
Extraterrestrial Quotes

There are 1506 quotes

"The first time a human-made object took flight on another planet."
"There are two factions of non-humans on Earth: one is on the path of service to others, here to help humanity spiritually liberate itself; the other is on the path of service to self, here to enslave humanity for their own selfish needs."
"We're getting science from another planet... that is just that's insane."
"Maybe someone I know turns out to be an alien; maybe an alien turns out to be someone I know; maybe I don't really need to know."
"Could an extraterrestrial species really have a hidden hand in shaping the events of our civilization?"
"The servants don't want to just ally with the aliens; they want to become supplicants, helping them accomplish their objectives."
"Together, we can uncover the truth and forge a new path for humanity, one that is built on knowledge, understanding, and cooperation with our cosmic neighbors."
"The existence of hidden UFO bases and evidence of extraterrestrial encounters in Antarctica suggests that our planet has been and continues to be of great interest to otherworldly civilizations."
"It's probably a mixed bag; it will be a collection of natural objects, a collection of human-made objects. But even if one object happens to come from an extraterrestrial technological origin, that would be the most significant discovery of humanity."
"This idea invites us to think that life on Earth is not an isolated phenomenon."
"I would dearly love it if we got a radio signal from an alien civilization asking us what we think the UFOs are."
"At 0300 hours that night, Shepherds and some villagers observed a small group of five to six UFO approaching the area from the north. One of them had an unstable flight and seemed to be having a problem."
"If one is determined to keep to the material universe as we know it, there is one viable explanation. However, it does involve aliens."
"Using the language he decoded, he sent his own message on that same frequency and shortly after that, he received a reply."
"Or perhaps it's a story that is exactly as written, a man who was stalked and abducted by foreign visitors from another world."
"There is very compelling evidence that we may not be alone, whatever that means."
"Unlike other tabloids that focused on celebrity gossip, the World Weekly News was known for the outlandish, often supernatural or extraterrestrial-themed stories."
"The fundamental conclusion is there's an extraterrestrial presence and we absolutely must acknowledge it as soon as possible."
"If their claim is true, Planet X is large with a mass at least five times that of Earth."
"As believers, we cannot help but wonder: Could it contain evidence of extraterrestrial life or perhaps prophecies of the end times?"
"Underground water on Enceladus: the presence of a large underground ocean possibly 6 to 10 kilometers deep."
"The United States government has in its possessions extraterrestrial beings, yes non-human Pilots."
"Non-human and that was the assessment of people with direct knowledge on the program I talked to that are currently still on the program."
"The aliens are coming and things will never be the same again."
"In my opinion, he was part human, part Anunaki."
"Should I fake it? Absolutely fake it, because what's the worst that could happen?"
"Why didn't they get all of the emails from that day? Why didn't they speak to any of the witnesses?"
"These reptilian type humanoid beings are similar to The seraphim or the winged serpents in kabbalistic Tradition."
"Hard evidence that there was visitation by non-humans."
"There's a huge population of people in these off-planet bases."
"They took me to a naval base and I saw them doing some [__] on a living creature."
"The first experience I had that really shook me wasn't an abduction, it was a sighting."
"Could this object be an interstellar alien craft?"
"It's bigger than just blurry objects in the sky."
"We have to keep our minds open... whether human or alien, it's a very real conspiracy."
"Do you think aliens are flying millions of light years just to land on Earth and give us a crisp high five? No, they're coming for our organs or at the very least our natural resources."
"Aliens are real, they just exist and there's nothing we can do about it."
"You cannot explain the appearance of life on this planet without the physical intervention of actual offworld beings."
"I still feel that they mean us no harm and our fear just comes from the unknown, not knowing their purposes."
"The ancient narrative of human E.T. hybridization is probably best known from the story of the Bible."
"The potential existence of intelligent aliens probes meaning and purpose in the universe."
"Events like this show the world that we are not alone."
"We may have gotten very lucky. Most of the rest of the habitable planets in the galaxy aren’t anything close to as nice as this one."
"Could it be possible for the UAP or UFOs, at least in some incidents, be of alien origin? The answer is a very simple yes."
"Since then, he has sold more than six hundred and eleven million acres of land on the moon."
"Titan could be the best place for human colonization. It's a remarkably Earth-like world that has a thick atmosphere about four times as thick as Earth's."
"I can't rule out the idea of extraterrestrial visitation."
"Some of these beings have been on planet Earth for much longer than we have."
"Just Somebody Come Out, Look in the Camera and Say, 'Okay, I'm Not Going to Give You All the Details Because There's National Security Involved... But Yes, There is a Non-Human Intelligence Interacting with Humanity That Much We Can Tell You.'"
