
Viral Content Quotes

There are 565 quotes

"I always think it's crazy though when the copied video does better than the original video."
"It grabbed the internet by the balls and didn’t let go."
"If there's one thing I know, it's that the internet loves a good train wreck."
"The more ill-advised, poorly planned, and horrendously executed the event is, the more viral it will get."
"Epic Rap Battles of History were very important. Their videos were super viral and super fun to watch."
"The experience of having a post go viral with mostly positive things said about it would have felt really nice, especially when it's in some way people praising and wanting to build off of your creative work."
"I remember like there being a little bit of a turning point, which was I made like this viral video, and it ended up making a lot of revenue."
"Welcome everyone, my name is Shawn, and today we're going to talk about this viral video that people are going absolutely crazy about on twitter.com, or X, if you want to call it that."
"Their hilarious musical parodies spread all across the internet, delighting audiences everywhere."
"Inspires innovation in the waning hours of February 17th, 2019, a YouTuber under the alias of Matt's What It Is uploaded a video that would send shockwaves across the entire site."
"There's a rumor going around right now... it's got like a million hits on Twitter, it's going viral."
"It just took me like three-four YouTube videos that I produced, put it online, didn't think about it at all, and it just like blew up."
"There's a viral video of him going around recently... where he's just calmly explaining what is happening and what will happen based on the things we're doing, and like, it all happened."
"Consistency is more important than having a viral hit."
"Every now and then you get these viral videos of the parent filming their kid on the cell phone, and the kid does something absolutely adorable, and everyone in the world loves it."
"You might have seen him on the news getting interviewed by a news person lady, or you might have seen him in a little holding room being interviewed by an investigator. Those videos always go viral."
"He was the first XL American Bully to go viral... the first time I took a video with him... got four or five million views."
"We did over a million views on WorldStar.com in one day... They posted us up as the animal clip of the day."
"When people ask this question, and they do genuinely ask it, 'How do I make viral content?' This is my answer, 'Aim to improve on your previous content by one or 2%.'"
"In addition to letting the algorithm decide what goes viral, staff for TikTok and ByteDance also secretly hand pick specific videos and supercharge their distribution."
"2023 was an incredibly successful year for me. I released four different videos that hit over a million views within a few months, with a fifth and possibly even sixth on the way."
"That's going to go viral 'cause of the reaction. They're so sweet."
"Imagine waking up one day and seeing that one of your basketball mixtapes has gone viral, reaching millions of people."
"That picture has more than 350,000 likes, I mean, it's crazy!"
"Can you even handle this next level of cuteness? Especially after that last one, here's the cute and heartwarming story of a five-second video clip that melted a bazillion hearts."
"I was like let's share and then a couple of my videos went like 30,000 views, a hundred thousand views and I was like oh shoot, this is not what I want to do."
"The key for us was we went kind of like Niche viral inside of a couple key communities."
"The secret to going viral is don't be afraid of embarrassing yourself."
"The liquid that evokes the semi-nauseating imagery of Tubby Custard and Pepto-Bismol has become fodder for a good share of viral social media posts."
"People are looking at what's making them viral, whether it be truth or lies."
"I threw it up online, it went viral... Here I am today, pushed by the community to continue to persist."
"Chocolate Rain is one of the most iconic YouTube videos ever."
"Challenge ourselves to move beyond what goes viral."
"The most popular video posted nine years ago is called 'Username666.'"
"Nobody's stopping them from doing that, it's allowed... stuff like this goes so viral on Tik Tok."
"I fully expected maybe seven people to watch it, five of them being my family, and I woke up the next day to like 20,000 views the first video birthday."
"We just hit 100,000 subscribers, we got a million views, that's crazy."
"Network effect, network effect, network effect."
"Look at this great big sis. Now what I remember about this video is thinking, this is big, number one. Number two, it's infected. And number three, it's really infected."
"Tai Lopez's 'Here in My Garage' video became a viral sensation and meme."
"The Sour Patch Kids is the answer, because we have had campaigns getting more views."
"We definitely do the thing of selling people a format that is gonna probably go viral."
"A single video on TikTok was able to go viral and pump Dogecoin over 100 percent. A great sign for the future of cryptocurrencies."
"One viral video can change the whole dynamic of a channel."
"If one clip goes viral, I hope it's the fact that people know I still love my older brother."
"You guys literally got my last back-to-school video to 88,000 views in like a little under two weeks. That's literally the fastest any of my videos have ever skyrocketed in views like that."
"All it takes is one video, just one video to go viral and get YouTube to recommend it."
