
Central Banks Quotes

There are 102 quotes

"The most important power of central banks is forward guidance, is their talking, is their messaging."
"Central banks in almost all countries worldwide have become totally independent and in practice not accountable to any democratic institution."
"The consensus right now is that the central banks are in control... I do not think that they are fully in control, and I think there will be periods of time where they completely lose control."
"We're going to turn today to a fun topic of how central banks, right at the heart of the financial system, are thinking about blockchain."
"The point of the book is to look at what the main central banks in the world have done, in an unprecedented way since the financial crisis, to artificially stimulate the financial system."
"If we didn't have the central banks, it would be an entirely different world today."
"The record shows that independent central banks deliver better economic outcomes."
"All major central banks have fallen prey to the same misconception."
"Provided central banks take appropriate action now, they will see a fall in inflation next year."
"They own central banks in almost every major country."
"Mystification of the role of central banks... the dragon of inflation... attack on labor."
"If the bears get proved wrong and stocks are back off to the races... then in theory, especially if that's being caused by a central bank pivot, then rates should start coming down."
"The central bank will purchase assets directly from the non-bank sector, circumventing the banks."
"Central banks traditionally resort to strategies such as changing interest rates."
"Aren't we trusting the capacity of central banks a little too much?"
"Central bank actions and money printing is absolute rocket fuel for Bitcoin and all of the other good cryptocurrencies."
"Remember, we're meant to be in a tapering market where the central banks are reducing liquidity."
"Let us take a gander of what the bis and major central banks and Commercial banks have been planning."
"I've never seen central banks so backed into a corner as I do now."
"Can you trust central banks? Can you trust the Federal Reserve?"
"Bitcoin is trading at a discount to the amount of kind of criminality that the central banks are involved with."
"Bitcoin is the vector out of the central bank problem."
"Central banks are starting to realize that maybe just maybe we went a little too far creating a few too many bubbles."
"Central banks are buying gold, you need to - it's really that simple."
"Every time there's a point of crisis, central banks continue to print and spend to stop the debt bubble from imploding." - John Adams
"Central bank digital currencies are on their way to being at the forefront of our economies."
"Women run finance ministries in 16 countries and 14 of the world's central banks."
"Dip buyers beware because central banks have lost control."
"Bitcoin is essentially the ultimate irrepressible non-counterparty insurance policy against central banks."
"It's all about the market, sadly. Central banks and politicians are using the market to signal a sense of well-being to everybody."
"It's not the general investor buying gold, it's central banks... driving gold prices higher."
"Central banks own about 75% of their Central Bank assets... in gold."
"People need to understand this as well, world central banks have one product and it's debt, that is it. They issue nothing else but debt, they do not create wealth, they create debtors, that's all they do." - Greg Mannarino
"Sure some of this is speculation but hopefully the evidence provided will serve as a thought-provoking look into the world of Central Bank digital currencies..."
"The financial structure has become more fragile... held together with tape and string by liquidity and by central banks."
"History has shown you do not want to depend upon central banks and Central Bankers either their word or their capabilities."
"Central banks will buy actual Bitcoin and that's really the final boss in hyperbitcoinization."
"This is going to happen, will central banks have gotten so desperate?"
"Higher rates, lower dovish central banks, considered the single biggest threat for risk assets."
"It's necessary for central banks to do this because they have to go to negative interest rates. This will allow them to do that much faster."
"CBDCs have been attracting strong interest from central banks."
"The best time for investors in equities are when central banks are trying to stimulate economies that are very sluggish, such as now."
"Central banks own these digital currencies so they effectively will be able to track who owned a token before, who's owning it now, and what transactions that person had during the time of their ownership."
"The rise of central bank digital currencies: a move towards more control."
"Central banks aren't interested in working with anybody who's using a pizza box campaign to fix their network."
"The only asset that central banks have that they can mark up and repair their balance sheet is gold."
"There's at least 80 central banks around the world that are looking at digital currencies."
"Start to look around the world at what central banks are doing, other central banks are accumulating lots of gold."
"The Fed is signaling to other central banks: 'if you want to keep up better start raising rates'."
