
Orbit Quotes

There are 203 quotes

"This is the first time three Dragons will be in orbit: Crew Dragon, Cargo Dragon, and another Crew Dragon."
"I take 1100 Earth years to orbit the sun. That's a mighty long year on my surface."
"It orbits Mars much faster than Mars rotates, completing an orbit in just 7 hours and 39 minutes."
"He who created the night and the day, the sun and the moon, all heavenly bodies in orbit are swimming."
"Technically, Jupiter doesn't orbit the sun; it actually orbits a spot in empty space between it and the sun called the barycenter."
"This is going into a 200 by 210 kilometer low Earth orbit at 28.5-degree inclination."
"Ready to launch the Transporter 2 mission into a sun synchronous orbit."
"Unlike Hubble, which orbits around Earth, the James Webb Space Telescope will orbit alongside Earth in the L2 Lagrange point."
"This one's doing a geostationary direct to geostationary orbit, so the Falcon Heavy upper stage will go out on that first geostationary transfer orbit."
"The real risk is for anything trying to stay in low earth orbit."
"Spacecraft separation has occurred, and Dragon is in orbit."
"It's about a 30-hour ride to orbit this time."
"Second stage is lit, continuing to carry the crew five astronauts into orbit."
"These moons would actually have been considered to be planets if they were not orbiting around another larger planet."
"I think it's a fantastic thing that we're going to have more and more people that are going to have access to low-earth orbit."
"It was abandoned in orbit for almost 6 years, and as it turned out, this would actually be a good thing for much of the research."
"This is the first two of six satellites that will be launching into orbit, helping provide some of the latest in imagery."
"The first application would be for satellite orbital change and positioning and collision avoidance and stuff like that."
"If the Earth had no atmosphere, you could actually just launch from Mt. Everest and go up just a little bit so you don't hit it on the second orbit."
"Musk's cherry red Tesla Roadster now orbits the earth, a celestial joy ride for all eternity."
"Cyclical changes in the shape of the Earth's orbit might explain the onset and retreat of ice ages."
"Observe the stars in heaven. They don't change their orbit but follow the proper paths."
"The International Space Station circles Earth every 92 minutes."
"a comet on the other hand has an orbit like a very long thin egg"
"Starliner is designed to fly anywhere in low-earth orbit."
"The lunar nodes are where the moon's orbit intersects with the sun's path which is the ecliptic."
"Every 45 minutes you're seeing a sunrise or a sunset."
"Should Earth's orbit drastically change, a cascade of profound and life-altering consequences would unfold."
"It's a great example of how a close approach to the earth or in fact any planet can change its orbit."
"When orbiting an object, whether it’s our space station around Earth or Earth around the Sun, the nature of the mechanics involved are basically placing you in free fall, perpetually, but just like when an elevator starts or stops, gravity isn’t in any way shutting off."
"Women put themselves in your orbit when they notice you and they like what they see."
"the combined gravitational influence they are able to exert thus changes over time in complex but predictable ways and the orbit changes its shape constantly in response"
"The Earth takes about 365 days to go all the way around the sun, in other words, it takes one year."
"Imagine if you will a dark object silently orbiting our planet defying explanation and baffling scientists and conspiracy theorists alike."
"We currently have 1886 artificial satellites orbiting the Earth. That number is rising rapidly, which means we're gathering unimaginable visual images of the globe."
"Mercury zips around the sun in only 88 days."
"Earth takes exactly 365.25 days to complete an orbit of the sun."
"The James Webb Space Telescope orbits the Sun at one of the gravitational balance points between the Earth-Sun system."
"Dragons pointed in the right direction continuing its flight to orbit."
"...it's going to be about a nine minute trip from ground to orbit."
"The shape of the orbit that you're in is going to be one of these conic sections."
"For an ellipse, it also goes around and around but in an oblong kind of shape."
"The lesson here is that access to space is not a question of height; it's a question of achieving orbital velocity."
