
Profound Quotes

There are 257 quotes

"This is one of the most profound days of my life."
"These experiences were so profound and paradigm shattering that I'm still reeling from them."
"The presence or absence of alien life in the universe really is a profound fundamental question."
"Certain distinctions are so powerful that they will change your whole life."
"Sacred revelatory profoundly instructive experience with the Lord in any situation."
"It's a gripping A24 film about a family overcoming grief, it's very profound and well-made with great performances including Colin Farrell."
"The digital age we're going into is as profound as the renaissance or the enlightenment."
"What will stick with me the most is perhaps that feeling of wow, I know you."
"The tunnels were a profound and humbling experience."
"It was an unbelievable experience, I'll never forget it."
"Implications for what human consciousness is are profound."
"You are loved by the father. He loves you more than you could ever know."
"Life isn't measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away."
"Maxwell made one of the most astonishing statements in physics."
"Gravity's Rainbow is poignant and profound beyond belief, there are passages that simply send chills through me."
"This whole thing is deep, I'm at a loss for words right now."
"Your emotional landscape is shifting, and it's nothing short of extraordinary."
"An incredible, profound, introspective tale exploring philosophy, consciousness that will make you question the meaning of life itself."
"There was a profound spiritual activation that you really woke each other up."
"Let's struggle with it here a little bit. It's not a simple question, but it's a profound question."
"That story is as deep as the ocean, I'm talking about Mariana's Trench."
"It’s a funny thing this triforce, so simple, yet so profound."
"It's the most profound act of generosity anyone can make."
"Communicate with vitality and illumination in a way that's deeply profound and transformational."
"This was one of the most profound ego obliterating, brain melting occasions of my life."
"This is one of the most profoundly personal and life-changing decisions anyone can make."
"When we unfold the vast tapestry of our existence, there emerge figures whose footprints have minted profound marks upon the soil of our collective consciousness."
"Swimming with whale sharks was one of the most profound experiences of my life."
"The trip experience was so profound and real that it has affected me ever since."
"Meeting your twin flame will change you in every way imaginable, even in ways you never could have imagined."
"This experience itself, the meeting itself, will feel groundbreaking, earth-shattering to you."
"I felt such a love that I have never felt in my life."
"The lessons are ruthless, but the things that you find in the darkness are profound."
"It was more life-changing than any experience that I'd ever had ever."
"Authentic expression becomes profound when you become an empty vessel for something bigger."
"I spent a day with him for a story, and he said something that I thought was so profound."
"The most profound events of our lives take place in those fleeting moments."
"Lifechanging...it'll probably take me months to even process."
"I just thought that was profound."
"It was like seeing the face of God."
"Seeing it in the microscope is really profound."
"It's like, God, I don't know, it was like a religious experience."
"That's the kind of thing that changes your life."
"There are just so many lines that absolutely took my breath away that I just had to reread over and over."
"The music he writes is so profoundly good and impossibly moving you just can't believe it didn't exist before you hear it."
"That experience of reigniting faith can be profound and powerful in a person's life."
"It's not a book, it's a revelation."
"This passage answers that question in a surprisingly profound way."
"This show destroyed me changed me it truly leaves me speechless."
"This experience has changed my life completely."
"What a privilege to actually see this in black and white. Wow, that's pretty profound."
"That is so touching and one of the greatest history lessons I've ever seen by far."
"You have a nature that is so profound."
"Those people tend to heal on a very permanent basis. It's a very profound experience for that person."
"It was really one of the most profound experiences I've had."
"Near-death experiences: profound and life-changing."
"Every now and then an author writes a book that to some is so profound that it changes their entire belief system forever."
"The letter that he wrote was literally one of the most profound letters that he has ever written me."
"We're talking about a connection here that's profound, irrespective of gender."
"Wow, that's a very profound question. I'd love to know the answer. I'd love to."
"Holy [ __ ] I'm not even kidding that might be the most profound line of dialogue ever spoken in this show."
"There's something profound about the meaning of life."
"You're having some sort of profound spiritual experience."
"Your rebirth and your change is profound, it can't be negated, it can't be ignored."
"What I saw, the people that I'm surrounded here at this racetrack, people felt they saw something they maybe didn't expect, something deeper, it took a hold of their soul in a way that they didn't anticipate."
"The lyrics are like the most profoundly personal things you've ever heard."
