
Pathology Quotes

There are 213 quotes

"Avoidance of fear can become extremely pathological, resulting in all sorts of twisted addictions, lying, criminal schemes, dirty politics, abuse, various kinds of parasitic behavior, ideologies, and devilry of all sorts."
"He is a manipulator, a pathological liar, a thief, a sociopath, and above all, a sadistic murderer."
"Pathological Envy is engendered by the realization of some lack, deficiency, or inadequacy in oneself."
"Finding so many new viruses and discovering so many new different pathogens that existed a long time ago will actually help us understand our own evolution."
"Every pathology, every pathology that's not biochemical, emanates from this [not being seen]."
"If you live a pathological life, you pathologize your society. If enough people do that, then it's hell, really, really."
"The order of a totalitarian world is a pathological order."
"Narcissism is partly a pathological narcissism, partly a cultural-bound syndrome."
"Most pathological liars are almost always sociopaths."
"Pathogens tend to evolve to be more benign over time, more transmissible, and more benign. But that is not... a rule of thumb."
"Survival comes in degrees, some harmonious, some pathological."
"These things make us weaker, these things create the pathologies of modernity."
"Neurotic phenomena are by no means the products exclusively of disease—they are no more than pathological exaggerations of normal occurrences."
"A water hammer pulse is one of the common features of the wide pulse pressure findings."
"Insulin isn't always our friend. While it is a hormone that is needed for life, it is also pathogenic when it's too high for too long."
"The child's hyper bonding motivation towards the narcissistic borderline parent isn't a symptom of healthy bonding, it's a symptom of pathological bonding."
"Immune responses thought to lead to acute lung injury and acute respiratory distress syndrome, so a clear immunopathology associated with these infections."
"It's important to emphasize that only a tiny percentage of the children exposed to abuse and trauma develop these pathologies."
"A parasitic lifestyle is a trait of a psychopath."
"It's when they take it to a further level that goes outside of what the mainstream of that religion believes that it just might become pathological."
"That's a level of deception that feels pathological to me."
"It's an interesting case because of how narcissism and psychopathy play out."
"The majority of pathology and disease as we know it today does not exist."
"Pathological outcomes of inflammation include excessive response, collateral tissue damage, and miss-targeted response."
"Inflammation can lead to pathology when it's excessive, inappropriately induced, or due to collateral damage."
"Mast cell activation diseases are characterized by increased numbers of pathological mast cells or abnormal release of mast cell chemicals."
"It's not a diagnostic feature of a pathology, it's a diagnostic feature of an organism in a state of threat."
"Understand how to window appropriately on your pack system so you can go through your conceptual approach relatively quickly while making it more likely that you won't miss pathology."
"Pressure overload and volume overload both lead to left ventricular hypertrophy."
"Acute cardiac failure: another cause is acute infective endocarditis, where vegetations form over the aortic valve leaflets, leading to aortic regurgitation."
"We're looking at a whole different model of pathology where the cells are locked in this danger response."
"Early phase... due to vascular events, increased permeability... later, lot of cytokines are produced locally... many chemotactic factors are produced... accumulate inflammatory cells."
"The unique point of type 3 reactions is the presence of free immune complexes in circulation or tissue fluids."
"The biggest contributor to mortality in patients with ARDS is actually multi-organ failure."
"Sinus node degeneration causes sinus syndrome."
"Aortic regurgitation causes steep aortic pressure changes and a wide pulse pressure."
"And in this shape it becomes what we refer to as amyloid."
"Wherever these cells deposit themselves, they're going to continue to grow."
"The visceral fat is the one that's most associated with pathology. The higher the visceral fat, generally, the worse off you are."
"Once doctors medicalize a behavior, once they pathologize some behavior, they begin to charge big time for curing this behavior or healing the condition."
"He's a monster. In fact, we may be in the presence of the most disturbed, manipulative, narcissistic, intelligent, pathological liar that has ever been conceived in the history of media."
"Psychopath behavior in its purest form."
"Some psychiatric conditions might be pathologic exaggerations of beneficial traits."
"Defense mechanisms are not pathologies. Although they can be psychogenic, they can lead to a pathology."
"The pathogen gets killed but because of the damage, it's sustained within glycolysis."
"Consciousness as we experience it now within the confines of history is most analogous to cancer."
"Necrosis means irreversible cell injury, but some cells follow apoptotic pathways while others follow necrotic pathways."
"Plasma membrane disruption in necrotic cells leads to the release of intracellular constituents, triggering an inflammatory reaction."