"The observed technology is so far beyond anything we have."
"Ultimately if you ask me I think this virus does not originate from Earth..."
"I am certain that there have been several recoveries of alien craft and bodies in the United States."
"Betty sketched a copy of the starmap that she would later describe as a three-dimensional projection."
"They understand that once the Sun does its thing, that will authorize these very advanced extraterrestrial type beings to show up on earth and clean house."
"This is something that's not explained, definitely a UFO or something out of this world."
"UFOs are probably extraterrestrial devices engaged in... surveillance." - James McDonald
"Intelligent beings from outer space visit our world in an effort to enter into contact with us."
"Tonight we've seen this huge saucer that Apollo 11 captured on film as well as three other potential craft and an extraordinary ornate looking capsule that was possibly abandoned by aliens after crash landing."
"Whatever it is, it remains in place for several hours, then just speeds off into space, leaving no trace at all."
"We've done very well here today. Not only did we get rid of the aliens, but we also for the most part got rid of the flood."
"Wouldn't it be cool if the actual history of the planet was that aliens came to colonize a perfect solar system?"
"Alien abductions follow a standard scenario... Physiological and psychological procedures... Sexual liaisons."
"The continued secrecy of this ET arms race is harmful because it prevents the global population from being ready for an unforeseen scenario involving non-human intelligence contact."
"We're not alone out here in this universe. I'm telling y'all something is not right. Can you feel it?"
"Unofficial sighting or official sighting, what do we say if you see an alien?"
"I believe that some of them will prove to be of interplanetary origin during a three-year investigation I found that many Pilots have described objects of substance and high speed."
"It's just mind-blowing, the concept that we could have had a visit from an Interstellar object."
"From the most radioactive lake in the world to a child who allegedly came from Mars..."
"But if you are like me and want to impress the alien overlord so they don't eat you into the sun like they will eat this person who's trying to decriminalize incest..."
"They are us and we are them, when they come with so-called abductions, they're just taking care of their own."
"2012 comes and I'm looking at this and I had also been getting dreams and messages from extraterrestrials... I'm getting whatever this voice was telling me something really fantastic is gonna be happening to the planet."
"Space is not what we think it is, our visitors can ping into our material airspace just like that."
"But I believe it was about 10 years ago the ex-prime minister of defense for Canada came forward and said that um the United States has been working with three extraterrestrial races um since the late 30s early 40s."
"I want this technology to be open to the public whether it's from aliens from another galaxy or solar system I I really don't care what I want is the technology to travel."
"Putting those two together I'm thinking it's extremely important for us to study the Scrolls."
"One fascinating aspect of the Book of Enoch is that of the extraterrestrial being Uriel, who tutors Enoch with an education in the cosmos, speaking of humanity's place in the universe."
"If I get to be alive when we have first contact with an alien civilization, that my life would be complete."
"There are a hell of a lot of people who know for a fact that extraterrestrial biological entities are a part of the existence of this planet."
"The evidence is overwhelming that the Earth is being visited by intelligently controlled vehicles from off the Earth."
"These two experiences illustrate the complexity of the soul state and reveal extraterrestrial involvement with souls incarnated on this planet for specific purposes."
"UFOs and aliens: the birthplace of many Bully myths, including the infamous werewolf and alien theories."
"These figures were definitely not human, they were alien."
"All you extraterrestrial enthusiasts out there, we're not alone."
"Now, players who claim to see the aliens claim that they were surprisingly not aggressive and wouldn't attack the player, and were the typical depiction of aliens with them being slender and grey with big eyes."
"We are inevitably going to be faced with the opportunity to openly interact with these beings."
"In the year 218 BC, a massive fleet of ships from outer space were witnessed in the sky over Rome."
"After releasing the family from their trance-like state, the aliens left."
"A domed disc-shaped object with portholes and landing gear lands in the woods."
"You don't have to pay seven thousand dollars to talk to an ET because all you gotta do is look in a mirror, because you have ET genetics."
"If aliens landed on this planet, you know the first question we wouldn't ask would be what does it mean for the economy, the first question would be political."
"Of all the theories proposed to explain the animal mutilations, the one involving extraterrestrials is the most unlikely."
"The ships are here, both man-made and from our galactic family."
"Discovery will give you nightmares because if this report is to be believed it has been Unearthed that the Soviet Union and Russia may have hidden aliens from the rest of mankind back in 1940."
"If it really was alien signal from space then we were extremely fortunate to catch it."
"Water on at least four of the seven planets."