"The amount of debt and money creation. How much that we have, the rate at which we are creating it, and then where we're getting that money from, the Federal Reserve and other central banks printing it."
"Gold has moved for some reasons that seem very reasonable, very realistic. A lot of central bank buying. And if you ask yourself why are these central banks buying, I think the overarching reason is that when Russia walked into Ukraine, the US decided to weaponize the dollar."
"We need to do what the central banks are doing and accumulate metals."
"Interest rates are prices critical prices we use them to set investment hurdle rates and to calibrate risk and to discount projected future cash flows they are probably the most critical prices in finance yet they are under the thumb of the central banks of the world."
"We are living in the world of the central banks and I only wish that more of us would speak up and protest like 'where is the exit and we get out of here?'"
"Fiat currencies and central banks make people who use those Fiat currencies poor."
"It's very important for investors to see inflation coming down and to view the credibility of central banks."
"Could the central banks collectively overdo it? My view is that that's a very premature thing to worry about at this point."
"Let's get to a tight monetary policy setting first before we worry about whether the Fed is too tight for too long, as maybe other central banks will ultimately turn out to be."
"Central banks know that they're going to have to at some point turn the printing presses on."
"...then I think you'll start seeing central banks going into Bitcoin, and that's when demonetization happens."
"The central banks want no responsibility for anything. None."
"...once bitcoin reaches gold's market capitalization central banks are going to pay attention to it as a barometer of whether they're doing the right thing with their monetary policy."
"Central banks have distorted the market with quantitative easing, giving a distorted view of the market."
"So, there's no question in my mind that they should all normalize relatively quickly. The issue is what comes beyond that."
"I think what we need as investors, you know, we need guidance from the central banks as to how they see the reality of a world shaped by supply."
"The only people who run anything just now are central banks."
"The idea of a return to a gold standard is seen as both unthinkable and unworkable, but it's less confounding than the faith shown in the central bank governors."
"This is the Death Note for central banks right? If you have a sound decentralized money central banks don't need to exist."
"If you trust central banks, you're stupid."
"Central banks are not price sensitive. They just want to diversify."
"The central banks are currently creating sufficient new money to prop up stock exchange and asset values for the benefit of the oligarchy in the here and now."
"Central banks can't fail; they print money. What fails is the economy."
"Central banks are a scam; it's a mechanism by which politicians cheat."
"Central banks have been some of the largest buyers of gold bullion."
"Markets are ultimately more powerful than central banks."
"Central bank's power is unlimited at this point."
"By 2025, every country on the planet will have an operational Central Bank Digital Currency."
"It's funny, all these temporary programs that governments, these central banks make, they always say, 'Don't stress everyone, don't worry, it's just temporary.'"
"Tighter monetary policy coming to the U.S. by many central banks to tackle galloping inflation."
"Central banks live on borrowed time; they live on perception. You don't want to mess with that perception because if you lose it, then you essentially lost all control over the process."
"Central banks bought approximately $71 billion worth of gold... which at the time was a record."
"The behavior of central banks so irresponsible throughout 2020 really makes Bitcoin look a far more attractive alternative."
"It took years and years to make those Central Bank Partnerships."
"Exchange rates are a function of two variables: the relative strength of two economies and the behavior of central banks."
"Bitcoin cannot be devalued by printing more of it by any Central Bank."
"These trends, right yeah you can see them on your charts where do they come from? They come from the central banks these guys, these 8 central bank's control the sentiment of those currencies."
"The easiest trading is when these central banks are making decisions are changing policy or doing something different."
"Global central banks are deflating the value of fiat currencies."
"We are in unprecedented times, and central banks have been making unprecedented moves."
"The very reason why we have inflation targets at two percent from central banks is to make sure that inflation expectations are anchored above zero percent."
"Central banks and their actions, as well as government actions, really are the elephant in the room and the tail that wags the dog of the market."
"Credibility and control is what central banks are all about."
"The reality of central banks is we've become conditioned to think they're all powerful."
"The impact on consumers could spur yet more action from a greater number of central banks."