
Hero's Journey Quotes

There are 195 quotes

"Stigma is a virus that plagues the hero's journey. It's the villain, and it's bent on infecting something very dear: your belief system."
"Before a true hero's journey is done, they must in some way travel to and traverse the darkness or this idea of the underworld."
"The structure of the hero's journey... is like a rough outline and template to be applied to stories that involve a hero going on some sort of adventure or quest."
"The willingness to go on a hero's journey, knowing full well it's going to challenge and change you, is a quality I gotta have in my hero."
"In order to advance in the story and succeed where they have previously failed, the hero needs to undergo a fundamental transformation and overcome some previous weakness."
"That's the end of the hero's journey: once you go into the darkness and find something of value, the next thing to do is to distribute it within the community."
"The hero comes back from this adventure with the power to bestow boons on his fellow man."
"It really is like the hero's journey to become an autonomous, self-loving, self-accountable, self-reliant, self-accepting, self-forgiving, self-compassionate, empathy-giving to the self human being."
"A hero goes on an adventure, is victorious in a decisive crisis, and returns changed or transformed to share that gift with their community."
"The hero archetype story has to be reinvented for each generation to stay relevant and impactful."
"The otaku hero's journey, however, shall continue."
"This is a hero's quest you can pick it up and become part of the most amazing transformation in human history."
"The great equalizer was the story repeated across time and borders as each embarked on the same hero's journey."
"It's the classic hero's journey of the call to action, and that call to action literally happens right after you get off the train."
"The hero's journey masculinity right... the better it is, the worse it does."
"Every great hero must sacrifice something in return."
"The hero's journey is not always plain sailing. Are you ready to learn about grabbing and swinging? Let's do this."
"Luke's journey and becoming a Jedi is great because we see the main character actually struggling."
"Odysseus never gave up. He spent years trying to get home, but he was gonna get home one way or another."
"It's the Joseph Campbell hero's journey turned on its head."
"Reluctant heroes should eventually become willing heroes."
"The saga begins when our hero Seth, a young sailor washes up on the shores of one such Kingdom."
"Paving your own path and writing your own story, the one where the hero doesn't stop until the princess is saved and the castle is taken."
"Once a hero, such as Odysseus, has negotiated the trials, seen off temptations, and survived it all, he is ready for one final ordeal."
"The idea of a common humanity reflected in the hero's journey remains an attractive one in an often divided world."
"Leo's journey began of Mike's sacrifice and now after all the training after all the monsters Leo's journey ends with his own sacrifice."
"Now, that's a hero's low point and the challenge they need to conquer in the final act."
"Honor his hero's journey and acknowledge his personal quest."
"You start a new path forward towards the hero's path."
"Heroes' journeys are good when they have like the villain that's the mirror image of them but going down like a different path, I like that a lot."
"The hero's journey tells us you're gonna go here, you're gonna have this adventure, and you're gonna come back."
"It's like the classic hero's journey but you cut out all the middle stuff."
"The hero's journey: from the lowest of the low to the king."
"A time loop that makes the hero's origin instrumental to the story's climax."
"Star Wars is the hero's journey, an adventure film like no other."
"The hero always has to reach a bit of self-actualization before crossing the final threshold."
"That shield going back into the museum and Mackie walking into the sunset."
"I got so choked up and so emotional because I thought the journey of Luke Skywalker from New Hope to the Last Jedi is so perfect it's one of the most perfect representation of a character and done well with my childhood hero."
"Zelda games have always been about a hero becoming strong enough to wield the blade and using it to destroy evil and save the day."
"Destiny took over, it was the hero's journey, the monumental classic story."
"They've given her something she needed but then taken away something which is really going to handicap the hero."
"There is a story that is told by the archetypes, by these 22 archetypes, and it is the hero's journey."
"We're in a giant movie where we're all going on this journey, we are all on the hero's journey together."
"This movie is essentially a making of movie, seeing Batman transition from vigilante to full-blown hero."