"If even one of these sightings is real and it is in fact a craft of origin from somewhere other than Earth, then we have a real phenomena."
"The threat from an extraterrestrial presence would instantaneously unite humanity."
"A bombshell revelation from a Pentagon Insider, a whistleblower who's come forward to admit that the United States has alien craft off-world vehicles that we've been reverse engineering for many, many years."
"This marks the first time Vatican Representatives have publicly acknowledged the possibility of extraterrestrial life."
"After all these years, it finally happened: the US government has come out saying that they've recovered 'off-world vehicles not made of this earth.'"
"The aliens of Fallout are also from or at least loosely related to the Zeta star system."
"Have you ever seen face to face an alien being? Yes, I have, absolutely aliens."
"What in the world would an advanced intelligences' agenda be with manipulating and harvesting genetics from this planet for so many thousands of years?"
"This is great, I'm so glad that there are aliens all over the place, thank you."
"Earth has been genetically engineered with DNA from various beings."
"Reptilians discuss lost humanoid races on Earth, influenced by ET experiments."
"If I was a space-faring civilization visiting other planets, I would look for water. Sweet, let's go park our craft there."
"Sometime between your years of 2015 and 2025... your entire species will become aware that other civilizations do in fact exist."
"If they did find aliens in Area 51, that would be the most important and amazing revelation in the history of humanity."
"The UFOs are real, they're releasing info about out of this world machinery."
"The tall whites are considered to be trying to help us."
"There are many unsettling possibilities that are connected with the civilization this advanced and this close to our planet."
"Looking up at the stars and planets it’s hard not to think about the possibility of life beyond Earth!"
"What if every week the US was visited by aliens?"
"Epstein's plane was like the introduction for that, you know? That's the play the aliens want to be on."
"Is it a meteor or extraterrestrial visitors?"
"I believe it was something not of this world... there's a little bit of truth, a little bit of lies."
"This box that these kids had opened up a portal and eight-foot-tall aliens came out."
"If it was a government setup, would they not be talking about aliens showing up at the mall?"
"Philip K. Dick: Philip had written to say that he thought he might be what is referred to as a star person..."
"I think whatever people saw was intelligently controlled and it was not manufactured by the United States or any other nation."
"I believe this night I saw something otherworldly. I don't believe in the paranormal, and until this point, I didn't believe in the extraterrestrial."
"After just a moment the hatch closed and the orb descended a bit closer until it gently landed on the ground, center of the park."
"My stuff works. I didn't know the little boogers would go up there and mine the moon, but they did."
"We need to have millions of people going out under the desert and making contact with these civilizations, equivalent of a cosmic denial of service to these classified projects."
"There are at least some UFOs that are not made by human beings."
"So what do you think? Could it be that a militarized US battleship suffered a massive provocation by extraterrestrial beings?"
"What a way to go out, what a way to end the show. There's no better way than a UFO."
"Any civilization detecting our presence is likely to be technologically very Advanced and may not be disposed to treat us nicely."
"More meteorites have been found in Antarctica than on all other continents combined, making it a hotspot for extraterrestrial rock hunters."
"However, Grusch did confirm his earlier claims that we are in fact dealing with a non-human intelligence."
"The only explanation that makes sense for what we observed in 2017 is aliens. Now I'm not saying that it's aliens but it's aliens."
"Lest humanity fall to the malevolent influence and exploitation of an extraterrestrial civilization."
"According to their theory, after Earth formed, an extraterrestrial civilization built a space station to observe possible life on our planet and disguised it as a satellite."
"Some skeletons are so bizarre looking that researchers concluded that they might have belonged to aliens."
"UFO researchers have said they think these crafts are not from this world."
"It's not on Earth that they all have to be connected."
"I'm sure that there's an extraterrestrial presence."
"Crash retrievals of UFOs... craft and beings and bodies that sure have been recovered have been retrieved." - Tracy Dolan
"Craft and beings, I think we're all interested in that."
"Is it possible that the Black Knight satellite and the enormous alien antenna in Antarctica are connected or possibly in communication with each other?"
"It's very likely that these are visitors of extraterrestrial nature."
"I'm open to the idea that some of the things people are seeing might be extraterrestrial."
"Not merely that UFO and alien abduction phenomena is real but that it can happen to any one of us at any time."
"One in three Americans believe in UFOs and aliens."
"The possible existence of extraterrestrial beings is a concept that's both fascinating and slightly creepy."
"There is also a group of aliens that appear to be on a mission for the betterment of mankind."
"Not all aliens are gods or evil. Many want to help the people of Earth."
