
Confirmation Quotes

There are 2087 quotes

"Touchdown confirmed. We're going to wait for the images."
"This is the first time I've had confirmation that the world- 'You're special.'"
"The way to figure out whether or not I can trust my cognitive faculties is to get independent confirmation from people I don't necessarily agree with."
"The laptop... it's been confirmed authentic. Done."
"Real science confirms what the Bible clearly says."
"Truth is truth. The way we validate things is by independent confirmation."
"The answer, as it turns out, is an unequivocal yes."
"The goal is to learn something. If you just keep having confirmations, that's good, but it's not exciting."
"Never chase trades; wait for confirmation signals."
"This is not speculation, this is West Ham saying they want Jesse Lingard."
"This can only happen by the way if you change these two things your world view and your self view which is by constantly consciously stacking up confirmations on your chosen affirmation"
"It only takes a simple majority to confirm a Supreme Court justice."
"The voice of God is repetitive confirmation."
"Now, does this work? And the answer to that question is yes."
"Yeah, I'm just with the wife right now. Oh yeah, she's my wife, man. Come on."
"Ballard succeeded in locating it and confirmed beyond a shadow of a doubt that the ship had, in fact, broken into before sinking."
"I'm pretty sure that makes this myth busted."
"Is this how it happens? And the answer to that is unequivocally, yes, this is how it happens."
"The Gorosei seem to have confirmed that they can use conqueror’s haki."
"We're going to see if we've heard or if we'll just see if we've heard or if we've remembered anything else."
"I'm looking for an orange one right? Yeah, no, it's this one for sure."
"It confirms nearly everything I've believed about Chance the Rapper for years."
"If you've been wavering about proceeding with something that is dear to you, then this is your confirmation, just do it."
"Living on the edge, a little bit. That wasn't part of this. Absolutely spot-on."
"They were gay. You don't have to google it anymore, guys. They were gay."
"Game over, Christianity is true, God exists."
"Clarification and confirmation didn't come until several weeks later."
"You're no longer speculating, you're dealing in facts."
"Cleanse that [___] whether you need to Circle back to confirm to cleanse or you can walk away great you should cleanse."
"Account created! That means we actually did create this account."
"The debates have been significant when they have confirmed things that people were already sensing."
"Guys, that's real and in the game, and that is the end of the game guys, all of those myths are confirmed."
"Most of the time our gut feeling that something is weird or wrong is usually correct."
"We would after all finally have confirmation that life much more intelligent and advanced than us has been visiting the planet."
"The guy just told us they were flying saucers. It turns out they were accurate, we've got it on video."
"I wouldn't deny it. I don't... I mean, there's proof, you know what I mean?"
"It was all true. That was in '08, correct? Or '08, it was '07."
"All of those ballots were tabulated, that's correct, they all counted every single one of them."
"Did you see a video of him describing it? Yes."
"Piggy spawns in Zizzi's room. The piggy does spawn in Zizzi's room. That's true, dude. That is true."
"The existence of UFOs is real, and the US government secrets surrounding this have finally been exposed."
"Confirmation is going to come through releases."
"You need an answer, and if your answer is every time too, yep, exactly."
"What you did today solidified everything that we had been thinking."
"I can't believe it! You better believe it 'cause it's right here in black and white." - Portia
"This is absolute proof of what we knew all along... we were attacked by a hostile foreign power." - Gerald Nadler
"The answer was yes, alright? It's always going to be yes, come on, we're talking about the United States here."
"At this point, you know your server is up and running."
"Conspiracy theorists tend to predict every possible outcome and then claim they knew it all along."
"That was one of those ones where I was like, 'I think that's so.'"
"Look at you Charles, guys, this myth is 100 confirmed, let's go."
"We pretty much deduced that on our own based off of what we've been getting leading up to the second half of the Majin Buu saga celebration and now we have official confirmation that that is in fact what we're getting."
"It's confirmed fellas, like it is confirmed. Okay, I'm just like putting this one out like as a pen comment there."
"All of his -- his tip sheet has all been investigated and confirmed."
"Boss, I'm pretty sure that was you. It said boss next to it."
"Honestly, I agree. It's a hundred percent truth that that was gonna be the case."
"Having someone who he respects so highly confirmed that the decision he thought he needed to make was, in fact, the right decision."
"This star is presenting us with... an explanation and a confirmation."
"There is a difference between a rumor and something being confirmed, right? So, I believe something is only confirmed, okay, only confirmed once you hear it from the studio itself. That is the only time it's confirmed."
"The things that you feel and know are coming you're correct about."
"Who knew we all did, but it's nice to get beautiful confirmation."
"There's going to be a second stimulus check... that is confirmed."
"They even explicitly named the ship 'Sterek.' So it would have been nice if they were at least confirmed as anything."
