
Organizational Growth Quotes

There are 94 quotes

"More customers will get access to a higher level of service. The organization can afford to do that; they'll be more competitive in the marketplace."
"Look, we've come a long way in the three years since Scott and his team have joined us, and I believe the best is yet to come for this organization."
"If you spend a third of your time trying to make the people around you better through mentoring and getting them into more impactful roles, then over time, that just accrues and you get a better organization."
"Our goal was to get to 50 employees, and the goal really was not so much to make a lot of money."
"Every organization will need to adopt and build their own technology."
"We're expanding the membership... we think we can turn things around next fall."
"It's not about that... this thing needs to grow a momentum of its own."
"It's always difficult to let people go, but sometimes it has to be done for the sake of growing properly."
"That break room is gonna have to expand a little bit."
"No new leaders being developed... If you don't constantly replenish an organization with new leaders, the future of the company is a little bit concerning."
"And we will continue to grow, we're gonna continue to inspire, change the world."
"It's like there are very few organizations that can legitimately show that they are giving growth to Talent."
"Given that we started here 6.5 years ago, that’s an amazing thing to say."
"Strap yourselves in, Lads, get comfy, it's time for a monster rebuild."
"We're talking about a very young agency that suddenly had lots of money and no discipline."
"We have and we also got the biggest news we've ever had in our eight year history: the launch of GCN plus."
"Are you getting the right tools you need to succeed? I have the greatest job. I'm proud of the foundation we've made."
"Something that's been very powerful for us in our growth is communication and language hacks."
"As I see it a lot of stars are aligning for you Tom and in the organization."
"I really do expect big things from them in the future."
"It's really exciting to watch you guys grow... I can't wait to see what you guys are doing in the next few years."
"From incredibly humble beginnings... to become one of the most influential organizations in history."
"We want to build up and grow it even more." - Oda
"We're not gonna win every battle but I guarantee you we'll win some of them and and and those are the battles that we're gonna use to keep growing and building more forces on."
"We are not perfect but we're getting better and better and better."
"Leadership development and having people who come authentically to their teams is as important as recruiting."
"We were building this thing brick by boring brick outside of the UFC we were building all the bright lights tiny bulb by tiny bulb you know decades ago now and now it's all just kind of coming to fruition."
"You hit the next rank that's how powerful she has built this organization based off of trust based off of loyalty and she's a visionary."
"It is very much needed preparation for future Moon and Mars missions, and it is one of the first steps to turn SpaceX into more than just a launch provider."
"Our bench is looking much better already just with his addition."
"This is really the beginning of something great. We've matured over the last 12 months and this is just the beginning of a new era."
"My idea of leadership of an organization is to hire the very best people you possibly can."
"It's a massive burst of wind at the back of Bellator."
"This treasury is exactly that place, like everything that we have built in the past, everything that we're building now, everything that we will build in the future—all the upside of it just funnels back to the treasury."
"It's a testament to what we built for the past six years."
"When we talk about 'build your own,' we're usually talking about business or organizations. But 'build your own' really starts with building your own people."
"Our growth is actually more function of what you do rather than what we do."
"If you have job reservations, your growth inside your organization is a lot faster."
"It warmed my heart because you see a young guy developing into the leader of the organization."
"Management systems actually lead to freedom and growth."
"What we have seen in the last few years in the United States thank God is a real significant optic in labor organizing."
"I'm extremely happy. I'm glad we finally got this done. I like where this organization is going. I believe in it. I'm glad it believes in me."
"If you want to grow your organization, you have to grow your people. Growing people grow organizations."
"Your personal growth impacts your organization's growth."
"By being trusting, sharing, and considerate of other people's needs, we've now grown an organization with 250 schools around the world."
"I would want to know, do you have succession plans? What does that look like? Do you even have a succession database? Do you have a plan to grow your people?"
"...communication is inefficient... you want to grow an organization like this if you want to win."
"It's just so nice to see that we're building this organization the right way."
"...don't suppress risk from others... don't suppress entrepreneurial thinking from other people inside your organization... you're really in the long term hurting your organization."
"Technology allows and enables us to be our best version of ourselves at every level of the organization."
"The reach of the organization changed from 75 people sitting on hard folding chairs to literally millions of people around the world."
"When you think about the principles of ISO and the idea of always identifying risks and opportunities for improvement, your system needs to be flexible enough to support that type of growth with your organization over time."
"The ability to upskill and reskill your workforce is going to be a core capability of any organization."
"Strong performance appraisal helps to improve employee and organizational performance."
"The more you can expand knowledge across your organization at a macro level, the more powerful your organization is."
"We were being successful and that allowed us to grow and as a result of growing, organizations form around you."
"It's when your organization can really start growing is when you're not constantly everywhere and everyone's constantly asking."
"I see dedication, I see determination, and I see nothing but wanting your organization to become the biggest, best organization Wisconsin and beyond."
"There is so much more that can be done with business capabilities, far more beneficial to the organization."
"I honestly think that blended learning is a must in every organization who wants to thrive in this new way of working."
"Information, insights, and actions... apply all three of these in the sales organization to drive that change in growth."
"Databricks was able to go to this stage because it really tackles one of the core problems organizations have."
"The only way to grow your organization is to equip people."
"You grow people; once you grow people, you grow an organization."
"71 percent of organizations feel that they absolutely must innovate more quickly."
"The loss of someone is an opportunity, not a threat; it can actually re-energize the organization, not take energy away."
"It's what your organization needed, definitely. So happy for you all, this is so exciting."
"If you can create space in yourself, you can do it in your one-on-one relationships, your key relationships in your life, you can do it in an organization as well."
"I'm thankful to be able to be in a position to which I can lead an organization and allow it to thrive."
"Each one of us must appreciate the concept of quality and how quality can be implemented in an organization."
"Here are our successful successes; here's the people who've jumped through hoops to become the future leaders of our organization."
"HR has moved from playing a traditional role to a strategic role where we are giving inputs which are specific to the organization, unique to the organization, and it's giving them competitive advantage."
"When they finally get it, that little light bulb goes on, you can see they're excited, but you feel a lot better about where we're headed as an organization."
"You can go from eight people to thousands over a couple of years and build a substantial institution that's going to survive potentially generationally."
"It's good for you, it's good for your organization, and it's also important for your career progression."
"We are looking for innovation and what organizations are doing."
"Microsoft Viva is a new solution that helps organizations and people thrive."
"Kya solves many problems for Fedoni, making it gradually become stabilized and develop rapidly."
"The continual learning and improvement for the whole organization is going to be the driver of our success."
"Talent is such an important criteria, such an important key into your success and to your organization's success."