
Congratulations Quotes

There are 3942 quotes

"It's utterly historic now, and congratulations to everybody at NASA for that."
"Congrats on a million. I remember you had 2,000 subs."
"Congratulations on an outstanding career. Kudos, dude, and go Birds."
"Congratulations on your career, hell of a run, wish you the best on this new chapter of your life."
"It's been a blessing just to watch you do your thing. Congrats on such an amazing career."
"I watch Unapologetic starting... oh my gosh, I think I started when it first came out. Just want to congratulate them on hitting 1 million subscribers."
"Congratulations, Rebecca. I didn't think you'd solve it."
"Congrats on landing that sweet job, I think this is going to be great for you."
"Wow, amazing news. The future is bright. Congrats to all my friends and fans in Saudi Arabia on this big announcement."
"One of the best days of my life... congratulations to Bronny... I'm super proud of him."
"Slow clap for doing the work in creating a business. Most of them fail. You've been doing it for six years, so congrats."
"Congratulations on purchasing this mirrorless camera."
"Congratulations to all of our graduates out there, congratulations and best of luck in your future endeavors."
"Congratulations to the Florida Mayhem. What a great performance."
"Congratulations on your election victory. Welcome to your new job as Prime Minister."
"Congratulations on successfully completing the final selection."
"There is a lot to celebrate, and I'd like to begin by congratulating all of you on Launch America, the first flight into orbit of American astronauts on American rockets from American soil since 2011."
"Really happy to see that you're thriving, congrats on such a bustling stream."
"Congratulations to Manchester City, onward in the Premier League title."
"We've been accepted into Orwell... Congratulations, you've been selected."
"Congratulations, it looks like the contract was deployed!"
"Congratulations, excellent performance today once again, well done."
"Congratulations Franklin, you have been promoted again."
"Congratulations for moving on to the finals."
"Congratulations, Craig, you have won the head-to-head competition."
"I can't believe it, congratulations Nicholas, I'm very proud of you."
"Hey, I heard you got engaged last week, congratulations!"
"We're all so happy for you and Jeezy, and we wish you both a lifetime of happiness."
"More power to it, man. Congratulations on getting that ring."
"Congratulations on another victory for you guys."
"Congratulations, we need a lot of us in media."
"I couldn't be more proud of you on your new journey."
"I just want to say congratulations, have an amazing day!"
"Mad props everyone, just here in chat, just... just everyone say congrats Firefly because they did a lot today."
"Congratulations you are the UFC heavyweight champion of the world Kane Velasquez ladies and gentlemen."
"Seven years, here's to many more. Congratulations, happy birthday!"
"Thank you James and we're really uh you know congratulate you on what you're doing and thank you very much."
"That's an amazing accomplishment, congratulations!"
"Seeing these world leaders congratulate Joe Biden by the way congratulations President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris. This really is a monumental day."
"Congrats finding something that's made you a better human."
"Congratulations and thank you for making the most important decision of your life."
"Congratulations, dude, beautiful stuff here, fellas."
"Congratulations on one million subscribers from Anthony Fantano... Keep on speaking truth to power and messing up your hair and stuff. You're the best, good job buddy."
"Congratulations Peter, you're a millionaire."
"Congratulations to my friends at Rocket Lab, you guys are incredible, so inspired by what you guys are doing."
"Congratulations from the bottom of my heart."
"Congratulations to you snuts you've been incredible you've done incredible today you've done incredible in the past and you're going to keep doing incredible in the future."
"Congratulations to snuts for taking home the 50,000 incredibly well-deserved such yeah there's the winner guys go check him out."
"Congratulations on the 300K, brother. May God bless you with continued success and stay Shameless, fam."
"Congratulations on everything, I wish you all the best."
"Congratulations to us. Thank you handshake. Well done, well done sir. I'm proud of the work that we're delivering out to the world."
"Big, big congrats... Tokyo Revenge is for me every single week."
"Shout out to my boy Omar by the way hitting one subscriber so what happens he hit 1 million subscribers which is blessed guys like Omar you did good bro."
"Congratulations and best of luck to everyone."
"Congratulations to all for a job well done!" - Arianespace CEO
"Congratulations Mr. McGinnis, who knew you'd turn out to be such ideal father material?"
"Congratulations again Richard and congratulations also to Seresha and Colin on becoming astronauts today."
"Thanks for all of the congratulatory messages for the million milestone break."
"Congratulations, sir, that's awesome. I just played Halo 4."
"I'm far from pleased. That's a good win, JJ. Congratulations."
"Congratulations to Jesse Cotton taking down this tournament."
"Congratulations to you and all the team over there on your hard work and the success."
"Congratulations on the engagement! You and Lizzy are so cute."
"Congrats on your engagement from TF1 end. Thank you TF1 end, I really do appreciate that."