"A once-in-a-lifetime profound event that you want to be a part of."
"I got on the floor to play with my grandkids and it was okay like that is profound that's lifechanging."
"The Book of Mormon is so deep, profound, and powerful that it's a gift that just keeps on giving."
"I do love blowing their minds and I take it for granted because it is a profound thing."
"The mother's influence is profound."
"So the original lorax book right written by a doctor all jokes aside though this is probably seuss's magnum opus and while it is a children's book it's certainly a profound one."
"The entire experience was the most profound Encounter of my life and I will never forget those words or the physical sensation."
"It was quite possibly one of the most moving and extraordinary experiences of my life."
"It's the most bizarre and profound and powerful psychedelic drug on the planet."
"This is heavy, let's see, okay. This is dense."
"...a very profound chapter that's starting with respect to love and romance."
"There's a secret song at the center of the world. And its sound is like razors through flesh."
"Wow, and that changed my world forever."
"It was very fragmented and you didn't understand everything that was being conveyed, but you knew it was there. There was something in there that was really profound."
"A place where contact experiences with something inexplicable produces life-changing effects"
"It's quite a thing for someone to utter just one thought and change a man's life."
"The nuggets of wisdom go right to the heart in a way you won't believe."
"If you're going to read something that is worth reading that is serious you know it's probably going to be about sex and death the only two things worth talking about."
"It sometimes feels suffocatingly small, like it's just this tiny, tiny little moment and at the same time, it's so god, it's just like, potent, it's like everything."
"Maybe there's more at hinge moments in life, when I experience profound beauty, I start thinking, huh, maybe there's more."
"You can literally create vast amount of healing rapidly, you know, it's so profound."
"Their level of maturity is profound."
"Get well, stay well. Four little words but very profound, aren't they?"
"You are entering a period of positive change and deep, profound transformation."
"Grace doesn't tickle, and that's Flannery O'Connor over and over and over again."
"With profound thoughts about life, politics, and the human spirit, both in this life and beyond."
"That is a powerful, powerful book."
"The positive cascade of changes in my life was profound."
"It has been a profound work of the word and the spirit working together."
"I wanted to create an umbrella term that all of these other breathing practices that do require more time they require more effort right but they also can have really profound effects they can often give you more than just these standard mellower breathing practices."
"I've always felt that the experience from the Inner Light would have been the most profound thing in Picard's life and changed him irrevocably."
"It changed my life like no other, no I can't even begin."
"Honestly, this is like the experience of a lifetime."
"A Cascade of profound and life-altering consequences would unfold."
"Neto is a walking nod to Buddhism visually, but some of the Buddhist ideas that are associated with him are so profound because of how well they integrate with Neto himself and his role in the story."
"It felt like the first time I've ever felt love."
"Her name is Marie," Anna whispered, her voice filled with a love so profound it left no room for doubt."
"Sometimes the most profound lessons we learn are those that come from the most unexpected encounters."
"One of the most profound experiences I've ever had."
"This was the most powerful experience I have ever had in my life."
"It could profoundly change our lives."
"Was there ever a greater illustration of grace?"
"That's powerful. I've never really heard it put that way."
"It brought me to tears when I was really I was like just like having no words to describe what it was."
"The most profound truths are those we can neither explain nor escape."
"Hang onto your hat because the psychic downloads that you could get now are very profound and highly prophetic."
"The word therapy ought to be experienced that way, felt that way as a word that is profound."
"I saw that was the most amazing thing to this day I've ever heard in my life."
"It was the closest thing to a deep spiritual experience I think I've ever had."
"This casting announcement speaks to me in a profound way."
"It was the definition of a spiritual awakening."
"These experiences are really, really profound."
"You've had such a powerful experience, it's such amazing."
"Something very profound happened, and nobody knows exactly what happened."
"It was a profound connection that I couldn't shake."
"What a poetic moment, like life and death happening all at once."
"Subtle effects can be extremely profound."
"The truth is so powerful that it cuts us deeply into our very soul."
"His words were extremely profound."
"It's an amazing sensation, even with the clouds. It's just that profound."
"I felt this profound love from them."
"It was just a very profound important experience for me."
"This is beautiful oh my God this is something else man."
"Never shall I forget the deep singing of the men at the drums, swelling and sinking, the deepest sound I've heard in all my life."
"What you have given me is the most profound experience."
"If you take the gospel and you make it simple, the effects will be profound."
