
Falsehood Quotes

There are 281 quotes

"All fear is predicated on falsehood and misperception of reality."
"King Olaf, your legend is lies, lurid and false."
"The most durable and the most believable conspiracy theories are not entirely false. There's something in them that is true, and the rest of it is false."
"The truth is a terrible thing, but not compared to falsehood."
"Out of whole cloth describes something that is untrue and has no grounding in the facts."
"They feed them on falsehoods till wrong looks like right in their eyes."
"The responsibility to act against falsehood is an intrinsic part of the Abrahamic tradition."
"You did not sell your soul. The devil's a liar."
"This narrative... is the biggest lie that is being told in American politics right now."
"The idea that they're taking this family and trying to turn him into the Biden crime family... it's creative but it's just not true."
"When I see something that I know is false... it winds me up."
"The whole premise for the war in the first place was a lie."
"If it's true, you can't stop it. And if it's not true, we will fall apart."
"Once these lies take root you will never get rid of them and they will ruin your life."
"The false statements are categorically false, so they're just false in their entirety."
"One of the great unexplainable miracles consists in the fact that both truth and falsehood carry with them a silent, invisible means of identifying themselves as such."
"It's strange to celebrate a lie, but in this case, it's exactly what we're doing."
"Distortion needs a host. It struts lies, manipulates, and seduces to convince a person to choose it."
"Jesus came for all races, destroy those lies."
"Empty baseless assertions that contradict each other, there's no truth to it."
"It is a fact that Donald Trump is pathologically full of [ __ ]."
"God's truth never, no never requires a falsehood to help it along. This is a common-sense proof that the earth is not a globe."
"If you tell a big enough lie and repeat it enough, people will start to believe it."
"I'm not even kidding, I mean look, one of the challenges we face today with the media and their lies over and over is lie lie lie lie lie."
"Every time it's been tested, every time it's been investigated, every time it's been looked into in some detail, it turns out that it is actually not true."
"There were literally... 15,573 lies over four years."
"I find them to be irreparable in the damage they cause. I also find them to be flagrantly false."
"We are brainwashed from little. We're taught if you're a good person, good things will happen. We're taught by the way we speak, this is the way to speak. Total lie."
"The truth does not need your lies to defend it."
"Literally, these people dream about something and then they're like, 'Ah, I'll just lie about that on TikTok and everyone will believe me.'"
"The justifications for the war would soon be proven false or misleading."
"Everybody who watched the case came to the same conclusion: she's a liar and she defamed him."
"They want you to believe the lie that they tell themselves."
"Ladies and gentlemen, that is our first lie."
"All of their propaganda about the Jews trying to destroy their way of life and the gays trying to groom their kids, it's all [__], it's not real."
"A lie is a fantasy; it's an illusion."
"The world is full of deceptions and counterfeits."
"To predict from an omen, an augur, a false rumor, is a canard."
"Through the special effects of Satan, pulpits are moving all across the world, but there's nothing real."
"We can never tell the truth from falsehood unless God comes and distinguishes."
"They just all live in a world of lies."
"Denial is when you put in something that you know is not true, but you tell yourself that narrative anyway."
"A lie can get around the world before the truth can get its shoes on."
"A man who lies to himself and believes his own lies becomes unable to recognize truth."
"We live in a world of the best lie wins, and we're okay with that."
"97% of any of the negative thought that happens in my mind is a lie, a cruel lousy lie."
"Our entire relationship was a big lie."
"They deny truth, they either directly lie or deny something and they refuse to admit the lie or refuse to see any sort of truth even when you show them proof of it."
"When them veins start popping, they lying."
"All narcissisms are forms of lies. It's an effort for the world to give back at us a version of the self that's a pleasing falsehood that we accept against a displeasing truth."
"The Shaitaan spreads false ideas and false notions, he spreads shubuhat."
"God wants us to love the truth and hate what is false."
"The guilt is a lie, any negative thoughts are a lie."
"0.1 plus 2 equals 3? Nah, it's false."
"When the truth comes, falsehood will perish."
"The denunciations are not founded upon any respect for truth. They are founded on the associations of people with the wrong thing."
"He ended up getting in trouble. Police charged the neighbor with filing a false claim."
"It couldn't be any further from the truth."
"Charade last season, you was pretending to date Bob. Like y'all don't even hold on to the fake story long enough to make this [__] believable."
"They have lied to you because they've made out they were having a wonderful time when in fact they are not having a wonderful time."
"Knowledge is a formidable foe for falsehood and a formidable ally for truth."
"It's creating a false foundation."
"Donald Trump claiming that Barack Obama was born in Kenya, that's a lie, and The Times called it a lie."
