
Selectiveness Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"You have options but you're very picky and none of them really suit you."
"You've started to recognize now that one, you don't have to give your heart to everyone. You can be selective."
"This person has no problem attracting anyone they want to, but they are really picky."
"Virgos are very choosy about love because for them, true love matters."
"You can afford to be very selective... the market will be there tomorrow."
"They just have a really good process, really high standards and they're very, very picky about what they think is going to be artistically excellent."
"With so many options, women are increasingly selective."
"Be discerning, be picky, be mindful of what you invest your time and energy in this month."
"Take whatever resonates and leave the rest. Always trust your own intuition."
"Your time is non-fungible, you have to be selective in whom you invest that time."
"Relevant discussions that can push the culture, the community, and the generation forward."
"It's better to be selective and decide what you're gonna do."
"Stick to yourself right now, be picky and choosy who knows what about you."
"You should be picky, very picky. As you become what you practice."
"It's frustrating because it's this ebb and flow of them kind of picking and choosing what matters."
"I've become so picky and so precious with how I'm spending my time and who I'm spending it with."
"It's a healthy message and women are being very selective by what they're offended by."
"Especially in regards to being picky about who you're in relationship with, you deserve that."
"The important thing here is discernment, so be picky, be careful, be mindful of who it is that you decide to really work with."
"Do not let anyone dictate what you should want. Be selective."
"Keep it simple... be very selective about who you associate with."
"Only take what fits to your situation, leave the rest."
"You aim very high. You only date people who fit that vision for yourself and you decline to date people who don't."
"God may not demand these things from everyone, He will come to the ones that He loves the most."
"I'm just picky. I want what I want."
"Do we like it for 14? I don't know, I feel like we have to be a little more selective."
"Compassionate energy is a beautiful thing, but even compassion itself is selective."
"I'm picky also when it comes to shoes you wouldn't think so but I am picky."
"You're very selective about who you let in and who you fall for. People really admire this about you."
"I'm really picky with my deodorant scent."
"I've been a lot pickier about my buying lately, so I feel like if a scent enters my collection, I really have to be in love with it."
"Life's way too short to say yes to everything, don't you think?"
"You're not accepting things into your life unless it's exactly what you want, tailored to you."
"This is all about the rest of your life, which is a really long time, so you should be really picky."
"Go on dates, take breaks when you get fatigued, don't get discouraged when you have bad dates, be picky, be patient."
"Some people are just a bit choicey, we'll say."
"Be picky but don't be unreasonable."
"You've got to be very picky about the work you do, I think."
"I think being picky is a good thing."
"The older you get, the fussier you get, and that is purely because you are maturing and your mind is growing."
"Know your worth; know that it's okay to be choosy."
"I'm really particular with the items and the products that I use."
"I'm kind of usually picky about what I want. It takes me time."
"I'm super picky and honestly it really sometimes pays off."
"I don't like a lot of boys, so when I like you, I like you."
"The pickier you are, the better. Protect your energy at all costs."
"It's good to be picky as an artist."
"The main takeaway is to not rush things and be picky for what you are looking for."
"I think that towards the person who is going to live with the whole life, I have to be picky."
"You get to be picky, you get to put yourself in a high-class luxury category, and not everybody gets to experience that."
"I'm real picky with art, and I see things like this as a piece of art."
"You realize that you can just say no to those options and wait for the better ones to come in."
"I'm picky when it comes to makeup; it's gotta be good if I'm gonna use it."
"You are allowed to be picky, you are allowed to be choosy, you are allowed to be particular, you are allowed to be selective because you're not desperate and you're not delusional."
"In France, blush is very carefully chosen."
"I'm picky when it comes to cheek blushes, but this one has passed my test and I really love this color."
"If you're not feeling 100% about something, then skip it every single time."
"Remember, not every cup that is offered to you is for you."