"Yes, I feel like there will be another chance here... no doubt about it."
"Do you still stand by your testimony?" "Absolutely, I do."
"I see it bro, you see, I see it immediately bro."
"Mo'Nique confirms what Cat Williams said, this is the truth."
"Everything you guys are saying is exactly... what he's saying too, so yeah, thanks."
"Your intuition is right on target here, you got the star card, Aquarian energy."
"It's the earliest known confirmation in the record of the davidic dynasty."
"Yes, yes, yes, that's good, that's very good."
"The fact that I fell in love with Megan so incredibly quickly was sort of confirmation to me that everything was just perfect."
"We have responsibility to confirm presidential nominations so that they can carry out the missions that we want them to carry out."
"From an outsider's point of view, I think it seems like it's helping yes yeah for sure yeah sweet."
"It's about confirmation that you're on the right path."
"This is really is a significant find. Oh, no doubt about it."
"I think it's great we finally got confirmation that Zoro has Conqueror's Haki."
"Remember back in 2023 when the Mexican Congress confirmed aliens existed?"
"This is not speculation, there's video of this happening."
"Now we have 99% confirmation that Diablo 4 is real and is coming, just not yet."
"It's happening! It's happening! Even though we said it would!"
"Eventually I hope for anyone watching that they get to a position where that is confirmed that you are in the right place now."
"We keep getting overwhelming confirmation that we was right."
"Was this all worth it? Good question. Uh, yeah, absolutely it was."
"The US Navy has confirmed the existence of UFO’s!"
"All the theory we had here actually proves to be true."
"Trump was impeached for investigating exactly what is confirmed by the laptop."
"This is all just such great news. I was proven even more right than I would have ever imagined."
"It's official. I told you this day would come."
"Was Ariana an Obscurus? Yes, confirmed. Is Credence actually a Dumbledore? Confirmed."
"Jack is just confirming the win as we speak."
"By simply answering that phone he confirmed that that is his phone that's the number that pinged where Lindsay made a 9-1-1 call and now it's connected to him."
"Your intuition didn't fail you this time, that's great."
"There is your sign, there is your confirmation. It's time."
"Whatever it is you're about to invest in, whether it's a person, a soulmate, energy, business, anything that you are about to invest in, this is your confirmation."
"However, Grusch did confirm his earlier claims that we are in fact dealing with a non-human intelligence."
"Kauffman has no doubt about what he's found: 'We have proof for war.'"
"I confirmed it. I had to make sure, but there's definite gold."
"Wow, this is all true. It's all very accurate."
"This is just the proof in the pudding of exactly what I was saying."
"The fact that he asks is the proof that you have it."
"The biggest thing that this trailer did is confirm the Spider-Verse in this film."
"It was like confirmation that they were real."
"These two aces, okay, so that's like a supercharged confirmation that you're getting a new beginning."
"What the indictment does is it solidifies into the justice system a lot of intelligence that we knew had to exist."
"Absolutely true, this is a real thing. Google it."
"Well, guys, I guess I'm gonna have to say that this one absolutely works."
"Something nefarious happened. Yes, absolutely."
"But at least for scientists and at least for now this definitively proves that James Brown Space Telescope can easily discern a lot of different molecules in even relatively planets."
"There is more than circumstantial evidence now... evidence that is not circumstantial."
"It's not official until it's official."
"This is not gossip anymore, this is serious."
"Evolutionary predictions have been confirmed; creationist predictions falter."
"When an expert comes on and confirms essentially what you believe like if you saw a doctor and your hunches were proven."
"I trust the experts, and it's universally stated that it's [__] — that's how I know we trust the experts."
"Trust your intuition, have patience, some of you spirit is giving you a big confirmation."
"Is this place even open? Yes, open! People, please go there!"
"I thought she was pulling my leg but a quick search turned up the girl's death record."
"Tonight has really blessed me. I've been feeling the Lord has been wanting to use me in some way. Tonight was confirmation."
"Every time you put it, I go like he's right."
"Believe in what was sent down to the Prophet Muhammad, confirming that which is with you."
"It's definitely alive, it's definitely working."
"What do you think about Deni signing up? It's now official, he'll be the one to do Dune three."
"It's bananas, but I think it's actually real."
"It's official our painting is by Francesco montemezano."
"It's incredible news and of course it's great to hear that confirmed by the United States."
"They have hinted enough to confirm that they will be doing the rest of the series."
"He said it was the worst assault on the Capitol. That is true."
"Never let anybody dictate to you with their own revelation. Wait till I have confirmation."
"This specific point at the end of the week is about confirmation and your own achievement."
"If you want the blessing, and I just wanted to show you how real that is. I just read that in the paper today. That sort of confirms this. It says, 'That is what God has called you to do,' and He will bless you for it."
