
Origins Quotes

There are 1714 quotes

"To truly understand the situation, we have to go back to where it all began."
"There's this continuity between the stuff of the world, the inanimate stuff of the world, the inanimate stuff of the heavens, and us. We all come from the same fundamental ingredients and the same fundamental laws."
"We know at present there is no naturalistic explanation that produces information, not natural selection, not self-organizational processes, not pure chance, but we do know of a cause which is capable of producing information, and that is intelligence."
"The more uninspiring your origins, the more likely you are to use your imagination and invent worlds where everything seems possible."
"That's one thing I don't want people to forget: to forget our OGs, forget where it all started from."
"To understand Self-Love Deficit Disorder, you have to understand the origins and the levels of the problem."
"A people had come back to the cradle of its birth. It has renewed its link with the mystery of its origin and continuity."
"Major revelations today on the origins of COVID-19 and exactly what happened inside the Wuhan Institute of Virology."
"Christmas takes tree decorations, mistletoes, wreaths, and even Christmas caroling from these Yule holidays."
"We are all profoundly affected by the places that we came from."
"The modern history is always thought to begin with 'Kriegsspiel,' the German name for war game."
"Our goal today will be to inform you of the origins of Enoch, which stretch back to the oldest known god in written history from Mesopotamia."
"Do you know what makes up a witch a bit different from humans? A witch is born from pure magic, more specifically, a sort of magic nucleus, almost like a pearl."
"Every one of us...has our origins in the remains of dying stars."
"A classic that spawned a lot of modern internet horror but some people don't even realize."
"Never get too comfortable, and never forget where you came from."
"The reason Daylight Savings Time spread around the world had dark roots."
"I feel like the reason that I can do all that is because of where I come from."
"It's the dawn of civilization we're talking about. These were the first civilizations."
"Be thankful for what you have and appreciative, understand where you're at, but never forget where you come from."
"The very first project to ever use the term 'Let's Play'... was a screenshot playthrough of Oregon Trail for the Apple 2, with text commentary underneath every image."
"Out of whole cloth describes something that is untrue and has no grounding in the facts."
"We all started in our mom's garage, and now we're here."
"Music and song were probably the original form of communication."
"Ideas have to start with a few people somewhere."
"I'm excited for the idea of getting a new origin movie of Wolverine."
"Whenever we see tightly functionally integrated systems, we know of only one cause that has produced those features, and that cause is intelligence."
"These are the secret origins of everyday symbols."
"The horror genre we know today has its roots in the eighteenth-century romance and Gothic genres."
"If the universe has a beginning, then you're going to have to explain what began it."
"It's a time machine; it's going to take us back to the very beginnings of the universe."
"What's the Joker's true name? ... This is where the whole story of the Three Jokers came from."
"It's going to be indulgent, it's going to have a lot of spices, and this is kind of where the original fast food started."
"The U.S Marine Corps is actually older than the USA itself."
"It's nothing like not forgetting where you come from."
"Hate never comes from above you it always comes from beneath you."
"Who started the Catholic Church? Jesus Himself."
"Agony is an ingredient to remnant; it's the origins of William Afton's experiments."
"The universe has not always existed, it had a definite beginning."
"I think the origin is related to the loss of virginity."
"It's an interesting phenomenon because it gives us such a clear line to trace back to where it comes from."
"A god born from hatred can never create a perfect paradise."
"For instance, we know that life can arise in the universe, because it did at least once – with us."
"Never forget where you came from, that'll keep you humble all the time."
"Cain's wife was his sister. Eve is the mother of all living."
"To expand our knowledge of not only world history but to answer the question of the ages where did we come from."
"We should never dismiss something just because it started off as a joke."
"The nature of world-changing anomalies means that the foundation likely has no idea how they really started or what came before them."
"What is Smosh without this sort of foundational beginning of being two best friends making videos?"
"I think it's just that and how did it start because that's what I want to know."
"Falun Gong started in China in 1992 based on traditional meditation and breathing exercises."
"There's a lot of cloudiness around the origins of COVID-19 still."
"The same idea of going back to the land of mystery to the very beginning, to the origin of men, is found in Egyptian traditions."
"Going back to the source can give a fresh perspective."
"Ancient myths, they all come from somewhere."
"Super Smash Brothers didn't start out as a fighting game."
"If you find out how it got started, you can appreciate how God is going to restore everything back."
"To truly understand what the [__] happened to Jackie Chan, we must begin at the beginning of the beginning."
"How do we deal with this at this point now that we know that it's likely it came from that lab?"
"I saw a seed of fascism there and really wanted to understand where that was coming from and where that could lead us."
"I want to go back to why I started YouTube and how I started YouTube with my football manager videos."
