
Space Industry Quotes

There are 194 quotes

"The creativity of people who work in space is just astounding."
"We went from being number one to having only one commercial space launch. Not until SpaceX came along did we actually bring an industry that had been shipped entirely overseas back to American shores."
"SpaceX is making up about half, but there are a lot of other countries launching right now."
"We're clearing up some inventory for some really exciting new things."
"The legacy of Delta will live on in the Vulcan rocket and in the people that make it a reality."
"First mission for Relativity, they're already working pretty seriously on Taran R, will be fully reusable."
"Spaceflight is changing and in my opinion, SpaceX is leading the way."
"SpaceX have just been knocking out of the park... their Cadence is unparalleled."
"We will see more Ariane and more Isa payloads... move to Falcon 9."
"If you want a job in space, there's a really good chance you'll be able to get one in the future."
"Space-based solar power: a potential Kickstarter for space industry."
"We enable commercial activities in space, demonstrate leadership, and inspire the next generation."
"The industrialization of space I think will be one of the great economic booms of this century."
"We want to have numerous providers competing against each other on cost and innovation and safety."
"The most successful companies in space are the ones that attach their vision to an incremental pathway."
"The industrialization of space right there, that's the Netscape moment of low Earth orbit commercialization."
"The most significant factor for the financial success of a space-related business is economies of scale."
"Our vision for a platform is our customers shouldn't even have to build satellites, they should just plug and play sensors or deploy software on an existing constellation."
"Bigelow Aerospace has an opportunity now to shut people like me up that have concerns over the narrative."
"Even if we don't get to the point where factories in space are making our cars up in orbit, space manufacturing has the potential to completely change the world in pretty profound ways."
"Firefly is in a stronger position than it's ever been."
"Firefly's goal is to build a rocket that can get small satellites to space."
"Firefly is great because you really feel like you're putting your personal touch on this vehicle and all the systems."
"The job of Blue Origin, our job, we want to build reusable space vehicles that lower the cost of access to space to such a sufficient degree that the next generation of kids can start space companies in their dorm room."
"The routine steps of space activities are slowly being ceded to private enterprise that can do it faster, better, cheaper."
"The first trillionaires will actually be generated by investments in space resources."
"I think not to get too much on SpaceX, but like, that was my... I six months ago invested in SpaceX, like my biggest investment ever."
"It'll change the satellite industry when the vehicle is more capable and cheaper."
"Passion for seeing us evolve into a rapidly evolving space industry."
"The audacious rise of Elon Musk's SpaceX has totally disrupted the industry."
"SpaceX are not only a part of the space industry that in the past many have scoffed at. They are now clear leaders of the industry also pushing the boundaries well past what any other agency is aiming for."
"Australia has by far the fastest-growing space sector in the world."
"2024 is definitely going to be an interesting year for Starbase!"
"Chinese firms are rapidly positioning themselves as cheap alternatives for launching payloads."
"This partnership is all about opening up and fostering new capabilities in commercial human spaceflight."
"Spacex represents a big part of NASA's future, but it also has a lyrical link to the past."
"Clips is short for commercial lunar payload Services, it's a new model in which NASA contracts space on Commercial missions to send science experiments to the Moon ahead of us landing astronauts there."
"JC set 17 will enhance the continuity of communications across Japan and the surrounding area." - Arianespace CEO
"This is just the beginning Virgin Galactic is a venture as a capital a catalyst it's the start of a whole new space age."
"It's spectacular the way they're doing it and it's totally different than anything I've seen with rocket production at any other company."
"Rocket Lab, Virgin Orbit, and Firefly Aerospace are about to turn the small sat industry on its head."
"Spacex needs to be self-sufficient. They can't rely on Elon's billions in order to survive. It must become a self-sufficient company if it's going to be successful."
"And as always, there’s been a lot going on in the Space industry lately, so let’s dive right in!"
"Thanks, Jay. It is absolutely our honor to be part of this huge effort to get the United States back in the launch business."
"SpaceX going to be working to expand their east coast and west coast falcon 9 fleets."
"Reusable is definitely the hottest buzz word in the new space industry."
"The private spaceflight industry is growing at an unprecedented rate."
"NASA has hired private companies to do the development and the operations in a new program called the Commercial Crew Program."
"We want all space companies here to succeed."
"New technology is cutting costs and increasing launch frequency."
"We need the ability to turn the rocket around quickly, reuse it again, bring down the cost of access to space."
"The fundamental issue is actually the cost of access to space."
"The human space program will fully transition to a space industry supported by tourism."
"Space assets are going to be getting a lot of attention in the near future."
"Much like NASA pioneered a new generation of technologies in the 20th century, our space professionals will be the ones fostering cutting-edge innovation."
