
Market Analysis Quotes

There are 3628 quotes

"Contemporary Art prices have outpaced the S&P 500 by 131% over the last 26 years."
"The key way we’re going to solve these puzzles today and in economics more generally, is by always thinking about these markets."
"Producer prices have now fallen in every single one of the last 16 months."
"This is a conceptual view of how market pricing occurs from an original consolidation, re-accumulation, smart money reversal, low-risk sell, redistribution, clearing the original consolidation."
"When you start to see an asset that generally has a correlation to something, and it starts to kind of shrug away from that correlation... it starts rallying in the face of bad news."
"Bitcoin Market has become extremely boring for traders over the past few weeks."
"Market failures: They say war is good for business, so a global war has to be like Black Friday for businesses, right? Wrong."
"The RSI blocks the relative strength of a price compared to previous prices."
"What is a market cap? It's just the total value of what investors think that asset is."
"Judging support and resistance based on historic price is something that can give us an edge in the market."
"It's impossible because there's so many people that are so stupid that are willing to overpay for it, that we just have to wait for either the world to run out of idiots, which God knows when that's going to happen."
"A great TAM is not top-down, it's not the size of the problem, and it's not the size of the market today. It's your TAM: the number of your target customers times your price."
"If you're doing market analysis, if you're trying to find out who's in your audience, if you're trying to find out what groups of people think in similar ways, this is an approach that you're probably going to use."
"I know it doesn't feel like consolidation when you're watching these pullbacks, but in the grand scheme of things, this is absolutely okay."
"When you have a crypto market like we do right now, which is just bananas, it's important to remember this stuff and not get too invested in the hype."
"The bottom line is that there isn't one single answer. So it depends on how unstable the markets are and how volatile the underlying estimates are, given the data."
"Sometimes these markets move in directions you can't even make conscience sense of, but what you can do is you can value it."
"Intel has lost the i5 category as far as we're concerned."
"Having a clear understanding of the size of the market helps you understand the attractiveness of the business."
"Volume is very useful and the reasoning behind that is it can tell you when you're gonna get a true breakout or a false breakout."
"By using these zones in our trading strategy, we can potentially take advantage of the high probability of price reversal and change in direction."
"Just on the mathematical relationship, a 30 to 40 percent decline in home prices would be expected to bring back affordability into the housing market given the big increase in mortgage rates."
"Places that are kind of boring, you know, that not a lot of people talk about, where maybe there's a little bit of growth, a little bit of migration but prices are still affordable, those are the better areas to be."
"The affordability metrics just make it not feasible for the vast majority of people to purchase a home."
"A little bit of humility and not this knee-jerk 'What's the PE ratio? It's expensive' attitude probably helps you more than hurts."
"Always, always, always check what players are selling for before you go into snipe them."
"Everything is going to go up. I try to stick to fundamentals, not pumping mentals."
"The best risk-reward profile for any market in the world right now is Japan."
"Employers have been slower to make hiring decisions because they're still looking at how the market is going to shape up."
"I'm not saying that there's zero probability of the market collapse. I'm saying it's not a high probability outcome."
"I felt like there was room in the market for something that was just simple. Because when everything else fails or if you've had a tricky procedure or really inflaming, you know, acid exfoliating experience, you can rely on your go-to to help you through."
"Netflix was an utter disaster... They were expecting a forecast of user growth around six and a half million users in Q1; they revised that down to two and a half million."
"The market is a leading indicator, not a lagging indicator."
"I've been wrong before, but I won't be wrong forever, and all the signs are definitely showing there. So, I'd say be cautious."
"This may either be a great opportunity for us to buy some cheap Bitcoin or an opportunity for us to walk away and take some profits."
"It's reported that 10 percent of published games generate ninety percent of the revenue."
"The RTX 3080 is currently the best value high-end GPU on the market by a country mile."
"In the end, over-exuberance will usually correct."
"Understanding the fundamental business is the most important thing before worrying about stock prices or valuations."
"Each year, Bank of America publishes its 'Car Wars' study, suggesting that in the EV Marketplace, Tesla is likely to remain on top."
"It's not just classic support and resistance; it's about understanding imbalances, fair value gaps, and institutional order flow."
"We looked at a couple of things, but the two factors that swayed us, I guess, was the lack of competition here... and the GDP had grown in line with China seven years in a row."