"Isn't that an oxymoron? An untrue rumor, no."
"You're a fraud. You wear that shield of lies."
"Many false witnesses will rise up and deceive."
"We protect truthful speech even if that encompasses some false speech."
"Deception is grounded not in a complete falsification of truth but simply introducing components that are false."
"The half truth! The other half of a half truth is a lie."
"...that they are just two truth values, truth and falsity, and if something isn't true, it's false, and if it isn't false, then it's true."
"Every rumor and falsehood aimed at you is a chance to further cement your story of honesty and illumination."
"They gain something out of it by lying about you."
"Sub alternation: truth is like gold, it's heavy; if you drop it, it falls—it goes down. But false claims are like the promises of politicians, just so much hot air."
"When something is built on lies, it's hard for it to stand."
"The slave cannot be faithful if he teaches falsehoods."
"It's a total lie. It's another total falsehood by the president."
"in order to embrace a lie you must reject the truth"
"void corresponds to False in logic. You cannot prove something that's false."
"The whole thing is a con job. There's nothing authentic happening at all that I've ever been able to see. Other than the occasional peppering of truth. So as to confuse. Most of it is a lie. Everything is basically a lie."
"If you tell a lie enough times, people will just accept it as truth."
"That's not true because it's more enticing."
"She made up a lie saying that I told cast members that I had a conversation with her."
"They're selling something that isn't correct."
"Such words have no truth, but they can spread like fire on dry ground."
"Lies are defined as every anti-God idea, every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God."
"Because it's false, but it's also true."
"Social media is actually all just a big fat lie."
"The truth shall prevail over falsehood."
"Living a life outside of God is living a life of lies."
"This is not true. This didn't happen."
"Deception, defeat, falsehood, conspiracy." - Loki
"If everything you say is a lie, you cannot tell the truth because everything you say is a lie."
"A large mass of people believe that a specific event occurred when it actually did not."
"Just because it hasn't been proven false doesn't make it true."
"All this time and still nothing but empty lies."
"The ultimate lie is when you believe something Hell's been told you from God."
"It's all huey, it's all lies, it's all made up."
"This is what happens, Allah describes it to us in the Holy Quran, when truth is hurled against falsehood it knocks out its brains."
"It's not true and that he is lying."
"Truth will stand alike and run around the world twice before falsehood gets its boots on."
"Funding applications scholarships and PhD proposals were unknowingly based on a foundation of lies."
"A half-truth treated as the whole truth quickly becomes a whole falsehood."
"It's difficult to defer between truth and falsehood."
"There's no way out. Somebody lied to you."
"You've been hanging onto an undesirable situation, or someone is full of crap, like you've been sold a lie."
"The greater the LIE, the greater the chance that it will be believed."
"The lies are becoming more and more fantastical."
"He's lying to you, there's no such thing, there's no treasure, he was just bullshitting."
"Here's the case when somebody says something that's demonstrably untrue then it needs to be said that's untrue right because he does not have one cintilla of evidence."
"And you see all of that, you know, conservatism as entertainment, but also that that sense of being willing to, you know, say things that are completely not true and laugh it off."
"Through the sheer force of consensus or repetition, a falsehood can become a form of real."
"False claims that our elections have been stolen from us corrupt our democracy as they corrupt the nation."
"A lie is a false statement deliberately presented as being true, a falsehood. A lie is the opposite of the truth."
"You are innocent of the major lies that were told to bring you down."
"False disciples seek personal prosperity."
"Because the less time you spend with truth, it is easier to believe in lies."
"We cannot have truth without falsehood and we cannot have falsehood without truth."
"Truth has come into the world but men loves lies more than truth."
"Lying Spirits are even able to produce lying signs and wonders."
"The book of Acts could be described as a book that records the account of truth clashing with falsehood."
"Speaking broadly, they are useful when they give truth and become harmful when they give falsehood."
"Unfortunately, this one is straight up false."
"Did Trump ever get reinstated? Of course he didn't, this guy's just flat out lying."
"Worrying is like meditating on lies."
"There's no such person as Dr. John Kondike."
"If there is anything in your life that you are saying about yourself that really isn't true...that is a literal Lie from the enemy."
"You never gave us nothing to believe in, 'cause you lied about religious views, you lied about your surgery, you lied about your accent and your past tense, all is perjury."
"Nothing else in this world, it was all a lie, a terrible lie."
"If you repeat a lie long enough, it becomes journalism."
"Shame is a core belief, but all the beliefs that shame develops are lies."
"There's going to be truth in the world, but most of the world is going to be full of falsehood."
"In truth, a lie will not be held."
"The greatest liars work in the biggest companies."
"Of course I know what they are saying, but it is a lie."
