
Immediate Action Quotes

There are 250 quotes

"The educational system in this country is broken and it's going to take us years to fix it. That's the bad news. But there's some good news too, and the good news is that you can transform the educational system for the children in your lives right now."
"There's a big old spider running up my wall, and I think it's one of the more poisonous variety, let me just nip that in the bud."
"The final piece of the puzzle today is what are the three to five choices you must make in order to create the life you want right now."
"Work for this world as if you would live forever but work for the next world as if you would die tomorrow."
"You don't have to wait till tomorrow to feel confident; you can do all of those things right now."
"You need to seek shelter immediately. A tornado has been detected."
"We need to focus on the people dying tonight and how can we save them."
"Pain now is better than pain later. I think it'll be worse if it happens later. Peel off the band-aid, get it over with, and let's start working on solutions instead of delaying the solutions while we make the problems worse."
"How do you not come out and immediately condemn this? Not three days later, but immediately condemn this language."
"We are here to demand Justice and we are here to demand it right now."
"I'm somebody who is honest and upfront... I've dealt with it straight away."
"Start making changes now; the best time to act is always today."
"When things come up, clear them and release them right then and there."
"It has never been more clear than change right now. It is happening right now. We are demanding it."
"If you want to be a singer, go record a song right now. If you want to talk to someone, go talk to them right now."
"It's about coming to the moment to deal with this maximum threat that we exist where that's now facing us: climate change."
"You have something special, you have greatness within you. Do that right now, please."
"The reds and blues immediately jump into action and set off in a rescue mission to find where churches signal was coming from."
"You were removed from the board of directors that very day."
"I want us to all unite. This has got to change now."
"Work must start now to combat systemic racism."
"If this timer reaches zero you die the way you get rid of this is by punching this corrupted hex drinker."
"Working class today is in more desperation than at any time since the Great Depression, and we have got to provide help and we've got to do it right now."
"Live while you can. If you wanna do something, do it right now."
"There's no time. Time is now. Rip the band-aid off."
"Miranda not gonna wait not gonna wait for any ceremonial music not gonna wait for the bell to ring she's going to go to work right now."
"Wow wow Wes, let's start gardeni and let's start right now."
"Whenever a city service unlocks you're going to need to place it right away or deal with the consequences."
"What can we do right now to make the experience of parents better?"
"At what point do we withdraw our compliance? I would say immediately, right now."
"Here's something you can do immediately and make a difference."
"Go watch that one now, do it now, it's like a collab with myself."
"Tomorrow will be no better than today. What do you do now?" - Naval
"This has to stop now. This is bad business. The audience is furious."
"When you want somebody gone and you don't want to wait too long, call the immediate murder professionals."
"Literally you need to stop the video and fix this problem right now."
"Start where you are with what you have, do what you can with what you have."
"We need a comeback right now, starting right now."
"Don't wait until tomorrow to pick up the book though, so don't wait, get the book now."
"The climate crisis is no longer a future doomsday mentality, it's happening right now."
"If your car sinks, open the door as soon as you can before you sink too deep."
"Approach this from a point of curiosity instead of judgment."
"We could double the amount of testing in the United States literally overnight."
"He deserves to be in bars behind bars immediately."
"Take something from this and change it today, not tomorrow."
"If you wanna change, you need to start now and you need to start by taking action on the things that are important to you."
"You address it immediately... that's just gonna get way worse."
"The first thing you should do when you find that you have won the lottery is you need to sign the ticket."
"Talk to an adult about it. You must, the moment it starts. Don't wait. Tell everybody you possibly can."
"Celebration is coming, don't wait to celebrate, do it now."
"There's always incentive to put in the work here and now."
"Climate change is here like girl we want to talk about climate change we ain't got a couple more years to get this stuff together it's already here."
"Sometimes later becomes never. Do it now. Stop waiting for tomorrow."
"You could live that lifestyle this year if you take action right now."
"He should have disclosed it right away. That is why he says he's resigned effective immediately."
"Stop waiting, thinking, or talking about it and take action now."
"You have the opportunity to immediately correct it with loving good behavior."
"Our very survival depends on what we do today."
"It's about having a full set of control available right here, right now, instantaneously. It's like playing an instrument."
"Everything you need to do to get to your goal is right here, right now."
"Your passions are worth following right away, whether it's developing the skill set or actually applying them somewhere."
"Success is defined by the action that you take today."
"Friend power is so much more powerful than willpower."