"High-frequency stimulation was efficacious; low-frequency stimulation... actually pathological or harmful."
"One of the questions that I saw on the chat box was about microperforation and what is the pathophysiology there."
"There's some real value that we as pathologists can play in assessing for the risk of the syndrome."
"Not only does it show these remarkable changes in symptomatology, that's pathologic in nature in many cases, but you also of course see evidence of people being changed behaviorally."
"Pathologists heavily impact many clinical decisions."
"In Parkinson's disease, you see Lewy bodies, while in MSA, you see glial cytoplasmic inclusions made up of abnormal Alpha synuclein."
"These disorders do not have any DNA or RNA, yet they appear to have the capability of talking neighboring proteins into being abnormal."
"Pathology has one of the best lifestyles relative to other medical specialties."
"And the basic pathophysiology of it is that we know that there's tons of mature lymphocytes being produced due to excessive proliferation and differentiation reason why we don't know."
"During inspiration, fibrotic band of the constructive pericarditis compresses the right ventricle strongly."
"It's a culture. And what I said at the end is just that if this guy had just spent a little bit more of his pathologies and channeled it into his career rather than his personal life we may never have discovered any of this stuff."
"Intracellular edema means excessive fluid inside the cells."
"The most important consideration out of everything is the pathology of that field you're going into. Do you like the disease process that you'll be treating, and do you think you can work with that disease for the rest of your career?"
"The real medical significance of metaplasia is that in some sites where the pathological irritation is constantly present, cells can progress from metaplasia, develop dysplasia, and then malignant neoplasm or cancer."
"Alveolar opacities are due to fluid accumulation within the alveoli and terminal bronchioles."
"First starting with the pathology or pathophysiology."
"But the other thing is, whether nature also originally selected this as a physiological signal during the development but only when you accumulate high levels it becomes a pathologic molecule just like ROS can."
"Even if religions do arise from some kind of pathology, that doesn't necessarily say anything or cast a cloud over whether or not they're accurate."
"A lack of physical activity not only from an evolutionary perspective but also from a medical perspective is not only abnormal but also contributes to pathology."
"Intense osteoclastic bone resorption."
"What happens in colloidal drusen is that they are so large in shape and so tall that they are going to cause compression of this interdigitation zone or the ellipsoid zone."
"We must treat the donut, not the hole. Pathology is not the driver of pain. Lower limb tendon pain appears to be a local nociceptive issue, not centrally sensitized."
"Tendons and tendon pathology are complex. Simplistic treatments don't fully restore function."
"The pathological tendon has more good structure than a normal tendon. We can load these tendons because we have plenty of good tissue."
"Dysplasia is disordered growth, often considered a precursor for cancer."
"So the virus outstrips the antibody response."
"Pathology uses very special techniques and tools to evaluate samples, to identify the type and stage of tumors."
"Pathology is really one component of the entire oncology care team to really help patients obtain the most advanced care available to improve their outcomes."
"The condition usually emerges in young adulthood leading suffers down a dark and dangerous path."
"There's a choreography in all relationships because there's a dominant-submission thing going on in all relationships. I think sometimes it's extreme and pathological, obviously, but even in people who are having normal relationships, there's a dominance-party thing going on."
"Your conclusion was that no portm trauma or pathology was present on the skeletal remains."
"...the core structures are all again plastered or embedded in the wall of the cyst."
"A pixel has no thickness, okay? So when scanning, it's important to have small pixels to get as many pixels into the pathology as possible."
"Chronic inflammation sets in when repair doesn't take place or the irritant can't be removed."
"This pathway may be a common mechanism of synapse loss and cognitive dysfunction in a host of diseases."
"It suggests that even all of these diseases are so different from one another, but there may be a common denominator downstream."
"It means people have plaques and tangles in their brain."
"I love teaching because it keeps you up to date. If I wasn't teaching, I don't think I'd be as good a pathologist as I hope."
"Our treatment recommendations are really only as good as our understanding of the pathology report."
"These tumors are hard and firm, they're like rocks, and that's how they cause the symptoms by pressing on things."
"The jugular veins are systemic veins so they become congested raised jugular venous pressure the liver of course is part of the body so that becomes congested hepatic congestion and this is what pathologists call out a meatloaf liver."
"The congestion in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract can impair absorption of food from the gastrointestinal tract so there's reduced absorption of nutrients into the blood because of the GI a congestion."
"Thrombus formation inside the blood vessel without injury... it is harmful."
"Cardinal signs of inflammation: redness, heat, swelling, pain, loss of function."
