
Existential Question Quotes

There are 563 quotes

"With the universe as vast as ours, could it really be true that we are the only ones in it?"
"What is reality? Wow, that's one hell of a question. That's the deepest question you're ever gonna ask in life."
"I deeply want to believe that the answer is yes. I do find that kind of where... I find the Fermi paradox very, very puzzling."
"It's almost time for Yuki to start looking for a career, but he begins to wonder if that's all there really is to life."
"Whether life started here or somewhere far, far away, it did start somewhere. So, my question is: Who started it?"
"Tell me how the universe came into existence from nothing and by nothing, ex nihilo. I want to know."
"Is it possible that the universe exists through self-observation?"
"If God decided to stop evil at midnight tonight, would you still be alive at 12:01?"
"The new evidence cannot be refuted: we are living in its simulated environment."
"Why is there something rather than nothing? Why is there anything at all?"
"Why are we so intent on discovering alien civilization? This is not fiction, but we want to know if there is something to worry about."
"How do you explain that there is life in this universe?"
"Why am I working? Why do I care about money? What's the point of all this?"
"What is the meaning of life, the universe, and everything else?"
"To be human, or not to be human: that is the question."
"How do you know if you are healed? You've healed, you're in..."
"We often look up at the stars and ask, 'If the Universe is so big and ancient, why aren't there big and ancient civilizations spanning the galaxy?'"
"If nobody's there to call you crazy, would you ever find out?"
"Do you think God stays in heaven because he, too, lives in fear of what he's created?"
"What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets."
"If there is a God, why does he allow evil to happen?"
"Is morality just a fairy story we invented to help us sleep at night?"
"If life was a blissful process, why would you care what is the meaning?"
"Having now to define what we value as essential in a culture, I think, is an existential question that we're going to be grappling with for quite a while."
"Sounds helpful, but when you're a publisher... in those links, that suddenly becomes a really existential question."
"The fact that there even is a universe is not a throwaway question; it's a deep and important philosophical question."
"The world will end tomorrow. What will you do today?"
"What's your purpose? What's the endgame, friend? How does this all wrap up? Is it heaven for you?"
"What makes a life worth living? What gives it meaning, and how does that change when the time one has left collapses?"
"What does it profit a person if they gain the whole world and lose their own soul?"
"Whatever this person is, he's far removed from Humanity."
"Life is not a Marvel movie; there's no big bad guy at the end of the tunnel."
"And so the question remains: are you worth remembering?"
"There's going to be a lot of questioning about what it actually means to be American."
"Do you believe you can be born in the wrong time?"
"Is our purpose in this world simply to eat and sleep and dress and work and acquire some material things and enjoy ourselves?"
"The opportunities for every individual on the planet to connect again with nature is right there on our doorstep."
"Let's stick to the Zen question: Are we alone?"
"The presence or absence of alien life in the universe really is a profound fundamental question."
"If everybody on the planet right now was convinced that they had experienced God, does that mean they're right and I'm wrong?"
"Love, she asked, how can there be love when the entire world is ruined?"
"SCP-001 does yield one answer to that important question: What is the most dangerous creature in the universe?"
"Are we growing, or are we dying?" - Dave Hollis
"What is that saying about the nature of our life in terms of why can't life be joyous as equally joyous?"
"What would you do if you knew the end of the world was coming?"
"It just made me be like what is life, like what is life?"
"Let's really live it out let's really live it out because what else what else are we doing if we're not doing that."
"Unity, are we a human race that can reach unity? I honestly don't know."
"Are we all gonna die? Because that's the first question on everybody's mind."
"What is the best part? All of it. Seriously, all of it."
"If we give up on our most primal job we have as humans, haven't we already lost?"
"At the end at the end yeah what what's the point?"
"The life issue for me, it's the philosophical issue of does life even matter. If it does, then let's focus on it."
"What prophet a man to gain the world and lose his soul?"
"Are you operating according to conditioning or creation?"
"Why do we spend so much time seeking things we can't keep?"
"There is an order in reality itself, because otherwise why bother investigating it if it's not?"
"Legacy: What do you want to leave when you're gone?"
"Even if the word of Islam never reached you, you're still gonna be judged at the end. How? You're still gonna be judged."
"What am I living for and what I am dying for are the same question."
"How about if we boil it down to that standard question that often gets asked: would you know your death date if you could know now?"
"I regret feeling loose, go, are you gonna die?"
"Getting older? Do you want to die? Because those are the options, right?"
"A purpose is the answer to one of the deepest questions a human can ask themselves: Why am I alive? Why am I here?"
