
Guardian Angels Quotes

There are 83 quotes

"Your guardian angels want you to know you are not alone."
"Guardian angels exist. They are not imaginative doctrine but companions that God has placed beside us in life's journey and should be listened to."
"No human knows us better or loves us more than our guardian angels."
"Your guardian angel has been waiting for you since the beginning of creation."
"Your angels always have your back, guys. So, if something is just not right around you, trust your angels are gonna have your back."
"Your guardian angel has every right to appear to you and lead you somewhere."
"Your guardian angels are always trying to warn you."
"They hear when you call their name and when you speak to them."
"Sometimes people do have even extraordinary experiences of their guardian angel."
"You can ask your guardian angel to help you to combat the specific defects and to help you to strengthen your... strengthen you."
"Your guardian angel is not going to abandon you. No, never."
"You're actually given another angel to guide your priesthood and to protect it. That's what it's actually there for."
"There's actually a guardian angel of the family. So you can actually ask your guardian angel of your family to protect us, etcetera."
"You're never by yourself; you have at least one guardian angel whose job is to be with you through your entire lifetime."
"Your guardian angels are warning you to be more honest when expressing yourself instead of keeping your emotions and thoughts hidden from others."
"Life is so fragile, I must do what I want to do to be happy."
"Guardian angel idea has biblical support... It's not just children, it's everybody that is going to be saved."
"Every person in the world has a guardian angel. Our Blessed Lord said, 'What does it profit a man if he gains the world but loses his soul?'"
"You are never alone in this world, your angels ask you to have faith in your own abilities and capabilities."
"It's almost certainly a birth angel of yours, name does not come to me right now but this is a birth angel of yours and by the way, that is their primary job is to keep you on the planet for all of us."
"You never know how an angel on Earth is going to appear in your life but let me tell you if I'm in trouble I want these two helping me seriously."
"Finding a feather is a sign your guardian angels are by your side."
"Like guardian angels the A-10s continue to fly over Afghanistan protecting their friends on the ground."
"Connect with your spirit guides and guardian angels so you can be assured that you're not gonna get lost again."
"If his Guardian Angel isn't responding when he calls for her, it isn't because she doesn't want to, it's because she can't."
"The feathers you see are signs; your guardian angels are by your side."
"Your guardian angels are walking with you. You don't walk this journey alone."
"God created every single guardian angel directly for every man who would ever live."
"Your guardian angel is gonna give you pretty much whatever you want."
"Set intention, ask for a blatant sign that your angels are by your side."
"You are protected, guided by your guardian angels."
"I don't know the guy's name, maybe he was an angel."
"You have nothing to fear, your guardian angels are around you."
"Any of you guys out there believe in guardian angels? Because hey, if there was ever a guardian angel story, this is probably it."
"Your angels are definitely watching over you."
"Our guardian angels have a special power of intercession with God, which is always the beginning of liberations from demons."
"Everybody is born with a guardian angel but you have at least you have many and of course you have the archangels too right."
"I kind of get what people are talking about now when they mention guardian angels."
"Before you officially become Guardian Angels you must care for Sasha a recently departed Soul."
"Our guardian angels are more powerful than the Devil Himself because an angel from a lower choir who chose to unite his will with the will of God is more powerful than a higher ranking Angel who rejected God."
"Even though Lucifer was the greatest of the Angelic creatures, our guardian angels are more powerful than the Devil Himself."
"Be well, have fun, get guardian angel messages to roo, and begin plugging into your guardian angels today."
"Everybody, not just the baptized, every single person has an individual guardian angel assigned to him alone."
"Guardian angels are the closest to us, they're there to protect us, guide us, and comfort us in times of need."
"They are sent to protect us, guide us, and comfort us, they're there with us when we're born and they have an assignment to watch us."
"Could it be the day I was born, the prayer was said to protect me, and God sent His guardian angels to watch over this kid."
"Her mom said it best when she told me that I must have had some serious guardian angels watching over me that day."
"Your guardian angels want you to know they're always thinking of you."
"Just a side note there, your guardian angels really do not want your abundance and your hard work being interrupted by anybody or like messed up by anybody"
"You guys always have your guardian angels with you whenever you need them."
"His angels are here and beyond the veil, and round about us, to bear us up."
"Guardian angels are always with you, everywhere you go."
"I must have had some serious guardian angels watching over me that day."
"Guardian Angels aren't watching you, they're watching who God, their Angels always Behold The Heavenly Father."
"We have known you since before the dawn of time, and we love you just as you are."
"How many times have I said in the last weeks, how many people get to meet their guardian angels?"
"It really makes me think about guardian angels."
"The concept of guardian angels is actually true."
"Don't drive faster than your angels can fly."
"I'm a believer, and I really believe that Ken must have his guardian angels."
"Remember, two angels are assigned to your life the day that you are born and they are briefed on your destiny."
"There are many guardian angels assigned to many beings prior to birth."
"We've just got these amazing guardian angels protecting us now."
"Guardian angels are a legend that says when people are in trouble, divine spirits will intervene on their behalf."
"When you're wearing them, you have your little guardian angels on your feet and they're protecting you as you step through this world."
"I believe that everybody has a guardian angel; there's always somebody looking over you, helping you through your tough times."
"The strongest support system is in the spirit: ancestors, guardian angels, and the truth of one's own heart."
"I firmly believe that the spirit of the departed are our guardian angels."
"You're healing; your justice is healing, and you're being protected by your guardian angels."
"You have an angel, a guardian angel."
"Your guardian angels surround you and they're ready to help."
"Angels walk with you and can't be seen by others."
"Your angels always with you, no worries."
"It's about guardian angels but they're like Hollywood celebrities."
"Rest assured that you are always being lovingly watched over by your guardian angels."