"The reality is, we were already heading for a recession. The market was already looking very choppy in terms of my optimism on the market at the time."
"Investment demand for physical gold has always been the single most important determinant of longer-term gold prices."
"The longer it could trade sideways here is a good thing... the bigger the next leg is going to be." - Christopher Moolin
"This kind of entry is of higher quality because you're not just trading a pattern on its own but a pattern that is also at a key level."
"From a price action standpoint it shows a continuation of bullish momentum from the buyers through making new higher highs and new higher lows."
"Behind every stock is a company. If the company does terrific over a long period of time, the stock will do terrific. If the company does lousy, the stock's going to do lousy."
"Your big picture trend is indeed an uptrend and bullish, but your immediate trend is a downtrend and bearish."
"Studying the competitive advantage that a company has is extremely valuable."
"Bitcoin is just so dominant compared to everything else."
"But on the other hand, when you're doing something that's tough, when you're facing your weaknesses, it can feel like, 'Oh, wow, I'm good at this.'"
"It's not a guarantee, but just based on the past of what we've seen, I think we could see Ethereum surge to 10 or 15 maybe as high as 20,000."
"Goldman Sachs here is not only saying that institutional demand for Bitcoin is rising drastically, they're also saying that the digital currency demand is rising as well."
"Price is the only accurate measure of investor sentiment."
"Understanding options chains and how to read them is crucial for options trading success."
"If you think the market's too high right now... you are sadly mistaken."
"The noise of tribalism takes you away from fundamental data."
"Was there a significant intermediate-term price low formed in the last 60 trading days to the left or was it a significant intermediate-term high that formed?"
"Boxes represent the starting point for the next significant market move."
"AI seems to be like a favorite horse right now."
"Maybe start considering looking into markets with a lower share of investor demand."
"That kind of a technical breakout is something you definitely do not want to ignore."
"Do I think GRT will be greater than Link? It is greater than Link on a fundamental and token use case hand."
"Bitcoin is forming one hell of a launch pad."
"Most traders hear words like support, resistance, or trend and immediately stop paying attention and turn the other way."
"Invalidation of previous bull market theses."
"During a bear market, study where the outperformance is starting."
"Crypto.com chain I mean a lot of these coins does I mean it could just also be nonsensical like dogecoin is also going up and there's like a quintillion dogecoin."
"The real reason in my opinion why the Kin failed? Timing."
"I'll view it very likely as a large buying opportunity."
"Don't be put off... if there's already businesses offering that service in the area."
"Diving into sublimation: why it's becoming a large trend in the industry."
"The market is most likely pricing Amazon as if it's operating cash flows are going to compound at 12.5 percent annually."
"Some of the metrics that are out there are still extremely positive, extremely bullish."
"Just because the market price is down doesn't mean that a business isn't fundamentally valuable and going to grow... that distinction starts to present significant opportunities in a market condition like this."
"Rising liquidity correlates with expanding multiples for Equity markets."
"Nature moves in cycles, markets are no different."
"This is exactly the type of analysis that you're going to need to do if you're a potential buyer, investor, or seller trying to make the right decision."
"Honestly, I don't think a whole lot of people bought it."
"Backtesting is how we actually figure out if a strategy is going to have an edge in the markets."
"One of the reasons the market's doing so... it's a great thing. It's an amazing thing what our people have done and what they've endured."
"We believe this market is going to scale at a 60 percent annualized rate during the next five years."
"Overall the fact everybody thinks we know where it is and we know where it's going that could be an indicator that it's not going there."
"Price is a liar... Price isn't necessarily the correct way to confirm your view of being right."
"The lower the BSR, the faster the product sells."
"At some point, Wall Street has to recognize this is growing a lot faster than we thought."
"The severity of the movement today is quite interesting."
"We've completed a lot of very structural Elliott waves that indicate that it looks good that this altcoin Market could take off."
"That is called relative strength, that is called a bull market behavior."
"Investors are waiting on the sidelines to get into Bitcoin, regardless of what anybody tries to tell you on CNBC."
"I think the consensus says that this was a flash of all the leverage hands in the market."
"The economy is very strong, the consumer is the strongest it's ever been."
"If you're in here for the long term, this is a good buying opportunity."
"If you can spot coins that are about to pump, you're probably going to do pretty well."
"Judging sentiment correctly can help you make the most gains in this market."
