
Fundraising Quotes

There are 1968 quotes

"Jared already committed 100 million dollars of his own money and the team has raised about 30 million dollars so far but we still have a ways to go."
"We have raised $51,000 for the PCRF on your birthday."
"We have raised over $13 million for Ukrainian Charities over the lifetime of this Channel, and it's growing each and every Sunday."
"It's unbelievable and incredible to know that so many of youall have supported this fundraiser and helped us to get to this point."
"The war has been going on for 750 days, it's in its third year now, and these fundraisers are still passing fundraiser goals."
"We've raised $1.3 million for all of the nonprofits that we supported on each Sunday."
"We raised over $350,000 for Inner-City Arts."
"Every CEO's job is basically to sell and raise money."
"The ice bucket challenge was supposed to simulate how it feels to have ALS for a few seconds and ultimately was made to raise awareness and increase donations given to ALS research organizations."
"Their sustainable approach to fundraising means that non-profits can spend less time and money raising funds and instead focus on serving the needs of their communities."
"The auctions so far have raised over eleven thousand dollars."
"We actually raised a thousand dollars a couple of weeks ago, donated it to charity, yeah, on a live stream."
"I started a GoFundMe... and donated $10,000 of my own money."
"We've raised almost a hundred and seventy thousand dollars for charity. That's nuts."
"Been touched by this disease have hopefully not but maybe even lost loved ones. I know that I lost my grandmother a few years back to cancer, and it's one of those things where I never want anyone else to have to go through that experience. Your donations are what are making a difference. Every single dollar helps, so thank you, thank you so much for keeping those coming."
"Peace in Mind is an England and Wales based fundraiser started by Brianna Ji's mother... in remembrance of their daughter."
"We ended up raising twenty-six thousand five hundred dollars for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society."
"I cannot wait to lose that record. It's going to be so great when someone beats it."
"Me and the boys raised £8 million for children's education."
"We’re raising funds and promoting initiatives to help those who need it most."
"The final BronyCon charity auction raised $80,000 for children's cancer research in, like, a three hour auction."
"If you donate a dollar, we got a dollar, and if you donate a hundred dollars, we got a hundred dollars."
"We may have already passed fifty thousand dollars raised for the National Alliance on Mental Illness."
"We raised almost half a million dollars for mental health awareness last year."
"We've raised like over a grand so far for the charity that saved her."
"All the proceeds of this sale are going to Prostate Cancer UK."
"We're happy to announce that with this donation, we've hit $130,000 total raised for MSF."
"It's incredibly exciting here. I cannot believe we're already at $2.7 million, almost the $50,000 mark, putting us only about $250,000 away from $3 million. Can we get there, audience?"
"Hey all, Yeti here. We've got another $10,000 to push even closer to $3 million."
"I will donate my time to put on any show to raise money to make this stop."
"This one is awesome because 100% of the proceeds go towards an organization helping to work to save shark species across the world."
"Tandy Cyrus continues Garrett's legacy by raising money for after-school programs in his name."
"This past winter, we did a 24/7 charity livestream that ultimately raised fifty-six thousand dollars for the Chicago Coalition for the Homeless."
"His cringe Mmus stream raised 1.3 million dollars for charity."
"We appreciate everybody's support, and every dollar that comes in helps continue to promote the mission the ACA is doing."
"Please support the people of Maui. There are ways to do it. The Hawaii Community Foundation, for example, has set up a fund. Millions of dollars have already poured in, but as you can tell, thousands of individuals are going to have great need."
"All the proceeds... went to the Autistic Self Advocacy Network."
"A replica of the blue diamond necklace worn by Kate Winslet in the film Titanic raised over a million pounds."
"To move us all toward a beneficial cause, I've set up a GoFundMe page. Anyone who wants to see this conversation happen can donate, and all the proceeds raised will go to the United Negro College Fund."
"In Trust and Rust, we want to once again raise money together for a great cause. 100% of your donations will go directly to the charity."
"This wouldn't even be slightly possible if it wasn't for you guys helping donate and raising... one hundred and sixty thousand dollars over the last year for the thirst project."
"So once again, we are playing for the Prevent Cancer Foundation. 100% of all your donations this year go directly to Prevent Cancer Foundation."