"Sometimes it's just good to know you're on the right track."
"He's saying, 'I see him again.' The answer is no, I don't see him again."
"An important accomplishment... is going to confirm the direction that you have found yourself floating towards."
"I told you all it was going to thicken up, didn't I say so?"
"Deepwoken is definitely a hundred percent releasing next month."
"No joke, I can show you the confirmation it was delivered today."
"Science is independently confirming in exhilarating ways the claims made long ago by a group of Hebrew prophets and church fathers who never did any scientific experiments but they merely said God told us and it turns out they were right."
"Let me just say yes you can hear me oh that's wonderful I see the little meters going up."
"You're learning how to attract what feels right for you without fear."
"That's because we watched it happen right in front of our faces."
"When you use observational science, it actually confirms biblical history."
"This is your soulmate. So this is confirmation."
"Thank you Jesus, I knew it, I knew it all the time."
"Look, first of all, I can vouch for everything that Frosty is saying. Our traffic has never been higher."
"Seeing is believing, right? I mean it's undeniable."
"A single step above is correct. A single step."
"Everything that you liked about this company before, everything that you hoped it was going to be, has been confirmed with this announcement."
"There's a process by where that is confirmed."
"It's about the confirmation that you're going to have."
"It's gonna be an important confirmation when it comes to your love, an important confirmation when it comes to beauty, when it comes to perfection, when it comes to certain harmony."
"If it did, it really validates kind of my thesis."
"We have a very good chance of actually confirming this, that life I would not say we are not alone."
"If you don't know now, you know." - "You already know."
"It made this video go from oh maybe that's a UFO to oh that is definitely a spacecraft being piloted by an intelligent being."
"Are you thinking about running again, Mr. President in 2024? Yes, a hundred percent."
"More than anything else, these books are starting to confirm things for us."
"As I dug into the details of it, it does stack up."
"As an ex-Jehovah's Witness can confirm it's a cult."
"That's right... it certainly is... absolutely world record."
"This is more evidence to what I've been saying."
"Finally confirming fan hopes and theories once and for all."
"If the dream is repeating itself, it speaks of confirmation."
"This is some of the most fundamental questions you can ask once we get confirmation this is real."
"Their existence was confirmed internally by the government."
"And as it turns out, his friends found many of the details that I had found two years back."
"The universe validating everything that you knew was going on behind the scenes."
"Three two one, yep you guys are both correct."
"And the answer is yes for those of you that want no it's yes..."
"So, I assume that the answer is yes to this question, but I guess I should probably ask it."
"Guilty on all accounts: Derek Chauvin guilty guilty guilty."
"Don't rely on Fibonacci alone. Fibonacci can provide reliable trade setups but not without confirmation."
"Seven of Swords, worried about this. Can of Cups, yes, for sure."
"Would you do it again? 100 times over, absolutely yes."
"Did you think it would happen in Australia? No, of course not. But it did, and they told me I was crazy and wrong, but I was right."
"The adaptation feels so... yeah, that's what I've been saying since the beginning."
"This is something that we knew was happening for a long time, we just had everything but solid evidence."
"The FBI has officially connected Brian Laundrie to Gabby Petito's death."
"Yes, whatever you're sort of alluding to there we got a yes on it."
"Abundance is coming in before the end of 2023, total confirmation."
"And last but not least you got yes: for those of you that asked for it yes no it's a yes beautiful."
"The only proper answer to this is exactly the same [ __ ] thing."
"Once we have our intuition we know intuitively who it is that sending things but having the actual confirmation of it being shown to us in the physical in the 3D brings in an internal validation that of course we don't need."
"Are they still there? They are, have a look."
"The biblical worldview provides a consistent explanation... confirms the Bible again and again."
"Can you do something to demonstrate you're here?"
"The campfire is confirmed to exist. This actually changes everything."
"Yo, like, it's still there, we clearly, we know it's still there."
"Fallout 5, literally confirmed. Like that's it, no big deal."
"With first-hand testimony from Nintendo's localizer and an official rating from the ESRB, we rate Zero Racers as 100% real."
"Enormous evidence that this archive and the emails in it... were completely authentic."
"Hopefully, now with this concrete evidence..."
"We were able to confirm some great Dragon Ball fan theories but we know there are tons more out there."
"Seeing is believing, and I can now say for certain UFOs, crafts not of this world, are real."
"Jesus confirmed the everlasting covenant in the same way that Moses confirmed the covenant between the people and God."
"That was a pretty satisfying click... is it in?"
"Running it by him was the best way to make sure I wasn't really hyperventilating in my own enthusiasm."
"The DTC posting 005 practically confirms all the DD theories."
"Confirmation of the breakout: the Market came down, came into a resistance area which should be support, and they caught the right amount of buying to confirm the strength there."