"Maybe we'll get something that's worthy of that crown that takes the hero's journey seriously."
"Unlike the classical heroes, we're not going on our journey to save the world but to save ourselves."
"It's the invitation of the hero's journey... to play your hand with the cards dealt."
"Luke Skywalker will always be the quintessential example of the hero's journey."
"It is time to take that step towards the hero journey of your life, your soul, yourself, and what you desire."
"The departure: the hero receives a call to head off into the unknown."
"The archetypal hero is sometimes assisted by allies. As the hero faces the ordeal, he encounters the greatest challenge of the journey."
"But Batman's injury occurs so that he can overcome it to rise up and save the day."
"Luke was faced with taking down the most powerful Sith Lord in the Galaxy while also holding on to his purity and sense of good."
"The hero's journey is basically the idea that in stories all across the world throughout all eras and cultures there is a recurring pattern of Storytelling."
"The quest of the hero: Naruto Uzumaki to acquire mastery of Chakra, so he can protect his friends and community and become Hokage."
"The story itself features the archetype of Joseph Campbell's Hero's Journey."
"Once the hero accepts the call, help appears."
"The hero's journey has a primal relatability to every kind of person."
"Are we all just on a giant hero's journey that is repeating over and over and over again?"
"Neo discovers he's part of a prophecy that would claim he is the one who will save the human race."
"I think there's a very clear structure to the arc for the character because each of the six stages I gave you before correspond to a stage of the hero's inner journey."
"It feels epic but also a very intimate hero's journey."
"...we have only to follow the thread of the hero path and where we had thought to find an abomination we will find a God..."
"The main character needs to go from Zero to Hero."
"Emma's arc is about her overcoming abandonment issues and a denial of her own belief in Magic and opening her heart to love. It is very much a hero's journey."
"Luke Skywalker went from being a moisture farmer to saving the Galaxy."
"Spider-Man 4 needs to be a story where Peter discovers who he is as a hero on his own."
"'Shrek' follows a classic hero's journey, resonating with audiences."
"The level of growth, like true hero's arc, right?"
"The hero achieves a reward, often in the form of knowledge, insight, or a powerful object."
"The hero experiences a moment of death and rebirth, often symbolized by physical or metaphorical transformation."
"The hero's journey isn't about vanquishing an external challenge, it's a profound moment of internal growth."
"The hero’s journey is as thus. The hero is lured away from his common life to the threshold of adventure, where he encounters and battles a shadowy guardian."
"The adventure of the hero, which involves a separation from the world, a penetration to a source of power, and a life-enhancing return, is a common theme across cultures."
"The seizing of the sword, the proof of transformation, the hero now becomes a mentor."
"The hero regroups, takes in the blow of the midpoint reversal, and prepares for the ordeal."
"Luke Skywalker, our protagonist who will take the tried and true heroes Journey from nobody to savior."
"A hero stands outside of community. What is essential, especially in reading like the hero's journey, is that you leave your place of origin. Every story starts with something is wrong in the place where they were, or a stranger comes to town."
"Just think about your journey, the hero's journey, you've made it to the end, you made it to the end."
"The hero's journey is the journey of learning about yourself and using those tools to overcome the external circumstances that you face."
"Classical hero's journey... you descend into chaos and then you have to reconstruct it."
"You're born into a world where you don't fit in, and then you answer the call to adventure."
"Superman's journey from humble Kansas farm boy to the world's greatest superhero is a gradual one."
"Now once in there, there's usually three things that a hero finds: there's the test, there's the mentor, and there is the foe."
"We all have this longing inside to take our own hero's journey."
"The hero's journey begins with Neptune, a state of idyllic harmonious at-home-ness."
"The hero must undergo some sort of atonement, transformation, resurrection, or sacrifice in order to prepare himself for the coming climax."
"I have a theory about the hero's journey. We all have one, we have many in fact, but our primary hero's journey is the passage we live out in real life before we find our calling."