"The moon's orbital circumference is about 377 Earth radii."
"The only way to make that satellite actually go into the sun is if it has a constant thrust, a constant acceleration that is slowing it down."
"Hang it all, we're in space already; every year we go a huge circular tour in space."
"The Moon's orbit is tilted at an angle of approximately five degrees."
"As the Moon orbits around the Earth, sometimes it will come directly between the Earth and the Sun."
"Currently there are more than 5600 satellites on orbit, that's according to Jonathan McDowell, astrophysicist and astronomer at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics."
"The Moon is about one quarter the size of the Earth and orbits around the Earth once every 27.3 days."
"The sun can never overtake the moon, a night can never overtake day, and they're all floating in an orbit."
"Earth's orbit is elliptical, and the distance from the Sun varies from around 147 million km to 152 million km on any given year."
"Every day it was orbiting the Earth 16 times, and every day it was passing over American territory; there was nothing they could do about it."
"The first decisive step in the conquest of space will be the placing of an object into an orbit wherein it will orbit indefinitely south of the Earth."
"The centripetal force in the curved orbit cancels the gravitational pull of the Earth, which keeps the object in its stable orbit."
"The Black Knight satellite conspiracy theory began in the 1950s when newspapers reported that a strange object had been detected in orbit around Earth."
"2005 VX3 is the minor planet with the largest aphelion that we know of."
"Gravity pulls the Earth towards the Sun, but the Earth wants to fly outward towards outer space, so instead, it turns."
"Point of Interest flies an orbit around a subject of your choosing."
"Once you can get stuff into Earth orbit or moon orbit for free, moving around the solar system is actually quite cheap."
"We're spinning, we're flying around a ball of fire at 67 thousand miles an hour."
"Reaching orbit on a second attempt seems to be about the norm for modern-day launch systems."
"We are very eager to see all the amazing capabilities that wide field of view is going to bring to orbit."
"The total energy is minus the gravitational parameter over two times the semi-major axis."
"The orbit must be some sort of conic section."
"Comets are made of ice and dirt and they orbit the sun in elliptical paths."
"The 90-pound scientific payload is now firmly in space, circling the Earth once every 101 minutes."
"No, it has become a destination in low Earth orbit."
"I orbit my G-star, it's called Kepler 37, similar to your sun."
"I orbit a red dwarf, Kepler 1649, exoplanets orbit outside your solar system."
"We're both orbiting around the Sun that is our love."
"It takes 243 Earth days for Venus to complete a rotation around its axis, but it takes 225 Earth days for the planet to orbit the Sun."
"A year is the time taken for the Earth to orbit the Sun once."
"Ever since she had started going out with David Graham, it was like Diane's carefully ordered world had suddenly been knocked into a new orbit."
"The mysterious object displayed astonishing characteristics; its orbit around the sun appeared to be highly irregular, defying the conventional laws of celestial mechanics."
"As Europa goes around Jupiter, it's flexing, and sometimes it's a little closer to Jupiter, sometimes it's further away."
"Crew 5 astronauts will race towards space, reaching orbit in about 12 minutes."
"This event caused Nibiru to become locked into a long elliptical orbit in our solar system."
"Space Hotel USA is today speeding around the earth at a height of 240 miles."
"As these two spaceships fly at 17,500 miles an hour, 185 miles above the Earth."
"The moon takes 27.3 days to finish an orbit around the earth."
"Messenger was the first chance to actually put a spacecraft into long-term orbit around the planet Mercury to truly map its surface."
"The ISS actually orbits around the Earth once every 90 minutes, so the darkness only lasts for about 45 minutes each time it comes."
"The moon changes so rapidly from one night to the next because it's orbiting around the Earth."
"Sedna's extraordinary orbit challenges our understanding of the Solar System's formation and the forces shaping its outer boundaries."
"Gravitational pull... keeps planets orbiting the Sun, it keeps moons orbiting the planet, it keeps artificial satellites orbiting the Earth."