"The only thing I'm supposed to do is do my best, so what is the meaning of life? Do your best."
"Is anybody gonna die anymore? That's what I want to know. I'm really dying to know."
"Life is the very basis of our existence, but do we know what it truly is?"
"Sometimes I ask myself, is this world worth fighting for?"
"Do you think we're getting the most out of life?"
"What if your life is nothing but a computer simulation?"
"What's the point of having breath... and not push towards freedom?"
"You're under the impression that you're not going to be okay, but which you, the you that you perceive yourself to be?"
"What is happiness anyway? Isn't it up to each person to define?"
"Can you actually lead a meaningful life there?"
"Are we really alone? I'm just opening up the possibility."
"You are not here just to suffer through life."
"Do you think we're all trapped in the Matrix?"
"What's wrong with wanting to live? Explain that to me."
"What if we're all just confused because we're in a simulation?"
"Good games, whose world is this? The world, the world is big, it's had [ __ ]."
"If we lose sight of that and if life becomes this monotonous slog of nothing to look forward to, what is the point?"
"I think this phenomenon... has an element of choice and free will."
"The sky and the cosmos are one, posing one simple question: what the fuck is going on?"
"What is my life for, and what am I going to do with it? I don't know, and I'm afraid."
"What is time really at this point in our lives?"
"Why are we in such a crazy story? It's because of who we are."
"What good is it to gain the whole world and forfeit your soul?"
"Why would you kill yourself that detective is the right question program terminated."
"What's the purpose of my life? Am I just here to eat and drink and sleep?"
"Are we alone? Our universe is made up of countless galaxies, each teaming with billions of stars like our sun."
"Could there ever be anything greater than this?"
"Why is there something rather than nothing? It's an important question."
"What if there isn't an afterlife? How am I gonna make this life count?"
"What is it to be a human being? That's what it's asking you."
"What manner of man is that? I think the answer again is no man at all."
"What would you do if you had one hour left to live?"
"The West is devoid of a greater meaning at the moment. What should be our purpose as a collective civilization?"
"Is there a God or isn't there... is it all made up?"
"Is my favorite large sun the beginning of the end?"
"If this intelligence is so many light-years ahead of us, who are we?"
"The most important question anybody could ask you is this: Where will you spend eternity?"
"How does he do it? I don't know, I'm just me."
"Does God really exist? And if He does, do you really think He pays much attention to us as we hurtle through space on a little blue planet?"
"Why God bothers with a little insignificant planet like ours?"
"It's an existential question of what kind of country we're going to have."
"If this question doesn't totally drive you nuts, you just don't understand the question." - Michio Kaku
"So why is there something rather than nothing?"
"Was I just there or did I actually create it?"
"Reality is weird, the more we discover at the largest and smallest scales, the more scientists have been forced to ask the same question: what the [ __ ]?"
"Do we actually want to live in this kind of world?"
"If you replace every cell in a person with a copy of their cell, are they still the original person?"
"I don't know why we're here. We may be here to raise the consciousness of this planet, however, I did not make a soul contract."
"If I'm not going to use it to accomplish something meaningful, then what am I here for, what purpose am I actually serving?"
"It's literally simple, which one do you want to live?"
"Whether or not we're alone in this universe is a question everyone ponders at some point."
"What does the wave have to do to become water? Nothing."
"Are we just the science version of a miracle?"
"The pendulum will swing back and forth forever, so all that's left is to ask yourself a simple question: Is my love worth dying for?"
"Does anybody really have it all figured out?"
"What would happen if I literally let go of my sense of individuality?"
"What if we're in the simulation and everything we're doing feels like the most important thing ever."
"I wish I could live forever. Then other times I'm like, do I wish that?"
"If I was in that position I wouldn't know when I was dreaming and when I wasn't you know the line is a dream."
"But at the same time, what if it's not? Stop it, that's like the biggest, like, this is the big question. What if it's not?"
"Bloody hell, what else is there? What else is there?"
"Is there a meaning to life? That is the question every philosopher has ever asked themselves."
"How do I find meaning in something so senseless?"
"What is the Matrix?" She tells him the answer is out there, and it will find him if he wants it to.
"Are we gonna choose life or are we gonna choose our way in death?"
"What it means to be human has not even been attended to."
"Why be in a space where we can't be completely free when we have a space where we can?"
"Is it really just random or is there something behind?"
"Why does the universe exist? Why did it come into being at all?"
"How can you have light without dark? How can you confirm life on one side of the spectrum without the other?"
"When there is nothing left to live for, what would you die for?"
"What does it feel like to be freaking alive?"