"Once we identify the market creating new structural levels, then we obviously have to wait for the market to indicate that structural level with a push phase."
"I think there's an opportunity within the next one to two weeks to plan a possible market correction."
"XRP regains 1.25 key support, analyst predicts a rally to 2300."
"Look at the demand in my market; this is today right now information."
"The size of this bubble is just beyond anything we've ever seen prior."
"I do see mandelic acid a lot in Eastern skincare but not as much in the USA which I don't know why, we need to catch the (beep) up."
"But I remember my favorite proof point of that network effect."
"Candlesticks are a useful weapon in the trader's arsenal and should open up fresh opportunities for you on the market."
"Fundamental analysis tells you what to buy, technical analysis tells you when to buy. That's big stuff, you know."
"The stock appears to have priced in potential domination of the pickup truck industry."
"The market is pricing in a Biden victory already."
"Is it the biggest con game we've seen in the financial market since the Bernie Madoff Scandal? Leave me a comment, let me know."
"Jerome Powell is reiterating that today and that's why the market is behaving in my opinion the way it is."
"It doesn't matter when the pivot happens; it matters about all the signals up to the pivots."
"Red Letter Media has proven with the fans that did like the movie that there might be a market for a Star Wars anime."
"is doing well but when they're constantly in stock and going on sale that usually means that there's more supply than there is demand i just think"
"Past performance doesn't tell us what's going to happen in the future."
"There's a lot of reason to believe that this is relevant... you know do I think that they can get a better control is the better question I mean."
"It's amazing what happens when you wait for this kind of candlestick pattern and then you just wait one more candle to see what price does."
"Understanding where retail traders are buying, stopping out, and selling, and doing the opposite, can give us a serious advantage."
"It's all about psychology of the investors themselves so a chart tells you a story it tells you a story of where it came from and where it is now and that tends to give you some probabilities."
"The more we look into it the more we can really see that these companies have done this before and maybe these second gen examples are proof that it has been done before."
"We still believe we know where this market is going."
"I don't think Bitcoin needs to go back down to say 12,000 and then spend time down here for two years before then coming back up."
"I would say it's highly likely it's below 300,000."
"Every halving, the price of bitcoin has been within a couple percentage points of the fair value fit."
"A huge buying opportunity if it did something like that."
"It seems accumulators are accumulating, and it seems that holders are holding. And I think that's just too bullish."
"We're about to see Bitcoin explode, there's no question about it. When in doubt, zoom out."
"One trillion dollar line for Bitcoin is holding right now and that's extremely important."
"The nasdaq basically becomes the key determinant, the key chart to monitor when we're evaluating bitcoin performance."
"I think 40k bitcoin will hold that I think it will it will be good for the market so we don't want to come back in so this has got to be it bro otherwise we're going to test the bottom ranges again."
"I would still speculate that 64k is not a bitcoin market cycle top."
"Now that the housing bubble started bursting, the crash has started."
"This is a phenomenal opportunity to be looking at stocks at substantially depressed valuations."
"Market structure breaks don't always have to translate into a trade; it can be used as signals in their own right."
"Identify the breaking market structure, then take the trade on where market structure was broken. Invalidation always important."
"I do think it's leveled out here and I do think it will be on the upward rise."
"Removing the hype factor leads to smarter investment decisions."
"Looking at the markets from this perspective is the real edge in trading."
"Supply zones are areas where price has failed to push through on multiple separate occasions."
"Long trade setups off of swing lows are of higher quality."
"Major key levels are levels where there is a higher probability of price reversing off of them."
"Always consider where price is coming from before entering a trade."
"I sent these reports out well before the market makes any moves."
"The assumption is that later price will come to revisit this area before dropping again."
"You combine that with the chart, I don't see any reason why we shouldn't be unbelievably optimistic in Dogecoin right now."
"For most people, it seems like trying to do buying in this lower section here is actually a beautiful opportunity."
"So, these are things that I'd be looking for. I think it's always important, and I would do this right now, as I would write down what are my catalysts to say when am I going all in with my cash."
"We are winning. We are clearly winning. I don't care what anyone else says, how could we be losing if they're down 1.5 billion and we're up?"
"The run-up in housing we're seeing over the last year is squarely coming from high earner, high-income households with good credit scores."
"It's called retesting. You got to go down and retest numbers."
"I think it's trading at a reasonable valuation, I don't think the company is going to get crushed or anything like that's going to happen."
