
Flight Quotes

There are 1228 quotes

"We're flying on Mars. What a fantastic concept on another planet."
"During Ramadan, there in Pakistan, it was a relatively short flight from Lahore, Pakistan, over to Karachi."
"Mankind has dreamed of defying gravity and taken to the air since the very earliest times, and while it remains to be seen if our ancient ancestors did somehow manage to master flight technology thousands of years before it was thought possible, it's still a fascinating thought experiment to consider."
"The ability and freedom to fly is a great gift but one that sometimes comes at great cost."
"The griffon vulture is the highest-flying bird in the world, which fits well with the cherub's soaring and divine purpose."
"All those friends succeeded in their much-deserved acquisition of a Yantra, by means of which human beings can fly in the air, and non-earthling celestial beings can come down to mortals when visiting the earth."
"Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return."
"The skies are a wondrous place and ever since man evolved we've dreamed of being able to fly."
"The sun wing feels great to fly; it's super cool to be able to just summon it."
"I wasn't flying through the fog, I was flying with the fog."
"So you're bored and how did you get back airborne?"
"The idea of flight has fascinated mankind for centuries."
"We're just excited to see how players enjoy zooming through the skies."
"That comfortable cluck, he said, would fly like hell, fight like a wasp upstairs, and land like a butterfly."
"Folks, in other news, we've got yet another dude in a jet pack haulin ass across the sky like Iron Man."
"One of the dreams of most of the people associated with the space flight is to actually fly themselves."
"It was so interesting getting to just fly for a bit."
"Ultimately, while I love ornithopters and they fly surprisingly well, I can't say that they're really possible vehicles."
"I enjoyed that flight, I thought that was really, really nice."
"Cruiser, it just was gliding through the sky."
"Flight is like the best power somebody could have."
"Flying high above the sky was one of the greatest ambitions and challenges."
"Fly infinitely with an elytra using this trick."
"Giant Realistic Flying Tiger, a massive tiger capable of flight possessing both the size of a giant and the ability to soar through the air."
"Look at this dude, flying through his guise."
"We just fly around spreading joy and happiness and take people for flights."
"It's believed that quetzalcoatlus was capable of reaching speeds of 80 miles per hour while flying and that it could be in flight for between seven and ten days at an altitude of fifteen thousand feet."
"This show will be called 'Disney Dreams That Soar', inspired by our favorite Disney stories that showcase flight."
"... flying over the place, they find several ships pierced by the crystals ..."
"Love gives you wings, love makes you fly."
"The thrill of realistic flight in seconds."
"It's clear that something large and unknown flew above Stephenville that night."
"Heart beating out of my chest, I ran out of there."
"Before this discovery, scientists believed that bats were the first flying mammals to appear 50 million years ago."
"The discovery of anuis proves the dinosaur flight was a result of trial and error in the evolution of anatomy and feathers."
"In the vastness of the sky, dreams take flight."
"They are the only birds that can fly backwards and upwards and sideways."
"Tinker Bell has the ability of flight, she can give others flight via pixie dust."
"The Landing is the most dangerous part of any flight."
"I love watching the birds fly, it's... you know, some bird owners clip their bird's wings so they can't fly, and I find that to be quite cruel."
"He said he could fly and be free."
"I always wanted to be able to fly."
"Like some great silver bird, the craft leaves its perch and drops earthward in majestic silence."
"We may never know where or in what dimension those fields existed that we flew over, but she and I both know that we flew."
"The drone of the engine had been all that was left, the drone and the sea of green trees that lay before the plane's nose and flowed to the horizon, spread with lakes, swamps, and wandering streams and rivers."
"Why is that eagle able to fly high and forward? Because it has two wings: a left wing and a right wing."
"In total, the flight lasted just 12.5 seconds."
"The flight, other than the turbulence, was totally normal."
"I'm going to live forever, I'm going to learn how to fly."
"Accurate realtime flight tracking."