"Nothing comes from nothing, therefore matter and life must have had a source."
"Buenos Aires was named after the good winds that had brought the sailors safely to the land."
"My name is Wan, and I will show you how I became the first Avatar."
"We're going back home, back to the beginning."
"Every story has a beginning, and every person has a home, somewhere you came from, an origin point."
"That would be an amazing quest to try to remove this curse."
"It's the film that launched the entire franchise."
"Some people wonder where the name 'The King of Random' came from, and it really was from a person called Mike Lyman."
"The whole freak show, it's how the Mox got started."
"We are witnessing the origin of the biomass outbreak. Damn."
"This flesh magic is older than us, perhaps older than the world itself."
"If you worship somebody based on their creation, Adam is the guy to go to."
"It's a Wonder not just because of the feature itself though, but because it's unclear how it came to be."
"Heroes generally come from humble beginnings."
"David Bowie began his wildly unconventional life in an ordinary working-class London neighborhood."
"Caitlyn and Vi got their start in Arcane Source material, League of Legends."
"Reminded us like why we started loving music in the first place."
"The Statue of Liberty is based on a Muslim woman."
"Our universe began with a bang, the Big Bang."
"Its purpose and origin have been under debate for years. We may be able to get some answers from its namesake."
"The WHO concluded that the disease got its start after being born on a flower in the form of a glittering sprite then leaping onto the back of a pig."
"Can you tell us a little bit about your folks and how all this came about?"
"The germ of Apocalypse Now may very well have started way back in 1962."
"The original Legend of Zelda welcomed would-be Heroes to the very first iteration of Hyrule."
"The humble beginnings... you'll never forget where you come from."
"A lot of people will tell you this story starts with a murder but that's not quite true."
"Metal Gear Solid was created based on glitching."
"We finally settled on something that would make really good sense for it being an origin story."
"Planting seeds of bigotry is exactly what happens. That's how it starts."
"The FBI director Ray has come out and he said this right here, he confirmed that the bureau has assessed the origins of covid-19 pandemic likely originating from a lab incident in Wuhan."
"I've always wondered how sports got started in the first place..."
"This is one of the core intellectual architects of where all of this comes from."
"Hashtag United word, it's just a team of mates isn't that how every football club ever started?"
"Life's Origins could be found in a puddle of chemicals."
"Surely, any advanced civilization is curious about its own origins."
"We cannot understand the culture of woke without understanding the context in which it was born."
"Christianity isn't a religion... originates from God."
"This leads us to the very real, very plausible theory that the Big Bang was caused by a white hole formation."
"Educational inequality is where this all starts."
"Humans are fascinated with this... the origin of the universe is a time before which there were no yesterdays."
"We should go back to the original message of our creator, not what some church father decided to put in because it helped his political goals."
"Life may have come to Earth from outer space."
"Honestly, if I didn't have time to just sit on my computer making beats when I was a kid, I would never be here."
"I think villain origin stories could be really interesting, delving into the psychological evolution of how they got to be who they are."
"God makes sense of the origins of the universe."
"Everything comes from classical ballet class."
"The Celestials are technically the oldest beings in existence and are responsible for all the life everywhere."
"Every curse, every myth, every mystery has a moment where it began."
"Who's your daddy? Daddy meaning the original black man and the original black woman."
"Religion will return to what it was supposed to be in the beginning."
"Every single limiting belief or insecure thought that you have about yourself stemmed from outside of you."
"Rappers were the original social media influencers."
"We're always faced with certain odds, and a lot of it tends to start from the roots of things in this country with our skin hue."
"We've recognized when we look at these beautiful images that we really are looking back at our Origins."
"To understand where we came from—how earth, the solar system, the galaxy became what they are today—we need to understand how it all began."
"This is likely a barely held together dust bunny from the very beginning of this solar system."
"The origins of Slenderman can be traced back to 2009."
"I'm here from literally nothing... and I'm going to take this opportunity to the max until I can."
"It was never supposed to be a business when I started it was a passion project."
"From humble beginnings, great events emerge."
"Every single rule in the official books started out as somebody’s homebrew."
"We made real progress; we were able to determine that there were scientists that had become ill in the fall of 2019 that were working at the laboratory."
"Look at the birthplace of the children of Israel, it's Kemet."
"The first cells were probably lonely. I mean, they're not wrong."
"This is where it all started, never forget the lessons."
"The only thing we can do: go back to the beginning."
"Three Doors Down, who being from Mississippi, just looking at them now, that actually makes so much sense."
"Comedy sets boundaries... it's where that all comes from."
"We're going back to the roots, back to the beginning, back to the calm before the storm."