"We're avoiding the noise in between about reading markets like this."
"Tech is in the green by quite a bit. Every single other sector: real estate, consumer, healthcare, finance, utilities, all of them are in the red."
"Income stocks pay regular dividends, think of companies like Walmart or Verizon."
"Market cycle bottoms may be approaching, but it's essential to consider various indicators for confirmation."
"I saw the opportunity it made sense I was like even if it does go down I'm buying this house for a fraction of what it costs to build it like this this is a 200 000 house to build and it's selling for 70k there's no way that's sustainable."
"Valuations are more extreme than almost ever, and profit margins are more extreme than most ever."
"The market is a very interesting thing to analyze when you piece together different variables in correlation with each other."
"Risk on, risk off is not about direction... it's about changing volatility dynamics."
"Bitcoin's a global reserve asset and so really you need to look at the total amount of global dollars."
"I think we're just beginning that now. There's still an awful lot of, I'd say the vast majority of investors still viewing this as a bear market rally."
"We're not quite there yet. We still need lower prices on the stock market across more indexes and things like that."
"I do think Solana has gained significant adoption up to this point."
"Look at how many other puzzle books are currently selling on Amazon every single day."
"This is the best asymmetric trade and investment opportunity I have ever seen."
"The market doesn't discount this by three months by six months by 12 months."
"I have a feeling that just with the way she moves that we might be seeing middle end of January might be seeing us drop a zero and hit to the 1100 level."
"Statistically speaking, you can't show any data supporting the idea that NFT prices have to fall if ETH goes up."
"Bitcoin bull run won't end anytime soon. Its whale buying hints at a new 52k floor."
"If you don't have a watch list, then this is a good time to actually start making a watch list now."
"So for everyone out there wondering there is a lot of noise here but it doesn't seem like it's a bear market just yet."
"I still think we're seeing sideways action for a long time, and ultimately I do believe we see new lows."
"I want you to think of two things, is your token close to all-time highs?"
"Basically, bad things have been happening over the last couple of years that in a sane economy would have made the market plateau at least a little bit."
"Keep track of those momentum lines on where these Wicks are going to be."
"If binance is going to get behind something I'm going to look into it even further."
"Understanding statistical probability in trading and crypto markets."
"If some of tether's investments were to become worthless or decline in value, it would suffer the equivalent fate of breaking the buck."
"Nearly 15% of all vehicles sold on Earth will be battery electric vehicles."
"Every sector is green except for oil and we got the VIX once again below 18."
"Right now, you'll pay more for a home than normal."
"If you think about it, guys, right now we could be at BTC new low for the next SP Market. That's correct, the next SP Market, if we have one, could be like 80k for bottom."
"Values are 44 higher today than they were pre-pandemic."
"We're looking at swing highs and lows, waiting for price to push up and break through the previous swing high."
"We enter into what's known as the sweet spot of the S curve. Now with all of the destruction that has taken place out there in traditional retail, it's hard to believe that we've just entered the sweet spot but according to our analysis we have."
"All these areas are rough areas of support and resistance, they are not gonna be perfect."
"I know everyone's familiar with Wyckoff accumulation and distribution... but we still have a bit more to prove before that's even a possibility."
"Bitcoin's dominance is the trend indicator to watch."
"You guys say okay, you've got five notable top and bottom indicators saying we're not at the top."
"It showcases the growth of smartphones in general."
"When the chart breaks above such important resistance, it produces a lot of energy to the upside."
"Understanding market psychology: How retail traders and banks approach trends differently."
"Crypto is here to stay as well long-term. I don't believe any of this silly sell-off that we have right now is a long-term issue."
"That's phenomenal drop squeezes up at the open halts up so this is a stock that goes from six bucks to 15 and on really nice volume."
"Just common sense. Hey, we're seeing more funding going to this protocol, this layer, but it's still under in terms of market cap."
"It's certainly a sign that the market is stabilizing at these levels."
"It's my thesis that if we look at history one of these dexes could 100x in size to a multi-billion dollar market cap."
"Look at the reaction, look at the tape, look at the transactions."
"Tesla may be better positioned than other U.S. automakers to survive."
"What is it that all of these people are missing, Peter? What is it again?"
"The chip shortage has further deteriorated; instead of being eased compared with the first half of 2020."
"The fact that it's below 50 means that we're seeing a decline in manufacturing."