
Education System Quotes

There are 125 quotes

"The educational system in this country is broken and it's going to take us years to fix it. That's the bad news. But there's some good news too, and the good news is that you can transform the educational system for the children in your lives right now."
"It doesn't matter if a student is a gifted artist, a loving caretaker, a talented musician, or a poetic writer. Those students are the fish being judged on how they climb trees because we say the end-all-be-all is college."
"The value of work, the enemy of how vocational and technical schooling at the high school level has all but disappeared in a mad rush to push people into a college track."
"The school system was made to make workers, not to make CEOs."
"Schools don't teach us that there's a point in our lives where we do have the option of retiring as long as we were on the right path."
"People who cheat on exams do so because the system values your grade more than the student values learning."
"Let’s build a truly dynamic school system where schools and institutions learn from one another, support one another and help one another."
"I think it would do us well to pay closer attention to why it's not working, whether that means copying how other countries do their education or what, but we need to change something with the way we educate our citizens."
"Turns out the real villain of Mega Man Star Force is our underfunded education system."
"College is essentially a sorting device more than anything."
"Instead of making schools hard targets, we actually have to soften our education system and put more funds into mental health care."
"This is the story of how a former vice principal systematically broke down the system and got my ultimate revenge, giving the finger to this corrupted system and dismantling the entire process along the way."
"Developing people of strong character is something the education system has lost."
"Our education system is outdated. It was built in the 1900s. It was built for the Industrial Age."
"What ladies, we are the Safeguard for all of this. We need to understand how we got to the public education system; it is our children's lives and Futures that are on the line."
"School boards across the country are lighting up as parents say no to the cult ideology."
"You should not come to United States if you cannot handle change in education system, in education style, assignments, plagiarism, etc."
"I think our education system is slowly but surely splitting the population into two groups."
"Education is being attacked from both sides."
"Dramatic increases in funding hope to revamp the healthcare and educational systems."
"Grades don't really indicate Mastery they indicate like memory and like whether or not you have ADHD"
"High schools spend so much time on various subjects you'll probably never use, ignoring basics like mortgages, insurance, or buying your first car or home."
"You have to pull your children out of [Public Schools]... we cannot seed control of these schools to the woke."
"Life is gonna move on whether you're ready or not."
"The German school system is pretty old and goes back to the 19th century when things weren’t exactly targeted towards everyone going to university."
"Most other countries go for a high-stakes knowledge-based test at the end of secondary school."
"We didn't want to be in school; y'all don't want to be in school because you're not supposed to be in school."
"Teachers don't have as much power as they pretend to."
"There's a filtering system that starts in kindergarten and goes all the way through. It selects for obedience and subordination."
"This is the education industrial complex, where the ones that benefit the most are the universities, politicians, and bankers."
"Faculties of Education, they need to be fixed."
"Black folks are always looking for a goddamn Savior and for some reason, you hit the nail on the head tonight, man, you're cooking with hot grease by saying these administrators are completely incompetent at these black schools."
"Enormously wealthy people who want to screw over the students - that is an absolute unquestionable fact."
"If the University of California system loses the suit, the higher education landscape could change forever."
"The hierarchical system that people like JD Vance are trying to maintain - a Harvard degree, Yale degree doesn't mean anything if everybody can go."
"If the schools don't fail prisons cannot win."
"Are these children, are their needs being met? Are their emotional needs being met? Are they being treated like human beings by schools, by their parents?"
"Children have all the full rights of personhood and therefore can't be subject to a fundamentally opposed and hierarchical totalitarian system."
"Exploits the poor, reducing or weakening health programs, regimenting Mass education for an insecure Workforce."
"The primary reason academia cannot get to the probable truth quicker almost topics is that it's easier to slowly update editions of the current academic text than to rewrite them entirely."
"The unfairness of the school system in providing support and social services to kids in need to prevent this was defeating to me."
"Disconnect the whole grade level thing from the subjects."
"No one appreciates you and no one does this and that like actually my kid right now I'm teaching and I'm still paying your stupid salary."
"Other countries do this pretty well... Germany famously has a multi-tiered educational system where... depending somewhere around 13 you get put onto a track or another for an academic track or to go into the trades."
"Increasing centralization and bureaucratization of schooling."
"No one cares, no one cares. That's why teachers are leaving."
"The further you go back in American history, the more you see the dismantling of anything to do with God out of the schools."
"The school system is already telling us half of the people in school are stupid they don't know nothing they can't think they're not critical thinkers."
"Is the school system designed to get kids to grow into a thriving self-responsible, self-reliant adult?"
"That's why I said man it's almost like it's ingrained even in the school system to try to control you to think one way when we all know you need to be able to look at things in order to figure them out."
"We can set up an educational system and curriculum that will take our children from the kindergarten to college."
"If students are happy about a deadly virus closing schools then maybe schools should rethink their education system"
"One of the three teachers I followed for a year for my book had 18 years of experience, she was a veteran teacher award-winning teacher and after 18 years she was making forty-seven thousand dollars a year. That's a problem."
"Only when we address the underlying causes of why students are underperforming in schools can we actually solve the problem."
"What do you guys think that we can do in order to help our children to succeed in the education system?"
"...a third of our children need to go into that part."
"I completely agree. It's always perplexed me why somehow coming out of high school at 18 you're supposed to decide what you're going to do for the rest of your life."