"The painting wasn't just an aesthetic exercise everything in it signified something profound for Van Gogh."
"Bounds is profound. I mean he was a Methodist pastor, he was a chaplain in the Civil War right and read Bounds on prayer."
"That's just profound for me, powerful stuff."
"I really wanted to know what you meant, that hit my heart like a two by four."
"This remains the most profound picture ever taken of Obama."
"Wow, it felt like a life-changing spiritual experience."
"It's a profound experience to see that highly magnified in surgery under the microscope."
"I brought tears to my eyes, it was that level."
"Such a profound piece of work I can't even stress this enough you will read this Novella and you'll be thinking about it for weeks to come."
"It is a transformational experience."
"That book was the most profound book that has ever come to me. That book was not even on the plan with the publishers."
"Those moments when we stop being able to think... often moments where it actually feels like something's really resonating."
"Please enjoy the next hour or so of this message. We have prayed that God would use it in a profound way in your life. Blessings, amen."
"That's heavy too, it is heavy. Cool."
"This one leaves me lost for words every single time."
"Life-changing, that was. I don't even have words."
"People are fascinating...sometimes you'll hear really funny things, really profound things."
"The majesty of nature is just so profound when you're in the midst of trying to do your thing."
"I felt like it was such a profound thing, I couldn't resist it, and it turned out better than I could have possibly imagined."
"Asking gigantic questions that I find pretty interesting and thought-provoking, I think they can be life-changing."
"The connections we make in life can lead to profound transformations."
"In Buddhism, there can't be any teachings which are more profound or more direct experience than mahamudra."
"Either way, this experience shook the both of us in a whole new way."
"It is impossible not to be profoundly moved by Gandhi's last year."
"Go get this book, it's more than just a book, it's a conversation with your soul that will resonate and change you profoundly."
"It's profound, like the third one I've ever been able to."
"She feels she has stared into the abyss and that the abyss has stared back."
"There's something a little profound about it."
"You are a Healer in the most profound sense of the word."
"Her words don't permit the reader to skim them. They will not be ignored. They can gut you, turn you upside down."
"To know the self at the most profound level is to know the divine."
"That was the most profound moment of my life."
"There's something spiritual there."
"It just had this really profound change in my life that was incredibly settling."
"When the conditions are right for a sexual relationship to me the things you will learn about yourself what you like the nature of sex itself is so profound that having a level of um experience and exploration I think is is truly rewarding"
"I had a profound, shatteringly beautiful encounter."
"You have changed things profoundly."
"The love we give to others is the most profound legacy we can leave behind."
"The most profound transformation begins within."
"The complexity of my feelings so profound that it lifted me above the realm of tears."
"I experienced something so profound and tremendous that it basically changed my perspective in life."
"The Joy wasn't visible; no, The Joy was so deep you couldn't dig it up."
"My love for you is as deep as the ocean."
"I've always been into profound deep abstract ideas."
"Life-changingly, profoundly better."
"It was what I can only describe as a spiritual experience."
"Being home is probably one of the most profound feelings that you get."
"Some of the simplest and most profound advice."
"It wasn't just that it was great sex, but that it was something that really affected them at a level of their soul."
"I have a little darkness journal that I was writing in, and it was really profound."
"It is quite profound and really hit a chord with me, it is for mature audiences but it deals a lot with themes of like suicide, mental health, eating disorders etc."
"I would write very profound notes to the people that I love."
"A profound silence enveloped the town; it was as though time had stopped."
"To this day, it was one of the most bizarre and profound experiences of my life."
"These lyrics I think are incredibly incredibly profound."
"If you watch this series all the way through, you will be left with a searing hole in your chest where emptiness only resides."
"But by far the most profound thing we noticed was just how quiet it was."
"A near-death experience is a profound event that people experience when they are near death."
"It affects me in ways that I cannot actually put into words."
"What Jesus said is so otherworldly, so powerful, so profound."
"It's very impactful; it really gets into your soul."
"That experience that I had that was so profound, that has always haunted me, and it's something that'll always be with me and it steered the rest of my life."
"The term 'sea change' has come to mean a profound transformation that is a dramatic and irreversible turnaround of a system."
"The experience of listening to a profound piece of music can be life-changing."
"It's the most profound thing we are working on as humanity."
"His facts and his information was just profound."
"This connection is profound, it is significant."