"There's abundant evidence that we're being contacted and that civilizations have been visiting us for ages"
"I think it's quite likely that what we will encounter is their artificial intelligence."
"I am sure that unidentified flying objects exist."
"According to Brigadier General Ha ASED, our visitors from elsewhere in the Galaxy have agreed to keep their presence covert and their identity secret until such a time as Humanity has a proper understanding of what space is and what spaceships are."
"We're not alone in the universe. The world has been visited by advanced civilizations not just for decades, but for millennia."
"We are not alone in the universe, and something out there is interacting with us, our animals, and our plant life, forcing glimpses of other realities upon us."
"Extraterrestrials are already among us, and we could not differentiate them between normal humans."
"We were visited by beings from outer space some thousands of years ago."
"I think the planet's been having visitations for as long as it's been here."
"Europa: Potentially habitable with twice as much water as Earth."
"Titan: Described as a 'planet-like' moon with rivers, lakes, and seas."
"Triton has a thin atmosphere composed of nitrogen and traces of methane which are likely to have originated from ancient volcanic activity."
"In truth, this was the period of the ancient invasion of planet earth by the shining race of serpents who came from the sky."
"The coming great deception: Pentagon UFO task force discusses non-human technology not made on this earth."
"What would you say if you met an Alien? 'I wear this ring, you know, just to tell him 'I'm your friend' so if they do come... 'Friends', you could fist pump. 'Friends.' Yeah wow."
"If extraterrestrial anything was found, even a single-celled organism on Mars, it would be the most important discovery in all of human history."
"I like the idea that there is ancient extraterrestrial power on Earth."
"Don't be surprised if you meet someone from another world."
"UFOs are real, witnessed by pilots and residents alike."
"It's not over, it's definitely not fake. I'm a little alien."
"That is how you connect a creature from another planet to be the caretaker of earth and make it matter make it emotional."
"Was 'Oumuamua natural or artificial intelligence disguised as a comet or an asteroid?"
"Cardinal conrado Balducci of the Vatican once stated that meetings with aliens should not be seen as demonic."
"Do you believe the Vatican has proof of extraterrestrial life and is refusing to share it with the rest of the world?"
"Could this peculiar creature offer proof that we're not alone in the universe?"
"Other human imaginations sometimes are too fantastical... we are the human species, they are the alien species."
"I like the idea of aliens showing up with a cat laser to just mess with us."
"If the alien civilization is rich, the conquerors are more likely to have the spaceships."
"From the moment the invaders arrived, breathed our air, ate and drank, they were doomed."
"It's freaking people out. Yes, it's freaking people out. I just hope the aliens have pie, that's all I'm asking for."
"Bob White's artifact is clearly a most compelling piece of evidence in support of the possibility of alien visitation."
"If Dyson spheres are a common byproduct of technology, we would actually expect to see many of them in a given galaxy."
"The way to think about it is this... we're not saying it's extraterrestrial but it's extraterrestrial."
"Would they not let them in on the secret? I just don't think they're from this, they're not manufactured on Earth."
"The aliens created us to take away from God; the devil's hatred towards God is so great."
"Venture into the realm of conspiracies and extraterrestrial evidence."
"Some even speculated it could be an alien light sail crafted by an extraterrestrial civilization."
"In the sky, it's really cool. That's an alien ship, dude."
"Something terrible came to the hills and valleys on that meteor and something terrible though I know not in what proportion still remains."
"Area 51 is possibly most known for its supposed extraterrestrial activities."
"Once that headline breaks 'we're not alone in this universe' and here are the reasons why I know this doesn't seem possible."
"What do you think of this capture though? A potential glimpse into the realm of extraterrestrial existence or another hoax meant to mock us?"
"If the public knew and it's all proof, evidence that aliens are real, that they have spacecrafts, they've visited Earth, they crashed into Earth, I think the public acceptance of a ballooning defense budget would be very high."
"Is there a consensus that this is non-human intelligence... among congressmen there is, I feel."
"Last week representative Tim burchett of Tennessee announced on Twitter that 'the house oversight committee is to hold UFO hearing next Wednesday July 26, 2023.'"
"Could this be undeniable proof that we are not alone in the cosmos?"
"Octo Man is a representative of Tekora, a planet currently at odds with the Milky Way."
"The world needs to wake up that something's going on. Is it military, extraterrestrial? I'm not exactly sure, but something strange is going on in the skies."
"This is smoking-gun evidence of ancient alien existence."
"It's a wild ride, a wild universe, people. We're not alone."
"You're not alone and you have never been alone." - You have had, as I have learned over the years, an intimate interrelationship with advanced extraterrestrial intelligence from the beginning of human history.