"I think that we have this like Western idea that like it should be the sole individual journey, you're the [__] hero."
"The hero's journey is about courage, it's about action not retraction in the face of fear."
"your classic absolute the classic hero's journey doesn't start without some random thing happening to make the hero go uh I need to do something about this"
"Campbell tells us you need to go beyond the veil of the known. We live in this little comfortable world, comfort zone style, but we got to know that the heroes call us right on the other side of that."
"Without this Epic Fantasy without this most perfect hero's journey executed to Perfection that I have probably ever read or watched if I'm including movies we would not have the genre that we all know and love."
"You have to give your audience a few moments, some scenes for them to connect emotionally with your hero before you can really get rolling and have them come along for the ride."
"That's the essence of the hero's journey: surviving adversity, braving dark paths, and facing self-doubt to ultimately save the community."
"The hero's journey isn't just about vanquishing an external challenge; it's a profound moment of internal growth."
"I really enjoy stories like this, The Loner, this is the hero's journey as we say."
"Luke Skywalker started the original trilogy as a naive farmer dreaming of the galaxy beyond his little world."
"The death of the mentor is a crucial part of the hero's journey."
"Deku would actually begin running away with everyone until he notices Uraraka caught under some rubble."
"The story ends with freedom to live meaning that a hero has finally become a master of both worlds and has found his peace and place in his own world."
"The hero's journey to the Underworld, the katabasis, a crucial moment in the hero's quest."
"It totally goes against the basic rules of writing a hero's journey basically. It gives her plot armor and main character's halo right from the first moment."
"The hero's journey of our lives takes us from believing that we are what our parents told us we are or what society told us we are or what we imbibed from the culture, shedding that, and finally finding out who we really are."
"It's very much Joseph Campbell hero's journey, the whole thing. It's very, very interesting how much it is exactly that to a T."
"at the avengers campus you can go on your hero's journey and discover and find that magic"
"Chief Brody's journey from water-fearing outsider to shark-killing hero is remarkable and hits most of the main points of the hero's journey."
"The hero's journey is not old-fashioned, it is not out of date, nor is it outmoded. Instead, it's a story that modern audiences still want despite all of the attempts of Hollywood to train us to think otherwise."
"It has a hero's journey that has interesting ideas, cutting edge special effects, amazing action, characters you care about, it has all of it, it's one of the great films of all time."
"I love the character arc and the sense of seeing the whiny farm boy turned into the hero of the galaxy."
"When you're chosen, you go on this hero's journey."
"The myth of Star Wars has done in our society, the myth of Star Wars is so indelibly linked to the hero's journey because that's how George Lucas crafted it."
"Every great story the hero disappeared and he come back."
"We see our leading characters start at the bottom, learn their craft, and then by the end, they take on the antagonistic force and win the day."
"My games are structured around the classic heroic Journey."
"There's always a victim narrative. We don't have hero's journeys anymore; we have victim narratives."
"It's honestly a real damn shame because the hero's journey is by far one of my all-time favorite templates for storytelling."
"This is a hero's story and I like those kind of stories too."
"That's why the Hero's Journey, you know, which Joe Campbell and I did, well we did a number of seminars together, he said, but this is something that we were always looking at."
"The hero's journey and the call to adventure are often embarked upon after the wounding has occurred."
"Samson's journey from hero to tragedy is a reminder of the fragility of power and the importance of humility."
"Star Wars is all about the hero's journey and the human struggle."
"Every hero's journey begins with a refusal of the call."
"Most great Hollywood movies are about a wounded hero given a chance to change."
"Every great story starts with a character wounded like this unless it's a superhero that's a separate genre that has their own rules but most of the movies you love have a hero who's wounded."
"The hero's journey always ends in a mountain of light."
"The rise of an Empire, the fall of a Republic, the journey of a hero."
"This is it, the path to becoming a hero; I can't wait for what awaits for me."