"This flight feels faster than a flight to New York like way faster. I watched two movies and then boom I feel like I fell asleep and now we're here."
"Perhaps you've heard of a zero G flight or what some people have coined the vomit comment."
"That was almost like she could fly."
"Joseph Walker could fly to the edge of space and land again within 12 minutes."
"Repeatable routes is effectively like a motion control for the sky."
"Falcon's wings provide him with effective flight capability and improved shielding."
"Flight numbers matter myth busted. Moving on to the next myth."
"Stalls occur when the wing exceeds the critical angle of attack."
"...flight time is just downright nuts."
"I've taken it out of the box... flies straight up."
"...rotation speed was something like 60 knots which felt kind of slow in that big of an airplane but you can tell the airplane's got so much lift it just really wants to fly."
"Before you try to take off on your first flight, it's always a good practice to verify that the Drone is oriented correctly so that it doesn't freak out on your first flight."
"It's amazing how much they know about what you actually need during your flight and it's probably a lot less than you think that you need."
"The flight through the eye is visually stunning."
"We see putting fleets of aircraft at locations where we provide maintenance, we provide training, and people can come in and basically pay per flight."
"Imagine being on this flight, it's 1982."
"You are no longer bound by the constraints of being human. You have transformed into a magnificent bird graced with wide powerful wings and the gift of flight."
"The Sakara bird's proportions are perfectly engineered for flight."
"As soon as we flew off, I could feel the adrenaline drain out of me."
"Did you know that chickens can jump and fly too?"
"the pilot announced that they were escorting us back to Boston"
"For once you have tasted flight, you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward; for there you have been, and there you long to return." - Leonardo da Vinci
"Air magic empowers you to harness the element of air and take flight."
"Saying that feathers evolve for flight is like saying that fingers evolve to play the piano."
"Keeps you very ergonomic and comfortable during your flight."
"An airplane does not fly ballistically. It relies on the wing."
"You're not gonna outrun Falcon, let's be real, the guy can fly!"
"I flew from the stars on my magic sleigh."
"Every flight's an anxiety attack, you know."
"It's like turbulence on a flight."
"Titan is one of the best, if not the best place in the solar system to fly. If you personally were on Titan and you had some kind of wings attached to your arms for some reason, if you flapped your arms, you would actually be able to fly."
"This is your captain speaking, my name is Tim Lancaster, welcome aboard this British Airways flight to Malaga."
"Show me what it's like to be circling among the clouds."
"...I'm the winner of a super bird and I nearly missed the flight..."
"The long body flew through the air and came towards me."
"Planes are weird. They can fly, it's weird, I know."
"I hope that you're enjoying the scenery in the flight as much as I am."
"Technically, a bee shouldn't be able to fly at all."
"Soaring through the skies with extraordinary aerobatic finesse."
"Eddie spreads his wings as he flies into the sky as all of the Symbiotes follow."
"The falcon takes off in low, fast flight."
"Flight and land, voyage of the butterflyer XP."
"Imagine weaving between towering trees, the wind whipping through your hair as you experience the unparalleled freedom of flight."
"Flight is reserved only for the angels."
"We were chosen to fly. The world expects of us to fly."
"Imagine if we had the power to fly through the desert. Imagine if we could fly like a pack, like a team of hunting raptors. Imagine if we had Harris's hawk powers."
"...31 minutes is optimistic as well but I fly all of their mini drones and I'm telling you if you tell me it's 31 minutes in the book I'm going to get 25 solid minutes of flight time."
"All else being equal, a longer flight will always look more noisy."
"...the Drone is set up it's now time to take our first flight with the Mavic 3 Enterprise here."
"Flight is a tool. Flight is not what I wake up passionate about every day. Flight is a tool. The people are the things I'm passionate about."
"Flight is fueled by cortisol and adrenaline again, which gives you extra energy or speed to run faster to get away from the threat."
"I'm a modern superhero. I can fly, but I can't process my own trauma."
"Chickens fly, chickens don't fly, not properly."