"Let's donate fast, for a link to the past, and raise money for a good cause too."
"Well done guys, but at least we raised over $535,000 for the IDF, so I think that makes it all worthwhile."
"Tommy produced a video in his Spider-Man room with other company leadership in his Egypt room and 'Tomb Raider' themed movie theater room claiming the console just needs a bit more money to get going and release is just around the corner."
"The puzzles were fantastic, complex but fair, rewarding to understand and solve."
"We actually did it. Wow. I didn't think we were gonna raise more than five thousand dollars."
"So we came up with the Barstool Fund. I put 500,000 of my own money in, solicited donations from people I know who may be wealthy."
"We raised about 40 million dollars and helped countless businesses."
"We've raised over seven thousand two hundred good math dollars for charity so far."
"I raised a million dollars from 22 different investors."
"Marjorie Taylor Greene is among the most extreme Republicans on Capitol Hill. One of the most powerful fundraisers."
"If we get the word out there... all the money that we put in it does help and it does make a difference."
"Raising money is raising money; it's hard no matter the amount."
"Team Seas is a global campaign to raise $30 million and remove 30 million pounds of trash from our planet's oceans, rivers, and beaches."
"A staggering amount of money was reached here."
"I am extremely proud of the genomites for coming together to raise money for this cause."
"Raised over one and a half million dollars in crowdfunding."
"If you don't know about Copenhagen suborbitals, consider donating to those people."
"If you want to buy this guitar, go ahead and place a bid. 100% of the proceeds from that auction will go to benefit charity."
"The Biden campaign has seen the best fundraising haul in history."
"Every single dollar we raise is donated into the community."
"Viva Glam has raised up to 400 million dollars towards HIV and AIDS research."
"It's worth every second of effort to raise money for charity."
"Are we going to hit 3 million? Heck yes we are!"
"Let's reach our goal of five thousand dollars by the end of this stream."
"Raising money is a bit like dating. You want to date and meet everyone and then you kind of see like who do you like, who do you enjoy spending time with."
"The grind is about to get real, but with your support, we'll hit that goal together."
"Thanks to so many of you, our fundraising campaign for the bail project managed to raise over $40,000 in just the past few days."
"Technoblade raised over $320,000 for Sarcoma Foundation of America."
"Consider helping them out with a little donation because this stuff takes a very big undertaking."
"It's not just a hobby, Haley sells the bracelets as a fundraiser."
"Donald Trump raised about 250 million dollars okay making false claims about the election."
"If you want to donate to what we're doing, it's very important. RSBNetwork.com/donate. Donate what you can right now to help us keep this fight."
"Look at that, $67,000, we did seventeen thousand more than the goal."
"We're trying to raise money for Nick's medical bills."
"We're incredibly grateful to the UK public in our first day of the appeal already responding hugely generously."
"We raised a ton of money for charity which was the best part ultimately."
"We're doing fine, we're doing fine, look at that, okay so what does that number say? I can't read it, hold on, 17, 1, 2, 3, yes we've already hit, we've almost hit 2 million, that is not bad at all."
"We're hoping that we don't have to do any help. But if you guys want to help out some more, go to the website, click the link to donate. Every penny counts."
"Money, you don't need money in paradise. Friends, unburden yourself of the demon paper. Cleanse it and make it pure by depositing it into Zoe's account via direct deposit, wire transfer, Venmo, PayPal, and we do accept checks. Hallelujah."
"The initial goal of twelve thousand dollars was reached in just under six days."
"It's clear that he intentionally misled his donors, asked them to donate to a fund that didn't exist and used the money raised for something other than what he said."
"If you donate freaking 99 cents, I will still freaking thank you."
"Appreciate every single penny that you guys have given me."
"Every cent from this video will go to a good cause."
"A quarter of a million dollars, you guys are so incredible."
"Funds had to be raised, the disused Eriksberg's wharf in Gothenburg had to be pressed back into service, and a team of modern craftsmen needed to re-learn the shipbuilding techniques of the 18th century."
"Our goal is get 20,000 our fans contributing 50 bucks each."
"I raised ten million dollars last quarter in increments of only thirty bucks each."
"Did you know we just topped $90,000 in donations?"
"Remember to donate by the way if you want to see more entertainment."