"Do something about it right now because it's not all of a sudden you're just gonna magically lose the weight." - Alan Robertson
"There's no waiting just getting that car no I couldn't even hold it back man just can't wait to get to work."
"Do not put off for tomorrow what you can do today."
"Call the authorities right now. He's right now what's happening."
"You've got to trust in yourself, believe in your efforts, and just start with what you have right now."
"We want you to start living a happier life today."
"Let's get the money now. Let's get the policies in writing. Let's get the changes now while it's happening."
"The gun amnesty was pretty much immediate... You would expect the results to be immediate."
"This season and Ronaldo is the cherry on the cake to symbolize this season is now. Now is the time to deliver. Stand and deliver now. No more excuses."
"It's happening now. It's not going to happen, it is happening."
"Develop healthy habits now, right now, do it now."
"You know, you've got to rip the band-aid off sooner than later, and it's going to cause a mess. A mess that has already is already there."
"If you're unhappy about something in your life, take steps to start changing it right now."
"Let's say it quickly, I wanna improve my English, so I've gotta study and I'm gonna do it now."
"We need to make top four and we need to fix problems instantly."
"The situation is dire and getting more dire every day."
"You just need to go see it and get it right now. It's incredible."
"Just start right away... The best time is always to start right now, not tomorrow, today."
"Do it right away guys, you have an idea, come up with a prototype."
"That's a nice one put him in the bucket get back out there"
"That's why I think even though yes, there's plenty more reform to be done and these institutions need to be better funded and there need to be tuition caps... I support doing the thing we can do now."
"Come to Jesus while it's still day, while there's still time."
"Repent, change your mind, and see Christ as your savior right now."
"There is no jurisdiction in the United States that has a law that puts a waiting time on reporting someone missing."
"The most important thing to do is to do what you can, what you have available to you, where you are."
"I'm actually shocked. It needs to stop immediately like tonight. It's measurably hurting the company."
"Help us take the media back, help us take this back, help us reach the soul of the next generation, and help us do it right now."
"You don't deserve abuse, and if it happens, the right thing to do is to get out right in that minute."
"There is so much that you can get off of it. I almost need to get rid of it immediately."
"There are things that you can do to make a difference today for tomorrow."
"Now is the time to act; you have everything within you to succeed."
"Best time to start the hard work is today, is right now."
"Trees are a common-sense solution. I encourage everyone to run out today, get your tree, and plant it as soon as possible." - Dave Joyce
"Just start right now. Right now is better than yesterday because you didn't do it yesterday."
"Oh no, no, this is not acceptable. I'm going to fix this right now."
"There's no time like the present. Download the DraftKings Sports app now and sign up using my promo code TBC. The Crown is yours."
"You can't go 'tomorrow I'm gonna eat better,' you can only do it right now."
"There's no good way to break up with someone right away."
"My next move is the moment. The next moment. The here the now."
"Get Ivan Tony to the carpet right now, I've seen enough."
"Focus not on meeting a goal in the far-off future but on creating your dream now."
"There's no better time than now to put into action."
"Don't ignore somebody that needs help if you see somebody that needs help step out immediately and help them."
"I would like to see the new manager sat in the stands to take over on Monday morning ahead of the Arsenal game."
"It's money right now. You have bills. Get that big money right now."
"Do you guys believe? If you guys believe, I'll do a summon right now."
"Do what you have to do today for where you want to be tomorrow."
"Stop putting things off. Act on it. Live in your best interests."
"The best way to keep up is to read it right then and there, keeping everything fresh."
"She's managing to save people from immediate danger."
"Start taking steps to move forward, don't wait until next year."
"Closure is important, but so is saving children now."
"Berg down the middle, killing him immediately. This is why Yubel, despite only being third class, is vastly underestimated."
"I gotta take it away from him, take it away now!"
"It's lightning fast, especially if you play right after Now or Never."
"Implement this model today, take your first step today."
"Start now. Start right now to do the thing that you want to do."
"You're talking to scammers right now... turn off your computer as quick as you can."
"The technology exists. We can use wind and we can use solar. We can use energy more efficiently and we have to start now."
"Midlane the flash in the mid-lane going for crude right away."
"Focus on what you can control right now today. Got it? Good."
"This is global warming, we need to get to water ASAP!"
"Whatever noble creative project you have, just start it today."
"Whatever idea you're thinking about, just do it today."