"Plural effusions are pretty easy to find with ultrasound and it's very very sensitive you're going to find pleural effusions that you don't see with the chest x-ray but you can pick up with ultrasound."
"The key to clinical integration here is that you're going to have patients who are maybe a little bit sick maybe a little bit short of breath and you find a little bit of pathology."
"Malignancy... metastatic cause... they disrupt the blood-brain barrier... blood to seep into these areas around the tumor."
"A very clear-cut case of histoplasmosis."
"It's found in the environment, primarily a pulmonary pathogen."
"The role of the pathologist is to make bodies talk. They speak a language that gives us many indicators we can use to begin determining what happened to a person just before or even after death."
"The contrast between the two: acute coronary syndrome different pathophysiology, right?"
"With P40 staining, you want to see strong staining greater than 50% to call it a squamous cell carcinoma."
"The larger the gradients the more severe the underlying pathology."
"The oxygen saturation in situations of impaired diffusion and VQ mismatch usually fully corrects with 100% fio2 unless the underlying pathology is very severe and or advanced."
"There's a big variation, and we can learn a lot of immunology and infectious diseases by paying attention to these experiments of nature that are the primary immune deficiencies."
"We know that this stenosis is extremely severe. Forget about the numbers here, let's say we don't see those numbers but by looking at this very turbulent waveform."
"Senescent cells are zombie-like cells... and they start secreting inflammatory factors and factors that cause cancer."
"OC instability we see in a variety of pathologies traumas obviously classic."
"...this event of one misfolded protein inducing misfolding in the other one is called permissive templating."
"...the misfolding of this protein in the brain can actually spread to regions beyond the brain."
"GBS causes ascending paralysis starting from the feet up to the brain."
"Myasthenia gravis is characterized by muscle weakness due to decreased secretion of acetylcholine."
"Demonology is not just another crack pathology."
"Embrace of pathology without pathos to speak of black social life and black social death against social death in social death all of this is to find oneself in the midst of an argument that is also a profound agreement."
"Viral immunopathology is nothing new."
"So these are very sick, pathological dynamics within the family system."
"Dermatopathology is the pathology of the skin, making diagnoses based on what you see."
"I'm encouraged by the number of people who are presenting here on the development of borderline pathology."
"I recognized at that point that this was pathological, that there was something going on with my brain chemistry that was causing me to feel this way."
"Putting my fascination and interest to good use to do the best I can at being a pathologist to help sick patients is the most important thing I can do."
"When I find good stroma like this and papillary mesenchymal bodies, I feel comfortable saying this is a benign hair follicle tumor."
"SOX10 has more versatility in addition to being a cleaner stain."
"Taking wonderful advantage of these new technologies to spread information and knowledge about pathology."
"It's such a paradox that such a deadly cancer can so closely mimic a benign process under the microscope."
"Hello everyone, today we are proud to welcome Dr. Rich Pi, who is professor of pathology in Mayo Clinic Arizona."
"I think it's important as pathologists that we understand how gastroenterologists view colon polyps."
"The pathologist's greatest helper in evaluating ovarian tumors, I submit to you, is thorough sampling of neoplasms."
"Chondroid lipoma, a really fascinating entity and extremely rare."
"My goal with QPath is that it should be an open source platform for whole slide image analysis."
"These are what's called Lewy body disorders and really it's a group of disorders that really have at their core feature the similar brain pathology."
"Disease specificity. Diseases were thought to be discrete entities that could be classified."
"The linking of medicine with pathology, a physical examination with post-mortem autopsies."
"Increased blood flow might indicate a particular underlying pathology, including infections or recent fracture."
"If the king is also a father, there is an epitome of morbid self-love."
"Pathology is the scientific study of disease."
"Immunostains are used a lot in the modern practice of pathology."
"The inquiries were linked together with the help of a pathologist who spotted similarities and phoned in."
"There is an overlap with other pathology that is also suitable to treatment with endovascular stents including trauma, dissections, and acute aortic syndrome."
"These instances of pathological bones suggest that there was some sort of group care and potential feeding of injured individuals."
"Pathology really is just generally the study of disease."
"The pulmonary edema is just a manifestation of the cause of death."
"Anaplasia is considered to be a hallmark of malignancy."
"Benign tumors lack the ability to invade, infiltrate, or metastasize."
"Malignant tumors have the ability to metastasize, but benign tumors do not."
"All cancers display eight fundamental changes in cell physiology, these are called hallmarks of cancer."
"We are really excited with all the molecular advances, but we always need to maintain our roots in general surgical pathology to best serve our patients."
"It is the actual causative agent of the disease."
