
Witnessing Quotes

There are 232 quotes

"It was hard for me to watch this. It still is right now."
"But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth."
"All we have to do to fall in love is to be witness to somebody rather than know them."
"This is unbelievable what we're witnessing right now."
"We cannot stand as witnesses of Jesus Christ until we can bear witness of Him."
"You are witnessing history right here in the making."
"It's a privilege to watch what he did tonight."
"Witnessing is not what you do it's who you are."
"The ultimate touchstone of friendship is witness, the privilege of having been seen by someone."
"The entire process was mind-blowing and truly an honour to witness."
"I felt tears springing up in my eyes as I looked away from the body."
"To get to witness that moment, it felt great, it felt exhilarating."
"We were all witnesses to this tragic event unfolding live before our eyes."
"May your Holy Spirit fill us afresh and empower us to be witnesses of your love and grace."
"He's willing to come and testify about the bad things that he saw that day."
"Witnesses saying an Oklahoma inmate convulsed for several minutes after a lethal injection."
"I've never seen anything like this, it was awful."
"Modern people listen more to witnesses than the teachers."
"The truth comes out eventually and the truth generally has several witnesses to it that's just how things operate so we have yet a another truth that has a witness behind it."
"Consider yourself lucky to be alive today because you are a witness in history in the making."
"Remember the story and trust in the Lord. Stand back and declare what He says and watch what God will do."
"To anybody who's actually been through any of that, genuinely sorry that you have to watch this."
"That's because we watched it happen right in front of our faces."
"Everybody was just in awe of what they were watching."
"Those of you lucky enough to have witnessed this have seen something you might not see again."
"I'm going to bless you so good that unbelievers are going to be standing there with their mouth hanging open in shock."
"One of the hardest things for me in witnessing is when a person doesn't see their need for Jesus."
"I hope that when one day when I pass on to be with Jesus, it's in the middle of a witness."
"We're seeing history unfold in front of our very eyes."
"More than ourselves, more than just people who believe, but this gift of the Holy Spirit that actually makes us martyrs, it actually makes us witnesses."
"That was the greatest thing I've ever witnessed."
"Trials create an opportunity to witness." - "Trials create an opportunity to witness."
"When you're bearing witness, there's a joy in the struggle for justice."
"We're really witnessing history. This is history in the making."
"I never thought I would live to see the day when this would actually be happening before my very eyes."
"You're witnessing something here that might never happen again."
"No, you know it's the truth. You just gotta bear witness to it, that's the thing."
"God always does His best work in the dirtiest, most unassuming places."
"We were actually seeing history in the making."
"We watched you fall in love, ask her to marry, say yes to him."
"He wasn't to know it, but he was witnessing the opening scenes of perhaps the most famous day in military history."
"What happened that night fundamentally altered every single person who witnessed it."
"She tear up as she realizes that she has just witnessed history."
"During the process of believing and following God, we come to witness many things that we cannot even imagine before."
"Witnessed his fiance, the love of his life die right in front of him."
"Harmon becomes a bit shocked after witnessing something."
"I saw people in the harbor of Mogadishu being shot because of a bag of rice in front of my eyes."
"Watching it with your own eyes you can."
"I couldn't tell you which staff were there when she was being resuscitated, I didn't want to look."
"I sure hope I got that on video. He dropped like a sack of potatoes. Oh boy, oh boy!"
"...many would go on to take countless pictures and videos, all displaying a familiar view of the horror that was unfolding."
"You are the witness of the misery, you are not miserable."
"The Buddha eliminated everything else and retained only the essential part: witnessing."
"You could hear him crying and saying 'no, mommy'."
"I hated that on a special day my daughter had to witness how bad racism can get right in front of her."
"The greatest thing you can do for to help somebody else is to witness your own desire to help somebody else."
"We are witnessing history right now."
"I made sure I seen it with my two eyes you know what I mean then they were like oh how did you see it now you somebody must sh hey I don't care how yall claim I saw it but I had to see with my two eyes because my reputation means everything."
"The Seal of God identifies what you should be doing. It is necessary for you to serve as his Witnesses."
"You are witnessing greatness in here tonight. You are witnessing the next kingdom coming."
"You're not bypassing, you are not bypassing. I can witness the suffering around me, I can witness what's going on around the world, and I can hold a lot of compassion in my heart for the world, but I can also then walk my walk and hold my energy in the highest light possible."
