
Galaxy Formation Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"James Webb is really designed to look back in time where we can see the first galaxy starting to be formed."
"The idea that massive galaxy formation began extremely early in the history of the universe upends what many of astronomers had thought was settled science."
"With the telescope, astronomers and scientists can literally go back in time and see how galaxies were formed over billions of years."
"The universe continued to expand, more galaxies formed, and they began to evolve in fascinating ways."
"It's not what anyone was expecting, and it has the potential to overturn many of the established theories about star formation, galaxy formation, dust accumulation."
"If the standard model of cosmology is correct, then these ten to the nine, ten to the ten solar mass galaxies formed in only 150 to 200 million years, which is absolutely physically impossible."
"The cartwheel Galaxy's strange appearance, reminding us of a wooden carriage wheel with a circle in the center and diverging spokes, probably formed as a consequence of a high-speed collision between two galaxies over 400 million years ago."
"The fact that this black hole is somewhere around, if not larger than the amount of mass in stars in the galaxy, suggests that it was the one that formed first and then the galaxy of stars around it, probably as a direct collapse black hole."
"The present-day shape of the Milky Way has definitely been formed and shaped by not just the interaction of matter but also a very strong influence from other mysterious things like dark matter."
"Galaxies form clusters and superclusters connected by filaments of matter."
"The discovery could lead scientists to redefining what their understanding is of how all galaxies formed."
"Based on other galaxies we see outside of our own is why we conclude that our galaxy spiraled as I'm shown."
"This starburst galaxy very likely is the result of two galaxies that have just collided."
"Galaxies formed and assembled with different shapes and structures at different epochs in the history of the universe."
"Galaxies seem to mature really quickly in the beginning of the universe."
"The significant implication that the black holes formed first and then somehow they formed a stellar galaxy around them."
"It avoids the galaxy cusp, reduces the number of dwarf galaxies, and helps with the plane arrangement of satellite galaxies."
"The Revelation has totally changed how scientists currently think about how galaxies came to be."
"If other intelligent life exists in the Milky Way, and is reasonably close, there has been enough time since the formation of the galaxy for other civilizations to have plausibly arisen and become highly advanced."
"Eventually, everything gravitationally bound will be in a galaxy and all other galaxies will be beyond the visible horizon. CMB radiation will disappear."
"Galaxies existed long before what we previously thought."
"Studying these early galaxies will help scientists find out more about how and when the first stars and galaxies formed."
"There's no way the galaxies and clusters of galaxies we see in the universe could form without the Dark Matter providing the scaffolding."
"The existence of such large galaxies at such an early stage in the universe's history raises questions about the current models of cosmology."
"Gas stripping or Star wrecking is potentially the main way that galaxies predominantly star formation are shut down by their surroundings."
"Invaluable insights into the processes of galaxy formation and the evolution of structures in the early Universe."
"...we just don't understand how galaxies form and evolve and we still are missing something really crucial when it comes to the formation of spiral galaxies."
"So essentially what my thesis was about was how the shape, the supermassive black hole, and the environment of a galaxy could somehow stop it from forming stars."
"...very likely represent a bunch of reforming spiral arms that are slowly being developed after the collision."
"...a lot of this new data suggests that we might actually have underestimated the age by which the Galaxies have already formed."
"It's kind of right at the cutting edge of what's going on now in studying galaxy formation."
"We have no direct evidence of how galaxies were formed."
"These galaxies shouldn't be this old, this far away, considering they were born so soon after the big bang."
"Dark Matter holds galaxies together as they spin, and without it, galaxies would be scattered and we most likely wouldn't exist."
"The Dark Matter halo is making gas fall into the center, that makes a hot rotating disc."
"The simulations can create Milky Ways; they can create the structures that we see."
"The Big Bang seems to be real after all, galactic formation seems to happen in a somewhat similar way to how we expect it."
"The early galaxies that formed were probably quite numerous and over time these small galaxies have been colliding to form larger galaxies like our Milky Way."
"I'm fascinated by the early stages of galaxy evolution, back when the universe was in its infancy."
"We're talking about the wormholes because at least one paper out there proposes that these galaxies were probably created through the formation of different wormholes across the universe."
"Observing one would be a giant step towards understanding the formation of our own Galaxy."
"These minute temperature variations are crucial for cosmologists because they represent the seeds from which galaxies, stars, and eventually planets formed."
"The interactions between dark matter and baryonic matter play a crucial role in shaping the structure and dynamics of galaxies."
"Supermassive black holes beyond the observable universe could reveal the process of galaxy formation and evolution on scales and in environments different from those we can observe."
"The early giant black holes may have been among the engines that built the first galaxies."
"Understanding the formation and evolution of galaxies is essential for our understanding of the universe."
"I do not understand why galaxies have spiral arms or why they look like flattened disks."
"Galaxies of stars forming where the dark matter was densest means that the structure of the Universe on large scales today traces where dark matter is."
"That cosmic web actually was the seed for pulling in normal matter and forming galaxies and clusters of galaxies."
"This simulation shows us what the universe should look like as galaxies form out of these little fluctuations."
"This is when the universe actually had enough time to get rid of the chaotic motions and create the elliptical and those beautiful spiral galaxies that we see today."
"Proto clusters are like shipyards where galaxies are built."
"Galaxies grow by smashing together lots of other little galaxies."
"The weird shape of the Cartwheel Galaxy was made in a head-on collision."
"These galaxies look so well-formed after such a short time after the big bang."
"Galaxies are produced from quantum fluctuations."
"Hubble had looked back in time at the formation of new galaxies in a range of shapes not seen closer to our own Milky Way."
"Somehow the universe is building galaxies earlier and faster than our theories predict."
"Astronomers must rethink our understanding of the formation of the first galaxies and how galaxy evolution occurred over the past 10 billion years."