"Two black holes find themselves stably orbiting each other but never getting closer, like you and your crush at an eighth-grade dance."
"During this ambitious tour of the solar system, its orbit will carry it out to the same distance as Jupiter."
"Triton, one of Neptune's moons, orbits the planet backward."
"Every orbit in space, whether it's a circular orbit, an elliptical orbit, a space probe on an escape trajectory, they all represent each of the four conic sections depending on how much speed you have in your orbit."
"The concept of the geosynchronous or stationary orbit was the obvious place to put such a satellite."
"The elliptical orbit of a comet is shown above; position one and two are respectively the farthest and the nearest positions to the sun."
"More than half the stars in our galaxy travel in groups of two or more, orbiting around a common center of gravity."
"It takes a full year for the Earth to slowly move around the Sun."
"The Moon is not going around the Earth; it's traveling along with the Earth around the Sun."
"It is wrong to say the Moon orbits the Earth; the Moon orbits the Sun along with the Earth."
"It only takes about 88 days for Mercury to have a year-long rotation around the sun."
"I'm an exoplanet orbiting the star CoRoT-7."
"I orbit the sun 39.5 AU at my perihelion and 52.7 AU at my aphelion."
"I orbit my G star called Kepler 37, similar to your Sun."
"Takes 29 years for me to orbit the Sun."
"It takes 12 years for me to orbit the Sun; that makes one year on my surface, that's a really long run."
"All planets go around the Sun on an elliptical orbit with the Sun as the focus."
"The Earth's inclination towards the sun has fluctuated and our orbit has also fluctuated."
"The space station orbits Earth every 90 minutes, so astronauts get to see a new sunrise every hour and a half."
"Discovery now getting a boost into orbit from its twin orbital maneuvering system engines on either side of the shuttle's tail."
"Michael Collins... was doing laps around the Moon."
"If we want to get into orbit, we've got to build a system that we can put about nine and a half kilometers per second Delta V into the vehicle."
"A comet is a giant ball of rock and Ice that orbits the Sun and leaves a trail behind it."
"And He it is Who created the night and the day, and the sun and the moon, each gliding along its orbit."
"The Earth orbits at one astronomical unit; this planet orbits at about 5% of that distance."
"Sedna is on this orbit that is huge compared to the rest of the Kuiper Belt."
"I take 365 days to orbit the Sun."
"I take 687 days to orbit the Sun one time."
"I am Mercury, the first planet from our sun, nothing orbits faster than me."
"I take 88 days to orbit once around the Sun."
"We're astronomical objects brought to you here by size, we all orbit the Sun, that may come as some surprise."
"The moon has an odd orbit, which means that the same side of the moon is always facing Earth."
"Studying the orbit of Mars around the Sun, Johannes Kepler discovered its path could be explained only if the planet traveled along an ellipse."
"...it's orbiting around the black hole at practically 30% of the speed of light..."
"Time period equals 24 hours, it stays above a fixed point on the equator."
"Rogue planets don't orbit their stars, maybe because they don't have any."
"It's not just a body that's orbiting around the earth, it's actually doing something."
"The moon is moving away from the earth. It's spiraling outward every orbit."
"We're going right into orbit off the pad, and we're going up 250 miles."
"The International Space Station is a laboratory that orbits the Earth once every 90 minutes."
"If you are in orbit, you are going sideways while you are falling towards Earth."
"The orbit of X is just going to be the set of all Y in our set X such that X and Y are related."
"The geostationary orbit is a very unique orbit."
"It's called 4901 O'Brien and it orbits outside of Mars but before Jupiter."
"Earth and the Moon orbit a common center of gravity."
"Mercury's orbit is the most eccentric of any planet."
"Mariner 9 successfully became the first spacecraft to orbit another planet, narrowly beating the Soviet attempt by less than a month."
"One orbit round the Sun is just 88 Earth days for me."
"In 1961 aboard Vostok 1, he became the first man to orbit the Earth."