"No, I never saw him before, but I did see him shot by someone in that car that went by, and I think it's outrageous that such things can happen in this city."
"...it was just like so I know it sounds such a weird thing to say but like just experiencing it with my own eyes I just... never thought I'd be able to do it."
"Witnessing this incident shattered Saou emotionally."
"Being a disciple is being a witness, being called to see, to hear, to absorb."
"A compassionate witness sees what's going on but is compassionate about it."
"I saw my own eyes and this dude was out there preaching a couple of days later in that rainy cold weather"
"I witnessed my first proposal, and it was actually very emotional."
"Witnessing the death of their Master, the knights flew into an almost manic rage."
"HS watched the silo collapse with tears in his eyes,"
"When the Holy Spirit touches you, witnessing is not something that you do at a certain time on a missions trip or on the clock. He says, 'When the spirit dwells upon you, you will be a witness.'"
"We're witnessing history being made."
"Isabelle watches in terror as everything unfolds."
"These eyes have seen things that no man should ever see."
"With my own eyes I have seen men who fought in God's cause display a hardyhood in the midst of danger which would surpass belief."
"You need to stay alive to witness these two times."
"I was so shocked, I was so [__], I was like, 'Oh my God!' 'Cause you hear about stories like that, but I actually saw it!"
"She was everything that had ever been loved by anyone and he was watching her die."
"We're so lucky especially today with the people that are around us here to be able to witness what we're about to see."
"Whoa, you got some [__] that got booked. Yeah, Lucci was your man, right? So, being so close to this [__] and seeing it happen in real life, how does that affect you?"
"That last bit, that wait, that 15-second bit when he was burning was so horrifying to watch."
"That guy's life just ended in front of us."
"You usually need at least one other person to witness it."
"The reason I was sent to Weston is because I saw your dad kill your mom. I saw him kill her."
"I couldn't believe what I was witnessing and for a brief moment time seemed to stand still"
"It's such a blessing to witness for the Lord."
"That's what killed Morgan. I saw it happen."
"He's communicating, he's bearing witness."
"Now you know for yourself you have seen and heard, if you now Fall Away there is no forgiveness for you."
"...witnessing the rumbling is like coming face to face with an apocalypse a cataclysmic event poised to end the world."
"Jesus never witnessed the same way to different people. With a religious ruler like Nicodemus, Jesus plays hardball."
"You guys are witnessing history in the making."
"Francesca is now completely petrified by what she is seeing."
"I am here in the best seat in the house witnessing one of the biggest upsets in history, in YouTube history, and wrestling history!"
"I saw it! I definitely saw a body."
"I remember just looking and seeing the building come down."
"We're watching history being made."
"It's a privilege really to witness life coming into the world."
"It was like they were watching somebody get killed in front of them."
"I want to see them be like overjoyed. Like, witnessing people in their happiest moments is so thrilling."
"Everyone just witnessed the moment."
"Tommy did the right thing; he just watched it and watched it."
"Watching somebody's life slip away like that while staring them directly in the face, it messes you up a bit."
"We are witnessing history being made."
"We're witnessing right now a dynasty in the making with Scott Dixon."
"I should report that which I say I saw, but know not how to do it."
"I felt pretty happy, I felt like I had witnessed something special."
"In the presence of the witnessing, we are gifted the reconnection to the light."
"And seeing that happen in front of your eyes, uh, is immensely powerful."
"I never thought in my lifetime that I would be witnessing what I'm witnessing right now."
"I could write a novel about all of the things that I've witnessed."
"Witnessing is not an activity. It's just the nature of Consciousness."
"I didn't want to get lost out here, so when we went there she was taking the pictures and [ __ ] I saw what was happening and I just [ __ ] snapped dude I broke down."
"I saw his last few minutes before he went out again. He writhed, he screamed, he died in agony."
"Sometimes, you're a witness to actions. You're not really involved in it. That's enlightenment."
"I've never had a witness to an accident not cooperate with the search efforts."
"True spirituality, the true idea of churches, this Jesus says these words, 'Ye shall be witnesses,' he didn't tell us, 'You shall witness.'"
"She witnessed the end of the British Empire."
"And you watched it live on Bowl TV so."
"That was the craziest thing I've ever witnessed."
"She thinks it's wrong and doesn't want Luisa to witness what she considers murder."
"You are witnessing potentially history here."
"I saw Brian come up behind Stark and shoot him."
"Anyone can witness, just tell the facts."