"The only reasonable way to account for the ubiquitous phenomenon of people claiming divine contact throughout history is that there must be a source or an origin of this."
"It all started from Cypress Hill and the Souls."
"The great human puzzle: who are we, where do we come from, why are we here?"
"Knocking on wood also has its roots in the ancient world."
"The black woman is the mother of all living things."
"All life, all light, all vibrations come from the Blackness."
"I only hope that we never lose sight of one thing: that was all started by a mouse."
"Look at me, I come from a little Austrian village."
"She wants to gain all these things but can't acknowledge where it all began."
"This is not only real, it has deep-seeded beginnings from years ago."
"The crowd, DJs, and main movers within the house music scene came from predominantly Afro-American gay clubs in Chicago."
"Life began to flourish when fire and ice together gifted the physical universe with cosmic essence which gave life."
"The earliest origins of Interstellar can be traced back to Carl Sagan."
"Jabberwocky's origin was in 1855... he actually handily explained what all those words meant."
"It doesn't matter where you're born or what community you come from, all of that doesn't determine who you will become as a person."
"Mewtwo's origin story was covered in the first Pokemon movie."
"I think the best explanation is that all these go back to Muhammad."
"YouTube didn't start with the intention to ever make us any money really at all."
"Their origin must be something very small in size."
"If there's a beginning, you must have somebody outside the universe to kickstart it."
"Go back to your roots, go back to what it was."
"It's time for Super Smash Brothers Ultimate costume origins."
"There's so much to tell you, how did it all start?"
"A journey into the origins of human civilization."
"There's an origin story behind most of the messages that you receive."
"The Bible begins by explaining the origins of the universe... God created everything out of nothing."
"The original scientist had to be someone who was just simply curious."
"Our civilization emerged out of nowhere, something that was built in a very divine place."
"In the beginning, there was nothing but us in that pure state of unity."
"The origins of Fazbear are rooted in traveling circuses and carnivals."
"Every great story has to start somewhere." - Beginnings
"Pokémon GO's origins date back to an April Fool's prank by Google and Nintendo in 2014."
"Ever taken an IQ test? Most people don't realize the test's original purpose."
"The melody for happy birthday comes from a song called good morning to you written in america in the 1890s."
"We have evidence of design in life, in the universe, and evidence that the universe had a definite beginning as well."
"Perhaps a quantum fluctuation sparked the Big Bang and gave rise to our own universe."
"To know where you came from, you gotta start from the beginning."
"Comets are a picture of what the solar system was like when it was still fresh in the oven."
"That speculation regarding its origins has moved into a territory including that may have once been part of a planet shattered in a cataclysmic supernova or even that it has an alien origin." - Though it remains very unlikely.
"As far as folklorists and etymologists have been able to determine, ring around the rosie likely has no literal meaning at all."
"This is where it all began, and you get to see how the foundation was laid out from the very start."
"The question of origins is a categorically different question than the question of operation."
"I started doing it in the first place because it was fun."
"Hip-hop isn't about the money, the cars, the hoes. It came from the downtrodden."
"We have to look to origins as well and look at the symbols and how they're being used."
"History begins, quite literally, with Herodotus."
"The original people are African people, just that simple."
"The creator invented language, you don't give a name to the one that invented language itself."
"The woke movement came from cushy wealthy academics."
"Listen to Larry describing how it all began."
"I've got my first clue about my family's Origins before they arrived in the Midwest."
"But how exactly did he get so insanely popular and where did he even come from?"
"It's kind of sentimental, you know. This is where it all kind of came to be initially."
"Don't ever forget where you started, how you started, and don't ever give up on the things that you love to do."
"She came from the streets of Shout City, man."
"The origin of the Gorillaz can be traced back to a fateful encounter."
"Black is beautiful. That's where we all came from."
"Think about the current event that the entire world's going through, where it possibly came from and everything that's changed in the entire world."
"How did it begin? I don't know, probably the Big Bang theory."
"The ocean, a vast wilderness where life began millions upon millions of years ago, and to this day, remains one of the most unexplored environments on our planet."
"Roleplay originally started out as a dungeons and dragon the show."
"Let me remind you that the states created the federal government and not the other way around."
"The Valyrians were given dragons by a people from a place called the shadow, who were so ancient they had no name."
"It is the idea of where we have come from: the source, the womb, the Great Mother."
"It's often said that human life as we know it began in Africa."
"Cuddley's origins are unknown; nobody knows where he came from."
"The quest to understand where this motherload gold originated would take geologists deep inside the earth."
"I'm more thankful than most people because I know where I came from."
"New York was founded by the Dutch, a lot of people don't remember that."
"James Webb has found evidence for the first stars in the universe."