"Why did Jehovah create a global ecosystem of fear, pain, and death? Excuse me, He didn't."
"What is the function of being a left YouTuber? Existential."
"What is my purpose? Because I feel like there's a time running out."
"I'm in a time loop. Am I repeating everything that's happened?"
"Do any of you have memories before today that could objectively be considered impossible?"
"Impossible. It's impossible and they say God is love so how can you love God or love the Creator if you don't even love yourself?"
"What steps do you take to become what you are?"
"Our job is to shelve our own bias acknowledge that all bodies are unique and to take into consideration an individual's preferences budget lifestyle morals culture and unique health conditions and concerns."
"How can you not know who you are when they can't even?"
"If a tree falls in a forest and nobody's around to see it, did it really fall?"
"If there is no God, then you end up in a situation where everything is prohibited."
"Your life is meant to be awesome... why were we put on this earth if not to be happy?"
"What does perfect even mean? Is there even such a thing?"
"What is the danger of a man gaining the whole world but losing his own soul?"
"What is good, what is bad, [expletive] if I know."
"Why are you holding on so harshly to your life when there's eternity on the other side?"
"The purpose of life is to ask the question, what is the purpose of life?"
"Are we alone in the universe? What kind of universe do we inhabit in the first place?"
"What destroys a man more quickly than to work, think, and feel without inner necessity, without any deep personal desire, without pleasure?"
"WALL-E: a movie whose conception began with this question by director Andrew Stanton what if mankind had to leave Earth and somebody forgot to turn off the last robot."
"At the end of the day, whether or not science can or has disproved a particular God is the wrong question."
"Either there is a God or there isn't, that's exhaustive."
"There's such a thing as the meaning of life."
"Am I really here? Because I died. I felt my body die."
"Do you believe that there is a vibrational reality that contains this person?"
"If you cannot pursue what makes you happy in life why do you exist what's the point?"
"On the road, someone always wants to know where the road is going."
"I used to be afraid to lose, but now I'm afraid to win because I have 10 seconds in which to prove the reason for my existence."
"Are we just another primate, or are we something unprecedented?"
"To be or not to be." - A famous expression questioning existence.
"Are we alone? Probably not, unless you're inexcusably egocentric."
"If my entire existence overnight can shift because of this pill, like who the fuck am I supposed to be?"
"What shall it profit a man who gains the whole world but loses his own soul."
"Why gain the whole world and lose your soul? Is it worth it?"
"How long until you die? Five left, oh, good, that's great."
"Could this really be true? Could there really be a God who loves me? Could Jesus of Nazareth really be the revelation of God to mankind?"
"What is the meaning of life? I can't think of anything more important."
"Nothing compares to all. Where would we be without you?"
"Why would I Surrender myself to someone who could help me be well not be in pain heal me and is with me at all times but doesn't help me."
"Some people can see it, some people can't. I wonder what makes you have the ability to see the real and to not see it."
"If this is the end, how do you want to go out?"
"When all this is said and done, when everything's over, what a man gotta do? I gotta go home."
"After billions of years in preparation, could humanity's future be decided when we, and our children, are alive?"
"It just comes to a point, what's your purpose in life?"
"Did he create trans people or do trans people choose to be trans?"
"What are the consequences for not using life as it should be used? There's no bigger question than this."
"Purpose means I came into the world for a purpose, I just need to find out what it is."
"If you die today, are you ready? Are your sins forgiven? Are you ready to stand before your creator? Tonight is the night."
"What are the odds that I am one of those lucky ones, ground zero, based reality unsimulated?"
"Maybe very, very good odds that we're simulated now."
"Would you rather live a life knowing there is a God and die to find out there isn't one, or live a life knowing that there's no God and dying to find out there is one?"
"Could we sleep if we knew the truth about everything?" - Queue
"A much, much faster way of selecting a lineup of aircraft that are already pre-trained for the crew slots in which you find them."
"Are we the aliens to them? Do we pop into their world? In their world, are we their Bigfoot?"
"What does it mean to say that a thing exists?"
"Do you think it means anything? No, I don't."
"After so much time goes by, you just be like, 'Man, was it worth it?'"
"It's like, are you still a person or are you completely hollow?"
"Cheaper than therapy: when you die and you become a ghost, are you forced to wear what you were wearing when you died for eternity?"
"Ultimately, man should not ask what the meaning of life is but rather he must recognize that it is he who is asked."
"What goal would justify the suffering of your life?"
"How can you know that if your life ends today, you will enter into his presence?"
"If you're not growing and evolving, what the are you doing?"
"How did we get here? Nobody's supposed to be... if when you look back..."