"It's kind of an earworm. They're kind of like, 'Oh man, I'm on the internet right now, I should make a meme of that.'"
"Two pretty best friends, man. This [__] was popping for like a month, a full month."
"I don't think JoJo Siwa has ever had a TikTok with 36 million views."
"Contrary to all the effort put into the story, however, it's safe to say that the uncanniness of the image accompanying it was the major catalyst for its popularity online."
"It's crazy how viral Daddy chill went. This thing went so viral, it's crazy how that works."
"You could literally have zero followers, post one video and get a million views."
"Whether real or fake, this clip certainly elicits an unsettling feeling that lingers about long after the video has ended."
"Mr Beast who would receive an almost equal 20 million upvotes on a video titled make this video the most liked video on YouTube breaking the record for the most liked non-music video."
"Everything about that story was carefully engineered, planned out to cause a viral moment, and it worked beautifully."
"Yuri's going viral right now, bro... like 1 point something million views in 18 hours."
"Is this going to be another viral knockout added to a resume?"
"I did it and it got a couple million views and I was pretty hyped on it."
"There was a clip that we talked about the other day which was the Jeep logo getting cut out. I think it's at like 15 million views now."
"One Facebook YouTube video for Dollar Shave Club created a billion dollar exit."
"If you make a video now and this video goes viral you're gonna get paid for that video for years into the future."
"The golden rule of viral videos is elicits an emotional response. This is the key."
"Oh my god, all my friends heard about it... Anyways, haunted my dreams and then PewDiePie covered that."
"Every time someone posts a video of a concert gone wrong online, it goes mega viral."
"A two-year-old girl photos went viral because of how much she looks exactly like the singer."
"A viral moment heard round the world was the moment this teen posted her senior portraits and Twitter went absolutely nuts."
"You will never believe what happens when Laky boxes girlfriend gets exposed by spies at the end of this video! Let's Go."
"Lexus created the world's first real hoverboard if you haven't seen this incredible footage check it out the best part is it's all real."
"The earliest to go viral were a series of furry panty and stocking drawings."
"I started uploading videos to YouTube first of all I didn't know what a viral video was when I my first video went viral I thought something was wrong with my computer."
"This music gets to places, it becomes viral, it gets into other people's DNA and it alters halves."
"Cheese goes viral, always. This is hot, a cheese video like cheese."
"Put your sunglasses on for this one guys because a certain corner of the internet has been glowing quite bright recently."
"He knows how to make a YouTube headline and create a viral video but how many of you are trying to be YouTubers? Last I checked most of you guys are trying to be entrepreneurs of some sort."
"This one is gonna blow up on YouTube, faster internet for free in 30 seconds and it works."
"So I when I started posting the videos, the videos went viral. Wow. And I was like doing like, you know, the contour stuff at the time when like not a lot of people were doing it."
"I remember it was like your most popular video. That was a hit!"
"Tick tockers Aubry and Dave went viral recently for their stranger things inspired Decor."
"This cleaning hack that started all cleaning hacks on TikTok involves putting a bottle of Fabuloso in the tank of your toilet."
"This thing is blowing up on the Internet... dissect my points and break it in a way to allow infinite jelly beans."
"This shocking video took the internet by storm and opened up one of the most bizarre rabbit holes in animation history."
"That video kind of blew up. It's funny how rushed and destroyed that video was about 48 hours before its launch."
"One-four would bang themselves some mainstream success with the song 'In the Beginning,' getting one million views on YouTube in the first 48 hours."
"Of course, I'm not even sure if it's officially allowed... please go ahead, we'll have a nice viral video then."
"Why do people like annoying things if there's something that I never understood why does Annoying stuff go viral?"
"I do believe burnout is a real thing, but I don't know if I guess I worry that maybe the article especially after going viral now becomes justification for errand paralysis."
"This cow pleading for help might be one of the most heartwarming videos we've ever seen."
"Congratulations to our Baldy's Basics: The Musical, which hit a hundred million views."
"The unsettling video has since taken TikTok by storm, with viewers rapidly sharing and commenting on the footage."
"These videos going viral seemingly every time he uploaded"
"Earlier this year, Costco's peanut butter chocolate pie became viral on social media."
"Thank God so yeah I wish this goes mega viral."
"Once your TikTok goes weirdly viral like that, it just starts getting shown to tons of people who don't even know who you are."
"This video ended up becoming so popular, that makes me very happy."
"Together, it proved to be a gigantic critical and viral success."
"Not everything needs to be posted. Sometimes it doesn't benefit you to go viral."
"This next series of clips have left the TikTok community on edge with some calling it the most genuine haunting they've seen in years."