"From the beginning, the film establishes that it is largely following the famous hero's journey concept of Joseph Campbell."
"The greatest hero's journey that has ever happened."
"Percy goes from being a kid who never wanted to be a demigod... to being someone who's worthy to stand before the gods and make a request of them."
"It's really the hero's journey kind of story, man."
"The hero's journey is a standard formula you can add nuance to."
"He's a Frodo of the Lord of the Rings, he's like a Frodo character, a hero journey trope."
"The storytelling... followed the hero's journey as mapped out by Joseph Campbell."
"It's a really good story about a hero who was neglected by his family as a child, who was tempted by darkness but was able to overcome it and save his world."
"That's kind of the hero's journey, is you go out into a bigger city... and you realize that everywhere was really the same and that the best place to be is where your friends and family are."
"The hero's journey begins when the hero receives the call of Destiny."
"I'm the navigator, I'm bringing them through the story through my point of view, watching the heroes."
"It's the musical idea that defines Miles's journey to become a spider hero."
"Return with the elixir, I'm coming back to my village, to my Python community, with some treasure."
"It's not when Anakin becomes Darth Vader... it's when Vader steps in between Luke and Palpatine, fighting for his son, killing Palpatine, and becoming Anakin Skywalker again."
"This is how hero's journeys work."
"The path of the hero is resilience kept going."
"The hero must have a major revelation of some sort or another."
"Every single hero's journey starts with first being foolish."
"It's the battle between good and evil, and it's the journey of the hero to become better than he originally was."
"It follows a hero's journey but its strongest appeal comes in its world building."
"This hero's journey changed the way sci-fi film was received by the masses."
"It's a simple movie, The Classic Hero's Journey, a familiar Foundation but what's built on top of that Foundation is very impressive and enjoyable."
"Marvel movies... they follow the classic hero's arc."
"Nice to meet you, hero. Let's get to work; it's time to activate your soul force and tap into your heroic potential."
"Most anime I watch have the protagonist be the hero of the story who has to go through a journey of many trials and tribulations to eventually reach a point of growth within their character."
"You'll be a hero, Percy. You'll be the greatest hero of all."
"What makes Captain Marvel special? What is her hero's journey?"
"Everybody learns the hero's journey isn't always a happy one."
"That's Steve's descent into the underworld, like so many traditional heroes, he has to journey into hell before he can return home."
"What is the hero's journey of this character?"
"It kind of sounds like you had a real hero's journey kind of calling there."
"He needs to experience it; he needs to understand what it means to be a hero."
"It's necessary in the journey of the hero to go through absolute hopelessness to come on the other side."
"She can no longer refuse the call to adventure."
"He didn't ask for this power, something terrible happened to him, but he ends up being, you know, this really powerful force for good."
"She's the lover the hero can never have, and in his pursuit for her, loses her forever."
"And see the world in endless sleep, the hero's soul, cursed blade shall reap."
"He's setting out on his hero's journey."
"It's true, in Joseph Campbell's model of the hero's journey, you do need to have some sort of trials or unforeseen circumstances to overcome."
"It's really a very classic hero's journey story set up about the main lead character who grows from ordinary young men to a master of kungfu."
"This is the end of the full journey, the end of the hero's journey."
"His spirit was contained in the Temple of Time for seven years until he was able to wield the sword and topple the evil from Hyrule."
"The passage into the temple is the hero's dive; it is his dive through the jaws of the whale, is identical to various adventures noting and picturing the life centering, life renewing action."
"It's a twist and it also serves the overall function of the hero's journey perfectly because it creates a bigger challenge for the hero to overcome, and the stakes are raised even higher."
"It's even better than the hero imagined."
"It's a classic hero's journey. I equate our story with the sword and the stone, it's a very Arthurian tale about a journey to becoming a king."
"I think every generation needs its character to go on the hero's journey."
"The film is very much playing on Joseph Campbell's The Hero's Journey."