"The first thing that happens is the tissue that's removed from the body is cut into pieces small enough to fit into this thing that we call a cassette."
"The stain that will be used is hematoxylin and eosin or H and E."
"Neutrophils filling the air spaces is called an acute bronchopneumonia pathologically."
"In pathology what we have learned is you never say never because the moment you say never then the next case is going to show it."
"Being a pathologist means you're always learning, and it doesn't end after your residency."
"We learn new things every day in pathology."
"We really appreciate your support and encouragement in our humble effort to bring pathology education which is available to all of you."
"No one gets nearer to the human being than the pathologist."
"The opposite of gratitude is resentment, and there is nothing that’s more pathological than resentment."
"The pathogen must have the ability to either penetrate into specific host tissues or evade or trick our host defenses."
"It's essential to know the clinical history and the imaging findings, and the pathological diagnosis on core needle biopsy must be concordant with the imaging studies."
"This is to show that p63 is consistently expressed in metaplastic carcinoma of the breast."
"The histopathology shows non-caseating granulomas with one alpha hydroxylase activity."
"I've made these videos and went so in-depth because I find that pathologists often really struggle with these because the names sound so much alike."
"A disease on the other hand is a plant problem caused by a pathogen."
"In forensic pathology, we like to think of things that are close together in space are close together in time."
"The pathogens left the brain completely intact; instead, the virus kills by disrupting the brain's ability to regulate necessary body functions."
"Secondary gain of illness means exploitation of one's pathology for obtaining secondary benefits from the family or the state."
"The pathologist is the most important doctor that you never meet."
"Pathology is the quality control of medicine."
"We as pathologists are pattern recognizers."
"I'm so excited for him to talk to you all about pathology because I don't know anything about path, so we're gonna learn a ton together."
"I really enjoyed pathology. I thought it was so fascinating."
"Every case is kind of a puzzle, and I think if you enjoy solving puzzles, I think you'll enjoy pathology."
"It's never too late to pursue a career in pathology."
"Thank you for inviting me today; this is my attempt to do a quick, fast and furious overview of some bone and soft tissue pathology aimed at orthopedic surgery residents."
"The foundation of the pathology are the unprocessed physiologically stored memories."
"This is the hematoxylin and eosin stain, H&E, a stain that pathologists have been using since the late 1800s."
"Hey, I love it. It's the best job in the world for me. That's what someone told me: if you like being a pathologist, it's the best job in the world."
"The essence of the pathology is not in those body parts that are hurting; the problem is in the brain and the central nervous system."
"The community of pathologists I know around the world... that is absolutely the very best part of it."
"It is almost, if not impossible, to think of any disease entity or pathology that does not involve any biochemical aberration."
"The defining feature of CTE is accumulation of a toxic protein called the tau protein in the brain."
"Being proficient at grossing will make you a better pathologist."
"Grossing is only one step of the process; it is a very influential step, but it's just one step."
"The underlying pathology of coronary artery disease is atherosclerosis."
"Masculinity is a burden that if mismanaged can turn pathological and destroy your life and that of others around you."
"What started as a character flaw in these characters turns into a pathology that then leads on to a destroyed life."
"To the degree that the members of a society erect positive self-illusions around themselves to protect their normality, they will make their group pathological."
"I'm board certified in anatomic and clinical pathology, and in forensic pathology."
"Solving puzzles: if you love the puzzle aspect of medicine, then pathology has you covered."
"Pathologists are unsung heroes; there's very little appreciation for them."
"Alzheimer's disease refers to the pathologic change in the brain."
"Learning about lymph node pathology, biopsies and beyond."
"What are the cardinal signs of acute inflammation? Redness, hotness, swelling, pain, loss of function."
"The immune system has recognized parts of your brain cells, neurons, as though they were a pathogen and they've mounted an immune response to them."
"I'm a pathologist; we study disease and whilst that might be a whole lot of facts, those facts can be turned into information and knowledge, and that knowledge is of real value when it's applied."
"Having an experienced pathologist is absolutely critical."
"The pathology of osteosarcoma is complex."
"To be a forensic pathologist, you are required to first have board certification and training in anatomic pathology."
"Immunohistochemical stains are very useful in diagnosing certain types of cancers."
"It's not the virus itself that actually kills people, but a combination of these two major pathologies."
"A tumor is an unregulated growth of abnormal cells which reproduce and spread throughout the body due to mutation within genes responsible for growth and survival."
"Pathology is the study of disease and dysfunction of the physiological systems of the human body."
"A disease process affects the bone in a much different way than an external force."