"By the time Starship makes it to orbit, Blue Origin will have done more promotion for it than SpaceX."
"The global launch industry is about a $5 billion/year industry."
"For SpaceX, this is only the beginning. They've set an even more ambitious goal for 2024, aiming for 144 launches!"
"They are essentially replacing the first stage of a traditional rocket with an easily reusable kinetic launch system."
"Rocket Lab is going to be an unstoppable rocket company."
"So what if I told you there is a small little rocket company that you likely haven't heard of that is not only claiming all of these crazy things, they're already building it and testing it at frankly a ridiculous pace."
"SpaceX delivered about two-thirds of all payloads to orbit last year."
"Spacex moving actually makes sense at this time."
"Everybody should be celebrating that like you you may like SpaceX but you want blue origin to succeed because you don't want it to be a monopoly you want multiple providers to be able to do this this kind of work."
"Ula is not satisfied until our customer has had a successful spacecraft separation."
"Ula has a rich Heritage of supporting National Security space launch."
"If by 2027 you haven't developed a system that's competing directly with Falcon 9, you're definitely too late."
"A truly remarkable event this was, it has been so exciting and inspiring to watch SpaceX iterate for the past year."
"How do you make a small fortune in the rocket industry? You start with a large one."
"SpaceX has shocked the entire rocket industry with everything at Starbase."
"And any given technology is only relevant to the degree that it produces cost per ton to orbit."
"An incredible achievement by SpaceX and no doubt a historic moment for the Spaceflight Industry."
"The final launch for the first shell of the Starlink internet constellation from Cape Canaveral."
"This is not just some kind of small-scale test facility. This is a facility that needs to be built to launch the biggest rocket that's ever been launched by far."
"Relativity Space have shipped their first booster to Florida in preparation for a launch campaign this summer."
"Starting to wrap up a historic era of space exploration and launches."
"Visionaries like Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos are propelling space exploration forward."
"Blue Origin was not made aware by NASA nor the GAO that NASA had relaxed the foundational requirements of the solicitation."
"Spacex doesn't need to close down and evacuate every few days like we've seen more recently right now Spacex are completely dedicated to preparing for the first orbital flight with the full super heavy and starship stack."
"There's no evidence to suggest any political party is opposed to what SpaceX is doing."
"It was a tough day for our mission partners and our team, but we're excited to be back on the pad in record time with an even more reliable vehicle."
"Paragon announced that NASA awarded a 3.5 billion dollar contract to their partnership with the Axiom Space Team."
"Space is set to become not just a significant war fighting domain, but possibly even a major commercial hub."
"Along this line, all the money that's spent in space is really spent on Earth."
"Elon Musk is literally trying to disrupt the entire space industry with a first colossal fully reusable launch system."
"How exciting it is to see the space industry being pulled forward by SpaceX."
"Black Arrow's stated objective: to become the first carbon neutral launch provider in human history."
"In-space manufacturing may sound like science fiction, but it's happening already."
"SpaceX is going to own that 550 kilometer plus or minus something."
"This is something to watch out for, and they really need to find ways to outbid Falcon Heavy."
"We want to wish SpaceX a very happy birthday. The company was founded on this day in 2002."
"Developing a massive rocket requires a lot more capital and it carries with it a ton more risk."
"Clearly, there's a flood of small sat launches coming online and competing for a healthy handful of small satellites and cube sets."
"SpaceX are making massive rapid progress here."
"It's just fantastic to see just how amazing and frequent these Rocket Lab launch services are now."
"Elon is not just a talking head of SpaceX, he knows what he's talking about."
"I love learning. I love to ask questions, and I happen to, you know, work in the space industry."
"Astra is a fascinating rocket company that has had some great successes and some unfortunate failures."
"We're going to improve life on earth from space."
"Remember, it's easy to get excited about a new system coming online, but remember the ease and the cadence with which we see largely see falcon 9s flying now."
"The dramatic dropping of launch costs, along with the budding CubeSat industry, could make such a telescope viable."
"A new era in spaceflight, where we are looking forward to being one customer of many customers."
"Rocket Lab's launch services start at just $5 million."
"SpaceX has shown it can get stuff done much more quickly than the old government model."
"The commercial market is going ham; we've seen an explosion in the commercial space flight industry."
"The rise of commercial space flight is opening new doors."
"This expansion of participation in space is enabling a more diverse and inclusive space industry."
"The most important thing that I learned is how much faith the space industry has in Starship right now."
"One of those is Axiom space. Axiom is going to start their Venture by the way not only of getting accustomed to taking private astronauts into space as this mission is, it also is helping us with our International Partnerships."
"Reusable Rockets are taking over the space industry."
"Power satellites are likely to be, by mass, almost entirely very simple reflective surfaces, a thin metal sheet, and that’s exactly what you’d be looking for in terms of an early moon industry."