"Our public education system needs to learn how to actually hold attention."
"Presidential Fitness Test was such like a load of [ __ ]."
"I finished high school in three months the moment they took those barriers away and let me go at my own pace."
"Boys are treated as defective girls in the education system."
"There's not too much room for expression in the education system."
"The next thing they do is pay for teachers to get trained. In the US, we make teachers pay for their own training which puts them more in debt just as they're about to take their low paying teacher salary."
"...one thing that you're not going to know if you're moving from out of state is that a lot of the high schools actually all the public high schools here in the state of Texas do a ranking system for students..."
"The winners of the education system will become their prime supporters and somehow the people who are left below in the education will feel gradually abandoned."
"...this education system was never designed to really truly educate us. So what I've... recognized the miseducation of not just the negro, the whole entire country on purpose."
"The generation that's coming out of the universities here in America are shockingly great."
"I really have a hard time with higher education in the US today."
"It was so clutch. I got a three on the AP Chemistry test and I avoided that annoying lab class. Oh yeah, but a five, like, I think very difficult to get. And apparently, the top schools like Georgia Tech wouldn't accept a four."
"We have too much of a focus on school."
"If we really want education to to be effective we have to focus on the process of teaching and learning."
"The education system isn't built for everybody. It's just built for general education, yet they don't teach you life things in school."
"The educational system in Canada encourages cross-disciplinary studies and development of skills."
"I'm really starting to wonder if some of the things that we call disorders are only disorders because we've pushed kids into a particular model of education and learning."
"I'm almost horrified to think that one day we're gonna find out that no that kid didn't have ADD you just stuck that kid in an environment learning environment that was absolutely not created for him."
"Students should no longer have to learn lockdown drills instead we should work harder to create a system that prevents gun violence."
"He didn't fail. The school failed him."
"Equity meaning that the most important thing for the Finish Educators and policymakers has been to make sure that everybody has an equal opportunity to be successful and to participate in education."
"From problem to solution, instead of this broad educational system in which he was not necessarily a fan of, my brother was about problems, what was the problem, now let me find the solution."
"This is not a problem caused by school but it is a problem that schools could help fix."
"I think that this is not a problem that the opportunity gap, I’m talking about in general – is not a problem that schools created."
"Why is college so expensive? It's not professors, it's not even facilities which most people would guess, it's non-academic administrators."
"...we do not admit to most of our students in most of our colleges and universities that there are alternative ways of understanding what an economy is, how it works, what's wrong with it, and how to fix it."
"This whole model that is our schools is new, and I don't necessarily think that it's working for everybody."
"If a single teacher can't teach all the subjects, then how do they expect a single student to learn all the subjects?"
"In Finland, school hours are shorter, less homework is given, and there are virtually no mandated standardized tests."
"Let's complete the work, let's build a great education system, and let's have opportunity for all our children."
"Any education system... has got to have this as the basic root understanding: that is our number one goal, our number one purpose with education."
"These history books that we've had, these teachers that we've had, the whole system that we have is subject to questioning."
"If we tomorrow looked at the Finnish model and decided we are going to do the exact same thing, you would see educational outcomes that were better immediately."
"America's schools are no longer four freestanding walls that open at eight and close at three; they are the very barometers of our nation's health."
"A general state education is a mere contrivance for moulding people to be exactly like one another."
"A tax-supported, compulsory educational system is the complete model of the totalitarian state."
"We have pushed kids down a path for so long and said this was what success looks like and by the way if you don't do that you're not a success."
"You can't understand whole systems until they just get bashed out at school and university into thinking in linear, compartmentalized, siloed ways."
"Nowadays, China is all about money; schools are no longer a place to teach and educate but have become a factory to produce college exam machines."
"The best indicator of our government tomorrow is our schools today."
"I will never ever understand the school system and how they don't teach us about finances and about taxes."
"The education system in Egypt is one of the most extensive in the Arab world and in Africa."
"There's a lot more room for innovation in the system than people believe there to be."
"They don't teach you how to learn in school, they tell you what to learn."
"The system is a joke... college education is your ticket to the middle class, everything's going to be okay, that was a lie."
"Schools correspond or mirror the needs of capitalism and the workplace."
"Education in Denmark is free from basic level to the top level and is financed by the taxes of its citizens."
"Instead of blindly following a standardized education model, each society, people, or nation needs to first sit together and collectively define what education means for them."
"A failure in this education system is not an indicator of whether you are intelligent or not."
"Quincy pulls no punches and has no mercy when talking about the US university system, the student debt epidemic, and a student visa system that leaves so many bright people unable to get a US degree."
"Why do I have to learn all these different subjects if I don't even want to learn them?"
"Our education system is totally wrong because those people that have academic careers are totally isolated from what's happening on the ground."
"The reason why our children are failing to learn how to read is not because of them but because of the instruction that we're giving them."
"School teaches you to learn and never teaches you to think."
"The NUS modular system combines the rigor and depth of the British university system with the flexibility and breadth of the American system."
"There's a lot going on in schools that has nothing to do with educating the students and preparing them for life."
"If suicide is the third leading cause of death of ages 10 to 24, and Harvard studies suggest the biggest predictor for success is self-control and emotional health, then why the heck aren't we taught how to handle stress, bullies, or rejection?"