"A snippet goes viral, you're making the song a hit before it comes out, then when the song comes out, it's like boom."
"Rick Astley singing, anyway, congratulations to Mr. Astley as he is now a member of a very exclusive club of musicians who have surpassed a billion views."
"All you need is one video to go viral and it'll change your life."
"What goes viral online isn’t necessarily what’s actually popular."
"This video of a woman rapping about her private parts has almost half a billion views."
"Nothing makes me laugh more than seeing something go viral and just reading comments."
"Good trash talking is a great way to go viral. The problem is you might not go viral for the right reasons."
"I made $11,732.30 from one video that got over 10 million views."
"Viral videos have a pretty short lifespan, but those peaks are what make them viral."
"800 videos of the adoptive mom abusing baby Cheongin."
"Every once in a while something breaks through to the masses because of the internet."
"If you want your videos to go viral, they have to be good."
"What I'm learning from looking at all of this data is the thing that makes a video go viral is the video being good."
"Step into an unsaturated product and go viral with it."
"I realized that you're always one video away from your next viral thing."
"Our most hated video ever part two has viral potential."
"This video took me like 10 minutes to make and it's now been seen by close to a million people all in the same day."
"The Internet is obviously can be a very toxic place but this was like everyone responded to this video because it was like positive and fun."
"If you can incorporate engaging music into your videos, you'll have a great possibility of going viral."
"The most watched video I've ever made is a shitty cell phone clip with no cuts of a hole in the ground that did 100 million views in 5 days on Tik Tok."
"This scene hilariously became a TikTok trend."
"It's crazy how big that is, isn't it? That was now the quickest, most viewed video in 24 hours on YouTube."
"Florida man's like a meme anytime someone a Florida man found naked in a in a chimney at a preschool says it was his first time trying bath salts that's [ __ ] great a Florida man."
"Bro, baby shark is like whoever made that [expletive] is a [expletive] genius."
"In the middle of escalating tensions between China and the U.S, a speech from five years ago is going viral."
"It instantly blew up, it was pretty hilarious."
"One video could lead from nobody knows who you are to boom overnight people know you now."
"Now is the best time ever to go viral on TikTok because there are more people on the app than ever before."
"The majority of the reason that you guys are not going viral right now... you guys aren't modeling yourselves after success."
"This story just exploded all of a sudden on social media."
"You definitely don't want to bin it and end up on an Auto Addiction video."
"I published a new article on my blog exposing the unethical wrongdoings of Mr Mandel and his publishing company. By the next day, my blog had become viral."
"This is the part of Lily's Garden that set the internet ablaze."
"If you can build a social media page where your posts start to go viral, you can direct your traffic back to your eCommerce store."
"There are tons of viral ideas that people can do that don't require money."
"Ray's understanding of YouTube's viral nature fueled his success."
"The internet's a weird place... there's so much impersonation there's so much fake [ __ ] there's so much you know there's so many fake videos about me some of which end up becoming trending and so forth."
"There are approximately 2 million cat videos on YouTube, with a combined 24.6 billion views."
"Anything will trend on TikTok if you put a whole ball of burrata on top."
"I just really believe there is value in memes, there's value in going viral, there's value in being everywhere."
"If a roomful of people is laughing, you can't say it wasn't funny."
"The moment one of the most popular videos on YouTube is monkeys putting their fingers in their nose and smelling it, falling over. Funny!"
"It's been viewed like this trailer alone like 20 something million times across various uh social media sites and re-uploads."
"They use this platform, it's really dope, it goes viral, it gives them a moment."
"You know what would be a banger video? Confronting Salt Bae at his restaurant."
"Every video we've made has had over a million views, so venues are saying, 'Wow, this is cool.'"
"An unexpected turn: SEO Jun's videos went viral globally overnight."
"Nathan Evans, a tick-tocker from Scotland, kind of broke through with his rendition of the Wellerman."
"MrBeast invigorating fans to subscribe to PewDiePie like crazy."
"The most viewed video on YouTube just overtook Despacito."
"One of the best things that never happened to me was having a video of mine just spike and just go super viral and then feel like I have to chase that carrot and like evolve and become sort of defined by that viral success."
"15 moments you wouldn't believe if they weren't recorded."
"This is one of those tweets that's gonna smash Twitter records."
"This video quickly went viral on Twitter, with many praising the orangutan's compassion."
"This is a video you spread, this is the one we talk about."
"Do you know what a meme is? Well, it refers to an amusing or an interesting item such as a caption, picture, or video that is spread widely online."