"You heard my message, you saw how I lived and you witnessed signs and wonders."
"...I do enjoy seeing stuff like this happen overall..."
"We have just witnessed history here."
"Pray for boldness, let's do that. Pray for those who are lukewarm, pray for that first love, pray for boldness to witness."
"So as the two witnesses continue to drive down the road they couldn't believe what they were saying and they keep looking over at it."
"My presence is valuable in so far as I'm trying to just be present to bear witness of what they're going through."
"Those eyes had seen many things, things no child, no human being should see."
"This Jesus God raised up, and of that we all are witnesses."
"We're becoming a compassionate witness to our own history."
"We owe it to her not to look away, not to let this be done and have the world act like it didn't happen."
"I know what it's like to be a witness that kills."
"To me it makes me so proud as a father to be there to witness those first events."
"Arya just had to see that. Oh my gosh, like you think the thing with Ned is the worst thing she's ever seen in her life, man? Just imagine seeing that, dude."
"I love witnessing people coming into their own truth and their own sense of oh just godliness and light."
"What I found amazing was seeing how treatment affected him. He ended up getting electroconvulsive therapy when traditional meds weren't helping, which I got to witness."
"It's never dulls the magic, it never takes away the privilege of witnessing something like that."
"I knew damn well what I just saw."
"You didn't call us an anointing to debate, you called us to be a witness of the truth and the power of God and the resurrection."
"I literally had no words for what I was witnessing."
"Wisdom says, 'I rejoiced in that making, I was there, I witnessed it.'"
"We are witnessing something historic."
"If it is real and a human is about to end up with magic, she wants to see it with her own eyes."
"I just knew that I was witnessing some incredible history."
"You are the witness of all of this."
"Witnessing is such a beautiful form of love."
"It's a great pleasure to see it happening."
"You may be witnessing history here."
"I'm so pleased to be here and to be witnessing this moment in development."
"When you've done everything to stand, stand there for and you watch God perform his mighty deeds in your life."
"You can't walk with Him without witnessing about Him, and you can't witness about Him without winning others to Him."
"You are witnessing history right here."
"It was like they were witnessing a miracle."
"It's just absolutely magical to witness."
"There's something special about witnessing history."
"I know what I heard though, there was no mistake, and I know what I saw too."
"You're witnessing history here, this is insane."
"We are all planters and waterers, but God gives us the opportunity to witness the increase."
"It's a huge privilege to see that."
"That moment is awesome to witness."
"The witness of all that occurs, the witness which remains unaffected by all these little personal emotions, pains, wants, not wants, and circumstances."
"A yani has transcended the I am-ness and only witnesses it."
"They prayed for a miracle, and they might be witnessing one."
"We are absolutely witnessing history here."
"It's an honor to witness somewhat you blossom."
"Witness! Witness!" Grace cried merrily, waving her hand.
"When real witnessing happens, there is a great rest and relaxation in that."
"We cannot help but declare what we have seen and heard."
"You're watching history being made."
"The reason why we make these videos is to edify the body of Christ as well as to witness to those who don't know Christ."
"The love of God is the strongest tool you will ever need to witness."
"It really has been a blessing to be able to witness that."
"The purpose for the power is to witness, to share Jesus with others."
"He said he knew he was witnessing a miracle."
"This is witnessing history right now."
"True awareness... is a state of pure witnessing without the least attempt to do anything about the event witnessed."
"It was truly wild witnessing this."
"We were all a witness to history tonight."
"This is the sweetest thing I've ever witnessed."
"You're getting to witness a top moment in that person's life."
"Holy crap, we are witnessing history."
"I'm here as a witness to history and a participant in it."
"For we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard."
"This isn't just incredible, it's history right in front of us."
"I'm watching God do something. I'm literally being a recipient of God restoring everything."
"I love being present to watch anglers catch first time captures."
"We are seeing history unfolding in front of our eyes here on the Gold Coast."
"We are witnessing something very special."
"It felt like a privilege that you were there to witness it."
"We cannot help but speak about the things that we have seen and we have heard."
"Awareness witnessing is a quality of awareness."
"It's a real privilege to be here to witness greatness."
"We might be witnessing actual history."
"The notary acts as an official and unbiased witness to the identity of the person who comes before the notary."
"Am I witnessing history right now?"
"I think many Christians don't know what LDS and jdubs believe enough to effectively witness to them."
"Every day you have opportunities to witness for the Lord."