"Spike said to donate so I donate, let's start a five dollar train in honor of that first try Miss Noble, let's go."
"We've raised $17,000 to donate to the flood victims which is absolutely crazy."
"Guys, donate to the fundraiser. It's in the pinned comment. Don't donate to me, I don't need money."
"It's really groundbreaking stuff actually and it's really hard on YouTube though to talk about it because every time I go to try to raise money or do a campaign of any type for it, it gets demonetized or sometimes removed."
"Yes she was out raised by Joe Crowley ten-to-one yes she took no corporate PAC money but what they didn't get was she was going directly to the people."
"Lose 75 pounds, yep, in four months. And by the way, it should be ten dollars minimum that you have to donate towards it."
"Reflecting on missed opportunities, realizing the impact of just 10 viewers donating one dollar could've made a difference."
"Historic $25 million...the most successful political fundraiser in American history."
"Every donation counts. Let's make a difference."
"Every view of the official Rocket Lab livestream will be a dollar donated to the Starship Children's Hospital."
"It's a great cause, but cookies are also great."
"Let's hit a milli, let's hit a milli. Anything's possible, but right now it's time to head back to the action."
"Best of luck to monopoly onward to two million dollars."
"I'm trying to get people to understand, I'm not trying to raise money for me to go buy an island somewhere."
"I've raised probably close to ten thousand dollars for historical stuff and other charities over the last few years."
"We have a one thousand dollar donation, let's go!"
"Just imagine if everyone donated a dollar during that stream, we'd be buying robots like you've never seen."
"So, thanks again for listening. Please consider giving up a cup of Starbucks or that pack of energy drinks and help this old storyteller with his dream."
"100% of the proceeds go back to veteran related causes."
"Let's get a $5 donation train going my dudes ❤️."
"A seven-year-old from Alabama is selling lemonade to help pay for her brain surgeries."
"Thank you for putting this together. Goodness, we have $1,200 from gadget girl that says I'm lucky enough to still have my job at this time so here's my check from the government. Let's protect those who are working to protect all of us."
"We want to remove those barriers by raising the dollars necessary to ensure these institutions."
"Thank you all so much. We've almost raised forty-one thousand dollars together."
"Lady Franklin appealed directly to the British public to raise awareness."
"Once you have the pitch, it's time to chase that cash."
"There's a big difference between making money and raising money."
"It's so inspiring seeing how much money the community is able to raise."
"Raise money for cancer research and charity, that's what really matters."
"We are trying to bring you the best content possible, and with that, we're going to need your donations."
"100% of merch revenue will be donated to COVID-19 relief."
"Our first goal is 25,000 that's one more weekend."
"Thank you everyone who's donating on the stream, let's get some hype in chat ready for this crazy event."
"I mean, part of it's gerrymandering and the way the districts are set up. Part of it though is just this massive fundraising advantage."
"My candidacy ended up raising tens of millions and I got a lot of attention and I became a contender."
"So you're just, you happen to be over there trying to raise money for Real Estate fund exactly."
"The President just raised a whopping $125 million, a new poll having the President climbing to a year-long high."
"We raised over 155,000 for the National Alliance on Mental Illness."
"This is going to be the last week that we will be raising money for UNICEF."
"I do not believe that any group... should be raising money from wealthy people... Bernie Sanders has raised contributions from more than 40 billionaires..."
"Let's get those donations in, folks! Every dollar counts towards fighting cancer."
"I loved the bit where they were using the panda to raise money, and you had the soul montage in there."
"That's probably the biggest donation we've received in the last 12 months. A huge shout out to you there Baka, much love!"
"It's a great way to contribute money to vote save America and a whole bunch of other things so I encourage everyone to check it out."
"Consider subscribing on my Patreon page; it helps give me and Misha more time to reach more people and save more lives."
"We're already over 500 and I haven't even done anything yet. That was my upper expectation of what we were going to be able to do."
"If every Wikipedia user donated $1, we'd never have to ask for donations again."
"If you enjoy the stream, be sure to thumbs it up, share it, participate in chat, and of course, donate using super chat. It helps support us, helps get us to Nationals if you donate."
"Remember guys, you enjoy the stream, donate with super chat. It helps us out loads."