"It's like he's a memetic virus or like a plague, significantly larger version of the video with the same title and thumbnail."
"After Friday went viral, a legal battle commenced between Ark Music Factory and Rebecca Black's family..."
"This shark completely broke the internet, officially the highest subscribed to Vtuber in the world."
"Embedded in this list, however, is a little song called 'Baby Shark Dance' by Pinkfong, with a whopping 4.6 billion views."
"I looked up hashtag color changing swim shorts and instantly I can see videos with 200,000 likes on here which have gone absolutely viral."
"This series went completely viral and catapulted Cody and Noel to YouTube stardom."
"I clicked to upload the finished video titled 'I buried the ring my husband planned to give to his mistress.' Instantly, the video's views skyrocketed, comments flooded in."
"I think we hold a record for the highest viewed video on YouTube made with blender."
"I am still flabbergasted we made it to be 300,000 all from mostly reciting the most bizarre post I've ever seen on any social media ever."
"The power of influence and the free publicity that comes with it were instrumental in the success of games like Five Nights at Freddy's."
"Cybertruck is currently breaking the internet."
"I guarantee you, even in 2011, my putting that out there at big government.com alone and hoping that it goes viral would not have been the successful strategy."
"Jada Kingdom completely broke the internet today. Yeah, the whole topic right now is really funny. People just aguy need to go chat to him and laugh much respect for Carla."
"That question went viral because he... I can't wait for him to beat the Wizards it's gonna be a good time..."
"The 'Grand Theft Auto 6' trailer, the first one, trailer one on the Rockstar Games YouTube channel already crossed 101 million views in the two days since it was out."
"In the challenge, Jinkx takes an interesting approach to this social media viral dance video challenge."
"Imagine 10 years ago thinking one day we'd cross five billion views on YouTube."
"You can become internet famous in a day if you post something the general public is hungry for and they eat it up like the K-pop Idol fan cam."
"I'm not embarrassed that we as a society gave some attention to Gangnam Style. It's the first song to break 2 billion views."
"This terrifying video of so-called paranormal activity has mystified people across the region and around the world since it went viral."
"If his post received 10 million likes he would recreate squid game in real life."
"Came out to know Yaiba gained such a high popularity that it was trending worldwide on twitter number one spot that's crazy that's legit crazy."
"Noodle the pug is a great example of someone going viral and it being just like a very wholesome fun thing."
"Everyone's obsessed with this sticker on Facebook cover of like a pigeon freaking out and it's my favorite meme of the month."
"She actually made me, my first viral video was of me dancing to a Beyonce video and I slapped her buns."
"I woke up and posted two funny videos, like I always do, talking [ __ ] about whatever's going on, but I had never done it on Facebook. So, I put that on Facebook, and that first video got 3 million views."
"I knew YouTube was different when I seen buddy racing marbles and he's pulling millions of views."
"It's absolutely fuckin bananas that the previous analysis video amassed over 1 million views."
"A million views in such a short amount of time, that is phenomenal."
"Baby Shark" took the number one spot with 13.01 billion views!
"Literally, thank you so much for all of the love, the support, the comments, the sharing, and the likes. This is absolutely going crazy."
"It's massive and like everyone saw that video, I'm pretty certain I think Ronaldo saw it, hang it in the loop."
"BL started taking YouTube seriously this past summer and has gone viral ever since his basketball videos are merely was giving him a great algorithm."
"It's against community guidelines, but this foreigner challenge blew up."
"Juji's viral photos made him an internet sensation."
"The aftermath of the incident was itself disturbing, the video quickly became a viral phenomenon."
"Here's some video footage released that's just going viral today on Twitter of a life-size Gundam in Japan."
"I have not seen a successful, out-of-all-the-time I spent on the for you page, a branded tick tock, viral tick tock."
"Technoblade dominated the event, sparking a meme that quickly spread across the Internet."
"How is it that a tiny five-second fragment of genius in an otherwise dull Japanese television show was spotted, extracted, and released to the internet?"
"One of my favorite singers, Chris Mann, got super popular after doing 'My Corona'."
"It's not often you get to see a global political issue concentrated into a single viral clip."
"I'm like, hey man, you know, you used to pull into this driveway and this woman and now I just pull out."
"So about five days or so ago I made a video basically going through the entire journey of how I got 20,000 subscribers on my channel fast and that video kinda like popped off like way more than I expected."
"Green Needle went viral for a while, reminiscent of other internet sensations like 'The Dress' or 'Yanny/Laurel.' The answer? It's Brainstorm, not Green Needle."
"This video got millions of views, launching Nicholas from obscurity."