"That which is essentially true will never result in that which is essentially untrue."
"Peter speaks the same way in second Peter 2:1. These false teachers had professed to be bought by the master they appeared to have been bought by the master but they never really and truly had been bought by the master."
"I really don't know what that was about. I was always told that a positive test is, you never test positive falsely, you can test negative falsely, but not positive."
"Truth stands distinguished from falsehood."
"He's the classic con man, you know, take one truth, build a welter of lies around it."
"The assertion that you are in falsehood and I am in truth is the most cruel thing."
"Not all was true in the religion I had joined."
"Both the falsehood and the truth were contained in the so-called holy tradition."
"She realizes that everything that this Espada has been saying has been a lie."
"...Bellows has been lying about everything..."
"It wasn't a real committee. It didn't tell the truth. It didn't do the right thing."
"This is all cap, none of this is real."
"Tash is only another name for Aslan," said the ape.
"Negation means denying something which is not there but appears to be there."
"So, devil, you can tell me all the lies you want. I'm not going to listen to them, I'm not going to embrace them, I'm not going to receive them, I'm not going to believe them, I'm not going to think on them."
"Temporariness is a sign of borrowed existence, pointing to the falsity of things."
"The falsity, a lie, is not dangerous in itself. It's harmless. It's the falsity, it's the lie which is laced with truth which is deadly."
"I told Mrs. Walker the authorized version, and she swallowed it up, hook, line, and flipping sinker."
"He claimed to have never met her."
"I suggest they were clear-cut lies."
"The ridiculous notion that because you don't know something, that thereby gives you carte blanche to fabricate some grandiose story to explain it and then hold it over everyone's heads and try to get them to act a certain way, it's completely absurd."
"The contradiction is not the hallmark of truth; the contradiction is the hallmark of a lie."
"When you believe one lie, you're just a liar."
"Keep them cut off because they're spreading lies and gossip."
"Big lies require little lies to sustain them."
"I've seen all this I've seen all the destruction of God's Kingdom in that area of people being led astray because of people saying this person's false when they're true of people making up lies."
"It doesn't line up, it doesn't make sense, and it doesn't make sense for a reason because it doesn't exist."
"Watch out for false teachers and counterfeit religion."
"Everything I said, it's not real. I was just playing the game."
"There's a false narrative that's already being put in place."
"We need to make sure that we're not bearing false witness and we don't deal in falsehoods. A lot of this I find when you look at the claims made by some types of Christians regarding Halloween, there are a lot of falsehoods."
"They were lying, baby, you know they was wrong."
"Some people regret doing what they did to you, knowing that it's not true what they're saying behind your back."
"When the truth becomes weak, the opposite will get a stronghold."
"Telling a lie meant no less than totally altering the universe."
"Damnation is a function of loving a lie."
"It is one of Satan's devices to combine with falsehood just enough truth to give it plausibility."
"There is no such letter. There never was such a letter."
"False motivation is better than no motivation."
"All your excuses are lies. They're trumped-up, conjured up, fabricated, lies."
"This is manipulative, this is also very false, and this is quite dangerous."
"When Satan is building his case, he always starts with the distortion of truth."
"That's a lie from the pit of Hades."
"The truth is actually far more interesting than the falsehood."
"If you have a spiritual experience that says that the New Testament isn't true and that Jesus didn't have to die on the cross for your sins and that none of that matters, you couldn't be more hopelessly deceived."
"the truth of snake oil and fairy dust"
"Everyone believes things that are not true."
"It was true nested in a larger truth of falsehood."
"They prophesy a false vision, divination, a worthless thing."
"That's the lie you've believed for years."
"The filing of false reports not only perpetuated the cycle of abuse but also undermined the trust and integrity of the justice system."
"Gentlemen, false figures, figments of a fertile and unscrupulous imagination."
"Pinocchio's nose grew every time he told a lie."
"Suicide is the biggest lie because men get deceived, women get deceived, youngsters get deceived into taking something that's not even theirs."
"The enemy only has the power to lie."
"She is that scale that brings truth and falsehood."
"Falsehood's nature is to weaken, dissipate, and perish."
"Their whole life is a lie, and in reality, they are running away from nothing. They are running away from something they're imagining."
"Cap just basically means a lie or you're lying."
"Some poor souls have been blinded by the falsehoods and deceptive influence of satanic agencies and have turned from truth and righteousness to follow these fallacies of satanic origin."
"A lie can only be supported by more lies."
"It's the biggest lie anybody could ever tell anybody."
"It's not true, it's simply not true."
"So if this is false, this is false, it doesn't matter."
"A lie will make it all around the world before the truth is able to get its boots on."