"Congratulations, that's very cool and exciting."
"I hope you guys enjoyed, congratulations to the street beasts and the velociracer."
"Huge congratulations to our nation's cup winner, Patrick Blajan from Hungary!"
"Very well deserved victory for Patrick Blajan!"
"Congratulations, Conor Riley, you just won 5,000."
"Let's congratulate the scientists and engineers behind this project."
"A huge, huge congratulations to these incredible artists for their very, very well-deserved nominations." - Billie Eilish
"A huge congratulations to everybody responsible for bringing these characters to life."
"You've done it, you've broken through the chains that you never thought that you would break through before. I'm so proud of you. Congratulations."
"Congratulations, Marie, I think you made a good decision."
"Congratulations, the big jungle boy. Man, I'm happy about that for him."
"Huge congrats to Danny from me with the strategy he made. He must have done a really good strategy call."
"Congratulations, you have built yourself a gaming PC."
"Congratulations to all of you! This big beautiful blessing that's coming into your life, you absolutely deserve it."
"I'm so happy for you guys. This is high praise."
"You've been working on yourself, congratulations!"
"Everything you touch turns to gold. Congratulations!"
"Congratulations, class of 2020. Keep making us proud."
"Congratulations to President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump on continuing to serve in the White House."
"Congratulations to all the teams who participated in the Amazing Race Season 2 Orlando!"
"A huge congratulations again to our recovery team for another step forward in the recovery program today."
"Congratulations, my love, I'm very, very proud of you. You deserve this and all."
"I want to say congratulations, I want to say this is something to celebrate."
"Congratulations Kristi, says I can't stay, I have to do errands but saw this and want to tell you how happy I am for you all, the family working together is so awesome and so weird these days, blessings."
"Congrats to anybody that bought March 23rd 2020."
"David, congratulations... you've crushed it."
"Congrats again on winning the Universal at Elimination Chamber, unbelievable win."
"Congratulations, very wise in how you've approached it."
"Jim Mance, congratulations, you are the winner of our Patreon giveaway!"
"Congratulations, genuinely I'm so happy for you."
"Congratulations, god bless, do the best you can."
"Congratulations, you are the smartest sibling!"
"Congrats on you congrats Doug... what an amazing drive... Arnie Doug you guys are legends."
"Records were made to be broken... my hearty congratulations to Arnie and Doug."
"Congratulations, you will be receiving a Wacom Intuos Pro medium."
"Massive congratulations to all of the prize winners."
"Congratulations to him and his family, all the sacrifices they've made down the years to get this far."
"Major major congrats! 50 million copies, insane!"
"Congratulations to all the strong men and congratulations to the 2022 Rogue Invitational Champion Alexi novikov"
"Congratulations on that and you have a significant amount of free wage budget."
"Congratulations to our first prize winner, you will be receiving one year's full Premium Membership on Skillshare.com."
"Congratulations, Kevin! Shining his brightest on the NBA's biggest stage!" - Announcer
"She's engaged, she's engaged. We finally got one, it took many seasons. Ah, she's proclaiming her happiness which I will believe and I wish them the best."
"Legit congratulations on becoming the first Dr. Pepper Ultimate Gaming House winner."
"Congrats on the future of Disney, thanks. Yes, and your company like that's like your biggest thing right now right?"
"Congratulations your gold medalist Mac forehand proud of you couldn't ask for anything better than that I mean that was epic Matt forehand spinning 21."
"I just want to give you a huge congratulations because your album just hit number one."
"Congratulations Abhimanyu, massive accomplishment!"
"Yo, congratulations! I'm gonna listen to the project later tonight."
"You're making a huge change, congratulations on making a big change."
"Congratulations for being on the right side of history."
"Congratulations John, thank you for being brave enough to dip your toe into this world."
"Congratulations, Gabe. I'm very proud of you."
"Well done to Real Madrid, you are the European champions."
"You're a dog, you're a walking highlight. Congrats to your family, man. No, your father's smiling down right now."
"Congratulations again on 150k and finding Jeremiah."
"Congratulations, Imogen! Glad you finally got what you wanted."
"Congratulations, Dr. Steve, you're the greatest!"
"Congratulations, and thank you for your support."
"You're headed towards success; congratulations!"
"Congratulations on the new introduction to the family."
"Congratulations! Really, really cool that you were able to get married."
"It's pretty much the Grammys night though, wow, it was epic, it was beautiful, and um, congratulations Zach."
"Congratulations here we are gold star for the night terrible and wonderful it's my favorite."
"That's what this is all about, Steven, congratulations man!"
"I'll see you guys next time, thanks so much for watching."
"Before we go any further, I want to give a huge congratulations."
"Congratulations! See if these fit good enough."
"Congratulations on 10 years and all of your good news."
