
Existential Fear Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"Fear has a very deep existential dimension it's really a universal problem of consciousness people don't appreciate that it goes much deeper than just psychology."
"You have your finger on something that I am haunted by, which is that people are lost; they're scared in life."
"The most terrifying thing about hell is not the absence of God, it's the presence of God."
"The greatest fear of mankind is dying... because we haven't practiced for it."
"The extent to which we recognize the nature of our essential being or self and are established in it, to that extent the existential fear of disappearance or death diminishes."
"I fear not that I will die, but that all I have come to love, the birds and the things that are not birds, will perish with me."
"What if you went all the way out there, something went wrong, and you ended up slowly floating away into the cold dark abyss? No one would be able to save you. Or hear you scream."
"There’s almost nothing on this earth quite as terrifying as remembering your own death."
"What's worse than being afraid of dying is having a fear of fully living."
"Why did they get scared? Every bit of your personal identity spins away into nothingness. You'll feel terror."
"We're both afraid of the same thing, then. We're gonna close our eyes and that'll be that everything we are doesn't matter, but I don't believe that."
"The older you get the faster time goes man it's [ __ ] terrifying."
"If my daughter living in this world and she doesn't feel safe, I'm dead anyway."
"Women just want to exist without the fear of being murdered."
"Fear of dying is one of those fundamental things hardwired in every human."
"We've lost our spirituality and our fear of the universe."
"Existential horror to be absolutely mentally crippling."
"This theory actually scares a lot of people. The idea that our universe is just so minuscule in comparison to the infinite amount of universes."
"I fear the fear of death, but even if we die, we become legends."
"It's just the fact that it's completely out of your control that gives me this deep existential fear, keeps me up at night kind of thing."
"There's a point where it all eventually stops, and that's the scary part."
"Growing up, I had this real fear of death, which I think everybody does."
"Enjoy widespread economic prosperity and fear your very existence."
"Aliens could view us like we view ants, you know? And that is petrifying to me."
"That simple pure evil that therefore has no rhyme or reason is the most terrifying thing you could ever imagine."
"How is it that someone can simply vanish off the face of the earth? There's a terrifying reality that such a thing is very, very possible."
"Everything I have, the very little I have, can be taken away at any time for any reason, and I will have nothing I could do about it."
"Scariest thing ever is for you to be separated from the guy that created you."
"The fear of the self is a very difficult concept to approach."
"Perhaps its human nature, but people are always too eager to believe that forces beyond their control are nearby, waiting to take us out..."
"I'm scared that there is a mathematical formula of who I am that might be more than I myself ever was."
"The terror within is far truer and far more powerful than any of our labels."
"I have a fear of death, it shows up every morning."
"Nothing scares people more than telling them the world is going to end."
"Fear of death is the most pervasive power in our lives."
"My fear was just a product of being alive and existing in the world."
"The people worried about the presence of the Lord leaving them will be the ones to make it."
"Everybody is [afraid of death]. Have you not thought about it very deeply?"
"2001: A Space Odyssey is about the fear of the unknown."
"That fear is living a life that is a total utter lie."
"The torture of the whole fact that you're gonna die, which I totally thought I was going to, is worse to me than dying."
"I wonder if I'm gonna die right now, I wonder if this is it, like, I wonder, I like, I didn't know when it was going to end."
"The biggest monster you ever fear is one that erases you, like your personality. The thing that makes you you is yourself. Now imagine a monster that just rips that away from you. Like, it doesn't kill you, but it still kills you."
"A monster that feeds upon your soul or who you are would be honestly quite terrifying. Where you don't actually die, but you do die. Your body's left behind as a shivering mass of meat and blood."
"The fear of being left alone at the end of it all, the fear of death, fear of the unknown."
"The entire universe is terrifying, making sense of what's real."
"...we are all terrified of death and it's hard to reconcile that one day we will leave this world and the soul will leave the body."
"The terrors of death depend for the most part upon the false illusion that now the ego vanishes and the world remains."
"If you're terrified of mortality, there's always the possibility that the life path you're following isn't rich enough to buffer you against the negative elements of existence."
"The one thing they fear more than anything else is their own personal absence."
"It's not dying that frightens us; it's living without ever having done our best."
"My greatest fear is that like I'll be forgotten, my life didn't matter at all."
"The scariest thought to an intelligent human being is the possibility that I died and I didn't fulfill my purpose."
"The search for immortality is such an answer to a human's fear of death."
"The fear of absolute disappearance is the fear we have to deal with."
"I'm afraid of dying, and that's what separates us."
"True fear isn't about being hurt; it isn't about losing your belongings or even your life. True fear is about losing yourself."