"It got quite hectic on the second flight."
"Wakey wakey, you got a flight to catch."
"Who would have thought my grandfather would ever believe that one day he's going to be on a flight?"
"Flight has been good so far, it's been pleasant."
"Are you OG Flight fans? You remember this."
"Gliding into the future: the magic of low-friction flight."
"Paper airplanes: where science takes flight."
"Maximizing paper flight: from lab to sky."
"When paper meets cardboard: the evolution of flight."
"Reinventing paper flight: from floppy to sturdy."
"Parasaurs were the first vertebrates to tame the sky."
"Superman, the movie, it's pretty good. It's about 10 to 20 percent where I believe a man can fly."
"I'm flying up in the sky like Superman."
"If you decide to take a flight, oh my God, you will look from above."
"What makes airplanes, or basketballs, or people fly? It's air."
"Subsonic, transonic, supersonic... understanding the speeds of flight."
"Spread your wings and fly to the heavens."
"The weather definitely wasn't awesome today but the aerospace we're flying in allows for this flight to happen legally."
"When local farmers asked, 'Have you flown far?' she simply replied, 'From America.'"
"The next leg today then takes us further north from Manchester to Aberdeen flight time on this leg was one hour and 13 minutes cruising at 20 000 feet."
"The way that it lifts off the ground and floats is"
"Angels fly because they take themselves so lightly."
"You will then learn all sorts of things about how to control your flight, your speed, your maneuverability, and the trick usually lies in not thinking too hard about whatever you want to do but just allowing it to happen as if it was going to anyway."
"Every flight is an opportunity to refine procedures, rehearse checklists, build flight experience, etc."
"Flying would be awesome," I said. "What would yours be?"
"No bird ever soared in a calm. Adversity was not just important in flight and in the understanding of the ways of technology, it was important in life."
"It was as if my return had been anticipated. Which should be adequate reason for immediate flight I suppose, but that was silly."
"Soaring fantastic flight sets itself apart with its dedication to storytelling."
"Buckle up everyone in the back please take your seats. Flight attendants, get ready for takeoff."
"Apparently, there's a species of snake that are capable of performing gliding flight. Oh, yeah."
"This is such a great moment because flight is so important to superheroes and I feel like that is a moment of spectacular flight."
"Psychotic. If you enjoy like, 'Oh, I can't wait to get on a flight today and talk to someone new, you are mentally ill."
"Flying is like a superpower and a fantasy."
"That was one way to get revenge on an annoying seat-stealing entitled Karen on a flight."
"To have powerful wings and fly well, this has spiritual significance."
"When God wished to create the horse... I make thee to fly without wings."
"The Lord says to you, 'Do not be late. The flight is on schedule. Don't miss the flight. This is the flight of your life.'"
"Once passing the rotation speed, the captain pulled back on the control wheel and the plane was angled into the air."
"The allure of ballooning lies in its simplicity - heated air, less dense than the surrounding air, rises and allows the balloon to ascend in the direction the wind blows."
"It was so bumpy. One of the more senior flight attendants was like, 'This was the bumpiest I've ever experienced.' So, it was a wild ride."
"Dragonflies, beautiful and the best flyers."
"Flying the plane are number one and two boys, pilot Chad Stevens, copilot Jake Slade."
"I was so impressed at how this handles when I flew it. It just flies so beautifully. It's so nice."
"You want to find discs that will do that for you and have that understable flight."
"The overall flight performance is a joy to experience."
"The lighter a quadcopter is, the less energy it needs to keep itself in the air...and the longer it will fly."
"It's a very safe plane to fly in that type of situation."
"So, the purpose of this first flight was just to see how the drone flies and how the video looked, and so far, so good."
"The Avada can fly a long time. I've had it out in the field for a little over a month and I'm getting between 12-15 minutes of flight time on it."
"So they've reached the spot, air balloons are really awesome."
"Despite looking like they would not be particularly good flyers, Sigilyph has quite a few Pokedex entries that mention this Pokemon’s flight patterns."