"You hit a home run here, I feel like I need to leave right now and go order more of these."
"The time is now... why not get the show on the road now?"
"Jump in and just do it, and enjoy right now."
"Let's just start promoting culture immediately."
"The most immediate thing we need to do is a relief packet."
"There’s no time like the present to get off your butt."
"Let's party, let's get right into the action right now."
"May not, you do Rex tree Rex right now, I think you do."
"Spread the love, people. Say something nice right now."
"Let's get started and self-pop the hips right now."
"You can actually get that thing going, that damage buff going right away."
"Spawning on a pillager outpost...you can have a crossbow almost immediately if you're willing to brave the fight."
"Embrace your true self, you can do it right here, right now."
"We can actually do what we need to do right here right now by taking power into our own hands and doing it ourselves."
"How do you think that's gonna all kind of work itself out? Well look, I think it's got it has to work itself out right now because you're talking about businesses working as opposed to not working."
"Maybe there's some low-hanging fruit, something I could do right now that would make a really big difference."
"No wasting any time, he began working with the materials."
"Why would you wait, gonna jump on the opportunity and take advantage now?"
"You have to do what you have to do right now."
"How can you make a difference right here, right now?"
"Put all this waiting for Jimmy G and plan for next year, let's get some wins now."
"You can start today and win a contract today."
"Maybe dude we gotta get out of here bad we gotta get out of here."
"I would really like to see some change starting now."
"They are in the immediate firing line of people who are willing to defend their planet."
"We want workers themselves to immediately make demands and not wait for a lengthy process."
"Why not now? Address what's eroding your foundation for stability."
"So, if you just heard about the situation this is what you need to be doing straight away."
"We're literally leaving right now, we're not staying the night."
"We’re going to get to work, delivering results right on Day One."
"We’re going to act. On Day One we’re going to act to get Covid under control."
"Life involves action, doing things right now."
"Now is the day, now is the time, and let's stop playing games and let's work for the American public."
"Let's get Sean to a thousand subs right now."
"If you need something right now, buy it. Do not wait based off of leaks and rumors."
"Take action immediately, follow up on the idea."
"If those are truly your desires, you won't wait; you'll find a way to do it right now."
"It's a trap! Let's get the heck out of here!"
"You can change your life at any point right now."
"The immediate priority is to prevent further bloodshed and conflict."
"They're going to grab it right now and go over some of the other incredible checks."
"You need to watch Kubo and the Two Strings now."
"Hang tight, we're getting into it right now."
"I've had enough, I'm clicking knock off right now."
"You can survive this if you take action right now."
"The goal is to operate with massive clarity but understand that you need to take action on this right away."
"The push for the vote needs to be done ASAP." - L8
"The only way... is by making some changes right now today in your life."
"Just when shirasaki regains control of her body she tends to import matters at hand which is of course giving hajime a smooch."
"Just get out there and start your business today."
"That resulted in us selling him straight away."
"Making a difference doesn't have to happen when we have x y and z. Change can happen right now."
"Some of you fire signs are going to really have dramatic decision making and actions that you're going to take over the next two weeks to 30 days."
"My goal is to stop bullying immediately and to discourage a bully from ever wanting to bully ever again."
"Now is the time to take immediate action. Look forward with a calm, steely gaze and then forge ahead with clarity, determination, power, and grace."
"I want to go get in the water right now."
"These are so easy you can literally start doing them tomorrow and feel good so much faster."
"This dude didn't give a friend as soon as he landed it was on site."
"I pretended to be dead immediately."
"It was like zero to 100 overnight, like immediate. Yeah, like we had to just, we had to get with the program ASAP."
"But yo, like concussed, that's an absolute no-brainer for me, he should have been taken off the field immediately."
"Start living for Jesus now, start serving Jesus now, start living on purpose now."
"If you give yourself two years, you'll never get in shape. If you try to get better today, you'll be fine."
"This is what increases survivability. This is what's going to make the biggest difference in the first one to three minutes."
"Thank you so much. I need to put these in immediately because that is the cutest thing."
"Begin today; your life literally depends on it."
"Concussion is real, and we think that players who suffer concussion should come off the pitch straight away."
"If you live in this area, please take shelter immediately."
"Help people today, tell people that you love them today."
"If you're out riding your bike and you notice that you have a broken spoke, you should stop and deal with it immediately before the problem gets worse."
"Don't wait until six months from now to start what you could start today."
"So if you're gonna donate, donate now."