"Remember, thumbs up, share the stream, donate with super chat, we've got a few donations so far so we appreciate them."
"Thumbs it up, share it, and feel free to donate using super chat. Any amount helps and much appreciated!"
"Money is vitally important for a lot of charities who are working to combat climate change."
"Your contributions help us serve the community."
"We did it, over five grand, so that is a crazy success."
"Raise enough money to continue doing what you like without worrying about profitability."
"With all these techniques in place, I'd collected three hundred and fifty pounds in less than an hour."
"For every retweet of this, donate a dollar to the World Wildlife Fund."
"We'll auction this one off at our gala, so you know, one of the ways that we raise funds."
"And that was blood-borne we have $10 from fan amazing Rhonda had a great job."
"Your community, Summer Games Done Quick community, through every single individual donation you give, it goes directly to our field operations. So you help us to do our work."
"That team, WE, are really the team to watch out for."
"PayPal is open for the toy drive now for anybody."
"Make sure you hit the thumbs up. I'm donating a dollar for every thumbs up that we get today up to twenty-five thousand dollars."
"No matter what the expense was that was happening, I should be able to go to the blue-collar guy who donates 25 a month or whatever and explain to him with a straight face how we spent that money."
"We have raised enough money to buy a new school roof."
"Every single penny goes to St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital."
"Listen, dog is the best reason to donate. It's true."
"You responded with a record shattering, now I think it's up to $33 million to fund this colossal effort."
"I really want to see that last stand incentive met."
"Every little bit helps. We appreciate it because we're able to have."
"Every little bit helps fund research that could save thousands of lives."
"For every dollar Republicans donate, Democrats donate three dollars."
"My opponent dropped out, and immediately after, we raised $26,000 in the 48 hours after he dropped out."
"We should do some kind of charity event... we're going to raise a ton of money."
"We raised over 100,000 pounds or 150,000 plus dollars to SOS Africa."
"Eight billion dollars was raised in ten days from a country that has a population of just 91 million."
"Thank you all so much for your support. That made this auction rescue possible."
"Any money that this stream makes... is going directly to this charity."
"We did end up raising over $21,000 while we were live."
"if you watch footage from human beings during this period you shake your head at their clothing choices that's when it's retro"
"We worked together all of us in the community to drive a total of eight thousand nine hundred sixty one dollars to the inner reforestation projects, which is phenomenal."
"Let's raise our voices, raise some money, and prove together that we can heal EB."
"Within 24 hours, they had doubled their initial funds raised, and within four days of the video going live, the project was completely funded."
"Raising awareness and fundraising are critical to supporting EB research."
"This is nuts - we're gonna have a Tron bike in no time."
"We only need a thousand bucks and we will have a million, so let's rob this train!"
"We have reached three thousand dollars for the stream."
"That's over eight thousand dollars that we've raised so far."
"Every single super check we get today is going to UNICEF, so we're saving children's lives."
"I know it's not that much but I love you. Any donation counts guys, you guys are amazing."
"100% of proceeds once again will be going to charity."
"We're closing in on twenty thousand dollars raised."
"If you don't support the channel, we've got links below for that."
"Impeachment has failed, Donald Trump raised 117 million dollars during impeachment."
"Great Skyward Sword run, keep donations coming for Wand of Gamelon! Excellent."
"Everything is on the line, so we have to get out there, we have to support him financially."
"Congratulations to Chris Roberts who has run one of the best and most exciting campaigns ever... not to mention that the majority of the money he raised was not actually on Kickstarter at all."
"We're raising money for Ukraine... Stand with Ukraine!"
"Every dollar raised in this live stream goes to me getting a drift car."
"Charity's hard, especially in austere times. People are inherently selfish. Fundraising's hard, you know?"
"Thank you so much everybody who got me here, who donated to me, and who donated to the incentive to make this happen."
"There is no cap e - the money we can raise, let's fuel this cause so doctors can go to every world to save the day IRL."
"Just think about that, Bernie Sanders got 200 million dollars from his supporters."
"We have raised over three million dollars for the Prevent Cancer Foundation. Thank you so much, everyone."
"All funds from this live should go to cultural education."
"I blame y'all 'cause y'all did not donate enough on honey fun."
"The fight does not end with GoFundMe campaigns and donations."