Logan loves Rory very deeply."
"Classic could be the biggest hit of the year, could be the biggest hit of the decade."
"Music is pretty timeless...there's always a fantastic song."
"Some villains are just timeless. From the Norse pantheon to the Marvel comic book and cinematic universes, Loki has been one of those standout villains that everyone loves."
"I think we achieved that...it'll always be amazing, it's just timeless."
"We could all learn something from Ferris, especially his timeless reminder to cherish the moments: 'Life moves pretty fast.'"
"Chrono Trigger is timeless, like a clock without hands."
"One argument for objective literary merit is the aspect of timelessness and whether one can relate to the characters in a book regardless of what time and place they happen to be living in."
"This is an aspect that has been and will be in the air all week and beyond."
"The idea that we could have a chance to try to make something more timeless is speaking of timeless."
"There's very little in it that is out of date. It remains almost entirely right as far as it goes."
"These videos are timeless so whenever you're finding them, that's when the message is meant for you since time is very fluid."
"If you're right, you'll stand the test of time."
"The visual design in this game is timeless somehow."
"This Grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time."
"Fans are temporary, good writing is eternal."
"This location seems timeless and otherworldly spiritual."
"This game has remained utterly delightful despite all the time that's passed."
"You can manifest this because you're watching this and it's timeless."
"There's no stylistic corner that makes Pink Moon feel old or dated."
"Tetris is a game that will stand the test of time. It's a game that I don't think anybody is ever gonna stop playing."
"You are beyond still at the test of time... You are our Elder."
"Saying 'I love you' never grows old, no matter how old you are. The love should still be young."
"Good morning or whatever time of day it is where you are. Good, that all right, let's do it!"
"The best type of satire is the type that while relevant in the day it seems to get more and more true with time and distance as our reality becomes as cartoonish as what's presented within the satire."
"The Haunted Mansion is classic, timeless, one of the best aged attractions."
"Love is not measured by its time, but by its intensity."
"Avengers Campus will age better over time and remain more relevant."
"This is absolutely timeless and so many of the things... transcend the ages."
"This jumpsuit is not going anywhere, it's a very timeless style."
"The gospel has never sounded stylish; it's not supposed to."
"His legacy will live on for decades to come."
"Monahan's lyrics emphasize that forever can never be long enough and they are a bittersweet reminder for a bride and a groom to cherish every single instant that they get to share with each other."
"It's like gliding your hand over a stone that's been lying at the bottom of a river for hundreds if not thousands of years."
"What I like about this is this is actually Timeless like you could rock this today that's true and it would still be cool"
"That level of humor will never not be funny."
"This is a love story that has passed the test of time."
"The first film was an absolute classic that stood the test of time."
"15 years ago would still be relevant today... they made something that truly is timeless."
"Gorgeous like this, shaped by millennia of water and wind flow, and to be able to step into them like this is like heading back into a land that time forgot."
"Investing is always a faith-based act whether one realizes or not."
"Usually folks are rewarded when their faith is put into things that are timeless."
"Good games are good games, doesn't matter how old they are."
"I hope by that time, I've passed many years, I would have created so much amazing content that will stand the test of time."
"That movie was so far ahead of its time, it's crazy."
"It's a classic, it has a story that has passed the test of time over the years."
"This case shows that there is no time limit for justice."
"Just as in ages past, just as in ages yet to come."
"Blade's outfit still looks cool, pretty timeless if I do say so myself."
"It's an elegant, classy, and very timeless design."
"This movie's a masterpiece. It's wholly original and yeah, yeah, yeah, it's most storytelling. It's very moving. It's a great, first of all, it's way ahead of its time when it came out."
"With time, it would become a staple of the horror genre."
"Even as we age, it takes more than time to stop us being beautiful."
"In my opinion, you've hit the timeless zone. There's records that come out and they're great for that summer, right? But then there's the timeless ones."
"These actors, they put their heart and their soul into this, creating characters that we will love through the test of time."
"Enjoy your evening, daytime, morning, middle of the night, I don't know, whatever time it is enjoy it."
"It's almost a timeless design. It doesn't look like the period it lives in."
"The Bible's timeless, which is amazing about our content is it's timeless because the Word of God doesn't change."
"It's never going to go out of style and I think Puma definitely has a winner when it comes to the classic suedes."
"I want to feel magic. I don't want a destination of time that I have to stop."
"There are romances that are not affected by time, they last forever."
"These phones are timeless pieces where they only increase in value."
"It's never going to get old. It's never going to die. It's never going to go away."
"Let's make something timeless, let's make something that when people are watching this 15, 20 years from now, it feels as if it might have been made yesterday."
"Simple and elegant is always timeless. Keep it classic, keep it stylish, minimal below forty millimeters."
"This movie is just as relevant now as it was when it was first released."
"God is outside of time... Once upon a time there was no time."
"Die Hard is a movie that you could watch today for the very first time and be just as impacted by it as somebody who watched it for the first time thirty years ago."
"Honestly, dealing with trauma doesn't have a time stamp on it."
"The coolest part about good friends is that it doesn't matter how much time goes by, you just jump in where you left off."
"Leather is almost sort of a classic, I feel like it never really goes out of style."
"And now we're back where we started in the center of a ring of ancient stones, an inter-dimensional time capsule built tens maybe even hundreds of thousands of years ago."
"It's incredible that a book written 73 years ago can do that."
"It's hard to keep a straight face. Fart jokes never get old."
"The play is without reference to its position in time, duration, or repetition."
"A good indie feels fresh while a great indie also feels timeless."
"Watches just by their construction are made of course to tell time but also I think are able to extend a great period of time."
"It's a joke to think time can come to circumvent eternity."
"Trust takes time but that's okay. I seem to be rather eternal myself so there's no rush."
"When you are immersed in prosperous thoughts, you automatically tune into a sense of timelessness and unlimited potential."
"There's no time limit when we're having fun."
"Create something beautiful that will stand the test of time."
"White looks so classy and elegant and timeless."
"If you were ahead of your time then, doesn't mean you can't be ahead of your time now."
"Have a wonderful day or night or evening or afternoon or whatever time it is for you."
"Cuphead is a fantastic game and it's clear that the designers absolutely understand what it is that makes classics like alien soldier and gun star heroes stand the test of time."
"Age cannot wither, nor custom stale his infinite variety."
"I'm going to keep you from all of these from the very time itself."
"It's enjoyed its own life, it stood the test of time."
"The journey is not linear or time restricted."
"Combat boots are really timeless i think it's a really timeless boot that you can't go wrong with."
"These trucks are kind of the best medium of a kind of like not too old not too new."
"The images in here are timeless. They are beautiful and they speak to the human condition."
"That kind of connection doesn't go anywhere years later, you know, our souls are still the same."
"These pieces will eventually Outlast me and someone will be able to see these years and years down the line..."
"An Arab proverb states, 'Man fears Time, yet Time fears the pyramids.'"
"It's never too late, never too late, never too late."
"The Explorer is just this watch, this quintessential element of 20th-century sports watch design."
"That's something that you want as an artist, for things to be timeless."
"Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, from everlasting to everlasting."