"I just want to say congratulations again, you all did fantastic."
"Congratulations to you if this applies to you because it's beautiful."
"Victory is ours complete congratulations congratulations."
"That race was absolutely mind-blowing, congrats to RNG dolphins on an amazing win."
"You will succeed, in fact, congratulations, you have succeeded."
"Congratulations to all of you involved in this incredible mission."
"The timing is impeccable where I think the public opinion about... congratulations and warning number one."
"Congrats to Dark Matter Fox, Komen Hazard, Soup Expunged, Pokemon Master Dominic Parisi, Sky Ender, Ma Blanca, Ethan Fogg, and Spring Trap. You got a free Yup Club membership. Thank you, Chryslen."
"Congratulations, first BYU individual champion since 2006."
"Big congratulations to Senegal who obviously won the African Cup of Nations for the first time. Dreams are made of really."
"Congratulations on all your success, congratulations on everything."
"Congratulations to the whole team, very well done."
"The system congratulates Wildfire on his first world boss kill."
"Congrats host for occupying the ancient Covenant."
"Wow, what a final. All right, hell of a tournament for Oi. Congratulations, Apache, of course, the Predator World 10 Ball Champion 2021."
"That's actually a really nice match, wow. Oh, congratulations on that."
"Congratulations to Courtney and Olivia, we love you guys."
"It's been an honor to work in and congratulations for all the fantastic work on sustainability putting together one of the biggest events of sports in the planet."
"Getting a PhD is a very rare event, and our congratulations to you from all our viewers. I heartily congratulate you for achieving this big milestone in your life."
"Congratulations! A lot of you guys got a lot of angelic help around you as well, Holy Spirit."
"Congratulations! It's all about the value during two or three years. He'll help you make it a much bigger business."
"That's awesome! Congrats to you for getting into NYU. That's not an easy thing to do."
"Somebody's getting married, somebody's getting married, congratulations."
"Really exciting new Champion. Congratulations for getting her if you're just having her. Let me know what you think of her in the comments below."
"Our new Forged in Fire champion is Trevor, congratulations, you're the new Forged in Fire champion."
"Hey, f**k you nailed it dude that was perfect."
"Congratulations on the daughter! Congratulations, you are, I am sure, an awesome father."
"Congratulations to Don Staley and the lady Gamecock of South Carolina they win the women college national championship 8775 over Iowa."
"Congratulations, you want a whole fing cortex nailed it."
"Simplicity at its best, wonderful, congratulations."
"Congratulations Dr. Ben on a very difficult task."
"Congratulations brother, you have my respect."
"Congratulations, man! Guys, thank you, guys, thank you."
"Well done and happy holidays, Buster and Robin!"
"And a special congratulations to our Unity pilot Kelly for her first space flight."
"Congratulations, Nick, this series has been an absolute adventure."
"They all did much better, it's just nice to see."
"The Riders of the day are Alex and Luca, congratulations both!"
"Wow, how long I've been waiting for this. Hello, hello! Is your name JJ? Congratulations!"
"Congratulations to Jennifer Maker for completing Cricut Kickoff!"
"This is an all-time coaching success not just in college basketball but in college athletics period, congratulations to Scott Drew and all the Baylor Bears."
"Congratulations on getting that, it's very, very tough to get."
"We beat Lucas in the rivalry so that's just congratulations."
"Congratulations, partner. I'm getting a new partner."
"Fantastic job. Good on him. Great drive. Well done."
"A huge congratulations to Carolina for being the winner of the pet design competition."
"Read your email, guys! Congratulations on your success!"
"Congratulations to our first-ever champion Rupert Campbell condolences to our runner up Mike buns he gave a hell of a fight."
"Congratulations, you can actually be members of a civilized society."
"Congratulations, we are Alola's first-ever champion!"
"Congratulations, Ben. I'm so proud of you. You did it."
"Congratulations! That is the best news ever."
"We still here we are still here so Deshaun Watson over there with the Browns man congratulations to the Browns AFC North gonna be lit this year."
"Once again, congratulations on the shoutout, brother."
"Congratulations to Layton Butler, you are the winner of the $20 right to your PayPal."
"Congratulations, welcome to this crazy and beautiful thing called Parenthood. Thank you."
"Princess Peach, congratulations, you did great!"
"Congratulations on an amazing [match/tournament]."
"Good game everybody, Buddy Sam is the winner, congratulations Buddy Sam."
"I'm loving the new setup, congrats by the way."
"Congratulations once again... the heavyweight champion of the world."
"Congratulations Rogue, the best in South Korea."
"Congratulations on the new job and congratulations on the baby! We're so excited for you."
"Congratulations, man. You're in exciting times!"
"Rocket Lab, congrats on a massive step for recovery!"
"Congratulations, your videos are awesome, you're inspiring tons of people."