"When they buy fuel for those rocket ships to put them in outer space and to put those satellites up there, they don't buy it by the liter, they don't buy it by the gallon, they buy it by the ton."
"...a lot of kids think you need to have a PhD to work in space and you don't... you can have a pathway where you're a really good writer, science writers, we need those."
"The super heavy launch market is expected to be over $13 billion dollars by 2030."
"He created a space company and it became successful and profitable."
"This is the most exciting time to be in the space business in my entire life."
"We make a space yard on the moon... and then we turn the moon into a space shipyard."
"Companies like SpaceX and Rocket Lab have already brought down the cost of launches considerably."
"The corn ranch has become a hub of innovation and exploration."
"Decreased launch costs will open up a revolution in what we can do in terms of space science."
"Space industry is one of those few fields that is almost immune to politics."
"The race is still on to build the first private space station that will orbit Earth."
"Spaceflight has become an extremely tough business with totally new competitors."
"Anyone hoping to operate commercial spaceflight in the long term must not only provide safe and strategic access to space but do so at favorable prices."
"SpaceX in particular has signed long-term contracts with NASA, excellent contracts which provide security."
"The entrepreneurial space race to create cheap space launch capabilities is mostly positive."
"Having built up a bit of experience in the manufacturing of launch vehicles, Japan wanted to properly strike out on their own."
"We tripled the number of space companies in Luxembourg in less than six years."
"Rocket Lab, they also announced their new Neutron redesign."
"When it absolutely must get to space safely and on time, customers choose ULA."
"It's the largest privately owned rocket... that's supposed to revolutionize commercial space play."
"We're a small but mighty team of about 260 people; together, our real goal is to make space accessible to the world."
"The space business is such that with the new payloads coming along, we'll always be in the same boat and we'll be trying to get the most for our dollar."
"We are restoring America's competitiveness in the global commercial space launch market."
"We are all set to create another history today where India takes a giant leap towards private sector participation in the space industry."
"This is a small step by a startup and a giant leap for the Indian space industry."
"Congratulations again, this is a new beginning for Indian private sector to enter into space and it's a historic moment for all of us."
"Space is no longer a distant dream but a trillion-dollar opportunity by 2040."
"SpaceX saves about six million per recovery."
"Space mining could be more realistic than perceived."
"Rocket Lab is an end-to-end space company, they deliver launch services, spacecraft, satellite components, and on-orbit management."
"Space used to be the preserve of governments; it's now become the preserve of the private sector."
"The main reason for the aerospacecraft is to deliver payloads, that is materials, into space to build a shipyard for the purpose of building starships."
"Let's hope the Spaceport company can get their platforms up and running in time to score more funding."
"The Spaceport company has zeroed in on a big need in the commercial launch Services Market."
"It's important that you guys be a part of NASA or at least in the space program, working in the industry because you are tomorrow's opportunity."
"Citigroup analysts are expecting the annual revenue of the space industry to hit a trillion dollars by 2040."
"Rocket Lab was getting ready to make their first launch from the US."
"What we're witnessing is something incredibly unique. We're watching the tweaking and the molding of a brand new rocket."
"This is the first part of an entire space infrastructure and if you're going to build equipment in orbit, you need an on-orbit assembly facility."
"Space has absolutely become a core focus for many industries."
"Public relations is something that every rocket ship company needs to excel at."
"The entry into the launch market of a company aggressively trying to reduce the cost of access to space is changing the space business."
"NASA's paying, but it was designed and engineered by a Houston company called Intuitive Machines."
"SpaceX is changing things for the better and hopefully motivating a lot of startup companies in the private space sector."
"The space market has grown approximately 447 billion up from 280 billion in 2010 and could grow to a trillion dollars by 2030."
"Japan is going to create a one trillion yen fund to develop Outer Space Industries."
"It's exciting times at Starbase, always even at 1:15 in the morning."
"You can work on rockets... satellites to space or astronauts to the ISS."
"Satellite launch services given by ISRO, Antrix, NSIL was exempt, now by private players also made exempt."
"It's incredible what SpaceX is doing there, and I've got my fingers crossed as hard as I can for them to succeed because it would change everything."
"It's the fast-paced progress; it's not all about Starship and SpaceX, but right now, SpaceX is producing by far the most news."
"It's feeling more and more likely that we'll see the second launch tower sooner rather than later in Starbase."
"Over the ensuing decade, we've gotten to a point where it's so routine it's like almost unremarkable."
"We're trying to innovate and do things cheaper and outside of the scope of the traditional space bureaucracy."
"How cool is this? We often talk about what we can see in Starbase, but surely there's a lot going on behind the scenes that we are not privy to."