"Kepler 62e needs 122 days to orbit its red dwarf star, its neighbor Kepler 62f is another potentially habitable zone."
"The rotation of the orbiting body causes the bulge to point not straight towards the other body but slightly in the direction of rotation."
"...the Earth is essentially in freefall around the Sun, constantly falling towards it but with a forward velocity that is fast enough that the Earth never quite falls into the sun, it just kind of falls around it in an ellipse."
"The rings orbit over Saturn's equator, extending from six thousand to a hundred and twenty thousand kilometers above the surface, yet they are only 20 meters thick."
"I can completely orbit around it and move around."
"I try to fight you off but it's so useless, you circle around me like the moon around the earth."
"Pluto and Charon orbit something called the common center of mass."
"Jupiter takes about 12 Earth years to complete one orbit of the Sun."
"For every radius from the Earth, there is a specific speed that will hold you at that altitude."
"Mercury's orbit has an eccentricity around 0.21, in other words, it's about 20% of the way between a perfect circle and a parabola."
"For that one minute, you can actually appreciate the peace and quiet of being in orbit."
"The orbit of a point in S could define its stabiliser G of S which is a subgroup of G."
"Pluto's journey around the Sun is unlike any other planet in our solar system, with an orbital period of an unimaginable 248 Earth years."
"How many times in one year does the Earth travel around the Sun?" "Once."
"The best fit more or less lies in indeed a 10 earth mass object with a semi-major axis of order 700 astronomical units."
"There's no right way or wrong way to orbit the Sun."
"The appearance of the moon is purely the result of where it happens to be in its orbit with respect to the incoming sunlight."
"Astronaut John Glenn actually was the first American to orbit Earth, he did that on February 20th, 1962."
"They orbit the other; the moon orbits the earth, and the earth orbits the sun."
"Pluto's peculiar orbit is one smoking gun of this event."
"Pluto's orbit really straddles the width of the Kuiper Belt."
"Pluto has this peculiar orbit; it kind of sticks out of the mean plane of the planets."
"For near Earth orbits, the period to go around the Earth is about 90 minutes."
"If you have various orbits which have the same semimajor axis, the period is the same and the energy is the same."
"The most basic definition of a satellite is just a small body orbiting a large body."
"The Milky Way is embedded in some halo of dark matter, the wimps are orbiting around the galactic center just like the solar system is."
"It can be quite a bit closer at perigee and certainly farther away at apogee."
"Astronauts don't float in space because there's no gravity; they float because they're in orbit."
"The orbit is impressive on this; it really is nice."
"Ultimately, they'll actually circle us, like satellites themselves."
"The Lunar Starship will then set out towards the Moon, where it will wait for up to 100 days in lunar orbit."
"Our flight path will take us one full orbit around Earth before we are able to change our trajectory for the moon."
"There's only one force as it moves in a circular orbit and that would be toward the center, and that would be the force of gravity, FG."
"The Earth travels around the Sun in an ellipse with the Sun at one focus."
"A close approach to the Earth or, in fact, any planet can significantly change an orbit."
"Sedna is an extraordinary dwarf planet... that has such a long elliptical orbit, it takes almost 11,500 years to complete one orbit."
"Mercury is the littlest planet. It goes around the sun in just 88 days."
"SpaceX is now in a parking orbit with the second stage."
"One orbit with a radius of 42,000 kilometers has a period of exactly 24 hours; a body in such an orbit, if its plane coincided with that of the Earth's equator, would revolve with the Earth and would thus be stationary above the same spot on the planet."
"It's not leaving the solar system, but it is orbiting around the Sun, and that is so cool."
"I think he'll stay within the orbit of WWE."
"Planets orbit the Sun and are kept in their orbit by the gravitational attraction between the Sun and the planet."
"The gravitational force is what keeps the Earth orbiting around the sun, the moon orbiting around the earth, and communication satellites orbiting around the Earth."