"It is super stable and flies good and slow at first."
"...the beauty of this plane it just wants to stay in ground effect."
"That was the easiest long-range flight I've ever done."
"This flight is about six and a half hours long and the crew want me to have a good rest so while I am still eating they are making the bed in the next suite in the middle for me. Fabulous."
"Romance them with a nice sunset flight."
"Flight fight you can't call it a papi fly not all pappy three of them three out of the five that were papi and pappy's just more fun to say so we're gonna call it a pappy fight no we're gonna call it a van winkle flight fight us."
"When you drop... you actually feel your jet get light and kind of go up a little bit."
"There's no way I'd get on that flight if Bruce Dickinson was flying."
"Danny flies into the atmosphere in about 40 seconds and it was calc to be about sub relativistic or Mach 17,000 something."
"Superman can fly and run at tremendous hypersonic speeds."
"He found that he was flying. He had quite forgotten about his wings, and that was a great surprise to him."
"Please sit back, relax, and enjoy our speedy bird."
"We want a visually compelling image of a bird in flight."
"So here we are taking off in any kind of CHOP."
"I knew by flight it's just prolonging my agony, by freeze I'll just still continue to be a victim, but fight, I will show them that I'm an apex."
"In order to get audio com so that I can record what happened from an audio standpoint during the flight, I have cords that connect in between my speakers and the airplane to give audio to the cameras."
"It's just like, 'Oh, it opened up underneath me, I have wings, round I'm gonna fly away.'"
"...if I had any superpower I think I would pick flight."
"By far though the highlight of having the throne seat you can see here even with the tray table pulled out I got an empty counter to my left side while still being able to have two drinks and my laptop on my right side getting plenty of work done throughout the flight."
"...every flight begins with the fall, the crow said."
"Sasaki thinks that it's amazing and he mentions that it's always been the dream of humans to fly without technology."
"Planes gain more lift and stay truer while in the air."
"It spread its wings and leapt into the sky."
"If your flight is overbooked and you can't fly at the designated time, don't hurry to accept the first voucher you're offered as an apology."
"I panicked and I ran up the stairs as fast as I could."
"If you're just marveling at the pure joy of flight, then you've come to the right place at the right time."
"Finally we have the Kanohi Kadin or the mask of flight, worn by Toa Inika Nuparu which allowed him to soar through the sky."
"Welcome aboard for 2500 miles or so from the Atlantic seaboard across the continent to the Golden Gate you are the special guests of flight 803."
"Arms outstretched, long black hair billowing behind as she spiraled towards them."
"She felt the beat of their wings as they flew beneath to break her fall."
"Flight is not really a thing for us."
"Birds may have developed wings gradually, starting with gliding like flying squirrels, and eventually evolving into powered flight."
"Well, I hope to speak to you again on a flight, Tristan. Thank you for taking the time out, I really appreciate it. Good luck."
"You fluidly fly through Rookburgh. No coaster simulates the feeling of flight like this one."
"Put your tray tables out and let me take you on a great adventure."
"An attitude on an airplane is this. It's the pitch of the plane."
"What a weird, wonderful way to fly, absolutely surreal."
"I'm going to go back to reading until I board my flight. I am going to read with this view."
"I hope you had a really good flight where you didn't fart at all."
"The only thing dangerous about a flight... is what you're believing." - The only thing dangerous about a flight.
"That was divine intervention, not spirit protecting you, flying and cleaning house."
"And you know what time is the flight? Can you guess? 11:11. Unbelievable!"
"What a truly amazing flight. I've came and landed on the side here. Rob's landed just up there. A little bit nerve-wracking. Took a little while to get into it, but awesome. Really, really good. This really kick-started our flying for the rest of the trip."
"Maybe the moral of this story: don't fly Spirit."
"Flight's different, concealed air, you know, recycled air. That's tough."
"Day 21 and we still need to run. But we're in the air. It's 10:00 p.m."